The Instagram Lab: A 4-Step Strategy Course for Businesses – Jenna Kutcher


The Instagram Lab: A 4-Step Strategy Course for Businesses – Jenna KutcherTHIS IS YOUR MOMENT.This is your time to shift out of low gear and get outta that useless Insta-routine that hasn’t been working for you! My Instagram blueprint is here to help you overcome algorithm fatigue and learn a REAL process for being seen on the app— and growing beyond it!Time to caarve a new path. Time to open your phone and know what the heck you’re doing! Time to make Instagram less of a popularity contest and more about your profitability.IT STARTS WITH SHOWING UP AND SHARING YOUR STORY.Remember the good ol’ days of the ‘gram? You know, when we didn’t have a care in the world—and used questionable orange filters. A blurry selfie here, a life update there, a place to scrapbook your life — because that’s where you invited people into seeing it!Whatever your “good ol’ days” looked like, there’s a way we can take what we learned from them, implement now, and move into that shimmering future in front of you!HERE’S THE CRAZY-GOOD NEWS: EVEN IF YOU CAN’T FULLY VISUALIZE THIS RIGHT NOW, IT DOESN’T MEAN YOU CAN’T LIVE IT.I KNOW YOU CAN, BECAUSE I DIDI’ve inched upwards of 900k+ organic followers, without ever paying for a bot or batch of followers.My feed is filled with long captions. I tell stories. I talk about the hard stuff. I show up in my underpants (don’t worry, I won’t ask you to do that).My system’s about showing up, being me, and trying to remind people they’re not alone.And now? I want to invite you behind the velvet rope. Wanna see what’s inside?In two years, I went from less than 2,000 to over 64,000 followers. Now? My audience continues to grow every single day to over 900k—and I’ve helped more than 10,000 others do the same thing.Your A-to-Z blueprint to learn the Instagram ropes for a deeper connection to your digital community that drives engagement and profits…all in a 4 module, self-paced program backed by a community of over 10k like-minded entrepreneurs.I’m handing over the step-by-step system I used to get there.MODULE 01What to PostIf you’ve ever felt like a tiny fish in a giant sea, (Hi! You’re welcome here!) this one’s for you. Quit scratching your head over the catch words ‘aesthetic’, ‘curation’, and ‘branding’! I’ll teach you how to create a visual brand on Instagram and how to know what images to pick to post.First, we’re diving into the definition of a TRUE brand and my step-by-step process to positioning yourself on Instagram as an expert in your industry.Next, you’ll learn my special ABCDQ Formula so you can hone your voice and vision, and ensure each post has a purpose in serving your audience.Get ready to unlock the mystery of attracting your dream community by standing out beyond what you do or what you sell, through owning who you are.MODULE 02What to SayNow that you have an idea and the ability to brainstorm what types of imagery you plan to use and plan to incorporate into your feed, let’s talk about how to write captions that support, story-tell, and ultimately convert your audience… because popular doesn’t pay the bills.In this module, I’ll give you my go-to tips to write captions that invite engagement and turn your followers into engaged, long-lasting fans. You’ll get your hands on my tried and true tools that will help you beat the algorithm and craft captions that carry your voice to EVERYONE that’s supposed to hear it!By the end, you will understand where social media plays a role in your overall marketing strategy so that you can remove the pressure to always have *thee perfect thing* to say and, instead, focus on creatively serving your community in a way that is authentic to YOU and your brand. Zero spammy posts, no more sounding like you’re trying too hard!MODULE 03How to Plan Your PostsPlanning your posts does NOT have to take the fun out of the app. In fact, it can (and will) give you more freedom. I’ll equip you with our exact content-planning process so that you never open the app and wonder “what the heck am I going to post about today?” Save time, save yourself frustration, and build out your plan.I’ll walk you through how I plan a week’s worth of content in under an hour so you can focus more on engaging than endless creating (a surefire way to beat the algorithm).You’ll learn how to speak with the voice of a true brand and not just a business through how you post, when you show up, and what you want to say.Plus, we’ll explore how you can quickly plan not just the image but the caption, hashtag, posting time and more so that every week you know your content is ready for you to simply publish, interact, and have freakin’ fun!MODULE 04Convert Followers to ClientsWhat good is all of this strategy if it’s not actually leading you towards more sales and growing your biz? It’s time to talk about the end game of Instagram and how to actually convert your followers into true (i.e. paying) clients.Instagram? It’s the handshake, but when you extend invitations for your followers to connect with you and become clients, you’re on your way to adding to your precious bottom line.I’ll share my 6 favorite ways to invite followers off of the app and what to do once they RSVP “yes” to your invitation to give them a memorable experience with you.You’ll also learn the perfect mix of storytelling and pitching so that you can stop cringing when you share what you do!Buy Now!Shopping Information– We provide digital products. Most of products will come to you immediately. But for Pre-Order product, we need 3-7 days to order it for you. – After you order, the system will create your account and send it to your email. And after your payment, you will receive the download link at the account or directly via your email. If you have any problems with your order, you can contact: . – If you cannot find the download link, please don’t worry about that. We will update and notify you as soon as possible at 8:00 AM – 8:00 PM (UTC+8).Let’s get things started! We will go with you!