10x Facebook Ads 2019 True Passive Income – Joana Wiebe


ContentsWelcome and Start Here! Welcome and Start Here! Your Workbook <— Download Me!Module One: Facebook and Instagram Ads 101 Facebook and Instagram Ads 101 Cheat Sheet: Stages of Awareness How to Map a Lead Generation Funnel How to Map a Webinar Funnel How to Map a Challenge or Video Series Funnel How to Map an Ecommerce Funnel How to Map a Funnel from Scratch End of Module QuizModule Two: Anatomy of Facebook and Instagram Ads Anatomy of Facebook and Instagram ads An Over the Shoulder Walk-Through of Ad Types Resource: Facebook Ad Unit Guide End of Module QuizModule Three: Gathering your Messages Gathering your Messages Ninja Technique: Facebook Group Message Mining Ninja Technique: How to Mine Amazon Reviews Ninja Technique: How to Mine Twitter for Messages Ninja Technique: Facebook Ad Competitor Research Cheat Sheet: Voice of Customer Research Questions End of Module QuizModule Four: Mapping your Messages Mapping your Messages End of Module QuizModule Five: Writing High-Converting Messages Writing High-Converting Ad Copy Value Proposition Rehab Long Copy vs Short Copy When You're Ready to Write – Do This First Step One- Reference your Funnel Map and Pick a Place to Start Step Two- Write Down your Value Prop Variations Step Three – Write your Headline Variations Step Four – Write your Body Copy Resource: Facebook Ad Copy Example Ad Copy Worksheet Cheat Sheet: Value Proposition Checklist Resource: Emojipedia for Facebook Friendly Emoji's Resource: Facebook Bullet Point Emojis End of Module QuizModule Six: Images and Videos Images and Videos Resource: Creative Hub Gallery Resource: Creative Hub Ad Formats Resource: Facebook Text Checker Cheat Sheet: Do's and Dont's Anatomy of a One-Minute Video Livestream Script: Educational/ Value-Add Content Livestream Script: Relationship-Building Livestream Script: Case Study Livestream Script: Sales Resource: Copyright Free Images from Pexels.com Resource: Copyright Free Images from Unsplash.com End of Module QuizModule Seven: Landing Pages that Convert Landing Pages that Convert Cheat Sheet: Anatomy of a High-Converting Landing Page End of Module QuizModule Eight: Testing and How to Know if your Ads are "Working" Testing and How to Know if your Ads are "Working" How to Troubleshoot a Campaign Cheat Sheet: Rules of Thumb for Effective Testing Cheat Sheet: Key Metrics and what they Mean Cheat Sheet: Key Metrics and what they Mean Continued… End of Module QuizModule Nine: Red Flags How to Spot and Avoid Red Flag Situations Cheat Sheet: Red Flags to Avoid End of Module QuizBonus: Facebook Ad Compliance How to Write Facebook Ad Compliant Copy in Difficult Verticals Resource: Facebook Ad Policies Step One- Reference your Funnel Map and Pick a Place to Start Step Two- Write Down your Value Prop Variations Step Three- Write your Headline Variations Step Four – Write your Body CopyTag: 10x Facebook Ads 2019 True Passive Income – Joana Wiebe  Review. 10x Facebook Ads 2019 True Passive Income – Joana Wiebe  download. 10x Facebook Ads 2019 True Passive Income – Joana Wiebe  discount.