Real Estate Investing – Learn about Real EstateWhat is real estate? Learn about Real EstateReal estate investing involves the purchase, ownership, management, rental and/or sale of real estate for profit.Improvement of realty property as part of a real estate investment strategy is generally considered to be a sub-specialty of real estate investing called real estate development.Real estate is an asset form with limited liquidity relative to other investments,it is also capital intensive (although capital may be gained through mortgage leverage) and is highly cash flow dependent.If these factors are not well understood and managed by the investor, real estate becomes a risky investment.Product If you’re looking for a home business with maximum returns for minimum effort, then this is for YOU …Hi … my name is Mike Paul and I’ve been a licensed real estate broker for the past 13 years.Working in a real estate office gave me a priceless insight into the dire straits the real estate business is really in.I don’t do much selling of homes any more, having moved into training other real estate agents and marketers, like you.And for the past 3 years I have been working hard to perfect the germ of an idea I had to offer beleaguered real estate agents a chance to escape the clutches of the giant referral companies by handing them all the properly qualified leads they can handle – at a fraction of the outrageous fees the referral rats are demanding (and yet still large enough to make some very worthwhile pay days).What’s more these leads will NOT be shared with up to 10 other rival agents – in stark contrast to what happens right now – but will be exclusively for their use, dramatically increasing the chances they will be the ones to sell the home.These leads will be generated automatically using some very clever free software, releasing the agent from the pointless drudgery of open house days, delivering flyers, knocking on doors and all the other outdated methods they cling to grimly, knowing deep down they don’t actually work any more in the internet age.As you can imagine, offering the struggling agent a choice between their own exclusive leads for a modest monthly fee OR continuing to pay a king’s ransom of up to THREE TIMES MORE for the doubtful privilege of sharing poor-quality leads with up to 10 other realtors, is just about the easiest sale – ever – in the long history of marketing.Here’s just a tiny sneak peek of the powerful secrets included in this program:-How to load up with real estate agent’s details – for free – to start withAnd how to get all the real estate names you can handle – on a shoestring budget.-How to generate all the real estate agent inquiries you can handleThe FREE method and FAST TRACK method (because your business needs leads just as much as a real estate agent).-Why my carefully crafted message the software sends the agent on autopilot will press all the right buttons,and how they will regard you as their ‘knight in shining armour’ come to rescue them from the wicked referral robber barons.-How to quickly convert those leads into clients delighted to pay you an ongoing monthly fee to receive top quality leadsBecause they will be pay you far LESS for far MORE superior quality leads, making it the easiest possible sale.-The battle-tested, powerfully compelling sales scriptyou’ll use in your conversation with your prospect that will make them think you’re a fellow real estate professional (because folks buy more readily from people they feel are like them).-The equally persuasive scripts,crafted with the wisdom of my 13 years of selling homes, that will deliver a bumper harvest of home owner leads for your delighted clients.You get all this PLUS…-The ‘take you by the hand’ videos…showing you every simple baby step in the whole process. So, pour a drink, sit back and watch as I show you exactly what to do so it will quickly become second nature.SIZE: 128 MBGet Real Estate Lead System Course – Mike Paul, Only Price $49Tag: Real Estate Lead System Course – Mike Paul Review. Real Estate Lead System Course – Mike Paul download. Real Estate Lead System Course – Mike Paul discount.