Author Remake – Alinka Rutkowska


Need a hand?Hi! I’m Alinka Rutkowska and I’m excited to be your guide to your book marketing success!I’ve sold more than 100,000 copies of my books.I’ve helped USA-Today best-selling authors, CEOs and movie stars with their book marketing.I’ve created multiple 6-figure funnels and I can help you do the same.As seen on:Why 80% of Books Published This Year FAILDear Fellow Author,It’s never been easier to publish a book. Anybody can do it.But it’s never been more difficult to actually SELL it.Anybody can try… and fail. And many have.The fact is that 80% of books published this year won’t even earn enough to cover their publishing costs.Shocking? Hardly. With over 6 MILLION books gathering digital dust in the vast Amazon jungle, actually being VISIBLE becomes a serious challenge.Perhaps you’ve already experienced the bitter taste of online invisibility. After all, the odds are against you.Maybe you already know what it’s like to feel the thrill of seeing yourself as a published author……only to have that enthusiasm mercilessly crushed by non-existent sales.Out of desperation you start searching for ways to get you out of this humiliating experience and you try blogging, Facebook groups, Twitter teams, book trailers, creating merchandise, RSS feeds, YouTube Channels, joining forums, donating books…only to smash into a brick wall over and over again.You were supposed to be a best-selling author by now, but you end up hardly making enough to buy dinner at your local diner!Does any of this sound familiar?Don’t feel bad – you’re not alone and it’s not your fault.Remember the first time you tried to talk, walk, eat, get potty trained or ride a bicycle? Probably not but I assure you, the first time you tried you didn’t do very well.It was only because you were encouraged, realigned, picked up from the bushes that you eventually learned all this.See, most people need somebody to mentor them, to believe in them enough so that they can realize their greatness.There’s no shame in having a book that doesn’t sell if you don’t have somebody who knows exactly what to do, believes in you and cheers you on.And now you’re about to get that!All You Need Is a System and a Mentor to Experience the Thrill of Being a Best-Selling Author This system is called R.A.C.E.R.A.C.E. is what will pull you out of the swamp of author mediocrity.If you’ve participated in the 5-Figure Author Challenge, and played with your mystery package, you’ve already got the R.R=ReachThis is the first step to winning the author race.It means that you need to reach your readers. Before they can form a lifelong relationship with you, they need to know you exist. And there are ways to do it right and ways to completely bomb it.Reaching is like walking into a bar and making eye contact with that stunning individual that takes your breath away.If you’ve been paying attention during the challenge, you know what type of romance works best to seduce your readers.But that won’t get you anywhere near your full potential as an author.What you need now is the A, C and E.A=AcquireOnce that stunning individual from the bar looks you deeply in the eyes for one second too long, your next goal is to get their number (or have them come over and get yours).That’s what acquire stands for.Once readers know that you exist, you want a way to keep seducing them, because if you fail here, it’s game over.C=ConvertThis is a huge milestone that will completely change your relationship with your reader. In our bar situation, this is when you get to first base.Now remember that the steps that lead to this are crucial. You can’t just kiss a stranger and expect to get anything more than a hard slap in the face. But if you go through steps R and A, C is where you start reaping rewards.E=EngageThis is the culmination of the R.A.C.E. methodology. This is where you marry your stunning individual from the bar, or in other words, this is when that casual reader who had no idea who you were a few steps ago is now your hard-core true fan.A true fan is someone who will plow through a snow storm for 3 hours barefoot just to see you.Just like a true love.So now that you know all this, how do you win the book sales R.A.C.E?I have an unprecedented opportunity for you.For a limited time (see the countdown timer above), I’m opening the doors to 100 determined authors who are serious about making the best-seller list.I’m going to guide you exactly from where you are now, all the way to bestseller status.I’m only accepting the first 100 authors and then the doors are closing because I want to give those of you who make it my undivided attention.The Selling Secrets Multinational Companies Aren’t Sharing Apply to YOUR Book!Maybe you feel like you’ve tried other systems before, but it just never works out. So you’re probably fairly skeptical about my method being the answer to getting your book sales rolling in.But Author