YIN Force Activator – Rudy Hunter


A Sublime Energetic Tour Through The YIN Elements Inside YouTo Help Build Life Force, Strength, Stamina & Vitality For Deep HealingDo you know the secret of the YIN FORCE as it works 24/7/365 in you?​There is a POWERFUL SECRET in Asian Medicine that has been known for thousands of years. It’s in the herbal traditions, acupuncture, acupressure and Five Element Theory that comesfrom many Asian healing systems. Here’s the “in-a-nutshell” version for you:There are counter-balanced energetic forces inside you [Yin & Yang] which must be in harmony for you to heal–from anything.  Balancing this Brother/Sister combo is one thing…BUT…in the case of CHRONIC ANYTHING [fatigue, illness, mental disruption, emotional instability, pain, etc.] there is something that MUST take place FIRST.  It’s the building of YIN FORCE or YIN POWER. Without this in place, balancing is actually impossible. [Think of a brother and sister carrying a big log between them–a balanced load–but the brother keeps having his hands cramp up.  Carrying the load is tough.  Because of the cramping there’s lots of extra struggling…and eventually the burden become impossible to carry.]So what’s the big deal? Here it is:  There are thousands of healing systems [great ones!] out there. There are VERY FEW which build YIN FORCE deliberately and specifically. Truth be told, many systems of healing have no idea this is a core issue…so theyhave NO WAY to go about building this crucial stabilizer on which flourishing health is built. Bummer, right?Why is YIN FORCE so crucial? The Five Yin Organs are ALWAYS ON.  They are ALWAYS WORKING.  [Way to amusingly see this is YIN is a Female Energy and YANG is a Male Energy…so Women Always Working vs. Men Not Always Working!  Right?  Sorry Dudes!]  BECAUSE they are ALWAYS ON/ALWAYS WORK(NG they can get very, very, very, very, very, very TIRED!!! [Sound familiar Ladies?  Not that YANG organs don’t…but in the caseHere’s it all tied up for you…stay with me [you can tell I used to teach this work and am pretty passionate about it]:  What is missing in most healing approaches is not only the important insights which you have just read, but there is ONE CRUCIAL THING that is overlooked again & again.  If we need to NOURISH YIN, and we do, what exactly is the FOOD we need to use?  The herbalists use herbs.  Yay.  The Acupuncturists use moving energy prompted by needles & stimulation. WHAT FOOD CAN WE OFFER TO NOURISH YIN FORCE IN POOPED YIN ORGANS? It’s SO simple you may laugh! We are describing Yin & Yang as energetic forces that work in particular & precise energetic​systems within the body’s meridian system, right?  Guess what THE PERFECT FOOD actually is? IT’S ENERGYWORK FOCUSED SPECIFICALLY ON FEEDING/NOURISHING YIN FORCE IN THE ORGANS. Wow–almost too obvious, right?Here’s what we’ll be doing in our YIN FORCE ACTIVATOR, it’s reallyAnd please remember…this work is NEVER a substitute for medical care provided by your competent medical practitioner.  It is focused, prayerful EnergyWork and nothing more.  It is designed to ADD TO the great care you’re already receiving from your healing team.  We’ll be doing only one thing, really.  We’ll be taking an Energetic Tour of ALL the Yin Organs–so we don’t miss the source[s] of the issue.  In this tour we’ll be pointing focused EnergyWork at each organ…and it’s complex relationship with the other ones. HOWEVER…it’ll pretty much seem like a lovely, relaxing color-infused daydream ofAn yes, once you’ve listened to this recording a few times though with attention, you CAN use it silently in the background.  The embedded energetics will keep working to strengthen and FEED the pooped YIN in you…so you can regain your energetic strength.  It is this energetic strength that comes first…and leads directly to the physical expression of your strength, stamina, vitality & vibrancy. [Don’t listen to the recording silently more than 3 times a week.  Remember it is the time between listenings where the EnergyWork goes to do its next batch of cleaning!]This special 50:32 minute recording is available to you now for purchase & download for just $88.00. Its healing assistance will always be available, due to the special embedded energetics,to serve you and help re-build your internal power.Here’s to the YIN FOCE in you more fully ACTIVATED for your health & happiness!etics, led by Yours Truly, through various places & functions inside you. energNice.  Simple.  PROFOUNDLY USEFUL AS A SELF-HEALING TOOL. simple & elegant to help you if you have a CHRONIC ANYTHING: of CHRONIC ANYTHING…it’s ALWAYS, ALWAYS, ALWAYS the YIN Force whichmust be built up, or as they say in the Orient:  NOURISHED].Get YIN Force Activator – Rudy Hunter, Only Price 32$Tag: YIN Force Activator – Rudy Hunter Review. YIN Force Activator – Rudy Hunter download. YIN Force Activator – Rudy Hunter discount.​​​​​​​