

Brought To You By World-class Energy Healer And Spiritual Teacher Jeffrey Allen…Introducing Unlocking Transcendence – The First “Fitness Program” For The SpiritA 60-day Journey Designed To Strengthen Your Spiritual “Muscles” In Six Key Areas Of Your Spirit, Nourish And Exercise Your Soul And Gain Sovereignty Over Your Entire BeingJoin Unlocking Transcendence on October 1st, 2018 with hundreds of students to uplevel your spiritual fitness and manifest an extraordinary life.For centuries, we have strived to understand virtually every aspect of how our bodies function, and how to enhance our physical health and performance through nutrition and exercise.And today, with the aid of modern technology, our understanding of what it takes to be physically fit has been refined to a precise and detailed science.So, knowing what we know now, would you agree that if you want to improve your physical fitness – whether it’s building your muscles, increasing your strength, losing weight, improving your stamina – that signing up to a gym, hiring a personal trainer, and following a structured, step-by-step program would be the fastest way to achieving your fitness goals?What do you think?Following that same logic, wouldn’t you also agree that you want to improve your spiritual fitness? To develop a powerful transcendent practice, accelerate your spiritual journey, and get completely aligned with your soul’s calling?That you need an equally robust spiritual fitness program to follow, AND have an experienced spiritual personal trainer to help you reach your spiritual goals?If you answered “Yes” to both questions then read on.Because this program is for you if:You feel stuck in your spiritual journey where every step you take seems to take you two steps back.You need help getting spiritually aligned while pursuing your life goals.You want to include transcendent practices as a daily habit in your life.You want to inject the perfect dose of spirituality in your busy life to make space for bigger things that impact the whole of humanity.You’re looking for a powerful approach to level up your spirituality in all dimensions of your life.Jeffrey AllenMindvalley has been recognised for Workplace Happiness (World Most Democratic Workplace Award 8 Years Running) and as Top Ten in Customer Support worldwide by Nicereply.com. So when you order from Mindvalley, you know your happiness is our top priority.As You May Already Know, We’re More Than Just Physical Beings.There’s a spiritual dimension to us — a dimension that has governed everything that has happened to us in the past and will continue governing everything that will happen to us in future.However, neither our education system nor our political and business world recognizes it, much less, teach us how to live by this principle.Hence although we are physically fit…most of us are not, spiritually, as fit as we want ourselves to be.What if there is a spiritual “fitness program” that is…As precise as the modern science of physical fitnessDesigned to strengthen the 12 deepest levels of your spiritual awarenessAnd, over 60 days, ascends you to transcend the limits of your physical reality?Why Most People’s Spiritual Path Involve Two Steps Forward One Step BackYou may have been on the spiritual path for a while now. And you know that unless you can connect with your inner voice, access your own intuition, and make time for transcendent practices, you don’t feel your best.But then you’ve got a demanding schedule and a whole universe of people that needs you that makes it impossible for you to progress spiritually.So you end up going from feeling zen, calm, and at peace in one moment… And feeling spiritually emptyin the next.You may even feel like the only way to really make any progress in your spiritual path is to let go of your many wants and desires.Which can only lead you to feeling like you’re cutting off a deeper part of yourself. And what most people end up falling victim to is trying to fill that void in your soul with a cycle of unhealthy habits and negative thoughts.It doesn’t have to be that way.Although that may be the reality you live in, right now, it’s not your fault. We live in a world that is so deeply ingrained in a physical reality which pays little attention into understanding and nurturing the other crucial aspect of our being — Our spirit.While we’ve made great strides in unravelling the inner workings of our physical body, and we have tens of thousands of gyms scattered across the country offering a whole range of programs to help us get physically fitter.