Delivered Batches 1 & 2 AND 3 – Vyco


Revealed: how we pull in $0.003 penny views by exploiting facebook’s secret viral loophole, resulting in $4323.20 in profits from just 1 simple campaign…Watch This Short Video Below To See How You Can Do This Repeatedly Within 24 Hours Or Less!And It Does It All In Just 3 Simple Steps:1. Discovers The Hottest Proven Viral Trends, Videos, Content & Headlines Within Seconds2. Allows You To Use That Content To Increase Engagement, Leads & Sales3. Leverages Facebook’s Secret Loophole To Get $0.003 Penny Views, Resulting In BIG ProfitsDoes Vyco Work If I Am A Complete Newbie?Well, how about we let our newbie students share their results with you:”$0.003 Penny Clicks At Will””I’ve Now Broken 200 Page Likes.” “Dirt Cheap Traffic Costing Just £0.0005” Finally…A Proven Way To Leverage Facebook’s Secret Loophole For Getting $0.003 Penny Clicks To Your Offer On Complete Autopilot.Discover and Swipe The Most Viral Content In Just Seconds, Without Having To Spend Hours On Manual ResearchCreate Micro Viral Campaigns That Sky Rockets Your Leads & Sales Without Any EffortHow You Can Tap Into A $350 Billion Juggernaut Starting TodayAs we all know by now, traffic is the life blood of any online business, and without it, you won’t be able to make a single dime online!I’m guessing you’ve probably been pulling your hair out in frustration when it comes to trying to get traffic and converting those visitors into sales.So you’ve tried all the so-called training courses, softwares, plugins and everything under the sun that has claimed to get you tons of traffic, leads and sales…And after all of this, you still find yourself banging your head against the wall, with no real results – only to be left with a gaping wide hole in your wallet.Sucks pretty bad right?Well listen up… We Know How You Feel!When we first tried getting traffic, we were in your exact shoes, buying all the latest gimmicks and tricks that claimed to get us thousands of visitors instantly, only to be mislead, lied to – and constantly confused with severe information overload.However… The solution was right in front of our faces the whole time!As crazy as this sounds, our traffic manager made a mistake in his targeting on Facebook one day, and we saw AMAZING results, like 19% click thru rates! With hyper purchases COMING IN MINUTES OF IT GOING VIRAL 1400+% ROI!! Once we realized Facebook had left this massive secret loophole wide open, and nobody else was doing this, we knew this meant we could literally EXPLOIT this loophole at will for months and years to come. But not just us…We know for a fact that Facebook loves two things, based on our own results, as well as the endless results from our clients and students…They love content that goes viralThey love posts and ads that have high engagement and likesGet both of these in place strategically, and you literally have a surefire way to get laser targeted $0.01 to $0.003 penny clicks to any offer you want. Combine that with our powerful Facebook ninja strategy, and you can turn this into a sure fire cash ATM over and over again…I know this may be hard to believe as you’ve likely been burnt out in the past, and I see where you’re coming from.There Was Still 1 Major Issue With All Of This ThoughThere was NO WAY at all to automate all the viral campaigns we were putting up from scratch.We needed a quicker way to do this… a way that was less time consuming with barely any effort involved. We knew that if we could hand the solution to our virtual assistants to do for us, we could just sit back and profit like crazy.See, the huge problem we had was finding good quality viral content that always made a huge impact.There was NO WAY at all to automate all the viral content we had to get, in order to produce a huge ROI and get dirt cheap traffic from facebook.Manually it would take us days just to find the specific viral trends, videos, content and headlines that we needed for our campaigns. What we needed was a way to automate all of this from start to finish…SO IT MADE US THINK…What If We Could Automate This Entire Process With The Push Of A Few ButtonsImagine being able to put up highly profitable, fully-fledged, micro viral campaigns in just a matter of minutes!Campaigns that are proven to get tens of thousands of visitors for literally pennies on the dollar, bringing in a truck load of sales and leads on complete autopilot.The ability to just swipe the hottest viral content, hit go, and let it do the rest for you.Imagine targeting thousands of different niches and being able to have all the viral content for those niches at your finger tips… Now imagine being able to swipe this viral content to grow your fanbases on Facebook (or to use for retargeting lists), and get 300% + more ads reach… which always results in a huge increase in leads that makes you more dollars long term.You’d finally be in the driving seat of your business, able to generate 4 to 5 figures per month consistently with these proven viral micro campaigns (without any guesswork or extra work on your end)Just sit back, relax – and watch the avalanche of mass traffic and sales come in all on autopilot, WITHOUT having to waste time learning… and WITHOUT having to spend days or weeks trying to do this all manually.So We Designed The Most Perfect Solution To Allow You To Get An Unstoppable Amount Of Traffic At WillINTRODUCING Vyco is the world’s first viral traffic and engagement suite on the market, which allows you to find pulsating viral content from Facebook, Youtube, Vimeo and Daily motion within a few clicks…Best Part About All This Is That You Can Be Getting Dirt Cheap Traffic & Be Making Profits By TodayVyco Does Everything For You In Just A Few Simple Steps:VYCO Is The Only Web Based Tool That Will Mass Search, Discover, Extract & Allow You