Ambassador Program 2023 – John Thornhill


Salepage link: At HERE. Archive: now $39 $497, Ambassador Program 2023 – John Thornhill Course.Who Else Wants To ‘Steal’ MyPROVEN Webinar Funnel That LetsYou Claim YOUR Share Of This$1 TRILLION eLearning Boom? Even Better… There is NO Product Creation… NO Traffic Generation… NO Email List… and NO Experience Required!Dear Friend,You’re about to discover how you can claim YOUR share of a 250 BILLION dollar market… soon growing to $1 trillion! One that Forbes says is “among the fastest-growing industries in the world.” In fact, according to a survey conducted by BestColleges, 37% of all U.S. adults are already enthusiastic consumers of these popular digital goods. Many of them using them daily, and…They’re Ravenous For More!Even though it’s already booming, this market is poised for even MORE unprecedented growth.And it’s wide open for YOU to profit, too.In fact, almost anyone with a little ambition and the right guidance can claim their share of the massive fortunes being made in this market.I’ll tell you about it in just a minute. But first, allow me to introduce myself…My name’s John Thornhill. I’m an online entrepreneur, direct response marketing expert, and author.In addition to all that, I’ve been running the Partnership To Success coaching program since 2011, and have many of the most successful marketers and entrepreneurs in the world as students.Just a few of the marketers I’ve personally coached who have gone on to build 6, 7, or even 8 figure businesses include…Omar MartinJon BowtellLee McIntyreSteven AlveyRandy SmithDave NicholsonDan SumnerDawud IslamShelley PenneyKeith PurkissMark WightleyGary AlachTrevor McHaffieDan ThompsonSue WorthingtonAnd literally hundreds more.But believe me… I didn’t have any advantages staring out as an entrepreneur. I’m just an average guy who barely made it out of Thornhill High School in Sunderland. (Yes, I really DO share the same name as the school I went to as a kid!) I wasn’t born with a silver spoon in my mouth, either. So there was no million dollar trust fund or rich uncle to help fund my entrepreneurial journey. In fact, to describe my upbringing as “lower middle class” is being generous.My first 5-6 years as an entrepreneur…HUGE Profits And Here’s What You’ll Get AsAn Ambassador…A Licence To My Tested &Proven Webinar FunnelI will set you up with your very own evergreen webinar funnel promoting my Partnership To Success coaching program. This webinar works like CRAZY for generating leads and sales for you. In fact, once you set it up like I show you, people will be lining up in their droves to buy from you. Because you’ll be tapping into the hottest new trend in internet marketing. (It’s one of the unique “hooks” of this system. And it attracts buyers like a big, fat, juicy steak dropped into a cage of STARVING lions.)You’ll get the registration page, the thank you page, the webinar itself, and the checkout page. Join the Ambassador Program now before the deadline and you’ll get a licence to use this entire funnel as-is. That way you can get it working for you right away. With this webinar, there’s no trial and error. Because the work has already been done FOR you. All you have to do is get this webinar in front of the right eyeballs. (And in the Traffic Trifecta module that’s included as part of your Ambassador training, I show you how to drive the PERFECT potential buyers to this webinar.)Then, follow all the steps I show you and in only a handful of days your Clickbank account could be FLOODED with high-ticket commissions. The Partnership To Success program sells for $1,997, and you will earn a 50% commission on any sales you generate using your webinar funnel (up to $1,182 per sale). You will also earn an additional 50% commission on any backend sales.There’s just one problem. According to Chet Holmes, author of The Ultimate Sales Machine, less than 10% of prospects will be ready to buy right now. So if you just send traffic directly to the webinar, you’re leaving money on the table. Which is why, as an Ambassador, I’m also giving you… My “Done For You” Free Report& High-Converting Opt-In PageJust like that – literally overnight – you’ll have your very own free report and high-converting opt-in page that you can use to generate new subscribers and grow your email list!The report will be custom-branded with YOUR affiliate link. You will receive a 50% commission every time one of your subscribers registers for the webinar