… There has never been a “gym” we could sign up for to help us develop a transcendent practice to nurture soul and get us spiritually fit.Until today.The Unlocking Transcendence Quest, The World’s First Spiritual Fitness Program Designed To Help You Gain Sovereignty Over Your Soul So You Can Live An Extraordinary LifeSo, at a spiritual level, self-awareness is self-transcendence. The more we stretch our awareness across all dimensions of our being, the more self-transcendent we are. This is the ultimate definition of Spiritual Fitness. And we wondered… Is it possible to devise a holistic spiritual fitness program that easily fits into our day? The answer is… a huge roaring YES.A methodical, fun, step-by-step journey of self-awareness that will help you cultivate a spiritual practice that you’ll look forward to every day and will positively impact every aspect of your being.In the same way a fitness instructor will train you in the gym, teaching you new exercises to improve your physical strength, Jeffrey will guide you through a series of exercises that will build your spiritual “muscles” day by day.And as your spiritual fitness improves, you will quickly find yourself more deeply aligned with your spirit than you ever imagined possible.And you’ll experience this profound transformation in just 60 days,Because…This Is Not Just A Course — It’s a 60 Day Coaching Program on Mindvalley’s New Quest Learning Platform — So You Learn At Up To 500% Better Than Conventional CoursesSo here’s what we found.…The traditional way of taking courses is: you invest in a course, and you study it by yourself in your own time for about 8-10 hours. Some might do it over a weekend, and some others might stretch it out over several months.But you’re doing it by yourself, and it lacks accountability and excitement.Unlocking Transcendence is run on Mindvalley Quests learning platform, so what happens is you’re going to go through the program along with thousands of others.Your Spiritual Fitness Affects 12 Areas Of Your LifeIn Unlocking Transcendence, the microlearning methodology is applied over 12 Specific Levels of Awareness. In Just 60 Days, you will…Become Self-AwareFeel empowered and aware that you are co-creating your life1. Location Awareness – Be present, observe your experience & think outside the box2. Time Awareness – Be calm, relaxed, focused, in the moment & highly attractiveBe Physically PresentFeel calm, present, accepting and abundant3. Physical Awareness – Be athletic & coordinated, accepting rather than judgmental4. Energy Awareness – Abundant life, full of synchronicity, tapping your hidden powersBe Mentally OrganizedBe organized and clear, learn quickly and adapt easily5. Mental Awareness – Organize your mind, think clearly & intentionally6. Listening Awareness – Take the easy road, be in the right place at the right timeBecome Spiritually ActivatedLive a relaxing peaceful life, even when there are challenges7. Intuition – Make relaxed decisions, quick progress, synchronicity, flow & abundance8. Spiritual Connection – Feel connected, peaceful & enthusiastic, generous & abundantFind Emotional BalanceFeeling expressive, compassionate, humble and deeply understanding9. Emotional Awareness – Be honest, non-judgmental & alive with your emotions10. Empathic Awareness – Feeling expressive, compassionate, humble & understandingBe Highly ImpactfulFeel calm, authentic, more purposeful & satisfied with life11. Personal Awareness – Enjoy a fulfilling sense that you are impacting others positively12. Global Awareness – Create a better world through highly impactful workExperience An Earth-shattering Spiritual TransformationThat will completely redefine who you are as a spirit. You will become purposeful, always in flow, happy, committed to making a difference, feel connected to others and have complete sovereignty over your destiny. All in just 60 days.Here’s How Quest Works1. Everyone Starts On The Same Day:Our entire community starts on the October 1st because your daily lessons with Jeffrey will be released daily.2. Daily Guidance to Create Gradual Change:Every day, for 60 days, you’ll receive a lesson that offers a simple step that will move you towards the goal you’ve set for this course.3. Micro-Learning: Fits Even Your Busiest Days:No more finding time to pour through 10-hour courses. Set aside 10-20 minutes a day, each day for 60 days.Instructor ProfileMeet Jeffrey AllenYour Fitness Instructor For The SoulJeffrey is regarded as a global authority on energy healing and many reputed healers regularly seek him for healing sessions. Hence he’s known as The Healers’ Healer. Through a deep understanding of energy, Jeffrey helps people