Build Gorgeous Funnels, Easy, On Brand,Profitable – Funnel Gorgeous


How To Build Gorgeous Funnels That AreEasy To Create, On Brand, And ProfitableEven if you are not a designer, have been told that “ugly” converts, and have no idea where to begin.Julie & Cathy here, writing to you from the land of ugly funnels.We set out on a mission six months ago to figure out why people settle for ugly funnels and we were astonished at the data collected. Turns out, most of the ugly funnel owners think this:The uglier the funnel, the more it will convertDesign doesn’t matter as long as the copy is goodDrag and drop editors will always look “template-ty” anyway so don’t waste time trying to be creativeDesign takes so long to learn and hiring a designer is expensive Even when I try to mimic good design, it looks like a 2nd grader did itGet Build Gorgeous Funnels, Easy, On Brand,Profitable – Funnel Gorgeous – Anonymous, Only Price $52We’re Tired Of Ugly Funnels Winning The Cashflow Game.Truth be told, the only reason they claim #1 is because there are no gorgeous funnels out there to compete!It’s kinda like Pepsi saying it’s the best Cola on the planet before Coke was invented.Of course you can be #1 when you have no competition!!Because here’s the real truth about beautiful design….The only reason the “ugly funnel converts” lie evenstarted is because Internet Marketers everywheredon’t want you to build GORGEOUS funnelsto compete with their money-hungry, design-starved pages. Ever since the rise of the iPhone and other Apple products, our society as a whole has a greater demand and appetite for a better user experience.Good design means you can charge more, and make more…PERIOD.We’re not just blowing smoke either.17.5% increaseIN AVERAGE SALESThe Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development reported that small businesses saw a 17.5% increase in average sales on improved goods and services when they invested in design.75% judge credibilityOF A COMPANY ON DESIGNAccording to web credibilityresearch from Stanford,75% of users admit tojudging a company’s credibilitybased on their website’s design.65% need visualsTO BE ABLE TO PROCESS INFOHumans are visual creatures. So it’s no surprise that many of us learn best through visual means. A study by the Social Science Research Network  found that 65 percent of people are visual learners.Design is never an afterthought in any other market, and it shouldn’t be an afterthought in online business either.We’re Challenging The Law Of Ugly Funnels And Changing It…Right Now.As more Gorgeous Funnels come into the market, we’ll push ugly right back into its rightful place—the TRASH BIN.Now we know what you’re thinking…“But Julie & Cathy, of COURSE I’d love a gorgeous funnel, but they are HARD to build….”Lies. Lies. Lies.It’s a conspiracy y’all. That’s the problem. Internet Marketers have perpetuated this lie to keep you from demanding better design.Good Funnel Design Becomes So Much Easier When You Understand The Concept Of Storyblocking™.Storyblocking is what we do, and we’re going to teach you how to do it too!Storyblocking is the art of creating a STORY with your copy and your design. It’s not as hard as it sounds. In fact, the copy for your funnels will dictate your design…so you don’t have to be some magic design genius to think up something super original. (Did your head just explode?!)You don’t have to be a crazy amazing designer.You can use simple drag-and-drop editors like ClickFunnels and get a unique look.Your design can accentuate your story, allowing you to charge more and earn more!You know what’s coming next, don’t you?We Would Love to Invite You to Become a Part of the “Kill Fugly Funnels” Movement by Joining Us Inside a Brand New Course Called.We are a group of entrepreneurs that refuse to letour brand, our products, and our servicesbe subject to “fugly” funnels just for the sake of cash.You realize that we (the collective we) have a chance to eliminate fugly funnels from the marketplace by simply flooding the Internet with GORGEOUS FUNNELS, right?!Get Build Gorgeous Funnels, Easy, On Brand,Profitable – Funnel Gorgeous – Anonymous, Only Price $52Tag: Build Gorgeous Funnels, Easy, On Brand,Profitable – Funnel Gorgeous  Review. Build Gorgeous Funnels, Easy, On Brand,Profitable – Funnel Gorgeous  download. Build Gorgeous Funnels, Easy, On Brand,Profitable – Funnel Gorgeous  discount.