Copywriting Royalties and Pay for Performance – Roy Furr


The world’s richest, most successful copywriters don’t get paid as much as they do based on showing up and doing the work. They don’t get paid based on the amount of words they write, or the time it takes them. They don’t even get paid exclusively on doing a set project for a client.Rather, they get paid based results.You want to make a ton of money as a copywriter? You must find a way to get paid based on your performance. Based on leads, sales, revenue, profits, new customers, or some other measurable number your client values.Do that? You write your own ticket.Otherwise, you’re pretty much just showing up and punching the clock. No matter if your client is counting hours, words, or project completion.Nearly 100% of my projects since 2010 have included a pay-for-performance component. Here’s what I’ve learned…There are a lot of moving parts when it comes to getting paid royalties on sales generated, or based on any other performance metric.There are pitfalls and tricky language you need to look out for in contracts.There are certain expectations you should know as a copywriter, and certain things you should absolutely expect from clients.There are great clients who you have to choose to turn down, no matter how much you’d like to work with them.There are different ways to present your value to clients, depending on whether they’re a traditional direct response business, or don’t know what direct response or a “copywriter” is.I started in marketing in 2005, went full-time freelance in 2010. I’ve been involved with copywriters in nearly every capacity imaginable since then. Seeing as how I wanted to get paid as much in royalties as possible, I made a special study of the topic.Now, I’ve packaged up everything you need to know to shortcut my entire learning curve.From mindset to the tiniest contract details… Here’s what it takes to get paid based on results generated…I’ll tell you exactly how my royalties arrangements are structured. Including important questions such as whether I ask for a fee or advance. As well as what revenue actually gets counted when it comes time to calculate royalties.Plus, you’ll learn how copying me could be the exact WRONG thing to do if you don’t work with clients like mine, and creative solutions to use instead for clients who are not in traditional direct response niches.If you want to create as much leveraged, scalable income as possible from your marketing and copywriting skills, the secret is to get paid based on performance. By the time you’re done with this training, you’ll know exactly how.Get Copywriting Royalties and Pay for Performance – Roy Furr, Only Price $37Tag: Copywriting Royalties and Pay for Performance – Roy Furr Review. Copywriting Royalties and Pay for Performance – Roy Furr download. Copywriting Royalties and Pay for Performance – Roy Furr discount.