Video Sales Letter Formula – Ryan Deiss


Course “Video Sales Letter Formula – Ryan Deiss” is available, If no download link, Please wait 12 hours. We will process and send the link directly to your emailLong Form Sales Letters Are Dead!  Long Live The Sales Letter….!  What Is Ryan Deiss  REALLLLY Trying To Tell Us With His Latest Offering…?Okay, so any Internet Marketer worth his (or her) salt, knows their stuff about long form sales letters.  And they also know that to remain profitable it’s essential to move with the times.  And in the world of the web, a year, month or week can be a very loooong time.  So when we came across Ryan Deiss’s new product, the Video Sales Letter Formula, we have to admit that our ears pricked up when we realized he was saying that the long form sales letter might not yet be dead in the water, but that its days are certainly numbered. [wplapdance name=”VSLF”]Damn, you’re probably thinking!  “I’ve just mastered the ‘perfect’ sales letter format.”  But according the Mr. Deiss (who we have to admit is a bit of a master in the industry), we just need modify our sales letters somewhat, and discover the way to create the perfect ‘video sales letter.’However, these little babies are different (and trickier) to create – at least at first.  And is it honestly possible to use a format for a visual aid such as this?  Because that’s what Video Sales Letter Formula is all about.  So we took this as our cue to get down and dirty with the program, and find out if it really is worth spending your hard earned dollars on, or it’s simply another method of increasing Mr. Deiss’s wealth….What do you get for your money with Video Sales Letter Formula?Right, so the crux of this program is learning the secrets about putting together a video sales letter that people not only want to watch, but that seriously increases the percentage of visitors to your site who become purchasers.Plus, it takes far less time to make a Video Sales Letter than it does to make an old-fashioned long form sales letter.The Video Sales Letter Formula is split into six different training modules:Module 1:  The Video Sales Letter Basics – Exactly as it suggests in the title, here you learn all the essential basic information that will help you create the perfect VSL.Module 2:  Crafting Your Video Sales Letter – Here you learn the secrets the master uses in his own VSLs.  You discover how to build up the emotional story that your customers will buy into, and to do this in a logical manner that literally leads them through the sales funnel.Module 3:  Recording Your Video Sales Letter – Once again, a pretty self-explanatory title.  But the great thing is that even if you don’t want to use your own voice, then the Video Sales Letter Formula shows you exactly how to achieve this.Module 4:  Hosting Your Video Sales Letter – Because if you don’t get this right, then your traffic just won’t reach the numbers you want it to.Modules 5 & 6:  Architecting Your Video Sales Page and ‘3 Sneaky Tricks’ – that every savvy Internet Marketer should know….Each of these sessions goes into minute detail and lead you by the hand every step of the way.  Plus you can go back and re-discover each part as many times as you want to.Who is Video Sales Letter Formula for?Well, if you’re into Internet Marketing in any way, shape or form (or want to be), then keeping your knowledge as current as possible is essential.  And what better way than to learn from one of the foremost experts in the field, such as Ryan Deiss.  As any marketer soon learns, it’s all about the traffic and conversions.  So any aid you can use to increase these will, when you get down to it, make you more money.The Video Sales Letter Formula product has been created for Internet Marketers of all ages and stages of their career.  And it’s easy to follow with no BS whatsoever.  If you’re looking to create VSLs in the easiest and shortest amount of time possible, then the Video Sales Letter Formula is certainly something you should consider taking advantage of.Who is Ryan Deiss?Not yet heard of Ryan?  Then you’re definitely a newbie to the Internet Marketing game.  But don’t worry about that, because this is a guy with a seriously serious track record.  For example, his online businesses have done over 20,000 transactions in the last 30 days alone!  Now that’s certainly something that we’d all like to emulate.  And it’s all thanks to the power of video sales letters…The Pros and Cons of Video Sales Letter FormulaThe ProsThe amount of time you need to spend creating your VSL is far less than perfecting a long form sales letter.If you don’t want your own face or voice to be on your video sales letter then Ryan shows you exactly how to do this.Because the Internet has changed so much over the past few years, and broadband/ADSL has become so much more widespread, video sales letters provide you with the way to get your message across to your potential customers in a much quicker method – and in a way that’s so much more powerful – by hearing and seeing exactly what you want to tell them…The ConsWell, probably the hardest thing for some old-school Internet Marketers might be changing their way of thinking from the old style sales letters to video marketing.  Plus, how many of you have often thought that you don’t have the talent to create your own VSL?  Or that you don’t want your voice of face to be on camera?  Well, with the Video Sales Letter Formula you not only discover how to use a proven formula, but you don’t need to go anywhere near the camera or microphone if you don’t want to…The Bottom LineWell, considering that we absolutely hate most VSL training courses, we have to say the Mr. Deiss’s Video Sales Letter Formula comes as a refreshing change.  Because he honestly does away with all the bull, and tells it like it is.  Every part of the training modules give real, valid and proven instruction into how to create your own VSL; no fluff, no padding, no fancy schmancy stuff that’s unnecessary.In our humble opinion, if you’ve been dithering over whether or not to try the VSL route, then you could do far worse than to follow the Ryan Deiss way of doing things.  The Video Sales Letter Formula is simple, easy and, most importantly, bang up to date with all things Internet Marketing.Well done Ryan.  Your Video Sales Letter Formula certainly gets the thumbs up from usTag: Video Sales Letter Formula – Ryan Deiss Review. Video Sales Letter Formula – Ryan Deiss download. Video Sales Letter Formula – Ryan Deiss discount.