Stick Strategy Secrets – Alex Mandossian


Discover the Fastest, Easiest, Most Enjoyable Ways to Generate Repeat Business, Win Referrals, and Increase Your Revenue and ProfitsPut your lead-generation on auto-pilot … and attract better-qualified prospectsBreak through email clutter and pre-qualify potential customersReduce refunds, keep more clients and boost client lifetime valueEffortlessly build credibility and trust with skeptical buyersGenerate more word-of-mouth and direct referralsFind world-class vendors … and leverage them for more businessWednesday, April 8, 2020SAN FRANCISCO, CADear Friend,When you’re looking for ways to maximize profits and minimize losses … bubble gum, Krazy Glue™ and Velcro™ are probably not the first things that pop into your mind.But you should.Because these common household items hold the key to maximizing profits without working extra hours – and without spending a single dime more on advertising.You see … getting “sticky” is the key to outrageous financial success in business.Unfortunately, most entrepreneurs don’t know or choose to overlook this simple truth … and instead select less effective, more time-consuming strategies in their quest to find bigger profits.The Top 3 Mistakes Entrepreneurs Make When Pursuing Bigger ProfitsMistake #1: They work harder and longer.Most entrepreneurs sacrifice free time, vacations, evenings at home with the family, time out with friends, exercise and sleep in a quest to maximize the hours they log at work. Their Calvinistic work ethic mistakenly leads them to believe that the longer and harder they work, the more money they’ll make.Why this is a mistake: You went into business for yourself to have more time and flexibility. Worker longer and harder will burn you out … and wreak havoc with your relationships. Worst of all, sacrificing self-care eventually decreases your productivity and increases the chances of making costly errors.Mistake #2: They slash expenses.One part of the profit equation is expenses … so profit-hungry entrepreneurs chop away at expenditures with a vengeance. They stop spending money on employee education. They cut back on marketing and advertising. They nickel and dime every vendor they can in the quest to lower their bills.Why this is a mistake:  The areas that get trimmed are most often the areas that should be invested in … IF you want to survive and thrive. Not investing in yourself and employees means that eventually you’ll fall behind your competitors in terms of knowledge and skills. Not investing in marketing means eventually your customers will forget about you. Squeezing vendors for every cent eventually will sour key relationships.Mistake #3: They prospect for more clients.After all, more clients will generate more revenue, right?Why this is a mistake: Landing new clients takes time and money – anywhere from 5 to 10 times as much as it does to make a repeat sale to an existing customer. It’s far easier to get a client to buy a second time than it is to make a first-time sale.Growing your clientele is fine … but not when you’ve overlooked faster, easier and cheaper methods to increase revenue.Listen, I don’t want you to make these critical mistakes. Especially when so many business owners are struggling to survive … and especially when there are so many easy ways to boost profits quickly.That’s why I’m writing.The Secret to Eye-Popping Profits RevealedHighly profitable businesses know that the secret to increasing revenue and minimizing losses is having a follow-up system in place to nurture new customers. Even the simplest forms of follow-up can help to:Decrease your refund ratesTurn more first-time buyers into repeat customers And ensure that existing customers stay with you for life!I call them “Stick Strategies” because they do just that: They make your sales stick … and they make your customers stick.So why don’t most companies use stick strategies? Personally, I think it’s because many entrepreneurs like the adrenaline rush of pursuing and landing new clients.Others think that the process of following up is complicated, expensive and time-consuming.In fact, stick strategies can be ridiculously easy, fun and low-cost. Plus, you can put them on autopilot … leaving you free to focus on servicing existing customers and drumming up new business.I believe so firmly in the power of stick strategies that I’ve partnered with one of the world’s leading experts on stick strategies – my good friend, Joe Polish of Piranha Marketing – to create a brand-new training program. Get Stick Strategy Secrets – Alex Mandossian, Only Price $127Discover the E.L.F. Approach to Making Sales and Customers StickIn Stick Strategy Secrets™: Time-Tested Tactics That Maximize Profits and Minimize Losses, you’ll discover 106 time-proven stick strategies and tactics to use when selling your products and services … plus real-life case studies, templates, samples and scripts to help you put them to work immediately in your business.Stick Strategy Secrets™ shows you exactly how to form bonds and develop lasting relationships with the customers and clients you already have. So you can…Make more sales with less effort than everReduce your refunds and the losses associated with themAdd huge sums to your bottom line Create an army of loyal repeat customersStand head and