Yoga Sutra Master Course 2: Reversing the Wheel of Karma – Pandit Rajmani Tigunait


The Yoga Sutra is vibrant, powerful, and ripened by the light of centuries of unbroken tradition.The four-part Yoga Sutra Master Course, taught online by Pandit Tigunait, uses the blueprint of sadhana defined in the Yoga Sutra to give the modern yogi all the tools needed to build a life of freedom and fulfillment. Each of the four segments includes approximately eight hours of content, accompanied by a downloadable guidebook and lecture notes.COURSE OUTLINESECTION 1Yoga Sutra Prep School: Why Study Yoga Sutra, Why Now?Why Yoga Sutra, Why Now?Yoga Sutra: The TextPatanjali and His WorldYoga Sutra TimelineYoga Sutra Contextual MapThe Quest of LifeWhy Study the Yoga Sutra and Why Now?Yoga Sutra Talk: Yoga JourneysTraditions that Influenced the Yoga SutraComing Closer to PatanjaliSECTION 2Prep School: Yoga on Your MindHow the Mind WorksMaking the Unconscious ConsciousThe Four Faculties of MindQuick Notes for Yoga Sutra 1:1 -1:11Towards a New Philosophy of LifeSankhya Yoga—A Beginner’s Guide and Five Things to KnowSECTION 3Prep School: Living a Yogic LifestyleSix Pillars of Yogic LivingPillar 1: What Makes a Yogic Diet?Saying Grace at MealsPillar 2: Right ExerciseStretch and BreathePillar 3: Sleep WellAn Experiment with SleepPillar 4: Your Breath and Stress ReductionGuided Diaphragmatic Breathing PracticePillar 5: The Importance of CleansingWhat in the World Is Triphala?Pillar 6: Self-Awareness and ReflectionLifestyle RealitiesLifestyle: Keeping Your Practice SimpleSECTION 4Prep School: Transforming the MindWorking With the MindUniting Breath and MindUniting Breath and Mind Experiential PracticeDaily PracticeContemplative Practice of Sutra 1.33Vairagya: Refining Your Sense of Self-IdentitySuccessful and Non-AttachedConquering Negative HabitsSECTION 5Prep School: Divine Grace, Self-Effort, and God in the Yoga SutraThe Divine in the Yoga SutraWho Is Cod?How Can Ishvara Be Known?Trustful Surrender in Life and in MeditationGuided MeditationThe Concept of God in YogaWhat Is Trustful Surrender?Yoga Sutra Talk: FaithFinding Faith in the Spirit of YogaSECTION 6Prep School: The Wheel of KarmaSamskaras, Karma, and the KleshasCreating Our Character and DestinyThree Types of Karma (Exerpt from Death to Birth)Karma VocabularyThe Law of Karma vs. Divine GraceThe Relationship Between Karma and DestinySatsanga: Wise CompanySummary and ClosingGet Yoga Sutra Master Course 2: Reversing the Wheel of Karma – Pandit Rajmani Tigunait, Only Price $77SECTION 7Part 1: Mastering the Mind — The Secret of the Yoga SutraCourse Notes: Mastering the Mind & Audio RecordingsChapter 1 NotesInvocationIntroduction to the Yoga SutraWhy the Yoga Sutra Now?The Yoga Sutra for Purposeful LivingThe Four Chapters of the Yoga SutraThe Main Message of the Yoga SutraSECTION 8Part 1: Living with PurposeChapter 2 NotesYogic View of LifeThe Cornerstone of Self-ConquestCreating a Yogic LifestyleFive Pillars of a Yogic LifestyleRelying on Direct ExperienceSECTION 9Part 1: The Inherent Power of the MindChapter 3 NotesMind: The Center of the UniverseUnveiling the Mind’s Inherent LuminosityThe Source of Willpower and DeterminationFreeing the Mind of Its ConditioningsSECTION 10Part 1: Unlocking the Power of the MindChapter 4 NotesFive States of MindWhat Happens When the Mind Is Perfectly Still?What Happens When the Mind Is Run by Its Roaming Tendencies?The Subtle Causes of Our Inner RestlessnessThe Technique for Creating a Reality of Our ChoiceSECTION 11Part 1: Path to Self-ConquestChapter 5 NotesPractice