Cobra: Breath Level 1 – Ipsalu Tantra


Cobra Breath Level 1 ~ Learning to Live in BlissThis weekend Course, for singles or couples, builds toward initiation into the first level of Cosmic Cobra Breath, a wonderful technique that transmutes sexual energy to open your mystical vision. You begin to see the truth behind the illusions of the world and become the Witness to your life-drama, rather than its victim. You learn the Ipsalu Formula, a most efficient and effective way to reach the Bliss state.The Level 1 Course focuses on being Present in the moment, finding that still point where you experience Infinite Consciousness within your body. That clarity transforms your sense of who you are, expanding beyond old limitations. Using powerful yogic techniques, you reach a greater integration of mind, soul and body.Honor your humanness. ~ Silence the self-critical voice.Break through your limitations. ~ Discover your magnificence.Blend the energies of Consciousness, Heart and Sacred Sexuality.Prolong and deepen lovemaking. – generating & containing more sexual energy.Be truly Present with your beloved. ~ Feel ecstatic communion between souls.Transmute sexual LifeForce energy to rejuvenate your body and stimulate creativity.Discover your Unlimited Self as the creator of your reality and experience.Joyfully transform your reality so you can manifest your Soul’s intention.Celebrate your aliveness with song and dance and healing massage. You’ll find yourself playing with subtle energy, sharing energies with others, finding a sense of inner unity, feeling at one with God. The mood is fun and playful and at the same time profound. Sexual practices are discussed but there is no explicit sexual activity.Get Cobra Breath Courses – Anonymous  , Only Price $27Tag: Cobra Breath Courses  Review. Cobra Breath Courses  download. Cobra Breath Courses  discount.cobra breathing technique cobra breath initiation  cobra breathing yogacobra breathing air system