shoulders above your competitorsReduce your marketing investments while increasing your returnsGenerate priceless word of mouth and “buzz” among your customersVisit the bank more often to deposit your checks!Best of all, these strategies what Joe calls “E.L.F.” – Easy, Lucrative, and Fun.The tactics you’ll discover will take mere minutes to implement. And once they’re set up, you can put them on autopilot. So they do the critical work of nurturing client relationships … while you invest your time finding new business and thinking up even better ways to serve customers.How do I know?I Use These Strategies Myself … and Learned Many of Them From JoeI consider myself a good marketer. Others seem to agree – many thought leaders have confided that they consider me to be one of the top 10 direct marketers in the world.The proof? I’ve helped my clients generate over $300 million in sales and profits for my clients and partners via “electronic marketing” media such as TV Infomercials, online catalogs, 24-hour recorded messages, voice/fax broadcasting, Teleseminars, Webinars, Podcasts and Internet Marketing.I’ve consulted Carnegie Training, New York University, 1ShoppingCart,, Rokenbok Toys, and with top business leaders such as Mark Victor Hansen, Les Brown, Brian Tracy, Joe Vitale, John Childers, T. Harv Eker, Dr. Stephen Covey, Harvey Mackay andmany others.My business has grown into a multi-million-dollar operation. Revenue has increased more than 4,000 percent since my first year in business – in fact, I turned my 2001 annual revenue into an hourly income by 2006.But when I met Joe, I discovered just how much moreI had to learn when it came to stick strategies.Joe is an unparalleled genius when it comes to using stick strategies to build easy, lucrative and fun businesses. He made his fortune in an almost-invisible niche by showing carpet cleaners how to crush the competition and turn their small local businesses into money-churning machines. His unique mix of real-world experience and stunning financial success has turned him into one of the most well-known, respected, “complete marketing geniuses” in the world.Consulting clients from many different countries each happily pay up to $10,000 a day just to hear his advice. His boot camps attract convention-sized audiences full of famous entrepreneurs and many of the “superstars” of marketing and advertising.Joe’s phenomenally success marketing systems are firmly rooted in stick strategies. He excels at spotting hidden opportunities to strengthen and leverage client relationships.Best of all, his techniques are easy, fun, lucrative … and can be done almost entirelyon autopilot.7 Ways You’ll BenefitWhen you’re armed with Stick Strategy Secrets™, you’ll know how to:Turn your first-time buyers into lifetime customers. The father of direct mail, Dick Benson, found that if you can get a second sale out of your customers, you can count on them to be worth 3X as much to you over the course of their lifetime.Transform your business into money machine.  Stick strategies give you the ability to quickly and robotically respond to the purchasing actions of your customers. You won’t have to stand around waiting for orders to magically appear. Stick strategies let you take a “proactive approach” that automatically guides customers down the purchasing path that you’ve already paved for them.Fatten the bottom-line of all your products/services! The cost of acquiring a customer for the second sale is ZERO. You already have them! Which means that you are operating at pure profit with your existing customers. The second, third, and fourth sales all go directly into your pocket.Generate referral business … and save on marketing costs. Referred customers are the best type to have – they come pre-qualified and usually are eager to buy. One entire section of Stick Strategy Secrets™ focuses on how you can generate more referral business.Instantly gain a HUGE competitive advantage. It doesn’t matter if you’re up against one, ten, or even 100 competitors. I guarantee you that none of them are using these stick strategies. The simple fact is … most business owners don’t understand the critical nature of stick strategies.Save money. Most of these stick strategies are inexpensive to implement. Some are absolutely free!Increase productivity. If you’re like most business owners, you want to devote your time to the activities that produce revenue. The good news is that Stick Strategy Secrets™ allows you to put your customer follow-up on autopilot. So you can invest your time in activities that increase revenue.Make Your Entire Marketing and Customer Service Process “Sticky”Stick Strategy Secrets™ is a 6-module training program. When you enroll, you’ll get instant access to all training materials. Take a look at some of the powerful lessons and strategies you’ll learn in each module.Module 1: No-Staff Selling System & Automatic Lead GenerationTalking to prospects can quickly hog up hours of your day, particularly if you have to spend time educating prospects about what you do and answering the same questions time after time.During this module, you’ll learn strategies to educate and pre-qualify customers using 16 different automated tools. End result? You’ll have more time to take care of paying customers. Discover:The 2 most