and Non-Attachment According to PatanjaliThe Practice (Abhyasa)Non-Attachment (Vairagya)Perfecting the PracticeSECTION 12Part 1: Key to Self-ConquestChapter 6 NotesThe Force Behind Self-ConquestThe Four Steps of Vairagya – Part 1The Four Steps of Vairagya – Part 2SECTION 13Part 1: Obstacles to Self-ConquestChapter 7 NotesNine Categories of ObstaclesFive Companions to the Fundamental ObstaclesYoglc and Ayurvedic Approaches to Conquering ObstaclesA Regimen for Living Life Without ObstaclesSECTION 14Part 1: Yogi in the MakingChapter 8 NotesWhat Makes Us a Yogi?Five Laws for Becoming a Master – Part 1Five Laws for Becoming a Master – Part 2SECTION 15Part 1: Becoming PerfectChapter 9 NotesCrossing the Threshold to Imperishable Power and Wisdom – Part 1Crossing the Threshold to Imperishable Power and Wisdom – Part 2The Benefits of Becoming Established in Inner Luminosity and Inner JoySECTION 16Part 2: Reversing the Wheel of Karma — The Dynamics of Karma and ReincarnationInvocationReversing the Wheel of Karma Course Notes & Audio DownloadsChapter 1 NotesIntroduction: Acquired and Intrinsic Aspects of MindBuilding Blocks of Our IndividualityThe Force That Governs and GuidesChanging the Course of DestinySECTION 17Part 2: The Mystery of Karma, Karmic Impressions, and DestinyChapter 2 NotesKarma Chakra—How the Cycle of Karma WorksWhat Makes Some Karmic Impressions So Powerful?Three Categories of KarmaWhich Karma Creates Destiny?SECTION 18Part 2: Freeing the Mind of Its Karmic ImpressionsChapter 3 NotesCreate New KarmaStory from the MahabharataFive Golden Laws for Creating Positive and Illuminating KarmaStory of Rakshoha, Chitragupta, and BrihaspatiSECTION 19Part 2: Avoiding the Creation of Negative KarmaChapter 4 NotesNeutralizing Negative KarmaFive Negative KarmasListening to Our ConscienceImportance of Avoiding the Five Negative KarmasSECTION 20Part 2: The Force Beyond KarmaChapter 5 NotesThe Gap Between Our Actions and Their FruitsOur Mind and Karmic Impressions When We DieTime, Space, and Law of Cause and Effect When We DieWhat Pulls Us Out of Death?How Do We Return to This World?The Unique Intention of the Divine BeingHow Our Mind, Karma, and Life Force ReuniteSECTION 21Part 2: Our Inner Guide and CompanionChapter 6 NotesThe Inner Guide and Us – Part 1The Inner Guide and Us – Part 2Why We Turn Away from Our Inner GuideDynamics of Our Shrunken SelfDynamics of Divine GraceJourney of Life with Limited Power and WisdomSECTION 22Part 2: Mantra—An Agent of ChangeChapter 7 NotesYogic Meaning of “In the Beginning Was the Word”Relationship Between Mantra, Mind, and the Inner GuideDynamics of Mantra MeditationHow Mantra Turns Our Awareness InwardHow Mantra Frees Us from the Nine ObstaclesSECTION 23Part 2: Dynamics of MeditationChapter 8 NotesPreparing for the Inner QuestLearning to Sit in a Comfortable and Steady PostureUniting the Power of Mind and BreathEntering the Luminous Space WithinUsing Mantra to Sit Firmly in Our Luminous Inner SpaceSECTION 24Part 3: Discovering Your Luminous Joy — Lotus Heart, the Center of Luminous JoyCourse Notes and Audio RecordingsChapter 1 NotesInvocationReview of the Previous Master Course SeminarsIntroduction to Discovering Our Luminous JoyThe Lotus in Different TraditionsThe Lotus in Indian MythologyThe Lotus in the Yoga SutraThe Meeting Ground of the Individual Soul and the Supreme BeingSECTION 25Part 3: Restoring Our Mental PurityChapter 2 NotesThe Fundamental Problem: FearFour Mental Contaminants Born of FearFour Attitudes for Overcoming the Four ContaminantsSECTION 26Part 3: Passage to the Lotus of the