Low risk high reward investing using ETFs.They have an image of being boring instruments. As you’ll find out, nothing could be further from the truth.ETFs are well diversified, less volatile than stocks, and have no concept of earnings reports related volatility. They overcome all disadvantages of mutual funds. This strategy shows you the true power of options on ETFs, that many investors are unaware of.What’s inside the ETFMAX productThe ToolsBusiness cycles and industry sectors are “cyclical”. They go up and down in a wave-form. Money flows in or out of the main industry sectors in a big way. Tracking “sector rotation”,spotting the professionals, and getting a huge EDGE  is the core of ETFMAX.The KnowledgeETFs can be very powerful, but are labelled “boring”. Nothing could be further from the truth. In fact, it’s the most under-rated asset class. Tracking “sector rotation” and using ETF Options results in “Low risk High reward” investing opportunities.Real World ExamplesSimilar to ALL MAX systems, there are Live trades that analyze, strategize, and execute the plan, supported by a highly analytical and reliable methodology. This type of analytical approach produces excellent longer term trades.The ETFMAX Webinar – Product features