important types of recorded messages to test (don’t worry – we even provide the script for you to make this super-easy)The hidden benefit that will come once you systematize your marketing system (Hint: your family will thank you for it!)Shockingly easy ways to increase the number of leads that are coming into your businessWhat your prospects really want … and how giving this to them will make them more likely to buy from youThe 2-step process that allows you to sell without sellingThe real reason prospective customers shop on price (hint: ultimately, YOU are at fault) … and how to change the criteria they use when making buying decisionsHow to adjust the way you deliver information when selling so that prospects let their guard downHow a simple sticker can slash your product refund rate in half virtually overnight … and more importantly, what happens in your customer’s mind to make this elegant solution work so wellThe hands-down most important question to ask first when returning a prospective customer’s call … and how making this vital change will save you hours of otherwise-wasted timeThe key differences between H.A.L.F. and E.L.F. marketing strategies … and how converting to the latter will increase your profits and peace of mind  What most marketers don’t understand about building relationships with customers … and how mastering this concept will increase the value and length of customer relationships  How long a 24-hour recorded message should be (I guarantee you’ll be shocked)Why prospects will thank you for requiring them to jump through a few hurdles before they hire youThe unusual bonus to offer to customers to increase the length of their relationship with your company (hint: it has virtually nothing to do with the added value they get from using this resource)The clever way to use eavesdropping to generate more sales and lower your return rates The best type of information to get prospects to call you for … and what never, ever to call this item    The 5 magic words that will automatically increase the number of calls you get from prospective clientsModule 2: Fax-Voice Broadcasting & Proven Script TemplatesFaxes and voice broadcasts (pre-recorded messages) are powerful – yet often overlooked – marketing tools. During this module, you’ll discover 30 different ways to use fax and voice broadcasts to promote to and pre-qualify prospects, as well as how voice broadcasting differs wildly from the more common (and annoying) auto-dialed telemarketing.Not sure you want to use fax or voice broadcasting? No worries (though we think you might change your mind after going through this module)! You’ll learn how to adapt the specific strategies we teach to other media if you choose. Discover:The truth about whether long copy or short copy is best (we’ll tell you the only thing that is guaranteed to NEVER work)The one quality that makes good marketing great (most people don’t do this … and as a result, they overlook tactics that could transform their marketing results)Why boxing can help you become a better marketer (taking this approach practically guarantees you’ll boost your sales … without increasing your costs much)How to get paid thousands of dollars for your consulting … without ever having to talk to a single client  The most important day of the year (at least, according to your clients and students) … and how to leverage this to build a stronger relationshipA below-the-radar way to warm prospects up to the idea of attending a seminar or bootcamp (best of all, other people will be doing much of the pre-selling for you)Deliver a service? Try this technique to help clients squeeze even more value from their investment … and build a ton of goodwill in the processDo appointment cancellations wreak havoc with your schedule? Here’s a proven way to fill empty slots in your calendar quickly  The only prerequisite you must be able to meet to be successful at voice broadcasting (get ready to generate returns on your investment as high as 100:1)The critical difference between voice broadcasting and auto-dialing – this is essential if you don’t want to anger people by calling themThe potentially deadly error that most marketers make when communicating with prospects vs. customers (fix this and you’ll almost instantly boost your profitability)Discover the response-killing no-no’s to avoid when choosing web site URLs … and what to do if your preferred URL is already takenAre your prospects overwhelmed with advertising messages? Here’s what to add to your marketing funnel to get more people reading your messages – especially if you publish a newsletterWhy most people who use voice or fax broadcasting fail miserably – discover the biggest mistakes to avoid and the underlying principle that, if you follow it, practically guarantees your success  What to offer – and how – to scoop up more abandoned sales (we’ll give you a tried-and-proven script that makes once-lackadaisical customers frantic with worry at the idea of not getting through)An easy way to get affiliates motivated to promote your products, services and events … for penniesThe essential formatting tip that can transform your marketing results when sending faxes (if you’ve ever had disastrous results, this could easily be the problem – good news, you can fix it in seconds)The right (and