HeartChapter 3 NotesLocating the Access Point to Our Inner Heart    The Spiritual Anatomy of Our Nasal Passages and Eyebrow Center   Entering Our Inner Space   Awakening and Absorbing the Energy of Talu Chakra with Pranayama Pranayama Precautions, Prerequisites, and Detailed InstructionSECTION 27Part 3: Removing the Veil Covering the HeartChapter 4 NotesAccessing the Non-Physical Dimension of Our Senses and Sense OrgansUsing Non-Physical Sensory Experience as a Meditative ObjectBecoming Mentally Absorbed in the Luminosity in Our Forehead AreaTranscending Body Consciousness and Becoming Immersed in Inner LightSECTION 28Part 3: Entering the HeartChapter 5 NotesThe Technique for Locating Our Core, the Lotus of the HeartAscending and Descending Between the Lotus of the Heart and the CrownWitnessing the Luminous Joy Arising from Ascending and DescendingSECTION 29Part 3: Guided Meditation on the Lotus of the HeartChapter 6 NotesInstructional Session (48 minutes)Get Yoga Sutra Master Course 2: Reversing the Wheel of Karma – Pandit Rajmani Tigunait, Only Price $77SECTION 30Part 3: The Fruits of MeditationChapter 7 NotesThe Rise of Intuitive WisdomBecoming Established in Self-Luminous 3oyUnfolding Our Innate Ingenuity and CreativityLoosening Our Weaknesses—Our Mental ConditioningsParticipating in the World Without Becoming Caught in ItSECTION 31Part 3: Guided Meditation on the Lotus of the Heart, 2Chapter 8 NotesExperiential Session (49 minutes)SECTION 32Part 4: Samadhi — Freedom Here & Now — The Quest for SamadhiInvocationInvocation MantrasCourse Notes and Audio RecordingsChapter 1 NotesReview of the Previous SeminarsThe Secret of SamadhiSamadhi as a Process and a State of Pure ExperienceSECTION 33Part 4: Overcoming the Biggest HurdlesChapter 2 NotesThe Problem of Letting GoFalse Expectations, Unbalanced Living, and Lack of PreparationSECTION 34Part 4: The Four Stages of Lower (Sabija) SamadhiChapter 3 NotesThe Difference Between Meditation and SamadhiSamadhi Manifesting from Meditation on a Physical ObjectSamadhi Manifesting from Meditation on a Subtle ObjectSamadhi Manifesting from Meditation on Our Innate Joy and LuminositySECTION 35Part 4: The Technique for Inner ImmersionChapter 4 NotesHow the Mind Takes On the Qualities of the Meditative ObjectUsing Breath as the Object of MeditationHow Meditation Becomes Subtle, Leading to Inner Joy and LuminositySECTION 36Part 4: Reaching the Highest (Nirbija) Stage of SamadhiChapter 5 NotesThe Difference Between Lower and Higher Samadhi – Part 1   The Difference Between Lower and Higher Samadhi – Part 2    What Prevents Us from Reaching the Highest Samadhi?    How We Know That We Are Progressing Toward the Highest Samadhi SECTION 37Part 4: The Most Crucial Stage—Dharma Megha SamadhiChapter 6 NotesThe Transitional State Between Lower and Higher SamadhiThe Spontaneous Dawning of a Flawlessly Transparent MindThe Demolition of the Wall of Duality and Our Sense of LonelinessSECTION 38Part 4: The Highest Reward—Ultimate Freedom and Unending JoyChapter 7 NotesFreedom from the Effects of Causes    Transformation of Our Old Mind into the Light of Pure Consciousness Freedom from the Desire for Liberation from Birth and Death    The Privilege of Being a Conduit for Divine WillSECTION 39Part 4: Meditation on the Lotus of the HeartExperiential SessionSECTION 40Part 1 Live Stream: Mastering the MindFriday, Nov 14, 7:30 EST — The Yoga Sutra: The Road Map for a Personal Qu…Saturday, Nov 15,10:00 EST — The Wonder We Are: Our Body and MindSaturday, Nov 15,3:30 EST — Deploying the Forces of Our Body and MindSaturday, Nov 