The Most Thorough and Broad-Spectrum Clearing of Self-Limiting Karmic Vows I’ve Ever Done, Part 1: The First 31 Categories of Vows


Originally Recorded: Saturday, February 8, 2020The Most Thorough and Broad-Spectrum Clearing of Self-Limiting Karmic “Vows” I’ve Ever Done, Part 1: The First 31 Categories of VowsClear 31 Categories of Disempowering, Self-Limiting Vows through 900 Past-Lives and 94 Generations of your AncestorsA “vow” is a special type of karma.  It’s not just a belief, or an action, or a perception.  It’s more of a conscious intention and commitment to restrict your energy in some way in the future.For instance, a vow of poverty may be taken in certain religious or spiritual contexts, intended initially to prevent you from being too materialistic and forgetting the importance of your spiritual path.However, now that very same vow of poverty may be preventing you from making enough money.  The vow, taken in the past, has become self-restricting.  Even if you don’t remember taking the vow, it still can be very strongly affecting you.Vows are self-restricting commitments of energy.Sometimes we take them consciously, sometimes unconsciously. Sometimes they are created verbally, sometimes mentally.  They are often created in religious situations.  Sometimes, they affect us automatically when we come into this life, because they are part of our ancestral lineage.Vows commit us to reacting to life in certain ways in the future, thus restricting our freedom of choice.What types of choices do vows make harder for us to make? Choices for inner freedom, mental peace, relationship harmony, financial freedom, and to actualizing our soul’s purpose, among others.Vows gum up our energy.  They disallow us from using our full power to manifest.  They are strong, self-imposed, and restrictive, often created with great emotion or spiritual idealism.Do we really need vows at all?  Some would say no.  Rather than pre-committing our energy to future restriction, why not just learn to be in the flow of life, and make conscious choices that are the most beneficial for you in the moment?Clearing and revoking vows from your conscious mind, subconscious, akashic records, and lineages is one of the most powerful forms of clearing you can do.  You may have no idea how much of your energy you have right now invested in self-restricting vows established in past lives.  As you feel through these clearings, you will sense layer after layer of restriction dropping away from you.Back in 2017, I offered 2 group clearings in which I facilitated a clearing of vows that had accumulated in the subconscious from this and from past lives.  In those clearings, I worked with facilitating the clearing of a total of 29 types of vows.  I remember these clearings well, as they were immensely powerful, and I had lots of positive feedback from those who participated.Since that time, various other forms of vows have entered my consciousness, mostly as I am working with my clients doing individual clearing sessions.  Each time I identified a new form of vow, I wrote it down onto a list.One of my teachers emphasized the importance of regularly clearing your vows.  Even if you have done related work in the past, there can be new vows that arise from within your akashic field and lineages that need to be cleared.  And you may unconscious create new ones.At this moment, I have now identified 93 categories of vows.  My Higher Guidance is suggesting to me that it would be ideal to spread the intensity of this work over 3 group clearings, spaced out over this year 2020.This is some of the most powerful work you can do to clear your karma, so I recommend you plan to participate in all 3.  You will want to listen to each clearing multiple times to let the work deepen, and so that you can fully integrate the changes each clearing will initiate.Each clearing will be performed at special powertimes, based on the astrology of the moment, so that the clearing work itself can be deepened and enhanced by the specific alignments of the stars and planets.Get The Most Thorough and Broad-Spectrum Clearing of Self-Limiting Karmic Vows I’ve Ever Done, Part 1: The First 31 Categories of Vows – Michael Davis Golzmane, Only Price $27I am planning the first clearing in this series or Saturday, February 8, starting at about 9:30 am New York Time.  (There is nothing more you need to do other than sign up.  You don’t need to be anywhere or doing anything at the time of the clearing.) As you will see, many of these vows are created in religious contexts.  Many of these vows I have identified using Christian languaging, though we will also clear the equivalent vows as they are expressed in other religious traditions.  The originally-intended benefits of the vows (if any) will still remain with you, while the disempowering consciousness will be resolved:In Saturday February 8th’s group clearing, here is the list of 31 categories of vows we will be clearing for you:abdication of power, responsibility, etc. (all forms, and for all reasons)abstinence / celibacy / chastity / repressed sexualityall vows that create allergies (to foods, environment, people, etc.)aloneness / loneliness / isolationanxietyatheism / theismattachment to outcomebaptism (Christian sacrament)be a victimbearing the Christ (in the womb, symbolically or literally)bearing the wounds of Christbeing married to Godblock knowing my Divine Purposeblock my own career progress, evolution, happiness, fulfillmentblock my own financial progress, evolution, happiness, fulfillmentblock my own relationship progress, evolution, happiness, fulfillmentchastity / purityclosing the heartclosing the mind (to new ideas)confession (Christian sacrament)confirmation (Christian sacrament)death for a cause (and “this will be the death of me”)deny my personal powerdestroy the enemy (enemy = certain ideas, individuals, groups, etc.)dietary vows of all kindseating disorderseucharist (Christian sacrament)excessive indulgence or not indulging appropriatelyfear in generalfear of Godfollow a belief system, ideology, religion, etc.In this clearing:We will perform the clearing at the peak time of a special powerful date known as “Thai Poosam”, which is a rare magical full moon date that happens once per year, where the energies of spiritual evolution and the transformation of body and soul are maximally available on the Earth.  This date is highly regarded for being able to access Divine Grace for transforming negative situations into positive ones, and for resolving the karma of ignorance, debts, diseases.We will resolve the first 31 categories of vows of my list of 93 (each vow may have millions of repetitions within your consciousness over many lifetimes)We will also clear within, on average, 39 forms of your ancestral lineages, through 94 generations (that’s going back almost 3000 years!)We will clear whatever of these 31 categories of vows your soul is ready to clear that you created in this present lifetime, as well as, on average, over 900 of your personal past lives.On average, we will clear 2 x 10800 (that’s 2 with 800 zeros after it!) vows for you and your ancestors in just this single clearing!  The fact that the number is so high means how much this energy is limiting you now, and how different you will feel once it’s cleared.Remember that each vow may have been repeated many times within your consciousness, thus intensifying its action.  Our goal in using these clearing methods is to clear all repetitions, as many as your soul is ready to release at the time.Join me for part 1 this Saturday, and change your life during 2020.Get The Most Thorough and Broad-Spectrum Clearing of Self-Limiting Karmic Vows I’ve Ever Done, Part 1: The First 31 Categories of Vows – Michael Davis Golzmane, Only Price $27Tag: The Most Thorough and Broad-Spectrum Clearing of Self-Limiting Karmic Vows I’ve Ever Done, Part 1: The First 31 Categories of Vows – Michael Davis Golzmane  Review. The Most Thorough and Broad-Spectrum Clearing of Self-Limiting Karmic Vows I’ve Ever Done, Part 1: The First 31 Categories of Vows – Michael Davis Golzmane download. The Most Thorough and Broad-Spectrum Clearing of Self-Limiting Karmic Vows I’ve Ever Done, Part 1: The First 31 Categories of Vows – Michael Davis Golzmane discount.