break through hidden blocks and create a powerful energy awareness, giving them a unique edge in their personal and professional life.A decade ago, Jeffrey was living a ‘successful’ life as a software engineer with a great job, six-figure salary, and all the toys he desired. Yet, external success came with a price… a constant nagging that he wasn’t fulfilling his true purpose.Through a remarkable set of coincidences in 2005, Jeffrey found himself teaching graduate spiritual studies in Uganda, Africa to a talented group of advanced students. It was then that Jeffrey discovered he was “a spiritual teacher pretending to be an engineer”.Since then, Jeffrey has helped thousands of clients around the world to live in alignment with their true purpose (and energy) — so they feel tremendous confidence; enjoy deeper happiness; attract more love; avoid health struggles; and create more abundance — in other words, finally live the lives they were born to liveEight Ways Unlocking Transcendence Will Transform You01 You’ll be in tune with your purposeMost people never truly live a purpose. This is why 54% of Americans, according to Gallup, dislike their jobs. But when you’re spiritually aligned, your spirit leads you to your purpose. You end up not with a job or work but in a career that gives you meaning because you know you’re meant to be there.02 You’ll find yourself in the state of flowFlow means you’re living every day with beautiful visions of what you want to create, yet a beautiful joy envelops you every single day. When you’re in the flow state you open yourself up to synchronicities, coincidences, and it almost feels like the universe has your back.03 You’ll experience more consistent states of joyYou live every day in wonder and joy. Joy is one of the ultimate states of human existence. But the best part is when you’re joyful in a daily basis, so are the people around you. It is the end goal of end goals. Everything we do in life, every decision people make is often so they can experience brief instances of joy. But what if these experiences can come from within you consistently before you attain any goals. Now, you’ve learned what masters have preached for centuries.04 You’ll feel at peace with yourself and the worldYou’ll feel at peace not just with your own thoughts but with the world. This means that you’ll no longer feel judged, put down or affected by other people’s negativity or negativity happening in the world. You’ll be filled with an overwhelming sense of peace knowing that you are okay, and that your spirit is watching out for you.05 You’ll develop a deep desire to make a differenceOne of the reasons we do what we do at Mindvalley is because we want to create people on the planet who seek to make a difference. One of the side effects of this program is that you start developing a compassion towards humanity and all of life. This naturally seeks you to want to do more good in the world. People at this level tend to volunteer more, create good things, look beyond religion, culture and ethnicity and feel a kinship with all human beings on the planet. They seek to make a difference because they have a deep longing to leave the world better off than when they came into it.06 You’ll develop a more solid sense of empathyEmpathy is one of the most powerful tools of the 21st century. As you go on this path, you’ll find that your empathy increases. You’ll feel more compassion, understanding, and more connectedness to others. Empathy has been proven to improve your performance at work, to make you more likeable, and to make you have a positive influence on others. It’s an essential skill not just for leadership, but for everyone from a mom raising kids at home to a office executive working with a team.07 You’ll become emotionally awareEmotionally aware means that when negative emotions enter your head, they don’t cause you to jump into rash action. Rather, you observe them. You can see them entering your mind as they enter and you can deal with them how you feel so. You can sit back and watch them and not do anything. Imagine being able to observe anger come within you. And by not reacting to it, you allow them to pass through. This is the essence of being emotionally aware08 Finally, you’ll have complete sovereignty over your own lifeSovereignty implies that you make your own rules, live by your own rules and are not influenced by the rules, judgements, opinions and pushiness of others whether it comes from teachers, preachers, fathers, mothers, culture or religion. You live your own life based on your rules. And with a deep knowing that you’re living true to