A Beginner’s Guide to Quantopian Futures API – Anthony Ng


A Beginner’s Guide to Quantopian Futures APILearn what a futures contract is and how to make use of the Quantopian Futures API to start developing your own algoIn this course you will learn how to utilize Quantopain Futures API to extract individual futures contract and continuous futures historical prices. At the end of the course you will be able to:Video 1: Q Futures 1 Basics of Futures ContractDescribe what is a futures contractVideo 2: Q Futures 2 Futures Contract CharacteristicsUnderstand and describe the basic characteristics of a futures contractVideo 3: Q Futures 3 Futures Naming ConventionBriefly explain the futures contract naming conventionInterpret information return in the futures object from calling the symbols methodVideo 4: Q Futures 4 Historical DataUnderstand the history method required inputsDemonstrate how to make use of history method to request historical dataRequests the full doc string of history methodDescribe the volume characteristics of a typical futures contractVideo 5: Q Futures 5 Continuous FuturesBriefly explain the need for continuous futuresDemonstrate how to make use of continuous_future method to extract continous futures contractIdentify the different input parameters and describe the implicationsVideo 6: Q Futures 6 Individual vs Continuous FuturesDescribe the relationship between individual and continuous futures contract volumesDescribe the relationship between individual and continuous futures contract pricesBriefly describe the differencebetween mul, add, and none adjustment typesVideo 7: Q Futures 7 Offset, Term StructureDiscuss the use of offset ofExplain the term structure of futures contractsGain deeper appreciation of the shape of futures contracts term structureGet A Beginner’s Guide to Quantopian Futures API – Anthony Ng, Only Price $11Course CurriculumIntroductionIntroduction (4:39)Quantopian EcosystemSetting Up a Quantopian Account (1:58)Quantopian Ecosystem (19:55)Basics of Futures ContractBasics of Futures Contract (4:21)Futures Contract CharacteristicsFutures Contract Characteristics (4:30)Futures Naming ConventionFutures Naming Convention (7:04)tHistorical DataHistorical Data (10:55)Continuous FuturesContinuous Futures (5:36)Individual vs Continuous Futures ContractIndividual vs Continuous Futures Contract (10:05)Offset, Term StructureOffset, Term Structure (7:16)Get A Beginner’s Guide to Quantopian Futures API – Anthony Ng, Only Price $11Tag: A Beginner’s Guide to Quantopian Futures API – Anthony Ng  Review. A Beginner’s Guide to Quantopian Futures API – Anthony Ng download. A Beginner’s Guide to Quantopian Futures API – Anthony Ng discount.