Ecommerce Scaling Secrets Class – Alex Fedotoff


Who Else Wants To Scale An Easy, Fun And Lucrative eCommerce Business In 30 Days?If you’d like to build and scale a profit-producing eCommerce store in just 30 days or less, this is the most important message you’ll ever read.Dear Friend,Let’s skip the long intro and cut straight to the chase.You might have gotten some sales with your eCommerce business. You might have even taken it to 6 or 7-figures.But what if I told you can scale your store to 7-8 figures without working harder in your business but by working smarter.Like Sergio, who’s scaled his store from $108K per month to $431K per month in 90 days. And he didn’t have to 4X the hours he’s put into his business.“Not Bad For 90 days, Isn’t it”And the reality is this.Some people are absolutely crushing it with eCommerce, making more profit and sales than ever before while others barely scraping by and can’t scale their stores and brands.Why? Because those “selected few” have figured out the way to scale eCommerce business using few strategic advantages. So while other people become un-profitable and stop advertisers, these winners simply out-spend everyone and still make a great profit.Like James, who’s scaled his eCommerce store from few inconsistent sales to $100K+ per month in sales in just 92 days.And it wasn’t a coincidence. Because next month he’s repeated his $100K+ month again. And after a few months, he sold his store in a great payday.But now screenshots like this one are something I receive almost on a daily basis and seeing someone make $100k in 92 days excites me more than anything else.I mean, it blows my mind to see what’s possible.But I’ve seen people pull off a lot crazier stuff in less time.One of them is Ricardo who’s having some good$10,000+ daysNow that got my attention.Especially because he’s living in a beautiful Portugal and manages to handle a few more projects.And you know the best part?He makes $19,296+ per month just from his email list.$19,296.26 In 30 DaysAnd while these are great results, there is so much more opportunity to it.I’ve scaled 7-8 figure stores firsthand and let me tell you: Once you know how to do it, it becomes an addictionThis is the store I’ve scaled and sold among others.Coming from Ukraine, the country with an average monthly salary of $140 US dollars, this is fucking big deal (for me at least).It would have taken me a couple of lifetimes to earn this amount working in my country,The bottom line is:eCommerce IsTransforming People’s LivesAll Around The WorldThese are just three out of hundreds of case studies.I literally get around 5-10 people per day sending me messages with screenshots of their first sale or their first $100 day or $1,000 day.Don’t believe me?As I said, I get a couple of these a day.Now does that mean you will get the same results?That depends.The Disclaimer That Couldn’t Be Any PlainerBecoming successful at eCommerce is a combination of different factors including hard work, skills, talent, intelligence and a bit of luck.A lot of people get insane results with eCommerce, but others don’t.I believe that’s the case with anything in life.Unfortunately, I think this is due to the fact that most people don’t put in the amount of work that’s required to get results. Or they simply give up too early at the slightest hint of adversity or hardship.All of my successful students have one thing in common:They work hard.I don’t want to insult your intelligence by making any claims or promising what type of results you can get with drop shipping. Like with everything in life, individual results vary. And how much money you can make with this class depends on how hard you work.The sky is the limit, but if you’re lazy, nothing will happen.Now that’s out of the way,Here’s What I Can GuaranteeThis is my best program so far.I’m giving you the best information — and all information — to scale a successful eCommerce store (even if you are just starting out).I won’t hold back anything in the class.Every single secret, every trick, every strategy that has worked for me or for one of my students is revealed and explained in detail so you can easily model it.I honestly believe this is the best information you will find anywhere about scaling an eCommerce business. It is 100% up to date, fresh and extremely in-depth.It’s not a bunch of abstract theory, but rather a “field guide” on how to start a profitable drop shipping store from scratch with detailed instructions along every step of the process.I believe if any program is going to help you make money, it’s this one.Although many people got great results from my