12 Dimensions of Mastery (Lifebook Challenge)


Course “12 Dimensions of Mastery (Lifebook Challenge) – Mindvalley” is available, If no download link, Please wait 24 hours. We will process and send the link directly to your email.Mindvalley & Jon Butcher Present…An Extraordinary Lifestyle Design System That Makes Your Life A Living MasterpieceBecome An Outlier, Break Away From Societal Rules That Don’t Serve You, And Shape Your Unique Vision Of Success. This Is The Lifebook Quest.Join Lifebook Quest on January 7th, 2019 with hundreds of students to craft extraordinary results in all 12 different dimensions of your life.Do you suspect you’re capable of so much more?Do you want to make a dent in the Universe?Have you had enough of the beliefs, ideas, and rules that try to put you in a box and pin you down?Or do you just want to turn a pretty good life into a tremendous life?Lifebook has helped thousands of people wake up to a truth previously known only by the world’s top achievers:Our schools and universities do not teach us the skills that create success. Instead they were designed to create cogs in the wheels of industry. And instead of priming us for happiness, meaning and success – they often strip us of it.Thus, most of these extraordinary people choose to define their own success.Jon Butcher is one of these people. He defies convention in every area of life – yet he’s attracted wealth, achievement, love, and fulfillment beyond most people’s wildest dreams (he’s even dramatically slowed down his aging).He’s documented exactly how he does it using the process he calls Lifebook: a high-end lifestyle design experience previously only available to a select few – until now.About LifebookLifebook is a profound lifestyle design process that has helped thousands of people create legendary lives.But at $7,500 per person (or $10,000 for a couple), not everyone can afford it – which is why Jon Butcher has teamed up with Mindvalley to bring the essence of Lifebook to everyone, at a fraction of the cost.Using our popular Mindvalley Quests teaching framework, we have worked with John to synthesize Lifebook into a 30-day online experience that combines community and micro-learning principles to guide and empower you from start to finish.You’ll learn more about the Quest in a moment, but first it’s crucial we explore…Why The Modern Definition Of Success Is BrokenWe live in a world where success is defined by two narrow variables:The amount of money in your bank accountYour career progression or job titleAs a result, we tend to ignore the other vital areas of our life. And this is the reason we live in a world where…30% of Americans are obese (according to the Center For Disease Control)54% of Americans dislike their jobs (according to Gallup)Most marriages will statistically end in divorceMost of us experience life as a roller coaster of fleeting ups and crippling downsBut does life have to be this way? Not according to those who have found a better way…The Secret To Extraordinary Success Lies in the 12 DimensionsLifebook is based on the premise that what we’ve been trained to think about success are outdated industrial age models that no longer serve us. The Lifebook system measures success in 12 dimensions.1. Physical2. Intellectual3. Emotional4. Character5. Spiritual6. Romantic7. Parenting8. Social9. Career10. Financial11. Quality of Life12. Life VisionHere Lies The Primary Genius Of LifebookThe primary genius of Lifebook is in how it retrains your brain to think outside the box – and sets you free from your disempowering beliefs and thought patterns about success, happiness, and fulfillment.Lifebook shatters the illusion that you have to be the rich man who struggles to spend time with his loved ones. Or the woman who’s physically fit but emotionally broken. Or the starving artist. Or the wannabe entrepreneur who’s full of passion but perpetually broke.Lifebook empowers you to know that you CAN excel in all 12 dimensions of life mastery. And empowers you with the vision and strategy to go out and do it.Jon Is Living Proof Of The Power Of LifebookJon is in his 50’s, and he recently released a blogpost that showed his body at the age of 29 and 49. Take a look at the image below.This man has somehow been able to defy aging. But it’s not just health and fitness. Jon is a grandfather. He’s got four kids and two grandkids (plus another one on the way as of this writing).He has created a life around his family – instead of sending his kids to regular schools, he takes them on awesome educational adventures to some of the most incredible places in the world.He has also created, with his wife Missy, one of the most inspiring, love-filled, 30-years and counting, model relationships you’ll ever come across.And