Virtual LA Boot Camp Intensive 2022 – Kim Krause Schwalm


Salepage link: At HERE. Archive: now $39 $249, Virtual LA Boot Camp Intensive 2022 – Kim Krause Schwalm Course.Now Available! Your In-Home Version of My No-Holds-Barred LA Boot Camp IntensiveEarlier this year I revealed exactly what this secret was in my first-ever LA Boot Camp Intensive. Not only did I share my victorious Boardroom Tax Hotline control and the strategy behind it, I broke down some of my other million-dollar controls, including:►A financial newsletter promotion that beat Jim Rutz not once, but twice…►A joint health supplement promotion that mailed successfully for over a decade…►An 8-year control for a memory supplement that made it one of the biggest sellers in its niche…►And another control I wrote for Boardroom that’s still mailing more than 10 years later! This live, one-day workshop—which I purposefully limited to just 10 attendees (and allowed one more to sneak through the door at the last moment)—took place in beautiful Hermosa Beach, California. In the room were beginning and advanced copywriters, marketers, and entrepreneurs alike.Fortunately, I made a last-minute decision to capture ALL of this invaluable, no-holds-barred teaching and sharing.And now my entire LA Boot Camp Intensive presentation is available to you…along with the same 60-page, 4-color Guidebook entitled “Breakthrough Copywriting Secrets It’s Taken Me 19 Years to Learn…And Will Take You Only One Morning!” that each lucky participant received! Plus I’ve captured every word of my 3-hour presentation in a downloadable transcript you’ll want to read and refer to again and again.A Behind-the-Scenes Look at Turning “Flops” into Million-Dollar ControlsIn my NEW completely downloadable Virtual LA Boot Camp Intensive, which includes the videos, guidebook, and transcript I just mentioned, you’ll see the exact swipes of Parris’ 7-year control, my first try at beating it, and the test promo that beat it handily and went on to bring in the big bucks. (I’ll even send you a PDF of my Tax Hotline control with my compliments!)You’ll get a deep dive breakdown and behind-the-scenes look at what allowed me to get this Boardroom control (and become the first female copywriter to do so!)I even go over my first few “flops” when I was first starting out with other clients so you know WHY they failed. Plus I show you exactly how on my second “go” I turned them into multi-year, million-dollar controls!With this kind of know-how, you can avoid making these same mistakes. Plus you’ll be able to immediately spot the holes in any control you’re looking to beat…increasing your chances of a blockbuster hit (and a FAT royalty check!)But that’s not all. From all of these winning controls I’ve written for companies like Boardroom, Soundview, and Healthy Directions, I boiled down writing a million-dollar control into a foolproof, 5-point system in this special, never-before-released, in-home program….Five “Most Likely to Succeed” Strategies and Techniques to Help You Hit Your Next Promotion Out of the BallparkWhile you missed the main event (and the chance to hang out with marketing legend Jay Abraham in person—yes, that was a nice last-minute surprise I arranged for my LA Boot Camp Intensive attendees!), you can get the next best thing.In my Virtual LA Boot Camp Intensive, you’ll discover the same fool-proof 5-point system to beating “unbeatable” controls and earning handsome royalties I shared with my attendees. So the next time you write copy, you’ll be armed with my five “most likely to succeed” strategies and techniques to hit your next promotion out of the ballpark.It took me 19 years to master all of these breakthrough secrets (and some visits to the “school of hard knocks” along the way!) Lucky for you, thanks to this boiled-down 5-point system, in-depth Guidebook, and video presentation it can only take you a single morning or afternoon of your time. A-List Secrets to Breakthrough Copy You Can Apply to Every Sales Promotion You WriteIt gets even better. In my Virtual LA Boot Camp Intensive, each minute and page is jam-packed with A-List secrets to million-dollar copy you can apply to sales pages, emails, magalogs, VSLs and other promos, including…Throw out your rule book! This is my #1 principle of direct mail copy from when I beat Jim Rutz’ promotion– and kept the control for over 3 years (financial promos almost never last a full year!)The taboo emotion my winning headline exposed to beat Parris Lampropoulus’ “unbeatable” 7-year control (This is how I became the first female copywriter to win a Boardroom control!)The world-class copywriter’s secret to predicting if your headline will fail miserably before you even test it (this won me a control that mailed for over 10 years!)Facing writer’s block? Do this quick 1-minute search trick and you’ll be overflowing with big ideas!Want to fast-track your way to the A-List and win control after control? Stop making this common headline mistake even veterans fall prey toA non-technical formatting trick that keeps your audience reading every single word of your copy and wanting even moreThe simple 3-word secret to writing fascinations and headlines in million-dollar controls. My triple-punch formula reveals what separates A-List bullets from the rest. Miss ANY of these punches and say goodbye to your profits!The single question I always ask myself and coaching clients when crafting an irresistible, mouth-watering bulletOne common yet overlooked word that makes the claim in your headline both believable and enticing to your prospects (you probably say this