2018 SEO Strategy and Software – Terry Kyle


INSTANT rankings & INSTANT traffic from Google WITHOUT Backlinks. Ever?Terry Kyle’s ALL-NEW 2018 SEO Strategy & Software Does Just That.With your OWN websites, NOT YouTube videos & NOT Parasite pages.Any Niche.Any Country.Strong Buyer Intent Keywords.Say goodbye FOREVER to PBNs, building/buying links and waiting weeks, months or forever to rank on Google & see traffic.Here’s some proof with absolutely ZERO backlinking:And this MTS test site newly targeting Asus laptop searching traffic is on track for thousands of visits a month from Google solely through Monster Truck SEO software + tactics:Here we started tracking traffic on Monster Truck SEO tactics on this expired domain with ZERO previous traffic on October 2 2017:Here we started tracking traffic on Monster Truck SEO tactics on this expired domain with ZERO previous traffic on October 3 2017:And here we used just ONE aspect of Monster Truck SEO strategy to INSTANTLY rank at #1 for a load of cosmetics terms in Italy (though it’s the TRAFFIC we care about, fully explained inside the program):What exactly is Monster Truck SEO?Monster Truck SEO – by Terry Kyle – is an all-new training + mass automation tools platform for unprecedented, industrial scale SEO ‘mining’ of the MASSIVE new + old longtail search query action online wherein Google processes around 800 million all-new, first-time-ever-used search terms DAILY and the conventional tools for keyword research both [a] usually don’t show these search terms at all, and [b] if they do, miscalculate estimated search volume for such terms (they show zero traffic when there is often considerable traffic, proof above).Targeting such terms – when done properly – means basically zero SEO competition, INSTANT rankings on Google (with good domains/sites) and INSTANT traffic from the Google SERPs.In any niche, in any country, with your OWN websites, NOT YouTube videos and NOT Parasites.Read more here to understand the ENORMOUS SCALE of [a] the longtail, and [b] the NEW longtail that grows daily and is WIDE OPEN to us SEOs with virtually ZERO competition:https://searchengineland.com/google-reaffirms-15-searches-new-never-searched-273786https://searchengineland.com/google-now-handles-2-999-trillion-searches-per-year-250247Get off the PBN & Backlink treadmill forever & start getting traffic from Google TODAY:3 Day Full Money Back Guarantee(MONTHLY SUBSCRIPTION INC. MASS AUTOMATION SOFTWARE TOOLSET + FREE HOSTING FOR 100 SITES)What Exactly Do You Get With Monster Truck SEO?–  Access to the FULL Monster Truck SEO strategy & training syllabus (17+ modules)– MTS Generator software platform: industrial scale platform for large scale MTS testing in your niche/s– MTS Mass Post Producer WP plugin: for large scale auto-generation of MTS test pages with content automatically populated– Access to FREE hosting on Rackspace for 100 HTML sites – for your Monster Truck SEO work AND/OR your own PBNs, it’s up to you (comparable hosting, e.g. on pbn.hosting, costs $179 a month)– Access to the private Monster Truck SEO Mastermind Facebook Group– Access to all of Terry Kyle’s previous SEO program, SEO Traffic Hacks (normally $99 monthly)– Access to all of Terry Kyle’s previous email marketing program, Email Marketing Academy (normally $99 monthly)Tag: 2018 SEO Strategy and Software – Terry Kyle Review. 2018 SEO Strategy and Software – Terry Kyle download. 2018 SEO Strategy and Software – Terry Kyle discount.