these are just a few of the aspects – Jon has transformed his life regarding wealth, success and entrepreneurship too.Jon is a rockstar entrepreneur and founder of 20 companies plus the chairman of the board of the Precious Moments Family of Companies, which has done over $10 Billion in sales in the past 30 years.And he still… has enough time to spend 3 to 5 months every year in a paradise location away from work.Lifebook Has Also Transformed Mindvalley Founder Vishen Lakhiani’s Life…The Lifebook 30-Day Quest Guides You Towards Your Own Extraordinary LifeStep 1: Learn to see your life in the 12 CategoriesThe Quest starts by broadening your vision from the narrow rules of success our broken education system ingrained into us, to the more holistic 12-category Lifebook view. You’ll also undergo a Lifebook Assessment to evaluate where you’re at in these 12 areas.Step 2: Create a compelling vision and purpose for your lifeWith each category Jon makes you go deep so you craft the boldest, most beautiful vision you can for your life within that category. This means looking at the scope of human possibilities and going beyond the confines of realistic goals.Step 3: Learn Jon’s greatest life hacks in each categoryThese are powerful tools you can bring into your life immediately to create outstanding results in each category. Jon has spent 25 years identifying the best ‘shortcuts’ to get to the visions he set for himself. Learn the KEY shortcut to get you to where you want to go.Step 4: Create new habits and take actionThe Quest will help you build the habits of self-reflection, daily learning and commitment to your dreams. After 30 days of constant practice these habits get installed in you as your new ‘normal’. This is when breakthroughs start to happen.Get 12 Dimensions of Mastery (Lifebook Challenge) – Mindvalley only Price $87Ask Yourself These Questions…What would your life look like if you can reset your metabolic clock and your health?What would your intellectual life look like if you could double your rate of learning?What would your emotional life look like if you can achieve mastery over your emotions?What would your character look like if you can turn your virtues into habits within 30 days?What would your spiritual life look like if you can expand your consciousness?What would your love relationship look like if you can transform it into a passionate love affair ?What would your parenting life look like if you can deepen your connection with your kids?What would your social life look like if you can discover a powerfully supportive group of conscious, inspired individuals?What would your Financial life look like if you figured out your formula for abundance?What would your Career look like if you could get to that next level?What would your Quality of Life look like if you can achieve tremendous results in every area of your life within 30 days?What would your Life Vision look like if you can bring more clarity, passion and purpose to it within 30 days?If these possibilities excite you – then enroll in the Lifebook Quest and let Jon Butcher help you bring them into reality.How Is The Lifebook 30-Day Quest Different From The Lifebook 4-Day Program?The Lifebook 4-day program is a life-changing experience, and its price tag ($7,500 per person and $10,000 for a couple) reflects it.The Lifebook Quest however, is your chance to experience the power of Lifebook in as fast and affordable a way as possible.It is a 30-day immersion into Jon Butcher’s Lifebook formula for creating an extraordinary life.In just 30 days, this program will shift the fundamental models of success in 12 different categories of your life as well as give you remarkable clarity on your values and goals in life.You will walk away with a multi-dimensional, compelling vision for your life that will become your North Star, the guiding light to everything you will create from this day forward.This vision will serve as a decision framework in your life that will help you make the right choices at the right time.And over time…When you take this crystal clear vision that is so customized, so unique, and so authentic, and move towards it with enough intention and power, you’re going to see it come to fruition.Elevate Your Learning Experience On The Revolutionary Mindvalley Quests Learning PlatformThe Mindvalley Quests learning platform combines the power of community, daily micro-learning, and the world’s best teachers to give you a dramatically more immersive and transformational personal growth experience than ever before.The World’s Best Teachers On One PlatformFrom philosophers like Ken Wilber and Alan Watts, to transformational teachers like Robin Sharma and Neale Donald Walsch, Mindvalley Quests curates the wisdom of humanity’s greatest