highly profitable) way to use fax broadcasting with high-end clients  Get Stick Strategy Secrets – Alex Mandossian, Only Price $127Module 3: Client Bond-Builders and Snail Mailing for DollarsYour customers face dozens of choices when it comes to selecting the products and services you provide. During this session, you’ll discover 24 top-secret strategies for bonding with your clients using direct mail. You’ll not only be their #1 choice … they’ll be more likely to refer friends and colleagues to you, too.Warning:This module will give you a serious edge over your competitors. Most companies overlook the importance of bonding with existing clients because they’re too focused on finding new customers. Employ even a handful of these proven bond-builders, and you’ll create customers for life.How to get customers to pay you for the bonus gifts you offer when promoting products, services or eventsSpeaking at a seminar? Use this low-cost tool to generate more back-of-the-room sales at the eventHow to properly set the context of any free offer you make … so prospects respond in droves and cherish what you give themHow to ethically train customers to buy … and create a positive change in the world at the same timeAn amazing way to thank customers for their business (do this exactly as we show you … and they won’t get mad if you ever mess something up)An easy way to reactive old clients for less than a quarter What you must get customers to do first before you can ever hope that they’ll buy from you againA proven 3-part formula you can use to communicate with clients after a sale … and one of the best methods for contacting them (tip: it’s NOT e-mail)Want to find the best prospects for your business? Discover the rule that marketing legend Joe Sugarman uses to cultivate the best leadsWhy irritating your prospects can actually be good for business (if prospects don’t seem to pay much attention to your marketing messages, you do not want to miss this!)A respectful – and effective – way to get clients with past-due invoices to pay their bills … without resorting to a collection agencyHow to reactive past clients that you’ve ignored with a simple 2-page letter (this model has produced response rates as high as 28% in some industries)The single-most important piece of communication you should send if you offer your own seminars, workshops or bootcampsHow to grab prospects’ attention in a crowded marketplace (see what’s been proven to work in even the most competitive industries)The more senses you involve, the more effective your marketing will be – discover the sense that most people forget about and 2 creative ways to involve it   The key rule to keep in mind when evaluating whether or not you can afford lumpy mail promotions3 ways to generate interest in your seminars, bootcamps and other speaking engagementsAffiliate marketing can help you generate a lot of business … but you must understand this one rule first to do wellModule 4: The Social Proof System for MORE Sales & ProfitsWhen customers are uncertain, they look to the people and environment around them for clues about how to feel and act. This is called “social proof.” During this module, you’ll discover ways to employ social proof to gain credibility and trust with prospects and clients. The best part? All 36 tactics can be put on auto-pilot.12 strategies you can use to employ social proof in your marketingThe surprising source of some of the best copy you can ever find (hint: it won’t be written by you or a professional copywriter)The social proof strategy that everyone uses … but most take for granted (you’ll also discover 5 “secret ingredients” that will amp up the pulling power of this approach)Why conditional guarantees aren’t all bad … and when using one can motivate customers to take action4 things to incorporate into your website to super-charge your testimonials (these are especially important if your prospects tend to be skeptical about written testimonials)What spoiled produce can teach you about marketing … and how to apply this insight to generate more (and more powerful) testimonialsThe thing that most business owners do in an attempt to provide good service … but that actually inhibits their business growthAn innovative way to use surveys to excavate social proof you can use to sell more products, services and eventsThe best time and place to snag video testimonials from clients … and how many marketers mess this up36 different tools you can use to provide social proof to prospects and customers … and the type that is most effectiveDon’t want to be at the mercy of your customers’ way of deciding whether or not to buy from you? Make sure you have this in placeThe 3 types of customers every business has … and which are most likely to give you rave reviewsWhy disloyal customers are sometimes your best customers … and what will give you the best advantage at winning their businessWhy “time is money” is a myth … and what you should be focused on instead if you want to maximize your income and your time offHow to turbo-charge the photos that accompany your client testimonials (not only will this make the rave reviews more powerful … it will grab more attention, too)The #1 most important thing to do if you ever host your own events (this is key whether you have 30 people in the room … or 300)The 2 things you absolutely must do if you want to squeeze the most relaxation and rejuvenation out of your days off (warning: these will seem counter-intuitive … but they actually make clients respect and want you more)The wildly creative way to spur customers into implementing more of what you teach them … and then giving you killer testimonials to incorporate into your marketingModule 5: Referral Maximization & PR Money Machine SecretsMost business owners focus on marketing and prospecting when they want new clients. Savvy entrepreneurs like you focus instead on generating more referrals. During this session, you’ll discover 24 tested tactics to generate more referrals … none of which require you to pick up the phone and ask.The popular saying that will help you gauge your ability to effectively generate word-of-mouth advertisingThe most important thing you should do when thanking clients for referrals if you want them to continue sending customers your way4 habits you must cultivate in yourself and your business if you want clients to feel safe, comfortable and confident sending business your wayThe often-overlooked reason that referrals are great for your business (this is the real reason celebrity endorsements work so well)2 categories of rewards you can use to thank clients for referrals … and how to tell which one will work best for your businessA clever way to get more referrals simply by doing most of the work for your clients (as a bonus, you’ll naturally discover if they are dissatisfied with any aspect of their experience with you)Worried that stick strategies will take up too much of time, even when they’re automated? Here’s the easiest solutionThe key guideline to remember if you don’t want your products or services to be treated like commodities (all successful business – from Chuck E. Cheese to Disneyland – live and breathe this rule)What you’ll need to do to generate referrals if you don’t have a world-class product or service, discipline and follow-through abilities (don’t worry, not everyone does … but you can still make referral marketing work for you)Why “pretty is sticky” … and how to apply this concept to online and off-line marketing piecesThe commonly overlooked stick strategy that every retailer is using … whether they realize it or notWhat savvy teens and rock stars can teach you about referral marketing (plus, you’ll learn a quick tip for increasing your “cool factor” among the younger generation)How to get raving fans to pay you for your marketing (once they’re on board, they’ll generate word-of-mouth marketing for you around the clock)The courteous (and clever) way to entice one individual into giving you multiple referralsThe one strategy that you should NEVER use if you get angry or resentful when people don’t follow through (although highly effective, there’s a chance unscrupulous people will take advantage of you)2 rules to follow when writing emails (using these to start your emails will automatically prepare your readers to buy)How to leverage the work you do as an affiliate to promote other experts’ products … and why this strategy will ultimately generate more sales of your own products and eventsThe 4 I’s that will help you make more money … and have more fun while doing itModule 6: Direct-Response Networking for Dollars (Turning Pro)Vendors are the #1 source of hyper-qualified, pre-sold prospects. Discover the 12 key attributes to look for when selecting vendors … and how to automatically monetize the professional relationships you make.The 4 most important things to do – even if you’re using only 1 stick strategy – to maximize profits and minimize lossesThe guerrilla approach to evaluating vendors that you’re considering doing business withIt’s smart business sense to outsource the things you aren’t good at – here’s what to look for when shopping for vendorsThe 1 thing you should incorporate into your marketing mix to warm up prospects (83% of them prefer communicating with your company this way … yet few entrepreneurs use it)The secondary way to reach customers if you want to increase response to your snail-mail newsletterWhich groups of people you should use voice broadcast to reach (hint: most organizations chose the wrong group every time … which is why so many people hate telemarketers)The bonus benefit of stick strategies that even your family will thank you forA nifty tool that lets new prospects know you appreciate their interest when you are too swamped to take their phone callHow to show customers that your business is keeping pace with their needs, wants and demands … while still giving yourself what you need to rechargeHow to shorten the number of contacts your prospects need to recognize you … and the minimum number of times you need to contact prospectsThe #1 question you should be prepared to answer before interviewing a vendor3 questions a vendor should be able to answer during an initial consultation … and 2 questions you should ask yourself to clarify whether a vendor is someone you want to work withThe surprising – and most important – reason you want a vendor who is willing to fire you (tip: “the client is always right” is guaranteed to cause you huge problems)The 5-word response you want to hear from a vendor when there’s a problem (whenever you find one who knows these