IDENTITY – Katrina Ruth


10 Days with Katrina Ruth to Wake You Back Up to You. And Unleash the Game You’re Done Waiting For.$777 Value, Down to $99…Slashed Right Now to $69!It’s time for an asskicking.Of the highest and most fuck yes soul order.The kind?Which wakes you. Shakes you. Excites you. And leaves you BREATHLESS, for more.TURNED ON BY THE VIBE OF YOU BAYBEE.The way the world’s been waiting for.SCREW THE WORLD.The way YOU are done waiting for.Reality check: Business.Money.Relationship.Body.Vibe.LIFE.None of it.Not a single bit of it. Not one.tiny.little.PIECE of it,no not even a hair of a hair!NONE OF IT NONE OF IT NONE OF IT AT ALL.Matters, is gonna work for you, is gonna get you to where you want to go and know you MUST,if you don’t have identity.Identity?OF COURSE YOU MOFO HAVE IDENTITY.Of some kind.Of a kind.Maybe the ‘mish mash of the world around ya’ kind?No.We’re not talking about that.We’re talking about –You.Dropped in to the deepest and most connected core of you.The fuck yes and WOAH of you.The who in the actual WHAT are you.Who?The you who you always knew you’d be,and feel,and breathe,and LIVE from,if you allowed yourself to create and move and be FROM your core,(now)rather than towards it.Here’s the thing girlfriend.Sister.Brother.BADASS REVOLUTIONARY FUCKING LEADER YOU.YOU DID NOT COME HERE FOR THE WORKING TOWARDS.THE PUSHING AND FORCING.THE ‘ONE-DAYING’ YOUR LIFE AWAY, WHICH – WHETHER OR NOT YOU’RE READY TO ADMIT IT – IS EXACTLY WHAT’S STILL HAPPENING IN PLACES,AND SPACES,YOU’D RATHER NOT LOOK AT.You came here to be all of you, be all of you now.I know! IT’S BRAND NEW INFORMATION YOU’VE NEVER YET HEARD OF!But really,honestly,It’s also truth, isn’t it?And here is the deeper truth, and the point:You can work your ass off for all of your days and in all of the ways. You can create epic shit! Unleash truth! Create works that will change peeps, and even make you some REALLY sweet money. It’s all possible.It’s all available.You’re already on your way!But if you’re not fully madly deeply God yes and SOUL yes connected to YOU. Dropped in fully and acting from the deepest and most certain parts of you. Owning your before-time-began birthright ordained HIGHEST of all heights identity,and swaying with that as your filter, your guiding light, your grounding, the very essence you breathe and move from.Locked in.SOLID.ACTIVATED.From within.Then pretty much every thing you do, no matter how good it is, no matter how great it is, no matter how YES it is,is futile.Completely?Nah, ‘course not. You can make some great monies and a great difference and have some great relationships and really, a pretty great life, without being completely grounded in YOU.But do what you came here to do? Fully? Be who you came here to be? Truly? Live as you came here to LIVE, and DANCE, and MOVE, and PLAY this fabulous game of life? Be the ACTUAL change, live the ACTUAL life, have the ACTUAL soul certainty about how you do, who you do with, what you run towards, how easily you get to allow it, what you walk away from, like a badass bitch throwing a lit match over her shoulder as she walks away, hair killin’, and BURNS IT ALL TO THE GROUND?Not a chance.Not even a little bit.Not really.No, not at all!Let’s be clear – THE WHOLE ENTIRE THING HAS ALWAYS BEEN ABOUT THAT ONE DAY YOU’D BE ALL OF YOU.And now?It’s time.IDENTITY10 Days with Katrina Ruth to Wake You Back Up to You. And Unleash the Game You’re Done Waiting For. DAILY all new trainings you + me + God + soul to follow.This?Is the do/not/miss time going into you that you’re soul has been hungering for and it’s it!Here’s how it’s going down:10 Days ALL new online course with Katrina RuthDAILY asskickery trainings | activation | bulletproof coffee up the booty (that’s me)DAILY journal prompts | worksheets | exercises to get you going and flowing into ALL of youAND:(this is crazy!) DAILY bonuses to help you implement our IDENTITY work in different areas of your business. Money. Body. Relationships. Life! Application of what we are working on out the wazoo!All trainings recorded and yours to keep for life in your Katrina Ruth Members Dashboard ​IMMEDIATE and then DAILY and then FOREVER AFTER switch flickin’ into YOU as soon as you say yes! (That is just how this works).What to expect, from this time together?Every.single.thing. you’ve always known was there within.Certainty. Of soul, of God, of what flow requires, of, well, everything.​Ability to always know the right decision to make, and how to make it. NO MATTER WHAT. ​Courage and abilily and inner strength to then ACT as you need to​Ability and soul certainty walk away. Know what to walk away from. Shred and burn. Immediately and as required. Amen.​ALWAYS ability to access flow. Message certainty. Soul guidance on what you create, unleash, how, to whom.​Magnetism. Activated. From within. To and from your soul peeps. In all areas.​Money certainty, where it comes from, how to inhale / exhale it, infinitely, PEACE on this.​Peace. In general. Where it comes from. How to be IN it. How to return to it when it seems far away.​Moving through the ‘woods’ of business, of life, of you. Recognising it. Being okay with it! ​Leaning in. Surrender. The things that go with this. How to let it be easy, happy, a joy!​JOY. From God. From within. All THROUGH you. AS IT WAS ALWAYS MEANT TO BE.​Forgiveness, and grace. Where you know it comes from. How to receive it fully.​RECEIVING. Unlocking the portals to. Opening up the floodgates. Seeing where you dial it back. Stopping that shit!​Turning up the dial in all areas. What it means, and how.​BEING the mofo light. Being all of it. Owning your too muchness! SWAYING with it.​Being in the dance with God and soul and life and ALWAYS knowing your next move. ALL of that. And so much more.​Creating. Being the artist the messenger the performer the leader the shift the YOU, who just lets it flood out. Knowing what works. Does not. How to release. Go deeper. And also? Sell TF outta that game.Being the leader NOW. Appointing yourself. What it means and why you’re already pre-approved.​BIRTHRIGHT. Accessing and owning your soul blueprint. The blueprint of YOU. Of purpose. And destiny. And truth. Let’s go!You want more?There’s so much more.^^ This? Is the warm-up, the first bit of what dropped through to me when I felt in to this, allowed it to come through, for you.We will see what unfolds,when it unfolds,when we enter this dance,together!But what this is really about, and why you know you need to be here?You’re done with playing the game of waiting to play the damn game.Identity, baby.IT’S TIME.Get IDENTITY – Katrina Ruth, Only Price $27Tag: IDENTITY – Katrina Ruth Review. IDENTITY – Katrina Ruth download. IDENTITY – Katrina Ruth discount.identity theft identity property identityiq identity definition