AVI is pleased to offer our students and alumni an opportunity to take the YogaAnatomy.net Principles On-Line Course with Leslie Kaminoff for a special discount.Kaminoff’s YogaAnatomy.net Principles Course has helped teachers and practitioners from yoga, dance, Pilates, and somatic therapy backgrounds improve their teaching, enhance their personal practices, and provide better experiences for their students and clients. Previously available only to students live at his studio, The Breathing Project in New York City, you can now enroll in the course online.As a graduate of this course, you will enhance your teaching, protect your students, and deepen your personal practice with a comprehensive understanding of how the human body actually works.Leslie Kaminoff’s teaching is inspired by his studies with T.K.V. Desikachar, T. Krishnamacharya’s son.How you’ll learn in this course…The three twelve-week trimesters cover the essentials of Yoga Anatomy from the perspective of the breath, the spine, and the limbs. The core concepts of yoga: prana/apana, sthira/sukha, brhmana/langhana serve as a lens through which the vast subject of anatomy becomes focused, fascinating and immensely practical.Because the course focuses on grasping fundamental concepts, rather than memorizing endless details, students can easily embody the material and put it to practical use immediately. In addition, there is a high level of student interactivity through questions, demonstrations and homework assignments.Get Yoga Anatomy Course (2010) – Leslie Kaminoff , Only Price $37Build an Encyclopedic Knowledge of Yoga Anatomy in Three TrimestersWe offer full support, personalized homework interactions, and access to a like-minded community as you work your way through the material.This course is offered entirely online, but if you decide to print out all the documents and save hard copies of the videos, above is what your resource collection will look like.We will send you links to download binder covers, inserts, and the foundation of your library. You’ll fill it out with class notes, observations, downloadable class transcripts, and reminders of your own journey. (You will receive all materials in digital, not hard copy.)Program CurriculumIn Leslie Kaminoff’s 9-month intensive Online Yoga Anatomy Course, you will discover:The evolutionary science of supporting body-weight on your arms.A simple body measurement you can teach your students to help them set up for a safe and successful headstand.How many yoga-related lower body pains really boil down to what Leslie has termed “Yoga Butt,” and how you can avoid it or heal it.How to get more effective hip-opening from standing postures and why floor work can be counterproductive.How to help older students re-gain their sense of balance (and how to keep younger students from losing it!)Warning signs that you are pushing a joint too far.The truth about Ujjayi breath and when you should stop doing it.Little-known factors that could affect your asana longevity.Why more students are getting injured in yoga class than you think and what you can do to change it in your class.Leslie’s top 10 tips for individualizing student experience in group classes.How to identify knee problems before surgery.How to resurrect fallen arches.How breath re-patterning can transform your practice.How to tell when repetition will heal and when it will injure.Learn the Warrior Series and how you can modify it in any context.One simple trick to protect the knees in (almost) any posture.And more…Here’s what is included in your registration:9 months of intensive training in all aspects of yoga anatomy, practice, & breathing. (A $2,400 value)Streaming and downloadable video files of each class. (A $1,440 value)Streaming and downloadable audio files of each class. (A $1,350 value)Full text transcriptions of every class (English.) (A $720 value)PDFs of class outline / notes. (A $650 value)Weekly PDF downloads with course visuals. (A $360 value)Video Q&A with Leslie and the international online community. (Private sessions with Leslie start at $140/hr, so personal access on an ongoing basis is worth $1000s…)Direct access to a members-only interactive site where Leslie will answer your questions personally. (Access never expires – worth $1000s over time…)Homework to take you deeper into the material, and personal dialogue about your discoveries. (A $900 value)Access to like-minded Yogis around the world, and their experience with the course. (Have a yoga cohort in every city you visit…)Continuing education credits applicable to Yoga Alliance standards. (A $550 value)Certificate of Completion from the course, exactly as if you had been sitting in the NYC studio (upon completion of all homework.) (Invaluable for future employers and prospective students…)PLUS! Your access never expires. Each and every time we update the course, you benefit from the new information. Need to sharpen your skills? Sign in and watch any video you’d like! (This is an ongoing value of $1000s…)Get Yoga Anatomy Course (2010) – Leslie Kaminoff , Only Price $37Here’s what is included in your registration:Trimester #1: BreathingIntroduction to core concepts of yoga and anatomyBreathing as shape changeSLOIRA – The Diaphragm FormulaRelations and Actions of the DiaphragmThe Diaphragm as the Engine of 3-D Shape ChangeThe Accessory Muscles: The Steering Mechanisms of BreathBrhmana / Langhana – Fundamental Energetics of BreathA Guided Tour of the Pelvic FloorThe Vocal Diaphragm & the Anatomy of SoundThe Role of Bandhas in Support and MovementKundalini – Energy or Obstacle?Breath – Centered PracticeTrimester #2: The SpineAn evolutionary and developmental history of the spineArchitectural principles of spinal structure – tension/compression as sthira/sukhaThe spine’s major curvesThe spine’s major movementsHow to recognize and analyze spinal range of motionA yogic perspective on asymmetryA breath-centered approach to twisting, and why we need to protect T11/T12Healing the cervical region with “drishti” and other sensory-driven movement cuesDisc structure, function and dysfunction – Why most back pain is not discogenic in originSymmetry vs. Balance – Special scoliosis presentationDetailed range of motion practice and observation – strategies for teaching and healingThe special case of axial extension – MahamudraTrimester #3: The Articular BodyEvolution and development of the limbsThe architecture of the foot – bones and archesThe musculature of the foot – pulleys, cables, fulcrums and layersHow to analyze and re-pattern gaitTeaching strategies for awakening and integrating the archesYoga and the knee – includes surgical videosThe hip joint and pelvic articulations – The truth about “Yoga Butt”The shoulder girdle – using the hand as a footArm support strategies – headstand analysisArm balances: a new perspectiveThe warrior series: fundamentals and modificationsStrategies for individualizing group practiceWhat’s Included9 months of intensive training in all aspects of yoga anatomy, practice, & breathing. (A $2,400 value)Streaming and downloadable video files of each class. (A $1,440 value)Streaming and downloadable audio files of each class. (A $1,350 value)Full text transcriptions of every class (English.) (A $720 value)PDFs of class outline / notes. (A $650 value)Weekly PDF downloads with course visuals. (A $360 value)Video Q&A with Leslie and the international online community. (Private sessions with Leslie start at $140/hr, so personal access on an ongoing basis is worth $1000s…)Direct access to a members-only interactive site where Leslie will answer your questions personally. (Access never expires – worth $1000s over time…)Homework to take you deeper into the material, and personal dialogue about your discoveries. (A $900 value)Access to like-minded Yogis around the world, and their experience with the course. (Have a yoga cohort in every city you visit…)Continuing education credits applicable to Yoga Alliance standards. (A $550 value)Certificate of Completion from the course, exactly as if you had been sitting in the NYC studio (upon completion of all homework.) (Invaluable for future employers and prospective students…)PLUS! Your access never expires. Each and every time we update the course, you benefit from the new information. Need to sharpen your skills? Sign in and watch any video you’d like! (This is an ongoing value of $1000s…)Get Yoga Anatomy Course (2010) – Leslie Kaminoff , Only Price $37Tag: Yoga Anatomy Course (2010) – Leslie Kaminoff  Review. Yoga Anatomy Course (2010) – Leslie Kaminoff  download. Yoga Anatomy Course (2010) – Leslie Kaminoff  discount.