Automated Income Cash Machine – Katrina Ruth


Time to stop the relentless and exhaustive hustle, set up income that just SHOWS UP, and give yourself the space to spend your days doing you, and unleashing ever more madness into the world!This is exactly what I wish I knew and implemented when I first started to market online, what I thought was SO scary and hard, or that I just wasn’t ready for, and so therefore put off doing for 5.full.years! Actually just over!Since I pulled my finger out (lol: true story), and switched from doing only on the fly hustle to also building a soul-led CASH MACHINE that works, my business now makes multiple 6-figures per MONTH, and we have had weeks where our automated income has produced as much as over $90,000!In Automated Income Cash Machine I’m going to show you exactly how I finally found a way to let it be EASY, and just get DONE.Just a Little of What Automated Income Cash Machine Includes!What I wish I knew and also IMPLEMENTED about automated and recurring income when I started online.The simple way to create a funnel that sells, using existing content and offers or easily whipping up new onesCreating a free optin or lead generation hook that works, standing out in the busyness of today’s social media world and getting the immediate attention of your ideal client​Filtering your audience from the get go so that you get ONLY quality subscribers, followers, and leads, your perfect ‘soulmate peeps’ who are already primed to buy​Free versus paid lead gen, what you need to know about each (hint: 95% of my revenue, which is multiple 6-figures per month and has been for years now) has, for the 13+ years I’ve been marketing online, come from FREE lead gen / audience growth and marketing. So obviously I will teach you how to rock this.​The fastest and most result-based way to create new offers for your automated and recurring income streams​How to structure your automated and recurring income streams: should you start with free or paid offers? Low or high-end? A mix? How often should you sell vs give value, is what they say true? (hint: no!). Should you do upsells, downsells, crossells? What if you scare your new subscribers off? What if you sell too much? What if you don’t sell ENOUGH? Ugh! So much to worry about! >>> don’t worry, I will teach you all of this and everything else besides. AND make it not only easy, but also fun.​You have more existing gold than you think: I’ll teach you how to easily pull together or else polish up existing or new content and how to package and position it so that they can’t NOT say yes. Get over the idea that it’s hard to know what to create or sell; I’ll show you how to make it second nature!​How to make selling every day easy (and, duh: AUTOMATED)​Funnels within funnels within funnels: why most marketers are leaving a minimum of an additional 100% of revenue (or heck, more, but minimum that!) because they STILL think this stuff is complex. How we have over the years continually added to our bottom line simply by automating, systemising, and also knowing how to more frequently and more easily ASK FOR THE DAMN SALE.​Tech simplification: exactly what we use and how we use it to run our multiple 7-figure biz on the income side, and trust me: it is ALL SIMPLE. I don’t do complex tech.​The easy way to put together sales pages that sell (the copy as well as the tech side)​What to do if it’s not working, how to easily re-jig the thing so that you don’t have to start all over again!​How I create courses, programs and offers, from low-end right through to the 100k mark – exactly what you need to know to put the damn thing together and ensure it SELLS, from idea right through to the last little bit of delivery​How to best structure payments in your automated income​My pre-launch strategy, how to get people ready and panting (lol, but really) for your offer, such that when it drops they just BUY​How to get your offers over the line and bring home the launch (this works for automated / funnel based launching as well as live launching)​Building scarcity and ‘making people buy’ in a way that is 100% in integrity and aligned for YOU​ALLLLLLLLLL the mindset shiz niz that you need in order to put your damn excuses aside, wo(man) up and do the freakin’ thing, no matter how scary it seems, how not ready you feel, or even how limited for time you are. I’ll show you how to cut through ALL the fluff both in and out of your head and just BE the person who moves forward on automating income and creating largely passive revenue that just goes and flows! All so you can start to spend your days doing what you LOVE, and unleashing ever more awesome, all the while knowing the $$$ are rolling in!