Stylescapes – Chris Do


STYLESCAPES™Happy Clients. Less Revisions.Don’t go back to the drawing board. Get client buy-in on your ideas before you design anything.Nail Your Visual Direction FastWhat if you knew exactly what your client wanted?What if you could quickly visualize your ideas, without a huge investment of your time?What if you could present your ideas with confidence and clarity, knowing that you and your client will be aligned moving forward?You’ve just landed your biggest design project to date. Your client gives you some key words to base your work off of: modern, clean, and simple. Surely, you know what those words mean and what they look like, and obviously the client does, too.You both talked about it.You break from the creative brief and get moving. For weeks, you pour your heart and soul into every little piece of this project. You’re confident that this is your best work yet. This is going to blow your client away.Fast forward to presentation day, and you’re pumped up. You’re ready to watch your client collect their jaw from the floor.Then they utter the words that punch you right in the gut.“This isn’t what I pictured at all. This is not what we talked about. What else do you have to show me?”How is that possible? Why did they suddenly realize that what you’ve shown them isn’t what they want?Your client didn’t just suddenly decide that—you were never aligned on the visual direction to begin with. All of a sudden, you start to feel it:“This client is a nightmare. They don’t understand design. They don’t understand my process.”Yes, some clients are tough. You might not always see eye to eye. But we can’t read their minds. (Even though that’d be pretty sweet.) We have to know how to speak the same language.Your process is missing something vital.What’s a Stylescape™?You might know them as mood boards, style tiles, or tear sheets. A Stylescape is a curated collection of images, textures, typography, and colors that communicate a certain look and feel. It defines the visual direction and gives clients a crystal-clear picture of the deliverables ahead.Stylescapes are designed to be shared with clients before the visual design phase to make sure everyone’s in agreement with the direction. When you and the client sign off on a modern, clean, and simple design, you have a visual reference tool to communicate exactly what that might look like.Get Stylescapes – Chris Do, Only Price $47How have Stylescapes™ helped us?“Our team used to spend hours upon hours working on detailed design ideas, only to be course-corrected by clients. Clients sometimes felt uncomfortable to comment on work because of how finished everything looked. And it was always at the 11th hour that clients changed their minds.”“Since incorporating Stylescapes, we get buy-in early on or we don’t proceed. It’s a great gut check that helps our team and clients get aligned in days, not weeks. If clients want to change something, we can quickly adjust within 24 hours. And because Stylescapes are made so quickly, we can explore a broader range of styles and approaches we wouldn’t normally try. It’s been liberating to maintain our creative freedom.”— Chris Do, Founder and Executive Creative Director of BlindStylescapes yield seriously positive relationships. They allow you and your client to collaborate and exchange ideas to move the project forward smoothly. Clients feel like their input and involvement is valued, and trust you’ll deliver something great.“Someone took the idea that I’ve been going for, and here it is on a board. And I go, ‘oh, I like that.’ This was extremely helpful for us.”—Josh Hamilton of Hamilton Family Brewery, a former client of BlindYou might be thinking, “OK…how is this different from what I’m doing now?”Do you sometimes feel like you and your client are from different worlds, where you just don’t get each other? Or feel nervous every time you present your designs, and let them take over when they’re not happy with what you’ve made?Instead of making progress, you start running in a hamster wheel of revisions. It’s soul-crushing as a designer to become your client’s—or boss’s—puppet. You can’t figure out what they want, so you rely on them to tell you.Information is bound to get lost in translation.You could ask clients loads of questions but never get clarity on their answers. What ‘modern’ means to you, could mean something completely different to them. You’d end each brief with a lot of unclear objectives.And that won’t end well. Each project then turns into a constant guessing game of trying to figure out what clients really mean.But we can stop guessing, and start knowing.Stylescapes help to close the imagination gap and get clients to see what you see. Both parties can get on the same page about the design direction from the get-go, and have something to reference throughout the project.As designers, it’s easy for us to imagine what something will look like. Sometimes it’s hard to explain our ideas without going the extra mile. But with Stylescapes, you’ll dodge unnecessary, added work and hit your client’s expectations on the mark.If you’re tired of designing with headaches and feeling trapped in an abyss of revisions, this is the course for you.See Stylescapes™ in actionSee Creative Directors Matthew Encina and Ben Bruns present a set of stylescapes to their clients, Hamilton Family Brewery. Stylescapes direction 1 (0:30), stylescapes direction 2 (3:00), stylescapes direction 3 (4:25), stylescapes direction 4 (5:25). Client reaction (7:06).