other courses, I wanted to step it up this year and blow everyone’s mind by creating something extraordinary.So I’ve decided to draw the curtains and reveal EVERYTHING.Exactly What You’re GettingEvery day I get people asking me if I can mentor them and help them build an eCommerce business.And in the last couple of months, I had to turn down every single one.I simply don’t have time to help every person individually since I have my own businesses I need to focus on.And I could care less about launching this product.My businesses generate multiple 7- figures in profit but it doesn’t come from SELLING INFORMATION but from our eCommerce projects and agency clients we work with. I don’t need to teach this stuff to make money, but I’m willing to make time for it to help you build and scale your own store.I’ve decided to put an end to this flood of daily questions by hosting this eCommerce scaling class for everyone who wants.That way everyone who’s truly interested in scaling an insanely profitable eCommerce store can do exactly that, in 30 days or less …by taking a massive shortcut, without getting your bank account sucked dry from ineffective and incorrectly set up Facebook ads and newbie mistakes.And at the same time, I can scare everyone away who’s not serious enough about scaling eCommerce business and stop getting harassed by “time vampires”.So I’m solving two problems at the same time.Now you might be wondering exactly what you’re getting:Get Ecommerce Scaling Secrets Class – Alex Fedotoff , Only Price $137Module #1eCommerce Business Success PrinciplesA Quick-Start Guide For eCommerce SuccessThe “95% Rule”: Discover The Invisible Line That Separates All 7-8-Figure eCommerce Store Owners From Newbies Who Get No ResultsLittle-Known eCommerce Opportunities And Highly-Profitable Markets Everyone Is Ignoring Right NowThe “eCommerce Parachute”: How To Strategically Test Products Until You Hit A Massive “Gold Mine” That Makes You A Small Or A Big Fortune OnlineWinning eCommerce Mindsets And Productivity Tips For E-Commerce Store OwnersThe best models to scale eCommerce business (whether you are starting out or already at 5-6-7 figures)“Blitzkrieg” strategy for a quick eCommerce scaling (99% of eCommerce business owners miss this)How to Resurrect Any Winning Product and Make Extra 5-6-7 Figures With It (Once You Have This Skill, You Become Dangerous)The Angle- Mastery Skill to Take Any Product That Already Exhausted And Add 5-7 Figures In Sales With it (I’ll show you the process and all resources needed step-by-step)…Once We’ve Made Your Success Almost Inevitable,I’ll Show You How To Set Up Your Store….Module #2Setting Up Your eCommerce store and profit-Explosion FunnelsHow To Create A Profitable Brand (+ 3 Amazing Tools To Quickly Come Up With Awesome Store Names)A Step-By-Step Walkthrough Of How To Set Up Your Shopify Store The Right Way (I’ll Literally Show You Exactly What To Select For Every Single Setting)How To Quickly Find And Register A Custom Domain And The Exact Domain Name You Should Go ForMy Exact System For Shipping Rates (So Free Plus Shipping Items, Retail Items And Custom Shipping Rates Can All Co-Exist On One Single Store)How To Find And Set Up A Payment Gateway In Your Country And How To Accept Credit Card PaymentsHow To Get An Awesome Looking Logo (I’ll Hook You Up With The Logo Designer I Personally Use & You’ll Learn How To Create Your Own Logo In 5 Minutes)The High-Converting Shopify Theme I RecommendA Detailed Tutorial On How To Setup Your Theme Design, Layout And Store Pages To Maximize SalesProfit Maximizer funnels you can implement today to boost your sales and profits by 20-80%My 3 best converting funnels for Clickfunnels that I’ve tested and refined for maximum conversions. Just plug and play them into your Clickfunnels account and start selling today. This by ITSELF worth $2,000 if you were to build them yourself.The quick wins to maximize AOV and LTV if you already getting sales. Only will take you few hours to set up but will give you a big advantage in margins!Profit EXPLOSION Funnels That Can Transform Any Funnel or Store from a Loser to 6-7 Figure Winner in a Matter of Days…Then I’ll Show You How To Find The Perfect Niche And Identify Products That Will Sell Like Hotcakes…Module #3How To Identify Hungry Buyers, Find Hot Products & Create Crushing OffersA Step-By-Step Guide To Finding The Perfect NicheThe 3 Criteria Of A Profitable Niche (And How To Quickly Check If Your Niche Will Make Money)Specific Examples Of Highly-Profitable Niches (You Can Use These Proven Niches I’m Revealing, Or Use My Simple Niche Research Method To Find Tons