magic words … do anything you can to keep them) Get Stick Strategy Secrets – Alex Mandossian, Only Price $127Time-Tested and Proven to Deliver Outrageous ResultsEvery one of the stick strategies you’ll learn have been tested and proven, time and again. They work in every industry, for any type of product or service.Just follow what others have said and done, and not only will you come out ahead, you will DEVOUR your competitors!In Stick Strategy Secrets™ you’ll see dozens of case studies that show you exactly how regular businesses have used these time-tested tactics to their advantage.You’ll see and hear these strategies in action. You’ll witness the outrageous results that happen without fail. You’ll experience voice broadcasts. You’ll listen to free recorded messages.We take you through the entire process of each stick strategy we present … so you can see first-hand how powerful and effective they are!More than $17,000 Worth of BonusesBonus #1:   53 Scripts, Samples and TemplatesWe want to make it fast, easy and fun to implement the stick strategies you learn in this information packaged program. That’s why you’ll receive 53 different scripts, samples and templates – for everything from getting prospects to open their order, collecting testimonials, generating referrals, and even collecting on past-due bills – to guide and inspire you as you create your own messages. (A $13,800 Value)Bonus #2:   The Anatomy of a Robotic Classified Ad System™Do you dread hiring employees because of the massive amount of time you must spend wading through emails and resumes? You’ll love this bonus training, in which I walk you through the step-by-step system I created to cull the most qualified prospects from the pool of candidates. I’ve used this system to hire bookkeepers, nannies, housekeepers, executive assistants and more – in a fraction of the time it used to take.Case in point:The last time I used a traditional hiring process to hire a bookkeeper, I fielded 142 phone calls from a single Craigslist ad. It was nuts and wasted hours of precious time. The first time I used my Robotic Classified Ad System™ to hire a new bookkeeper (mine was leaving to take care of her new baby), I received only 14 calls, set up only 6 interviews (all with 5-star candidates) … and ended up hiring 2 people. You’ll receive a recording and transcript of this powerful training teleseminar, plus samples of the marketing materials I use to find candidates. (A $149 Value)Bonus #3:   Piranha Marketing Manual™Jam-packed with 105 time-proven marketing strategies, this best-selling manual shows carpet cleaners how to generate more clients in a month than they current do in a year. Every strategy and tactic can be adapted for your own business, regardless of the industry. (A $697 Value)Bonus #4:   Negotiation Secrets™Discover time-tested tactics to secure new clients faster, better and with less effort … even if you’re on a shoestring budget. Discover the 12 major mistakes people make when negotiating with prospective clients, how to head off “scope creep” … where your project grows beyond the parameters you agreed to without generating any additional income, 5 ways to structure your fees, how to handle refund requests, and more. (A $149 Value)Bonus #5:   The Consumer Guide Generator Worksheet™Consumer guides (a fancy term for “free reports”) are a workhorse when it comes to attracting leads. This 8-page worksheet makes it a breeze to quickly create a highly powerful consumer guide that captivates prospects … and subtly educates them about why you are the vendor of choice. (A $97 Value)Bonus #6:   Fundamentals of Consumption Theory™You’re thrilled when clients purchase a product or download a free report. But if they never “consume” the information you’ve given them … they’ll never fully recognize the value you’re offering or benefit from implementing what you’re teaching. In this 62-page guide, you’ll discover principle-centered tactics for encouraging customers to consume your products after the sale. Use these powerful ideas to reduce refund rates, generate referrals, effortlessly produce repeat sales, and more. (A $149 Value)Bonus #7:   Web Conversion Audit Secrets™Do you offer free consultations to prospective clients? Discover tested tactics to convert more prospects into paying clients in 30 minutes or less. In this product, I train budding website traffic conversion consultants how to conduct website audits to generate business. Tune in to learn why free consultations are a huge waste of time and what to offer instead, how I recommend structuring conversations with prospects, and even how to generate more affiliate income.As a bonus, you’ll discover points that you can use to evaluate your own website to turn more website visitors into qualified prospects and even sales. (A $149 Value)Bonus #8:   Nightingale-Conant Stick StrategiesNightingale-Conant is the world’s largest producer and publisher of personal development products and services. In this 10-page report, you’ll see Joe’s suggestions for using stick strategies to reduce the company’s refunds and generate more sales.Bonus #9:   Mastermind MembershipAs my friend T. Harv Eker likes to say, “It’s not just what you know, it’s who you know.” Knowing the right people can make or break your business success. You’ll rec