“Sometimes clients need to see something to react to it. That’s the whole purpose in presenting Stylescapes. We want to make sure that the client has something to respond to, so we can engage in a productive conversation about the direction of the project, and get commitment in the room.”Ben Burns, Digital Director“Using Stylescapes, is an invitation for clients to be involved in the design process. We can get their input early on, and align on a clear direction moving forward. Clients love it, because they feel like they are designing and dreaming with us.”Matthew Encina, Creative DirectorGet Stylescapes – Chris Do, Only Price $47What’s Inside:Welcome!Stylescape Beta Status: Updated April 18, 2019Stylescapes Course Intro (2:12)Stylescape CourseStylescape Course Overview (6:00)Desired Future State (2:57)Brand Attributes (2:33)Empathy Map (4:37)Image Buckets (3:20)Color (5:48)Type (1:29)Curate (5:00)Presentation (11:01)Examples (14:56)Exercises (7:53)Resources (0:42)Critiquing Your StylescapesIntro (1:38)Stylescape Critique: Matthew (3:06)Stylescape Critique: Willhelm (8:20)Stylescape Critique: Kyle (7:09)Stylescape Critique: Dave (3:48)Stylescape Critique: Suchet (8:33)Stylescape Critique: Andrew (7:39)Stylescape Critique: William (6:40)Stylescape Critique: Chelsea (11:06)Stylescape Critique: Abrian (10:32)Stylescape Critique: Yeng Shen (4:15)Stylescape Critique: Jacob (11:01)Conclusion (1:02)Do you want your Stylescape Critiqued?Presenting Your Stylescape – Watch Chris!Presenting the Stylescape (6:29)Clients Response Part 1: User Image (6:37)Clients Response Part 2: Humor (4:27)Summary of Feedback (2:57)Critiquing Your Stylescape PresentationIntro (2:01)Chelsea (10:28)Abi (11:22)Ty (11:54)William (12:43)Sabrina (11:04)tYacoub (12:49)Yinpin (7:46)Conclusion (2:54)Stylescape WorkbookWorkbookPhotoshop Tips & TricksPS Cutout Demo (6:09)Color Correction Tutorials (3:09)Illustrator auto trace tutorial (6:53)We want to hear from you!Let’s chat! (1:28)Bonus Lecture: RawLecture: Raw Recording (157:22)Download: Lecture PDFDownload: Stylescape Template (Initial)Download: All Questions and AnswersBonus MaterialRaw: Live Design Critique: Raw Recording (116:28)Raw: Live Presentation Critique (103:37)Raw: Pre-Launch Webinar (57:00)Email TemplateJoin the ConversationHow to join us on Slack!Who is the Stylescapes™ course for?This course is for designers who need a way to simplify the way they present their ideas to clients or stakeholders. If you need to communicate something visual, Stylescapes is your go-to. Whether you work with clients directly or present to stakeholders in-house, you can revamp and supercharge your design process.Meet your design blueprint.The Stylescapes™ course will transform the way you work and the way you present your ideas to clients. Say goodbye to never-ending revisions or changing direction at the last minute.Get alignedSpeak the same language as your client and decide on the visual direction without friction.Revamp your processRapidly prototype your ideas and bring them to life in a way that gets client buy-in quicklyPresent with confidenceTransform strategy into a visual language that creates more opportunities, and takes each project to its fullest potential.Save timeReduce revisions, speed up your process, and avoid expensive headaches.What you get:Video GuideChris will walk you through the entire process of building a Stylescape™ course presentation—start to finish. He’ll show you how to compose, review and critique your design. Includes some Photoshop and Illustrator tips for working efficiently!Step-by-step GuidebookThis companion to the video course gives you everything you need to build fantastic designs. How to choose the right images, prompts to generate multiple versions (mild, medium spicy), how to present to clients and much more.Loads of ResourcesYou will also get plenty of handy resources for color, typography, photos and illustration. Including how to source your own media and use image buckets to save time.Stylescape™ Course TemplateWhether you’re working in Keynote, PowerPoint, InDesign or Illustrator, we will have a design template ready for you start with.Get Stylescapes – Chris Do, Only Price $47Tag: Stylescapes – Chris Do  Review. Stylescapes – Chris Do download. Stylescapes – Chris Do discount.