15, 7:30 EST — Finding Our ConnectionSunday, Nov 16,10:00 EST — Attaining SamadhiSECTION 41Part 2 Live Stream: Reversing the Wheel of KarmaFriday, Feb 13, 7:30 EST— Mind, Karma, & ReincarnationSaturday, Feb 14, 9:30 EST—The Power to Design Our DestinySaturday, Feb 14, 3:30 EST—Energizing the Solar Plexus: The Focus on Pran…Saturday, Feb 14 7:30 EST—The Force Beyond Karma and DestinySunday, Feb 15, 9:30 EST—The Transformative Power of Mantra and Medita…SECTION 42Part 3 Live Stream: Discovering Your Luminous JoyFriday, May 22, 7:30pm EST —The Unique Qualities of the Heart CenterSaturday, May 23,10:00am EST — Clearing the Passage: Manipura Chakra &…Saturday, May 23, 3:00pm — Practicum: Hatha Yoga & Pranayama Techniq…Saturday, May 23, 7:30pm EST — Entering the Heart CenterSunday, May 24,10:00am EST — Immersion in the State of Vishoka and 3yo…SECTION 43Part 4 Live Stream: Samadhi—Freedom Here & NowFriday, August 21st, 7:30 EST—Samadhi: The Most Natural State of BeingSaturday, August 22nd, 10am EST—Steps to SamadhiSaturday, August 22nd, 3:30pm EST — PracticumSaturday, August 22nd, 7:30pm EST — Dharma Megha Samadhi: Reaching …Sunday, August 23rd, 10am EST — Closing the Chasm: Nirbija SamadhiSECTION 44Supportive Materials: Q&A—Mastering the MindWhat Do You Mean By Binding and Releasing Forces of the Mind?How Can I Practice When I’m Not Inspired?How Do I Create an Environment That Is Conducive to Practice?What Are the Main Elements of a Yogic Lifestyle?What Are the Precautions and Prerequisites for Practicing Yoga?What Are the Major Obstacles Encountered in the Practice of Yoga?What Do I Get from Samadhi?Why Do Some Succeed Easily in Practice and Others Struggle?SECTION 45Supportive Materials: Q&A—Reversing the Wheel of KarmaWhy Are We Reborn?What Does Mindfulness Really Mean?How and When to Be Selfless?Successful and Non-AttachedIs Anyone Not Bound by the Law of Karma?Mantra: What It Is and Why We Use ItMeditation on Mantra vs. Meditation on “Pure Being”Which Mantra Is Right for Me?Using Mantra Vs. Emptying the MindSECTION 46Supportive Materials: Q&A— Discovering Your Luminous JoyThe Relationship Between Tantra and Yoga   Meditation on the Heart Chakra vs. the Crown Chakra    Anahata Chakra and the Lotus of the Heart    What Stops Us from Reaching Our Inner Divinity?    How to Gain Access to the Lotus of the Heart    Is the Lotus of the Heart a Physical Space?    Why Is It So Difficult to Experience the Lotus of the Heart?    What Do You Mean by Self-Luminous Joy and Inner Luminosity?    How Do We Know Our Experience of Inner Light Is Real?    What Kind of Transformation Occurs Through Meditation at the Lotus oft… Balancing Mantra Meditation and Meditation on the Lotus of the HeartSECTION 47Supportive Materials: Q&A—Samadhi, Here & NowHow Do We Prepare for Samadhi?    Is Samadhi a Process or a State of Experience?    Do We Reach Samadhi Through Practice or Grace?    Sabija and Nirbija Samadhi Explained   When We Reach Samadhi Are We All-Knowing?   How Does Samadhi Impact Our Worldly Life?    In Samadhi Are We Free from Inner Turmoil?    Are We Free from the Realities of Life in Samadhi?    How Long Does Samadhi Last?    What Is the Most Significant Stage of Samadhi?    If We Drop Our Practice Before Samadhi, Do We Have to Start All Over? What Do You Mean by Freedom and Unending Joy?Get Yoga Sutra Master Course 2: Reversing the Wheel of Karma – Pandit Rajmani Tigunait, Only Price $77Tag: Yoga Sutra Master Course 2: Reversing the Wheel of Karma – Pandit Rajmani Tigunait Review. 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