Remake is different.That’s because it’s been designed based on the unique expertise I bring from years of working with Vice Presidentsof multinational companies as business planner.I know how products are created, launched, marketed and sold.Only I’ve never been able to reveal the insider secrets before because of my vow of silence agreement.Until now.I’m no longer tied by it.So you get me as YOUR book business planner.I’m going to make 100 people best-selling authors!The question is: will YOU be one of them?I’m here to assert that NOTHING ELSE can give you the success, respect and prestige you deserve that these insider secrets can and do when fully understood and properly deployed.So here’s what we’re going to do:Create What Your Readers Will BuyNo successful company throws a new product on the market and hopes it sells. Neither should authors just write a book and hope… Hope is NOT a strategy. This is: with Author Remake you develop a deep understanding of who your target audience is and what they want to spend their money on. And you create that. THIS is where most authors fail. They get this crucial part wrong and they hammer on trying to promote a book that has NO COMMERCIAL POTENTIAL whatsoever. The interesting part is that your manuscript itself is only one element of your BOOK (PRODUCT) and even if you haven’t done the market research you should have (I’ll show you how to do it by the way – so you’re all set for your next book), we can still REMAKE what you’ve got with smart packaging. Your book is going to be the one readers see when they search Amazon for entertainment or for a solution to their problems.Put It Where They’ll See ItHave you heard of the three most important elements to business success being location, location and location? We’ll go way deeper than that but LOCATION is key. While Amazon is the FIRST place you want to have your book, it’s most definitely not the last. In Author Remake I’ll show you how to make sure your book pops in Amazon searches but if you’re only using Amazon to sell your book, you’re leaving a LOT of money on the table. We’ll dive deep analyzing WHERE buyers will actually SEE and BUY YOUR BOOK.Make it Easy for Them to BuyHow you price your book is absolutely CRUCIAL and this alone can be the difference between an epic success and a monstrous failure. Your price is going to depend on a number of factors. Have you ever noticed how airplane ticket prices magically increase when you check the price again? They simply know that you’re interested and that’s why they can charge more from you. We’re going to divide our readers into interested and not yet interested and that’s how we’re going to price your books. But that’s not the only thing we’re going to do. We’re going to give them an irresistible offer they simply cannot refuse.Attract More Eager Buyers Like a Magnet and Increase Your World Domination!This part may seem deceptively simple, which is why so many fail at it. There are actually 15 success factors to it, but most people understand and work with only two or three. This is scientific marketing. We’re going to capitalize on what we’ve done up till now to grow your world domination. Once we know what’s working for YOUR book we’re going to drive traffic to your website and retail sales pages. A lot of it. We’re going to make your readers’ experience with you fun, something to tell their friends about, something to belong to.Let’s Make YOU a Best-Selling Author Starting NOW! When You Join Author Remake You Will Discover:What you absolutely must do before you even think about hitting “publish”.Exactly how anyone can launch a book with bang – it’s not as tough as you think (and it’s probably different than you think, too!).The secret to outselling your competition, even if you haven’t sold a single book yet.How to build a strong platform that will outperform all social media combined (the usual advice is out of date and doesn’t work anymore).These are the same secrets I’ve used to replace my corporate salary and run a book business I operate with just my computer and an internet connection.The same secrets that allowed me to free myself from the cubicle and travel the world while doing the work I love.The same secrets that allowed me to make a comfortable living from what I’ve created.And I guarantee these book marketing secrets will work for you!Who Else Wants to Sell Books by the Truckload?Here’s exactly what you’re getting right now:The complete Author Remake system, consisting of 6 modules that will show you how to replace your corporate income with book royalties.10 hours of video content in which you see me detailing what I do, how I do it and pushing you forward to do the same.The insider Q&A session. I answer every question you ask below the video lessons and you also get other authors’ points of view.The world’s most powerful book sales technique – it works like crazy!The sneaky (but ethical) way