Social Monetization Magician – Ben Adkins


Course “Social Monetization Magician – Ben Adkins” is available, If no download link, Please wait 24 hours. We will process and send the link directly to your email.I’ve never offered something so powerful…Are you Ready for the most Radical,Life Changing Training in your FB MARKETING CAREER SO FAR?Dear Friend,If you’re like most people reading this right now, you feel like you’ve only been told half the story with how to make money with Facebook. Odds are, you’ve heard of 1-2 ways that other people are monetizing the social network and either, those methods aren’t for you, or you want to learn more long term and stable facebook monetization strategies to go with the methods you already know.And yes… I know what you’re probably thinking in the back of your mind:”There’s Got to More to Facebook Marketing Than T-shirts, CPA Offers, and the crappy low commissions that I’m making with Amazon offers.”…and you know what? You’re Right… If that’s what you’ve been doing to monetize facebook so far.. You’re Only Scratching the Surface.And That’s Why I have a verY Special invitation for you today.This Opportunity is what you’ll be thinking about when you go to bed tonight.Over the next 3 Weeks I will be taking a select group of people into a Very Private Mastermind and “Taking them By The Hand” as they Master Monetizing their Facebook traffic.I’m going to show you how to push the limits of Monetizing Facebook…Inside this LIVE Special 3 Session Training You’ll Learn,Session 1: ONLINE PHYSICAL PRODUCT SALES:In this live training session I’m going to talk to you about:”Essentials for Niche Based Social Sales”; I’m going to show you the exact foundation and tools that you need to make sales with social networks. This is big because you’ll never wonder if your “fanpage” is big enough or if you have a big enough following to make real money on facebook. I’ll show you the exact things that you need to have in place to and how to put them together in order to be successful, (ala: How Much to Post, How to Build the List, How to Get Constant Viral Growth)”Test Level” Products”: Most people who are making a little money on facebook are doing so with what I call “test tier” products. Whats sad is that these products were never meant to be your primary source of income online. These are the products, however, that you can promote for a short period of time… and learn exactly what your market wants. I’ll show you how to use them to figure out your long term business strategy with facebook monetization, (amazon and teespring all fall into the test level category)”Money Level” Products: Once you get past the “test level” products you need to know how to transition that information into your actual business. I’ll show you how to take test level products and turn them into “money level products”. These are the products that you can make a good amount of money on turn into a long term business with your pages. (I’ll show you how to get these products and make long term money from them).By the End of Session One You’ll have a unique understanding of monetizing your facebook traffic by selling online physical products and you’ll understand how to turn early successes into long term businesses, (this isn’t a part of any training out there today.)Session 2 Offline Monetization StrategiesIn this live training session I’m going to talk to you about:”Business Specific Monetization”: I’ll show you how to use facebook to benefit some of the most popular and profitable offline businesses out there today. We’ll be covering:Real Estate AgentsDentist and ChiropractorsLawyersRestaurantsBarsPlumbers/Heating and Air”Gravity Pages”: I’ll show you the unique way that you can attack a local community and build up a profit center before you ever even have a client. This kind of asset is the thing that will make clients want to work with you and they will pay good money to be a part of it. This is one of the most powerful local monetization methods for facebook today (Updated Content).By the End of Session 2 You’ll have an intimate understanding of how to help local businesses using facebook and how you can make money by providing these very special traffic generation services to them.SESSION 3: “MONETIZATION FOR PRODUCT CREATORS AND AFFILIATES” (SELLING DIGITAL ONLINE PRODUCTS)In this live training session I’m going to talk to you about:The “Facebook Affiliate Magnet”; I’ll show you the dead simple secrets to using facebook to get more affiliates for you online product launch. Its not as simple as running an ad that gets noticed. There is a powerful strategy that most people don’t understand. I’ll show you how to take advantage of ads to get affiliates…. the right way.”Ads to Sell! Sell! Sell!”: I’ll Walk you through how to use facebook ads to sell your products and how to tweak your ad for maximum profitability. Most people never run an ad and make any profit on digital products. I’ll show you exactly how to do it for both short term launch contest as well as evergreen products.”The Magazine Method”: Building an Online Marketing Facebook presence is not an easy task. I’ll show you the super stealthy way to build a huge following for your marketing niche and how to use it to sell your products. (This is worth a fortune.)MLMs and Network Marketing: If you are into network marketing and you want to learn more about how to expand your network using facebook, I’ll show you how to use the Social Network to get more people involved and signed up in your downline (THIS IS NOT FOR EVERYONE…. But Its Powerful)By the End of Session 3 You’ll have all the tools you need to build and automate powerful funnels that will make using facebook lOOx more powerful for your online marketing and product creation business.I’m so Dedicated to your success WITH THIS METHOD THAT THE MASTERMIND DOESN’T JUST INCLUDE THE 3 Session Mastermind.Yep… There’s More.I’ve coached countless students to becoming 5 Figure a Month earners and I’ve learned something that is critically important about success with any new method.You see, the first 3 weeks of putting this together are critical and I want to make sure you’re supported 100% during the entire process. That’s why I am also including access to my “Evil FB Magician” Facebook Mastermind Group.What is the”Evil Facebook Magician Mastermind Group”Not only will you have access to me during each of the the three masterminds, but during the entire time that we’re going through the mastermind and training, you’ll also have daily access to me via our Private Facebook Group.If you have any questions about anything, you can post it into the group anytime and expect a personal answer from myself or the other people in the mastermind. This level of access is designed to make sure that you are never without a guide in the most critical stage of this program (The first 3 Weeks).Considering the Level of AccesS you’re getting and the training you’re about to get, one would thinkTHAT YOU’D HAVE TO SPEND OVER $1000 FOR THESE 3 SESSIONS.Because you purchased a training product from me in the past and because I’m looking to build a Mountain of Testimonials from the people I train (and you’ll be happy to do that after I get you the success you’re looking for… trust me!) you’re going to get this at an amazing discount.But I’m not done yet:You’re also getting my rock Solid Guarantee on this training.If you go through all of the sessions, put in the work that we ask, and complete the homework we assign each week and still don’t have anything to show for it, I will give you your money back on this exclusive training. All I ask is that you give me a reason why this training didn’t work for you (I’m always trying to improve and if someone isn’t happy I want to know why). While I can’t fathom why anyone would ever come out of this special training and not feel they got lOx more than their money’s worth, this is my promise to you.You’re getting this training for a fraction of what it will cost in a month and you’re risk is next to zero.You know yourself better than anyone and you know that this offer is special. Trust your gut and click the buy button below. You won’t regret your decision to do so.Spots are limited for this training and we reserve the right to pull this offer at any time.I want a small group and I will close down this offer if we see the group getting too big.Just in Case You’re Still Wondering if You Can Get Results…Tag: Social Monetization Magician – Ben Adkins Review. Social Monetization Magician – Ben Adkins download. Social Monetization Magician – Ben Adkins discount.