minds to elevate every area of your life.Deep Transformation In Just 20 Minutes A DayNow used by leading-edge schools and companies, micro-learning is the ultimate personal growth solution for busy people. By engaging in daily bite-sized actions and exercises, you’ll experience massive results with minimal effort – and be 500% more likely to complete your curriculum compared to traditional courses.We’re All In This TogetherThe Mindvalley Quests platform gives you multiple ways to engage and co-create with your fellow students. Imagine thousands of like-minded people from 100+ countries, supporting you, inspiring you, and holding you accountable to your highest success.Incorporates community learning for maximum resultsEveryday, you are not just interacting with thousands of other students to share your goals and stay inspired. All our students connect in a community to support each other in realizing their growth potential.6 Things That Make Mindvalley’s New Quest Learning System 500% More Effective Than Regular Online CoursesMindvalley’s new Quest Learning system, launched in November 2016 has so far doubled student completion and engagement rates. Plus it’s so much more fun. Here’s what makes it unique.Based on Guided Real-Time Coaching and Community Support01. Everyone starts on the same day — November 26thOur entire community starts on the same day because Jon will be coaching you daily. This is one of the greatest advantages of doing this program now. You get to engage with the tribe of thousands of Lifebook enthusiasts who share their experiences, insights, and results. They keep each other motivated. Stuck somewhere? Ask a question and dozens of people from the community will help you. Our community is extremely supportive this way.02. Daily guidance over 30 days to create gradual changeFirst, The Lifebook Quest is based on the principle of microlearning, which means each lesson everyday is under 20 minutes and offers a simple step that will move you towards the goal you’ve set for this course. So it’s easily doable, and there are no complex decisions to make. There’s no excuse to skip a day. The moment you start, the momentum will carry you forward and the next thing you know, you’ve finished the program.03. Micro-learning: fits even your busiest daysNo more finding time to pour through 10-hour courses. All you have to do in this program is to set aside 10-20 minutes a day, each day for 30 days. And bring up the guided real-time coaching program on your tablet, smartphone or desktop as Jon takes you through the Lifebook quest.04. Learn on desktop, smartphone or tabletQuests are designed for seamless mobile and desktop experience. And can be completed with no extra time you need to carve out of your life. Meaning, you can complete any Quest without making any lifestyle changes. Instead, you’ll go through Quests during your daily commute or your jogging sessions. That’s why it comes with a native mobile app for both iOS and Android phones so all it takes is just a click of an icon to get your Quest up and running.05. Designed for forming positive habits over 30 daysQuests are designed to foster habits that retain your transformation for longer periods. So in 30 days, you will not recognize the man or woman you were one month earlier. Each day you’ll be given a particular challenge. Students can come together to brainstorm, share notes and encourage each other to overcome challenges day after day. In the end, finishing the Quest will leave you with the same feeling as running a Marathon – a feeling of pride and accomplishment.06. The Lifebook Quest incorporates community learningWhat this means is that every day you are not just interacting with thousands of other students on our community platform, you get to share your goals and be inspired by other people’s goals. With this peer-to-peer platform, thousands of people are helping each other elevate their lives and craft more specific, bigger and more beautiful goals.Instructor ProfileDirect Coaching Over 30 Days from Jon Butcher, One of America’s Most Gifted EntrepreneursFirst of all, Jon Butcher is not a personal growth author.He is a rockstar entrepreneur and founder of 20 companies plus the chairman of the board of the Precious Moments Family of Companies, which has done over $10 Billion in sales in the past 30 years.But what makes this man incredible is that he’s created a living masterpiece of a life that involves radically different (and incredible) ways of experiencing life. From aging to money to love to happiness, Jon decided to discard and burn all the traditional rules of society and set his own laws.These include defying aging, redefining love, building unique futuristic homes… and even pulling his kids out of school.Over