Post-COVID Syndrome: Addressing Your Must-Know Questions – Dr. Paul Langlois


We are hearing different terminology but one thing is evident….up to 83% of patients are experiencing persistent symptoms after acute SARS-CoV-2 infection. Symptoms that are not explained by an alternative diagnosis.While there remains a tremendous degree of speculation on Post-COVID Syndrome, I will provide you with the most current, scientific and peer reviewed data to assess and treat your own patients.  Join me, Dr. Paul Langlois, APN, Ph.D., CCRN, CCNS, CNRN, a critical care clinical specialist, for a 90-minute presentation that will tackle what you must know today.  Because of how quickly new research is being released related to Post-COVID Syndrome, there are plenty of questions that exist.  Questions from patients certainly.  And questions for those of us on the frontlines as well. We will discuss actual case studies to feature evaluation of disease trajectory and rehabilitation modalities.   I will share references, current guidelines and patient education tools. Let’s continue to learn from one another.  To be our best.  So that we can give our best to the patients we see.  There is so much hope on the horizon! Dr. Paul Langlois, APN, Ph.D., CCRN, CCNS, CNRN and the PESI Healthcare Team Analyze co-morbid conditions of people at risk for developing Post-COVID Syndrome. Evaluate the top four physical symptoms of Post-COVID Syndrome. Categorize the degree of organ dysfunction of Post-COVID Syndrome, using physical and laboratory test results. Construct a plan to minimize fatigue and poor endurance in Post-COVID Syndrome. Stages of RecoveryInpatient Outpatient Risk Factors for Post-COVID Relapse Chronic kidney disease COPD Immunocompromised conditions Obesity  Heart failure Smoking Type II diabetes Liver disease Dementia Hypertension Post-COVID Persistent Symptoms Fatigue Dyspnea Chest discomfort Cough Anosmia Hypercoagulability Impaired memory Post-traumatic stress disorder Impaired memory Poor concentration Anxiety Management of Post-COVID Complications  CV Pulmonary Neurologic and neuro-cognitive Coagulation system Olfactory Functional status Psychological Dermatologic Get Post-COVID Syndrome: Addressing Your Must-Know Questions – Dr. Paul Langlois, Only Price $29Tag: Post-COVID Syndrome: Addressing Your Must-Know Questions – Dr. Paul Langlois Review. Post-COVID Syndrome: Addressing Your Must-Know Questions – Dr. Paul Langlois download. Post-COVID Syndrome: Addressing Your Must-Know Questions – Dr. Paul Langlois discount.covid syndrome depression, covid syndrome treatment, covid syndrome rash, covid syndrome timeline, covid syndrome day by day.