word every day!)The one word you should AVOID using in your copy whenever possible. You’d be amazed how many times it sneaks into your writing!Is your guarantee stopping your prospect from buying? This little-known trick helps you formulate an ironclad, no-brainer guarantee even the most skeptical buyer can’t resist!And much more!PLUS: Hard-won Secrets to Move Your Copywriting Career Ahead Farther and FasterIn my Virtual LA Boot Camp Intensive, I also reveal hard-won client strategies and success secrets to move your copywriting career ahead farther and faster. For example…How to know when to ask for an advance (hint: just about always!) and how much of one to ask for. Plus when you should require a full 100% payment up frontClient “red flags” to watch out for. Ignore these signs at your own peril (I wish I had!)My top 6 secrets for getting paid top dollar (and getting the R-E-S-P-E-C-T you crave)…including one most top copywriters would NEVER admit to using, but often doThe Dale Carnegie principle that makes it a snap to connect confidently with prospective clients at the next conference you attend—works even if you’re shy and get tongue-tiedWhy “spec” is a four-letter word in my book. What you must know before you ever agree to do any kind of work this wayThe truth about royalty-only deals…are they worth the risk? Here’s my take on itHow to do research right—and make it your “secret weapon” to winning bigger controls!The one thing you should ALWAYS do before you hand in your “first draft” to a clientAnd much more!Yes! I want Kim’s Virtual LA Boot Camp Intensive now!Boost Your Income and Become an In-Demand CopywriterWouldn’t you love to start racking up higher fees for your copy…and have the world’s top clients practically fighting for a slot in your schedule?I’ll be honest…the tips, strategies, and secrets I reveal in my Virtual LA Boot Camp Intensive are that powerful…and can fast-track you into A-List status in the copywriting world.Not only will you get the complete videos of my LA Boot Camp Intensive presentation (more than 3 full hours’ worth)…you’ll also get the SAME 4-color, 60-page breakthrough-packed Guidebook each of the lucky attendees received. Plus you’ll get the complete, word-for-word transcript of my entire presentation. Best of all, you can get access to ALL of this highly profitable, hard-won wisdom immediately…no waiting for something to arrive in the mail! When you choose to get the hard-copy DVDs and Guidebook, you’ll also get the complete downloadable files. Or choose the “virtual only” option. Either way, with the click of a button you can be on your way to boosting your income dramatically and becoming an in-demand copywriter.Plus at checkout you’ll get the chance to add the complete set of promo swipes of the 11 different control promos I refer to in my Virtual LA Boot Camp Intensive, so you’ll have them at the ready to do a “deep dive” into…at a substantial savings off the regular price.Thanks to the strategies I reveal in this program, you’ll take a giant leap forward in your mastery of copywriting, so you can charge clients more for your work. You’ll also discover my secrets to getting paid more and negotiating arrangements that put YOU in control of what you earn. Everything you’ll discover in my Virtual LA Boot Camp Intensive are real-life strategies I used myself to go from being a newbie to having a fully booked calendar…receiving fat, regular royalty checks…“beating controls left and right” (former Boardroom executive Brian Kurtz’s words, not mine!)…and earning a six-figure income my very first year as a freelance copywriter a few decades ago.And you can get it all for a fraction of what it’d cost to learn it from me one-on-one!Put Yourself on the Fast Track for Less Than You’d Spend for an Hour of My Coaching!I charge clients a minimum of $4,000 for a full day of consulting, plus travel time and expenses (and that will go up every year!)On the rare occasions I coach freelance copywriters, I’ve charged upwards of $450 an hour…and I’m not taking on anyone new at this time (except for the lucky mentees I’m already working with).That’s part of what made my LA Boot Camp Intensive live event such a bargain. For this full-day, small group intensive, each attendee paid $497 plus, in many cases, airfare and lodging.In return they got 8 full hours with me (including more than 3 hours of teaching plus hot seats.) That in itself was an incredible deal…in fact, I considered charging twice as much!But now you can enjoy my Virtual LA Boot Camp Intensive, and have it to view and read again and again from the comfort of your own home, for the no-brainer price of just $299 $249 for the physical + virtual versions of the program. Or get the virtual version only for just $249.This includes the 3 hours’ worth of videos, the 60-page Guidebook packed with copywriting strategies and actual promo examples from my past controls (and some of the ones I beat—including ones by Parris Lampropoulus and Jim Rutz), and the complete, word-for-word transcript of my presentation!My Virtual LA Boot Camp Intensive is the closest you’ll get to having one-on-one coaching time with me. To be frank, $249 would barely get you half an hour of my time. And my calendar right now doesn’t allow me to take on any new coaching clients.But thanks to this in-home program, $249 gets you my full, 3-hour video presentation and word-for-word transcript, plus my 60-page Guidebook containing my boiled-down, 5-point system for getting bigger controls based on my 19 years as a top-level copywriter. And you can get immediate access to all of it!