yourself and your soul.Case Studies of StudentsCASE STUDY 1Catherine Robertson Went From Overwhelmed To ExpandedReiki Healer Catherine Robertson used to be completely overwhelmed with people’s energy. She couldn’t distinguish between her energy and other people’s. But after she met Jeffrey she learned how to expand her energy so big so that she now enjoys a bird’s eye view of all the different energies and has the power to choose which one to pick up and read, and which ones to leave untouched. She credits this to Jeffrey’s easy-to-implement techniques.Catherine RobertsonCASE STUDY 2Judy Hinojosa Got Clarity On Her Own EnergyJudy Hinojosa is a naturopathic doctor who’s never been able to understand herself clearly. That changed after she started working with Jeffrey. She now understands her own energy very well and navigates her life around that. And that understanding has also helped her heal her blockages. She says one of the unique things about Jeffrey is that his techniques are extremely grounded and practical and hence directly contributes to results in the real world.Judy HinojosaCASE STUDY 3Mary MacPhee Found The Missing Piece Of Her Life PuzzleFor quite some time, Mary Macphee couldn’t wrap her head around her troubled relationship with her daughter. But after working with Jeffrey, she found out the missing piece of the puzzle in a bizarre way as she explains in this video. The whole experience with Jeffrey left her with a world of peace within herself.Mary MacPheeCASE STUDY 4Nicole Graham Manifests Abundance Twice Using Jeffrey’s MeditationSome time after working with Jeffrey, she decided to use one of Jeffrey’s meditation and try to manifest an extra 500 dollars into her life. She not only ended up doing exactly that within hours but also repeated this again for a bigger amount. She is totally grateful for Jeffrey’s techniques.Nicole Graham Program InformationThis Is How We Structured Unlocking Transcendence So You Get Fast, Lasting Results In The Shortest Time PossibleUnlocking Transcendence contains tools, techniques and exercises to strengthen your spiritual “muscles”, nourish your soul, and help you transcend your physical reality. The entire Quest is divided into SIXchallenges that build on top of one another that will deliver incredible results in your spiritual journey.Unlocking Transcendence Quest runs for 60 consecutive days starting from October 1st 2018. You’ll spend around 15 minutes daily developing your deeper awareness with Jeffrey Allen. You’ll also receive daily suggestions for applying your new awareness in your daily life. The Quest is divided into SIX parts – each developing 2 types of awareness that are most impactful for that specific area.Here’s how the course is structured:01 Part 1: Self-Awareness(Day 1-10: October 1st – October 10th)Level 1: Location AwarenessFocusing your awareness and stretching your awarenessDeepen your experience of spatial awarenessSensing your awareness independently from your physical bodyJourneying outside your body and into the starsApplying Location Awareness in real worldLevel 2: Time AwarenessUsing Time Awareness for different times in your lifeMoving through time for understanding your past and futureChoosing your future by changing timelines02 Part 2: Physical Awareness(Day 11-20: October 11th – October 20th)Level 3: Physical AwarenessDeepening your awareness of your physical & energy bodyGetting deeply connected & in-tune with your bodyNoticing and relieving pressure on your body to be a certain wayHealing your body’s prototype cellApplying Physical Body Awareness for a powerful presenceLevel 4: Energy AwarenessFeeling energy flowing through your bodyHealing to release stuck energy from your bodyMoving your energy body independently from your physical bodyBringing both bodies into perfect synchronizationBalancing conflicting advice from others regarding your health or body03 Part 3: Mental Awareness(Day 21-30: October 21st – October 30th)Level 5: Mental AwarenessOuter Mind Awareness and Inner Mind awarenessBecoming more organized & clear with your thoughtsImproving your listeningTurning down the noise and mental chatterBeing in flow through awareness of your environmentSeeing through your own mental filtersBreaking through your mental ceilingLevel 6: Listening AwarenessDeveloping a more compassionate mindListening to the pulse of the world04 Part 4: Spiritual Awareness(Day 31-40: October 31st – November 8th)Level 7: IntuitionGoing beyond your body & mind with your perceptionValidating your Spirit essenceUnderstanding what intuition feels likeSensing things through intuitionMixing your physical & intuition awarenessUsing your intuition for remote viewingImproving your confidence & success with intuitionTuning into the Akashic Records to access informationDiscovering clues for healing recurring patterns in your lifeLevel 8: Spiritual ConnectionExploring past livesViewing multiple sets of information at onceDeepening your connection to nature & the planetChanging your connection with othersTapping into your connection with Higher Intelligence05 Part 5: Emotional Awareness(Day 41-50: November 9th – November 19th)Level 9: Emotional AwarenessChanging your relationship with your emotionsHaving clear boundaries with othersFinding & releasing old stored emotionsFeeling all your emotions and discarding inauthentic onesTransmuting your emotions into gratitude & joyRefining your emotional mapAvoiding damaging emotional outburstsLevel 10: Empathic AwarenessExploring your Empathy AwarenessUsing your empathy to tune into specific emotionsMatching others consciously to gain understandingClearing out all the stored emotions that are not yours06 Part 6: Impact Awareness(Day 51-60: November 20th – November 29th)Level 11: Personal AwarenessFeeling & amplifying your positive personal impactShifting unconscious negative impact you have on othersImproving your friendships and trust with othersCommunicating with someone telepathicallyReducing potential conflicts before talking to anyoneTalking telepathically while you’re having a verbal conversationUsing telepathy or spirit to spirit communication in relationshipsFocusing your efforts to make a bigger impactSeeing opportunities to align with your bigger plans for impactFind a clear path forward for making the impact you desireClearing unconscious patterns that sabotage your successLevel 12: Global AwarenessUsing your spirit to broadcast your message to the worldEnroll NowOur Commitment To Leading Edge Education At Prices That Everybody Can AffordTypical tuition fees for a program of this caliber, where a master teacher guides you towards spiritual fitness over a period of 60-days… will typically cost you thousands of dollars.Except, you’re not being taught be any teacher. You’re being taught by Jeffrey Allen, one of the foremost “fitness instructors” of the spirit today. (Students are often pay premium prices to be coached by Jeffrey.)But since we’re committed to getting this to as many people as possible, and we’re committed to creating the best programs in the world in our categories (like improving your spiritual fitness), we’re delivering them at a fraction of the regular price since we have economies of scale.Our regular enrollment fee is $1,095 for a program of this type.But until October 1st, while this program is being offered as a new addition to Mindvalley’s catalogue, you can enroll at the small investment of $449.Why Order TodayPowerful Advantages Only Available NowBy becoming one of our students in Jeffrey Allen’ new program on Mindvalley Academy, Unlocking Transcendence – 60 Days to Spiritual Fitness, you’ll get TWO special opportunities that will never ever be available in the future. Here’s what they are and why…1. Join Thousands Of Other Students on October 1stUnlocking Transcendence is not a regular self-study course. Rather it has the best of both the traditional self-study course and a LIVE seminar with the added effectiveness of a 60-day obstacle-course-race-style micro-learning experience. Which means that you’ll be taking joining a 60-day spiritual fitness challenge with thousands of like-minded spiritual junkies who’ll encourage you, help you overcome challenges, and push you to go past your limits.And this enrollment is the only way you can get this experience.2. Our 10-Day, No-Questions-Asked Money-Back GuaranteeWe know this works. The micro-learning structure of the course is proven to have the highest completion rates and the best results for students. Plus, Jeffrey Allen is the highest rated spiritual teacher in Mindvalley. So we’re sure you’ll see amazing results from this course.However, in the unlikely event that you aren’t completely blown away by the course, even if you just don’t like the color of the cover, please contact our support team for a prompt and courteous refund.Our support team at Mindvalley has been ranked one of the TOP CUSTOMER SUPPORT teams in the world by Nicereply.com so you can practically try this at no risk and get a full refund if this does not meet your full expectations.Get Unlocking Transcendence – Mindvalley, Only Price 62$Tag: Unlocking Transcendence – Mindvalley”Review. Unlocking Transcendence – Mindvalley download. Unlocking Transcendence – Mindvalley discount.