Of “Gold Mines” That Are Even Less Competitive)3 Secret Tools I Use To Spy On Niches And Determine If They’re Going To Make Me A Fortune Or NotHow To Find And Identify Irrationally Passionate Buyers That Would Do Anything To Buy Your Products And Come Back To Buy More Every Few WeeksThe Secret Trick I Use To Find Hot Products To SellExactly How To Find Reliable Suppliers On Aliexpress (Plus A Simple 5-Minute Test For Product Quality)How To Clone Products From And Import Them To Your Shopify Store (I’ll Show You Two Methods To Do This And Common Pitfalls To Avoid)How To Turn Your Product Pages Into High-Converting Sales Pages By Using My Proven Formula And Exact Template For Product Titles And s (I’ll Literally Tell You Exactly What To Write Word By Word)2 Simple Ways To Overcome Long-Shipping TimesThe Exact Delivery Method You Should SelectHow To Turn “Products” Into Crushing Offers (There’s 2 Proven Drop Shipping Models That Work Like Crazy Right Now And I’ll Show You Both In Detail)An Easy Method To Calculate Your Price Markup Along With Exact Examples For Different Types Of Products…Once Your Store Is Setup I’ll Show You Exactly How To Make Consistent Daily Sales With Advertising…Module #4How To Get Daily Sales Using My Proven Facebook Ad MethodA Step-By-Step Tutorial With Exact Instructions On How To Setup Profitable Facebook Ad CampaignsExactly Which Facebook Ad Objective To ChooseHow To Target Irrationally Passionate Buyers On Facebook And Create A Buying Frenzy On Your Store (I’ll Show You How To Find 5-10 Of These Audiences For Every Product You’re Selling On Your Store)The Exact Daily Budget You Need To Spend On Your Ads When Launching (Plus How To Make Sure You Don’t “Flush Your Money Down The Toilet”)My Proven High-Converting Facebook Ad Template (Students Have Used This To Make Consistent Sales And Small Fortunes All Around The World)What Dark Posts Are And Why You Should Use ThemHow Long You Should Run Your Ads Before Killing Them Plus A Simple Trick To Know Exactly Which Ad Is A Winner And Which One Is A LoserA Dummy-Proof Method To Scale Up Your Winning Ads Without Killing The Performance Of Your Campaign8 Facebook Ad Metrics You Need To Track In The Ad Manager (And Exactly How To “Read” Them To Properly Judge The Performance Of Your Ads)How To Calculate Your Maximum “Cost per Purchase”How To Use Event-Based Lookalike Audiences To Scale Up Your Facebook Ad Results And Multiply Your Daily Revenue By 10X, 20X Or Possibly MoreA Step-By-Step Guide To Running Highly-Profitable Instagram Ads And Getting Mobile BuyersMy Secret Trick To Create Attention-Grabbing PicturesThe Difference Between Push-Advertising And Pull-Advertising (And How To Use Both Models Of Advertising To Drive Sales Like Crazy)My secret scaling strategies responsible for $100+ mil. in online sales in the last few years, “FRANKLIN” and “Brooklyn” strategies..Then You’ll Learn How To Fulfill Your Orders and Get Them Delivered to Your Customers in Only 5-10 Minutes a DayModule #5How to Fulfill Orders and Get Them Quickly To Your Customers While Maintaining High-Profit MarginsA Step-By-Step Tutorial On How To Fulfill Orders (That your $3/ Hour Assistant Can Easily Follow)How to Avoid the Major Mistakes With Fulfilment and Cut Chargebacks to The MinimumSimple Hiring Tips to Find Rockstars to Join Your Team in No- Time FlatA Free Tools To Fulfill Thousands of Orders at Once (you will love it)How to organize your business like a well-oiled machine with few key tools so you can work from anywhere and be productiveHow to Manage Expectations of Customers to Lower Refunds and Complaints…And Finally You’ll Discover How To Get Visitors And Sales Every Day Without Spending Any Money…Module #6How To Make Sales With Affiliate Marketing For eCommerce Without Spending Any MoneyA Step-By-Step Tutorial On How To Find And Recruit Affiliates Who Will Happily Promote Your ProductsHow To Identify Affiliates Who Are Already Promoting Products In Your Niche And Talk Them Into Ditching Their Partners And Selling Your Products InsteadThe Different Forms Of Affiliate Partners (There’s Certain Types Of Websites That Are More Effective)How To Gain Leverage When Negotiating PartnershipsThe Exact Affiliate Commissions You Should Pay Your Affiliate Partners Whenever They Make You A Sale2 Ways To Track Affiliate Sales From Your Partners (This Way You’ll Know Whenever A Partner Refers An Order And How Much The Exact Order Value Is)How And When To Pay Out Affiliate Commissions Without Making The Process Stressful Or ComplicatedA Simple Strategy To Turn One-Off Influencer Shout Outs Into Ongoing Affiliate Partnerships (You’ll Be Able To Persuade Influencers To Become Ongoing Affiliate Partners In A Smooth And Non-Pushy Way)Module #7Advanced Scaling Strategies to Take Your Business to 7-8 FiguresA Step-By-Step Tutorial On How To Launch New Products and KNOW They Will SellHow To Identify Conversion Layers in Your Funnels to Add 20-50% To Your Sales Without Spending a Dime More on AdsThe Different Forms Of Conversion Layers (There are Certain Types Of Hacks That Are More Effective)How To Evolve Your Business Into Warehouse-Based BrandThe Exact Sources of Newest Information on eCommerce and Facebook ads to keep you up to Date2 Ways To Increase The Value of Each Customer you Acquire so You Can Spend More on Advertising and Still Be ProfitableHow to Setup Automated Marketing Campaigns That Will Add 15-30% of Your Sales Without Extra AdSpendA Simple Strategies to Cross-Sell and Up-Sell (This Will Change the Dynamics of Your Business Foverer)You’re right, that’s a lot of proven and field-tested strategies to launch, promote and scale up a successful eCommerce business.And it’s different from anything else you’ve seen before.Unlike other trainings or courses, this is a complete step-by-step training that covers every single aspect of eCommerce. I reveal every single secret, every trick and every strategy that works for me, my clients and for all my students.But it gets even better than that…I’m Also Giving You 5 FREE Bonuses Worth $12,542 If You Join My eCommerce Scaling Secrets ClassIf you know anything about me, then you know that I always over-deliver. I actually care about the results that my students get and that’s why I’ll go the extra mile for you.To make sure you get results from this, I’m giving you 2 FREE bonuses worth $12,542.Here’s what I’ve got for you:FREE BONUS #1Secret eCommerce Scaling Secrets Facebook Mastermind (Value: $2,989)We Stay In Constant Communication In A Secret Facebook Group Exclusively For StudentsGet Access To Me Personally On A Daily Basis (I’ll Be Super Active In The Mastermind, Answering Questions, Looking At Stores, Helping Out And Coaching You)Receive Ongoing Support As You Build Your eCommerce Business As Part Of A CommunityCreate Accountability Deals With Fellow StudentsYou’ll See What Works For Others And You’ll Be Able To Learn From Them First Hand As They Share Their Strategies And What Results They’re GettingYou Get To Hang Out With My Most Successful Friends And Students Who Have 6-7-8 Yearly Drop Shipping Businesses And E-Commerce StoresFREE BONUS #2Weekly QA Breakthrough Calls  (Value: $3,902)Get Access to Me Personally on These Calls to Ask Questions and Get Instant Help With All Your ChallengesSave Dozens of Hours You Would Spend Searching for Answers on The Internet and Get Fast  Help and Solutions to Your ChallengesShare Your Screen and get Feedback on Your Store/ Ads or Funnel With A Personalized Plan of Action to 10X Your ResultsThe Hour of My Time Costs $2000 minimum, But Here You Get it For FREEFREE BONUS #3100 Proven Products to Sell (Value: $447)Get Access to 100 Products That Are Selling Like Crazy and Are Not Over Competitive That You Can Sell For High Profit NowEach of These Can Easily Bring 6-7 Figures To Your Business in The Next Few MonthsSee The Exact Profit Margins, Ads and Website to Reverse-Engineer Their SuccessProducts Are in Different Niches so You Will Always Find Something to Sell No Matter What Niche You Are InFREE BONUS #4My Proprietory “Crazy Russian” Facebook Ads Scaling Method (Value: $3,297)Shared Before Only With My Exclusive Private Clients That Pay $10,000+ Per Month +  % of sales to Work With MeThis Method is Responsible for Millions in eCommerce Sales And You Get To Use it TooI Will Show You Step-By-Step Scaling Process From 0 to $10,000 a Day in Profitable Ad SpendImagine Having Just One Extra $30,000 a day in Sales. This Would Pay for This Training and All Bonuses Many Times Over!FREE BONUS #5How To Sell Your eCommerce Business for 6-7-8 Figure PayDay (Value: $1,907)What I’ve Learned from Selling My eCommerce Store After Scaling it to $4.1 million in SalesPitfalls to Watch Out For When Selling Your eCommerce BusinessThe Simple Value – Adds That You Can Create to Add 5-6-7 Figures to The Valuation Of Your StoreExact Resources/ People To Get in Touch With When You Are Ready to SellThe Easy-to-Use Platforms to Sell Your eCommerce/ Drop-Ship Business Without HassleGet Ecommerce Scaling Secrets Class – Alex Fedotoff , Only Price $137Tag: Ecommerce Scaling Secrets Class – Alex Fedotoff  Review. Ecommerce Scaling Secrets Class – Alex Fedotoff  download. Ecommerce Scaling Secrets Class – Alex Fedotoff  discount.