Debt Removal Secrets – Private Wealth Academy


Salepage link: At HERE. Archive: sizes: 522 MB – include: Buy now $89 $997, Debt Removal Secrets – Private Wealth Academy Course.The Banks Use Sleight Of Hand To Rob You & Turn You Into A Slave!You probably see the signs all over the place… things are getting harder for most people… but you might not understand how it’s happening (or how to escape it). We’ll go deeper into this later, but I don’t want to overwhelm you. The goal here is TAKE ACTION. Great knowledge with consistent action will reap amazing results!Understand this: The reality of the money system and everything you were taught about money is FALSE!The simple fact is that you do not owe any money. The actual transaction of a “loan” is that you gave them a promise to pay and the “lender” gave you the same amount of promises to pay (Federal Reserve Notes). Therefore, the transaction was complete according to the “lender’s” accounting records.Read that again. Because what that means is that banks are having you pay back money, plus interest, that doesn’t belong to them. After you get angry for a second, just take a deep breath and then let’s move on.The 4 Steps You’ll Use To PERMANENTLY ERASE YOUR DEBTGet collection bill or credit report showing an amount is owed.Send letter to have the debt (in)validated.​Send next letter for grounds of legal complaint.Since it’s ALWAYS “left invalidated”, have it 100% removed by enforcement + collect ~$2,000 in fines.Want To KNOW WHY The “Alleged Debt” Is NEVER Owed?When you’re approved for a credit card account, you are given a plastic card and a credit limit. When you spend using that card, the bank/card issuer convinces you that they lent money for you to spend. But that’s not the truth! Banks are not allowed to lend money from their assets nor their depositors’ assets. It’s also completely illegal to lend credit.“A national bank has no power to lend its credit to any person or corporation…” Bowen v. Needles Nat. Bank, 76 F. 176 (1896), certiorari denied in 20 S.Ct 1024, 176 US 682, 44 LED 637.Including other famous cases like: First National Bank of Charlotte v. National Exchange Bank of Baltimore, 92 US 122, 128 (1875); and California Bank v. Kennedy, 167 U.S. 362 (1897); and Concord First National Bank v. Hawkins, 174 U.S. 364 (1899) The National Bank Act of 1864 and National Banking Act of 1933 lets anyone find all the regulations stating plainly that these financial institutions cannot lend money from their assets or their depositors’ assets. Supreme court case law repeatedly has ruled that these financial institutions cannot lend their credit.So, knowing that banks can’t lend money or credit, what are they lending?The answer is NOTHING! What happens is that credit card agreement with your signature becomes a negotiable instrument. The signature gives it energy/value. Title 12 instructs banks to treat negotiable instruments as CASH.Whose cash? The consumer’s cash. In accounting, a bank treats it as “cash equivalent” and that means that YOU FUNDED THE ACCOUNT! The instrument has your signature on it. You own it. But they NEVER disclose that. You are actually making a loan to the bank but they trick and convince you that they lent something, totally ignoring you being the one lending something.Let’s skip over 99% of contract law and just look at what a contract REQUIRES to be valid:It must be bilateral (having 2 signatures, 1 from each party).​It must be a valid offer.​Both parties must show acceptance.​There must be FULL DISCLOSURE of all details to the contract to both parties.​Each party must present an EQUAL RISK.THE 6 CORE DEBT REMOVAL MODULESBulletproof TrustDebt Removal Secrets + 13 Template Letters [$4,997 Value]Learn how to verify and validate the debt according to all FDCPA, FCRA and TCPA laws. Force the original creditor or debt collector, according to Black’s Law Dictionary, to reveal the truth through the administrative process. More than half of our students have at least one account removed and deleted from sending these letters alone! Mail it and forget it…23 “Secret Laws” That Erase Your Debt [$997 Value]Have you ever read through all those FDCPA, FCRA and TCPA laws? We have and there is a lot of information in there that has no relevancy or help for your situation. We’ve narrowed down the 1000+ pages of these laws into the exact 23 that matter when it comes to deleting a debt from either an original creditor, debt collector and even for business debts. Yes, believe it or not, you can even delete business debts following the same validation and verification laws that consumer debts follow!Paperwork & Video GuideUnlimited TrustsFREE Unlimited Lawsuit Secrets [$1,497 Value]Did you realize that filing a single lawsuit costs an average of $350 each time? If you sue for larger amounts, that fee can go all the way up to $800! Some counties and states have lower fees, some have higher fees… but wouldn’t it be easier to just learn how to file for free? The court actually offers a system that will cover the cost of all your filing fees – even your service of process with a sheriff too – talk about white glove service! Inside we’ll teach you the secret of how to qualify for this.Our Proven “Win In Court” Script [$4,997 Value]We get it! Everyone hates having to speak in front of a judge in court. There is this innate fear that we can be put in prison or have some fine or other threat levied against us, but that is simply not the case! Whether you are being sued (Defendant) or are suing to delete the debt (Plaintiff) we tell you exactly what is needed to win in court. Once the judge is aware that the verification and validation process have not been completed according to the ‘T’ of the law – the case is a win in your favor!Paperwork & Video GuideTrust Legal Codes7 Court Exhibits Proving The Debt Invalid [$3,497 Value]There are often exhibits that are entered into a court case, even if its for small claims or civil court. While you’ll only have 10-15 minutes to plead the entire case and have the judge issue a verdict, the exhibits allow the record to show the fraud to Appeals in a very succinct way. Not only that, but the exhibits also prove the outlandish fraud that can occur when the debts are not validated or verified according to the laws THEY created!FREE Credit Report Secrets [$97 Value]Everyone knows how important a credit score is in today’s world. It lets a lender know whether or not they can trust – and how much money they can extend. If you don’t know your credit score, then you don’t know how banks are seeing you. Getting free credit reports will not only save you money, but you’ll be able to prove damages in court by showing any derogatory marks on your report. This is a primary factor when suing the credit bureaus to remove the account (but doesn’t delete the debt with original creditor) and thus improving your score quite quickly. Remember, you can sue both the creditor/collector AND the credit bureau for keeping a standing record of an invalidated account – which is an instant $1000 lawsuit and win.Video Library