to make Amazon redundant.The reason why you should never promote your books before you optimize them for sales.The strange truth about how your book cover directly affects your sales!How the gurus sell books by the truckload without having to get out of their house.My proven 4-step strategy for publishing a book that sells – it’s as simple as 123!And I’ll even show you how to get 100+ reviews in less than a week – not only is it possible, it’s easier to do it this way!The counterintuitive secrets best-selling authors know, but never tell you about pricing your books!And that is only the beginning. After you’ve gone through Author Remake, what once appeared dark and mysterious will suddenly become clear and easy!Right about now, if I were you, there would be one question on my mind… How Much Should It Cost?You’re smart. You looked around and you know that other premium courses and consultations for authors (if offered) sell for thousands of dollars.In fact my fee for a 10 hour coaching session is $5,000.And I truly believe that by now you can see that it would be worth that much to allow you to replicate a proven system to finally get your book business started, get the profits flowing, replace your job, and build financial stability for you and your family. In fact, I believe Author Remake is worth a multiple of those other products, if only because of the time savings it gives you. We focus on the 20% of the marketing activities that give us 80% of results (and I do tell you what those other 80% of activities that give you 20% of results are as well).You will know exactly what to do. Think About This…If the only thing Author Remake did was to show you how to optimize your book for online sales…it would be worth $500, yes?If the only thing Author Remake did was to teach you how to sell more books offline than on all the online retailer sites combined… it would be worth $500, yes?If the only thing Author Remake did was to teach you were pricing strategies that maximize your sales… it would be worth $500, yes?If the only thing Author Remake did was to show you how to launch your book with 100+ reviews… it would be worth $500, yes?If the only thing Author Remake did was to show you how to sell by bulk so much it makes Amazon redundant…it would be worth $500, yes?If the only thing Author Remake did was to teach you how to conquer foreign markets (like the Chinese!)… it would be worth $500, yes?Three Doors – Pick OneThe good news is Author Remake does every single one of those things, and more!DOOR 1: AUTHOR REMAKE PARTNER:When you take advantage of this special offer right now, your TOTAL investment comes to $497!And you know what else you get with that? ME! Unlimited email access to me (not a support ticket!). I personally answer every single question you send in.One of the toughest part of succeeding as an author is doing it alone. That’s why when you join today you get paired up with an accountability partner who will push you through and make sure you both achieve your goals.Plus, as a student, you get a unique affiliate opportunity to make your investment back.For who? This option is for you if you’re on a shoe-string budget but would still want access to the tools and methods I use to get books on the best-seller lists (your investment: $497).DOOR 2: AUTHOR REMAKE PRO PARTNER:Excellent, “but what if I want LIVE COACHING?” I hear you say.I’m glad you asked! This is what I designed Author Remake Pro Partner for. On top of everything you get in the previous package you get to pick my brain on 4 group coaching calls. I’ll also give you my Crowdfunding Guide in case you want to make some extra $$$.TODAY ONLY: you get an unlimited number of group coaching calls – until you’re satisfied with your level of success! For who? This is the best option for authors who are serious about becoming a #1 best-selling author (your investment: $997).DOOR 3: AUTHOR REMAKE PRO ELITE:“Sounds great. But what I really value is personal one-to-one attention. Can you give me that?”Yes, I can! This is what Author Remake Pro Elite is for. On top of everything mentioned in the two previous packages you get 6 one-to-one coaching sessions in which we go through everything you and only you want to do. I’ll also make sure your books are top-notch material I’ll want to feature in the newsletter I send out weekly to 10,000 libraries and showcase your book every quarter for a year! But that’s not all. You will also get my Copywriting Rolodex and insider secrets I use to scale my business.When you go for the Partner or Elite option you have group and/or individual time with me. That’s time when you fire questions and I fire back answers. You capitalize on the 10,000+ hours and $30,000 I spent learning what works in the book marketing world.With this option you also get my Best-Seller Guarantee. When you agree to go through the course and follow my guidance at the calls, I guarantee you