the years, people asked Jon how he’d been able to craft such an extraordinary life. You see, most billionaire entrepreneurs and other leaders have no idea what exactly had made them successful. But Jon is consciously competent. Hence he can pinpoint exactly what made the difference and has developed his methodology into a replicable success system that he calls Lifebook, which has been studied by thousands of people from all over the world.Get 12 Dimensions of Mastery (Lifebook Challenge) – Mindvalley Hidden only Price $87What You’ll LearnHow Lifebook Impacts Your 12 Key Areas Of LifeIn the Lifebook Quest, we’re going to look deeply at what having it all means, what it looks like, and whether it’s possible for you. Jon shares his most powerful insights in each of the categories, so you can eliminate the obstacles keeping you stuck and frustrated, and move the needle immediately in the following 12 categories of your life.01. PhysicalWhile many people struggle to be in control of their health, you will have a system to put you in great physical shape, one that will help you look good and feel great and be strong and vibrant. This category also has immense effect on the other categories of life.02. IntellectuallyYou will know exactly what you need to do to be fulfilled and challenged. This is an incredibly important and often overlooked area of life. You will have a system to be creative and process the ideas that are coming to you.03. EmotionallyYou will start being more joyful and FEEL GOOD the vast majority of the time — this is key to having the Lifebook system work for you. You’ll get the recipe to create emotions at will so you can be in full control of your feelings.04. CharacterWe usually don’t get trained to set goals for our character. In Lifebook, you will pay attention to your character and shape it to become strong and solid with high self-esteem and an overall feeling of pride about the person you are.05. SpiritualityVery few people have taken time to sit down and define their spirituality. In Lifebook, you’ll not only define it, but you will also understand the value of spiritual fulfillment, will be in touch with your purpose in life and actually start living that purpose.06. RomanceIf you’re married or attached, you will learn how to shift gears and discover the techniques to move towards a fantastic marriage or a passionate, loving relationship. If you’re single, you will learn the strategies to attract your soul mate.07. ParentingIf you’re a parent or you want to be one some day, you will know exactly what to do to be the BEST parent you can be and set an amazing example for your children about how to live a great life.08. SocialStudies show that nothing correlates with your happiness more than your social connections. In Lifebook, you’ll learn how to consciously create your extraordinary social life and build friendships that nourish you and pull your life forward.09. CareerYou will have in your hands your values for a successful career that stimulates and fulfills you – where you look FORWARD to your work every day. For the first time, you’ll have clarity on the work you love and the work you’re good at.10. FinancesYou will radically transform your relationship with money, and learn the systems you can use to create financial abundance for yourself while creating value for others — and do that in a financial model that works so you can create wealth and have all the THINGS and experiences with the people you care about.11. Quality of LifeYou will transform your day-to-day lifestyle, and start valuing your quality of life more than anything in this world. You will start surrounding yourself with the things you want, the car you want to drive, the environment you want to be in and the adventures you want to take part in. The environment is extremely important. In Lifebook, you will have the strategies to create any kind of environment you want whether it’s creative, warm, inspiring or sensual.12. Life VisionYou will tie together all that you’ve learned in the other categories and develop a single compelling vision for what you want to experience on a daily basis. All well-crafted life-visions entail having crossed a threshold to an extraordinary life where the heavy lifting has been DONE, and the urgency and stress are GONE. You’ve hit a tipping point where you’ve got your life figured out, and you’re enjoying it without this daily immense energy output that is exhausting, draining and overwhelming.Get 12 Dimensions of Mastery (Lifebook Challenge) – Mindvalley only Price $87Tag: 12 Dimensions of Mastery (Lifebook Challenge) – Mindvalley Review. 12 Dimensions of Mastery (Lifebook Challenge) – Mindvalley download. 12 Dimensions of Mastery (Lifebook Challenge) – Mindvalley discount.