​ALL of this is the exact detailed and step-by-step blueprint of what I wish I knew and wish I IMPLEMENTED, when I first started to market online!As a Result of The Work We Do Together in Automated Income Cash Machine, You Can Expect:MULTIPLE automated income streams from low right through to the highest of high-end set up, ready for delivery, actively delivering, and UNDERWAY​All of your copy (sales pages, emails, social media, up and down-sell pages, ALL of it) set up, done, complete, automated, and UNDERWAYNew offers created as needed, from low right through to super high-endFunnels within funnels, offers within offers, all your sequences set UP​​​Total freakin’ certainty on how to continue to add to, fine-tune, test, MEASURE all of this, and also tweak and improve it if not getting the results you want​Lead gen and audience growth that ROCKS, and feels amazing as well, both paid and free – also lead gen which leads to SALES, not just adding #’s for the sake of it​A deep and complete understanding of how to effectively launch, pre-launch, close out a launch, all from soul and flow, and whether in your automated sequences or in a ‘live’ launch​Existing offers or existing content easily packaged and polished up in order to add MORE value and more SALES​Thank you emails all the time from soulmate clients who literally THANK YOU FOR EMAILING AND SELLING TO THEM! Seriously! I get this all the time! Why? Because my emails ALL add value and are a soul-expanding experience, yes even when I am selling!​A sense of pride and self-belief to know you are truly letting your work do it’s work, and making a huge impact on the people you are here to help … getting massive value out into the world, and being paid accordingly!​My 25-minute a day productivity hack to getting all this shit done (and also exactly what to DO day by day!)​TOTAL confidence around pricing of all bits and pieces, as well as where and with what to start to move people through your offers and get ’em screaming yes​In GENERAL: how to only create hell yes offers that make ’em scream yes​The mindset and confidence of a sales WARRIOR! An automated sales warrior! One who actually walks the damn walk and gets reSULTS, too!​To FINALLY be able to rest your head on your pillow at night feel confident, happy, fulfilled, proud of yourself and CASHED UP knowing you’re freaking doing the damn thing of actually building a CASH machine not just hustling day to day!Who is the Automated Income Cash Machine For?Any badass messenger, coach, leader, revolutionary, YOU, who knows they are leaving money on the table and is ready to STOP DOING THAT, aka create recurring and automated cash, building out the ‘make money while you sleep’ side of the biz so that it works FOR YOU.This is for you regardless of whether you’re just starting out (I’ll show you where TO start, including the creating of the offers), or if you’re already doing 7-figures plus! Or anywhere in between! This is all about scaling from where YOU are at, and making it ease and flow to go to the next level with recurring and automated income, and it’s all based on precisely what I myself have done every step of the way to get all the way to a consistent Multiple 7-Figure per year and Multiple 6-Figure per month income!How It’s Going Down, and About Your Hosts in Automated Income Cash Machine!Over the 4 weeks, you’ll get continuous trainings and Q&As and more!PLUS additional trainings, downloads, deep dives and more, as per below.Automated Income Cash Machine is fresh and has up to date content every step of the way.PLUS extra bonuses, resources and tools galore from my team and I, basically sharing with you any and ALL things we feel you’d love or need to go alongside the all new content in Automated Income Cash Machine!Content will be delivered to you in the form of videos, video deep dives, audio trainings, worksheets, PDFs, study notes and exercises and more!And ALL content is yours to keep for life, and will be housed in our membership site for you to login and access any time!BUT WAIT THERE’S (STILL) MORE!Not only am I teaching this course to you, but my brother and Chief Operating Officer here at The Katrina Ruth Show, Ash Gregory, will also be coming on board to teach in Automated Income Cash Machine! I know! This is SUPER cool, as Ash is the key person who supports me on:​Visioning, and clarity around where our next level is coming from​Specifics in the automated income cash machine side of our biz – not a move gets made that Ash and I don’t mull over together, and he is THE point person who also rolls a lot of it out​Using his years of financial and marketing expertise to fine-tune and tweak what is already working, so not a $ gets missed​Tech and putting together side of things​Keeping me on track with remembering to do the work hahaIn Automated Income Cash Machine Ash will teach alongside me in some cases about what works best for us, and how you can apply it, and he will also solo teach several critical trainings I’m excited to have him share to you on Automated Income!Get Automated Income Cash Machine – Katrina Ruth, Only Price $107Tag: Automated Income Cash Machine –  Katrina Ruth Review. Automated Income Cash Machine –  Katrina Ruth download. 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