will become a #1 best-selling author.The only thing with the Elite package is that there are very few available. The reason for this is that it includes one-to-one coaching with me. You see, my time is my most valuable asset and I have to be very mindful how I spend it. When you get the Partner or Elite package you save yourself thousand of hours and dollars spent on doing the wrong thing.For who? For authors who want a GUARANTEE they will become a #1 best-selling author and want 1-to-1 extra attention that will jumpstart their author career (due to the extra care these authors get, only limited slots available, your investment: $5,000).Sounds like a great offer to me!Now, if you’re still wavering, and haven’t made your decision, what would have to happen for this to be the easiest decision you’ve made in a long time?First, remember this is the very best way to learn how to replace your day job with your book royalties…Then let’s make the deal even juicier… When You Act Now You’re Also Getting My 3 Other Courses 100% Free!These 3 courses will help you master Goodreads, the 100 Review Book Launch and Facebook Ads for Authors, so you can replace your corporate salary with roylaties in record time!Goodreads CrackedYou will learn how to get a review avalanche by tapping into the power of Goodreads AND build your list at the same time!100 Review Book LaunchYou will see even more tips and tricks on how you can launch your book with 100 reviews by replicating my step-by-step methodology!Facebook Ads for AuthorsAre you on Facebook? So are your readers! You will learn how to convert regular Facebook users into loyal readers.Add Alinka Magic ($1,997 Value)!Here comes something truly special: when you join Author Remake Pro Elite (the package that has private coaching calls included), you are also entitled to Alinka Magic!Here’s how it works: after you’ve gone through the course, participated in the calls and applied all my suggestions – if your book doesn’t hit best-seller status I come in and DO IT FOR YOU!I’ll apply special pixie dust which will ensure your book becomes a #1 best-seller in your category on Amazon and you get the bragging rights to call yourself a best-selling author![Value: $1,997]You Are Protected By This TRIPLE GUARANTEEGUARANTEE #1: 100% Money Back Satisfaction Guarantee!Don’t even make up your mind right now. Just go ahead and order Author Remake today and try it out. Take a month. If for any reason you are not 100% delighted with Author Remake – if you don’t get the system every multinational company uses to launch a new product on the market, if you don’t enjoy the unique strategies I teach, and if you don’t agree that you will have learnt the 20% of marketing efforts that give 80% results, then simply email me at [email protected] for a rapid, no hassle, no questions asked, courteous 100% refund.I think you’ll agree, that’s a pretty solid offer…BUT IT GETS BETTER!GUARANTEE #2: Best-Seller Guarantee!I am so confident in Author Remake that I am backing it up with a SECOND guarantee. It’s the most daring and generous guarantee I have ever attached to anything.Here’s the deal:You agree to go through the course and follow my guidance at the calls and I guarantee to make you a #1 Best-Selling Author in your category on Amazon.You’ll now be able to add the #1 Best-Selling author label to your subsequent book covers, to your business cards and in your email signature.[This guarantee applies to the Pro Elite option – the one that has individual coaching calls included. But you will absolutely have all the tools to pull it off with the other options too. I just won’t be able to guarantee it. I do guarantee it when I know we will have individual face to face time.]I know it sounds unreal but it’s as real as it gets. I know how to make ANY book a best-seller.GUARANTEE #3: Keep the Bonuses No Matter WhatRegardless of what you decide about Author Remake, even if you cancel and never pay a sent, I want you to keep ALL the bonuses:Goodreads Cracked,100 Review Book Launch,Facebook Ads for Authors!Now, this sounds like a solid offer to me! The only problem with it is that time is running out…Join now and watch your sales rank improve!One bad habit many struggling self-published authors have is to peek frequently at the madly vacillating graph tracking their author seller rank on Amazon. I used to this and it was typically a dismal vertigo experience until I joined Alinka’s transformative author re-make course. I still do this today, but the vertigo effect is gone. The transformative moment tellingly corresponds with the date I joined Alinka’s authors group. Do yourself a favor, join Alinka’s author re-make group and put an end to your own author seller vertigo blues. Do it now and I’ll accept your thanks later! -Yossi LapidTag: “Author Remake – Alinka Rutkowska” Review. “Author Remake – Alinka Rutkowska” download. “Author Remake – Alinka Rutkowska” discount