To Get Unstoppable Amounts Of Traffic 24/7 On Autopilot100% Set & Forget. VYCO is cloud based, simply log in, swipe what’s currently trending or discover any viral content based on your keyword and let it do the rest for you.Never Worry About Creating Content. VYCO will give you all the viral trends, videos, content, headlines and much more in just a matter of seconds.Mass Traffic On Demand. Using VYCO with our secret ninja training strategy, will allow you to get $0.003 targeted penny clicks from Facebook on complete autopilot.Generate More Leads & Sales. Your campaigns will go viral, get insane engagement and result in you building huge lists and making more sales.Mass Leverage Top Social Networks. VYCO will search, discover and extract the most trending viral content from Facebook, Youtube, Vimeo and Daily Motion within a few clicks.Works On All Devices. Whether you’re on a desktop PC, tablet or even a smartphone, you can create and profit from viral campaigns quickly and easily – with no software installation needed.Here Is How VYCO Could Have Your Campaign Going Viral And Profiting Crazy In The Next Few Hours:DISCOVERS HOTTEST VIRAL CONTENT ($497 Value)You don’t need to worry about researching for hours or creating your own content. With VYCO, you’ll be able to see all the viral trends, videos, content, and headlines from multiple top social networks. There’s no guesswork or much effort needed, it’s all available for you at your fingers tips.LEVERAGE MULTIPLE SOCIAL NETWORKS FOR MAXIMUM EXPOSURE ($197 Value)Not only will VYCO show you what’s trending across the web right now, but you can search, discover and extract the most trending viral content from Facebook, Youtube, Vimeo and Daily Motion with just a few clicks.This viral content has tens of thousands to millions of likes, views, comments and shares. With that in mind, you can use this proven viral data to crush it in your marketing campaigns.PULL ARTIFICAL INTELLIGENCE FROM FACEBOOK ($297 Value)VYCO will search Facebook’s archives based off any keyword you enter in, and then pull back the posts and videos which are the most viral, with millions of likes, comments and shares, all delivered to you on a silver platter.You could then swipe these same hot images and videos in your marketing, and since this has already been proven to go viral, you’ll be able to double or even triples your sales at will.SPY ON YOUR COMPETITORS TO KEEP AHEAD OF THEM ($97 Value)VYCO will allow you to see what your competitors are doing, so you can always be one step ahead of them every time. You’ll be able to see the exact successful ads they are running to make money, the same videos/images they’re using to go viral and much more.You can even find out what products they are sourcing and selling for their eCom stores… So you can literally copy what’s working and get results yourself fast, without any long winded research or any real effort.SEE POWERFUL DATA FROM YOUTUBE, VIMEO & DAILY MOTION TO GO VIRAL ($97 Value)With just one click, Vyco will show you all the videos with the most views, engagement and comments based around any keyword you put in. So there’s no need for you to spend hours researching viral content, as it’s now at your finger tips with just a click.HOW TO GET $0.003 PENNY CLICKS STRATEGY ($197 Value)We will walk you through step by step, exactly how you can utilize the software in the best way to get laser targeted traffic for dirt cheap, and then how you can convert that traffic into an insane ROI, profiting wildly on those cash sucking micro viral campaigns overnight. Do this, do that – make HUGE ROI.Nothing On The Market Even Comes Close To What VYCO Does – At Any Price!Seriously, there is nothing out there right now as complete as VYCO. This has all the features that you’d expect in a $997 product, and it combines the power of all the top social networks on one easy to use dashboard……however the other comparable tools are just limited to one source, they are very buggy, and they all require a monthly investment.Major web brands and Fortune 500 companies are paying top dollar to tap into this kind of technology in order to get laser targeted traffic for pennies on the dollar (and create themselves a huge ROI repeatedly).Simply put, none of the competing apps can touch all that VYCO can do.ATTENTION: This one time special discounted price will end as soon as the countdown timer goes to zero. Make the lifetime investment NOW, and get set up and ready to instantly profit with VYCO.Remember, Vyco Is 100% Compatible On Any DeviceNothing To Download, Install Or Update. Ever.Our team of dedicated developers are continuously updating the app – all seamlessly and behind the scenes!This ensures VYCO will always be current with the constant changes and updates by various browsers and mobile device platforms, no matter what happens.We are also planning on continuously adding new features and functionality based on the feedback of our users!And just to make sure you have NO EXCUSE not to at least try VYCO out, we’re going to take full responsibility for your success right here, right now with our…Ironclad Money Back Guarantee You Risk NOTHING!We’re confident that VYCO will work for you, which is why we’re able to offer you an unbreakable 30 day money back guarantee.Try the product for 30 days and if it isn’t the best investment you’ve ever made for the low cost onetime fee, or even if you’re just having a bad hair day, we’ll give you a full refund back, no questions asked. We strongly believe in selling with value, and that’s exactly what we have for you here.VYCO is: 100% Risk Free Contains No Monthly or Hidden Fees!Get Delivered Batches 1 & 2 AND 3 – Vyco, Only Price 52$Tag: batch email definition. batch delivery definition. sap batch split in outbound delivery. batch split in inbound delivery.