Roofing Business Blueprint – David Deschaine


Course “Roofing Business Blueprint – David Deschaine” is available, If no download link, Please wait 24 hours. We will process and send the link directly to your email.Hello, this is David Deschaine and I want to talk to you today about the Roofing Business Blueprint. My “Brand” new course that’s coming out. Which is going to have a lot of information for you guys. This course includes everything that I have kept, you know, basically on my shelf for years and building a business that you guys have been looking for. I mean, we have some great new software involved in this program! We have the Roofing Estimator Pro, plus we have the Word Press Plug in.Roofing Business Blueprint Plug-InWhat that is, is my custom made Word Press Plug in. That includes everything on how to get “RSS” feeds to your website. How to get all the first places of Google, how set up blog postings so it directs all the traffic back to your site. And of course we’re going to include everything in the Roofing Business Blueprint. You’re going to get all of this! There’s something’s I really want to show you about the Roofing Business Blueprint. Some of the things that we’ve gone over. That I think would be important to you. I’m going to give you just a sneak peek of the over view. This is really an eye opening experience for a lot of guys that have never had a roofing business. Or are just ready to take their business to the next level. Or want to rebuild your roofing business.This is just an over view that I’ve created, and it’s just going to go over some of the information with what it’s going to include with this whole kit. This first part is laying the foundation of your roofing business. Level 1 is planning and management and setting goals. Level 2 is marketing, extreme marketing online, sales training and production. Level 3 is the biggest part where you’re scaling your business. And multiplying all the techniques so you can turn 1, 2, 3, into 5, 6, 7 and 8 jobs going on at once. Using some special techniques that I have and different ways of getting crews together, that you can really maximize profits without ever expanding any more capital and laying down more money.Also we have the Roofing Business Blueprint, Word Press Blog Plug-in, and also that custom made Roof Estimate Pro Software. This has everything you guys have been asking for to build your online marketing campaigns.Power Of The Roofing Business Blueprint SystemAdding the insurance binders in, so you have insurance. How to do insurance quotes. You’re going to have the updated creating of all the contracts, written proposals, estimates, also functionality of the reports and creating all the sales figures and graphs and stuff.This is going to give you a sneak peek of how your sales are doing. This software has been completely updated. I had another software engineer create this. This is a completely brand new package. It’s not just a rehash of the old Roof Estimate Pro. This one is a created brand new product, like I said from a new software engineer. This is going to have everything you guys want, and everything you need to operate your roofing business. A lot of updates, great piece of software.Get Roofing Business Blueprint – David Deschaine, Only Price 23$INTRODUCINGWe’re going to go through everything with you. The foundation of your business. All the things you need to know about levels 1, 2 and 3. And going through right to the Word Press Plug In. And also the Roofing Estimator Pro Software. Look guys this is incredible! I just want to show you what I’ve been able to create with a version of this software that I’ve kept private for almost about 5 months now but I’m releasing it to the public – You are one of the first to see this, and cannot guarantee for how long either – you may be too late.Roofing Software – Customer Management SystemI’m going to type in, as you see there’s no sign in, I’m not logged into any account. So the Google has no idea where I am on the internet. I’m just going to type in “Roofers in Maine” and I’m just going to show you what type of volume we do from just getting this alone. I’m going to show you. We are number 1. This is . This has nothing to do with any of the keywords with roofers or anything. It does have a couple of keywords up top, which helps. I’m going to show you how to fully optimize your Word Press Blog Sites, and your websites to draw in this traffic. It’s really what you do underneath, it’s all the backend of your website is the central hub of your office.Roofing Business WebsitesNow if you look at roofers in Maine, I’m going to click on this. this is one of our Word Press Blogs. I’m going to show you how to do this. And what it does is, we build these sites, and we direct it right to our sites. What this is, is if you look at, see I have all these links all backed to my website. What I’m going to do is show you how to use this; this creates blog postings automatically from the internet. What is does, Google calls it the “caffeine update.” If you’re having new traffic come in and new blog postings, it builds your website and get you get targeted traffic from local home owners.Roofing Leads From Local Home OwnersI’m going to go through all of this with you. And you can see the months that are created here. These are just automated monthly postings and it’s incredible. Let’s go back to Google again. I’m just going back to the main Google page. Once again it’s not logged in to any account so it has no idea where I am. You can type this in on your computer. Let’s just go “Maine Roofing Contractors”. And we’ve created all these posts inside our own websites and once again we’re like number 2 on this one. Using the Roofing Business Video Marketing you can start to build your online presence and grow your sales from the internet.Uncover The Roofing Business BlueprintThis is the way that we create these weblogs, that have all the links backed to our own main site. And by doing this I’m going to show you how to do the SEO so you get quality links and this new software creates all of these articles for you. It’s like “Once you set it, forget it.” Just like it is with one of these cooking oven things. Well basically you set it and forget about these blog postings, you never have to do it again. Google sees it being updated every day. And they know that you’re busy. And they know that you’re creating. Once again ill just put “Roof Replacement Maine”. I don’t know what this category will bring up. We should be like one of the top in any of this. Let’s see here, once again roof replacement Maine, this is one of my sites right here. And again underneath, the main keyword, because we own these sites as well. But we’re right there in number 3. This is incredible guys!The Roofing Business Blueprint ProofThis will show you, and I’ll show you what we do. We create all these auto blog posts. The Roofing Business Blueprint and Word Press Blog Plug in. This is included in the Roofing Business Blueprint course, it has everything. We walk you through how to set all this up, how to set up blog postings, and how to set up and create these automated blogs that bring in all this traffic. Look at some of the keywords in here. Metal roofing costs, all these ones. We’re going to show you how to set up these categories, how you’re going to bring in all this traffic to your website and once again I’m just going to show you the way I have created millions of dollars in the roofing business with my proven business systems.Finding Your Website On The First Page Of GoogleHaving a website develop is easy, you hire website design guy and uploaded to server. You can add all kinds of photos and make it look “Pretty” but pretty is no search engines are looking for. you need to have a certain amount of keywords or keyword density in your content, and it needs to be unique content not copied from other websites. We will show you exactly what you need to get your websites listed highly in the search engines. Plus who will show you how  to get started with online marketing or improve which already know, or think you may know – we will show you how to get real results fast.Online Marketing Roofing Business BlueprintI’m going to show you how to do all this stuff guys. We’re going to show you how you can create more traffic than you will ever think of possible. This is my main website. Comes right up, this is where we are, and I want to show you how to do this.Once again this is David Deschaine and I look forward to working with you on the Roofing Business Blueprint. This is the next level guys! If you want to know how to do all this and how to take your business to the next level using all the secrets and software. The closes and the plug ins. Completely change your whole info structure of your roofing business. Then sign up for the Roofing Business Blueprint. Just for signing up I’m going to give you the “10 Roofing Closes” video. Go ahead, come over to the website.Get Roofing Business Blueprint – David Deschaine, Only Price 23$Tag: Roofing Business Blueprint – David Deschaine Review. Roofing Business Blueprint – David Deschaine download. Roofing Business Blueprint – David Deschaine discount.