and joins my Partnership To Success program using your link.What’s even more exciting is the “know, like and trust” factor that a free report gives you. You’ll gain instant respect and credibility with new subscribers. And I’ll show you how to leverage that positioning power to convert those subscribers into paying customers.As a matter of fact, I’m including an entire 9-part email follow-up sequence that does all the heavy lifting of getting people onto the webinar for you… 100% automatically. And you’re free to use this sequence to promote YOUR webinar funnel, too.If you become one of my Ambassadors, you’re going to have your very own free report that builds you a list of highly engaged prospects… and CONVERTS those prospects into paying customers… in the quickest, simplest and easiest way possible.But that’s just the tip of the iceberg. I want to make sure you’ve got an entire arsenal of tested, proven, high-powered money-making tools.That’s why I’m also giving you… Your Very Own CustomBuilt JV PageYou’ll get your very own JV page that recruits affiliates for you.You will receive a 50% of the profits (up to $591 per sale) every time one of the affiliates you recruit makes a sale. Plus, you will earn 50% of the profits on any backend sales, too. The more affiliates you recruit, the more you will earn.Just so you understand the value of this… one of my affiliates, Steven Alvey, recently generated $66,516 in sales promoting this exact same webinar. This means if Steven was YOUR affiliate, you’d have netted a cool $16,629 in commissions… and you wouldn’t have had to do ANY additional work to earn that money. Now, if you’re excited about getting the licence to ‘steal’ my proven JV page, I think you’ll be just as excited about this:Once you become an Ambassador, you’ll also get access to…  “Profit From My Proven Funnels” Video Walkthrough!You’ll get access to a video training series that takes you through each of the 12 steps you need to take to implement this system in your business and start profiting ASAP!Look over my shoulder as I show you how to set the entire system up in practically no time at all. In fact, it only takes 27 minutes on average to get everything setup and be ready to start driving traffic.Look, it took me decades of blood, sweat and tears to learn the persuasion secrets used in these funnels. But you get to shortcut that entire learning process so you can start benefiting from these as soon as possible.In other words, you get to avoid the agonising years of trial and error required to create PROVEN, high-converting funnels like these. Instead, you get two super successful “done FOR you” money-making funnels… practically handed to you on a silver platter!Even better, I show you exactly how to use them to build your email list and start making money FAST!Trying to come up with an idea for a winning product… writing sales copy… growing an email list… building funnels… well, it’s hard. That’s why I want to take the pressure off your shoulders. So I’ve made it…As Close To “Done-For-You”As I Can Possibly Make It!Total size11.8 GBLanguageEnglishAuthorJohn ThornhillReviews There are no reviews yet.Only logged in customers who have purchased this product may leave a review.Related products Business and Sales Upgrade your productivity – Entheos Academy (VA)$27.00 Original price was: $27.00.$25.00Current price is: $25.00.= 25 Points Add to cart Business and Sales Think and Grow Rich – Napoleon Hill$49.95 Original price was: $49.95.$23.00Current price is: $23.00.= 23 Points Add to cart Business and Sales Mastery Empowerment Course – Lauren Galey$97.00 Original price was: $97.00.$33.00Current price is: $33.00.= 33 Points Add to cart Business and Sales Loan SUPER Marketing Blueprint (King Khang – Wholesale to Million) – King Khang$1,495.00 Original price was: $1,495.00.$224.00Current price is: $224.00.= 224 Points Add to cart Business and Sales Outsource School – OF Insider$997.00 Original price was: $997.00.$85.00Current price is: $85.00.= 85 Points Add to cart Business and Sales “Diamond Wealth of Being” Activation – Jacqueline Joy$88.00 Original price was: $88.00.$28.00Current price is: $28.00.= 28 Points Add to cart Business and Sales Reliable Income – Adam Hudson$1,997.00 Original price was: $1,997.00.$172.00Current price is: $172.00.= 172 Points Add to cart Business and Sales Copywriting For Creatives – Ashlyn Carter$27.00 Original price was: $27.00.$24.00Current price is: $24.00.= 24 Points Add to cart