Many realtors and investors will waste valuable time targeting the wrong banks and institutional sellers. The total mortgage market for single family residential real estate is approximately a $10 Trillion market. Rely on Dandrew Media to show you how to access it and create substantial wealth.We started this bulk REO craze back in 2008 and in the past couple years it has become increasingly more difficult for smaller investors to get their hands on tapes of assets from legitimate sellers despite the flood of assets that are hitting the market. It’s imperative that you work with qualified institutional investors and private fund managers to ensure your success. REO & NPL Arbitrage Live was developed with one main goal: to teach you how to cross bulk asset trades with institutional buyers. Our comprehensive video training will reveal everything you need to know regarding the bulk REO market and how you can expeditiously begin to build wealth.As with all of Dandrew Media’s commercial real estate learning systems, we’ll reveal closely guarded Wall Street secrets allowing you to close deals that will bring in the real money. We’ll show you how to make money buying and brokering pools of defaulted paper and REO’s without using any of your money or credit. How would you like to make $10k on your first deal? REO & NPL Arbitrage Live will make it happen! The days of playing “landlord” are long gone. It’s time to sit back, relax and make the real money.Intermediaries Will Learn:Distressed Asset LifecycleIn commercial real estate, it’s critical that you have a thorough understanding of specific investments, how to identify them and focus your efforts on the strongest deals. We’ll teach you the basics of distressed assets by taking you through the entire lifecycle. From a performing loan, bankruptcy stage to the asset sale, you will gain indispensable knowledge in commercial real estate.REO and Note Brokering Best PracticesFirst impressions mean everything in this business. We’ll ensure you know essential best practices that will help you not only close deals but build a strong credible reputation in the industry.Residential Loan BasicsHaving a thorough understanding of residential loans is required if you want to succeed at buying and brokering pools of defaulted paper and REO’s. A portion of our training is dedicated to teaching you the basics in residential loans.Recourse vs. Non-Recourse LoansEvery Intermediary should know the difference between recourse and non-recourse loans and the parameters surrounding these types of loans.Preparing Note Packages That Get FundedMany Intermediaries may be missing a profitable opportunity because they aren’t familiar with commercial real estate notes. We’ll supply you with all the information you need to price it, identify buyers and essential documents needed to close the deal.Infographic:How to Use the FDIC Website Residential & CommercialWe’re known for revealing incredible methods for sourcing deals and this trick is hands down one of the best and most effective. Every Intermediary needs to routinely conduct this search to build up steam and increase your closing ratio. If you’re not using the FDIC to market, than you are losing money by the second.Infographic:34 Ways to Fix a NoteOur Asset Rehabilitation Blueprint gives you 34 strategies to effectively restructure a non-performing residential note. If you’re crossing trades with REO’s than this is one Infographic that you’ll refer to time and time again. You can’t afford to not know these techniques commonly used on Wall Street.Infographic:Deal BookWe say it over and over: Get Organized! You will never be successful in commercial real estate if you can’t keep your contacts and files organized. Everything needs to be documented and information stored in a systematic, time-efficient manner. Infographic: Deal Book will significantly improve your time management and organizational skills.Infographic:How to Read a BPO Cheat SheetAlways be careful taking advice from someone who doesn’t have to live with the consequences. This Infographic is a must have checklist to use on all your Bulk REO deals. Don’t just read a BPO, analyze it. It’s time to learn how to identify the red flags like a pro.The Real Estate Asset Arbitrage SystemLearn more about the other acclaimed products offered under the Real Estate Asset Arbitrage System centered on teaching Intermediaries essential techniques in crossing trades with REO’s.Tag: REO and NPL Arbitrage Live™ Review. REO and NPL Arbitrage Live™ download. REO and NPL Arbitrage Live™ discount.