How to Tap into the Big Glow: The Inspired Mind


In the first part I will bring you to the infinite essence within that transcends any and all limitation.. the presence of boundless possibility.. and from this space show how to use the beautiful mind for optimal creativity in the world of time and space living in alignment with the SourcePurchase How to Tap into the Big Glow: The Inspired Mind courses at here with PRICE $95.88 $42Hello Beautiful BEingsOn Monday 12pm pst/ 3pm est… I will be teaching my monthly online class via Entheos Academy on the power of the mind .. The Big Glow: The Inspired Mind ..In the first part I will bring you to the infinite essence within that transcends any and all limitation.. the presence of boundless possibility.. and from this space show how to use the beautiful mind for optimal creativity in the world of time and space living in alignment with the Source.. I will illustrate the 10 keys (or big ideas).. and making space for Q&A .. Register here: (All my classes are archived for playback anytime if you can not participate live) : to Tap into The Big Glow: Inspired MindThe Big Glow is a poetic metaphor for that which is always inside us.Our spiritual essence which can never truly be put into words.It is discovered when we stop looking for fulfillment outside ofourselves and turn to that which is inside us.Empowerment, Freedom, Inner Peace, Passion, Meaning, Purpose,Inspiration are the byproducts that come through thisSelf-realization.In this month’s class we begin to look within to discover theincredible unlimited power of the mind and the astonishing degree to which we create that which we perceive to be real.Here are the top 10 big ideas on discovering how to live with an inspired mind.The Top 10 Big Ideas1 Present Moment AwarenessWhatever is happening is always happening right now. There is never anything that’s not happening right now. Therefore, the first and most important principle is always present moment awareness. You are not even in the game until the clarity of being present and aware in this moment becomes 100% clear and of the highest priority. This is always where everything is happening. Be fully present, clear and conscious in this moment and all things become possible. Without being present in this moment nothing is possible.2 The Infinite Power of No MindIn order to truly understand the power of the mind we must bringawareness to that which is often called “the absolute”. That which is no-mind. That which is silent, spacious, infinite, eternal and ever present beyond thought or conceptualization. The is the essence of who we are and the field of pure potentiality. The realization of that which lies beyond the mind allows us to be true creative geniuses in using our minds when we desire to.3 Intelligence of the Mind, Body and Emotional System as ONEIn Western, culture we tend to be very lost in our heads withoutrecognizing that the physical and the emotional are also importantparts of our intelligence system.The mind, the body and the emotions operate as one intelligent system and if we want to be fully actualize our intelligence we will learn to bring awareness to access and integrate these aspects of our intelligence to guide and inform us as well..4 Focus on What you Want Not on What You Don’t WantThe mind is incredibly powerful at amplifying whatever you put itsfocus on. Whatever you give your attention to you will get more of. Don’t think of a pink elephant.This is a principle that is simple to understand intellectually muchmore challenging to bring awareness to throughout your day to use the mind in an conscious, creative, optimal way.5 Realizing the Story as a StoryEverything that has a beginning, middle and an end is a story. The mind is constantly creating stories which often times it mistakes as “reality”.Discovering the distinction between what is actually happening right now and what is a mind created story is essential to tapping into the true power of the mind.6 Imagination: Creating the Future and Creating the PastOnce we realize that everything that has a beginning, middle and an end is a self-constructed story (5), we then realize we cancontinually recreate our stories of the future and also… amazingly enough … of the past. This is extraordinarily empowering andliberating.7 Embrace the Unknown – Beyond Should and Shouldn’tRumi said “Out beyond the notion of right doing and wrong doing there is a field. I’ll meet you there.When you start to truly tap into the power of the mind you start to realize how much of your individual and cultural conditioning of right and wrong and good and bad… is not absolutely true … and you don’t start to realize that.. well… you don’t know sh*t  … This humility is not a lack of intelligence.. but an opening to a deeper form of intelligence that is whole, connected to Source/God and inherent in the moment. The more you realize all you don’t know, the more you open to be guided by the direct intelligence of the moment.8 The Power of Conscious, Clear IntentionThe more clear our intention is, the more clearly it’s manifested. As human being we are just beginning to tap into the power of conscious,clear intention on a continuing basis.9 Individual and Collective Intelligence & ConditioningIn order to awaken the deepest intelligence, we must bring awareness not only to our individual intelligence but also to our collective intelligence. Becoming aware of all the ways we are conditioned by the culture we grow up in allows us to transcend that conditioning should we desire to and tap into a larger collective intelligence.10 Being the Channel for the Absolute.. also Known as GodIf we want to tap into infinite power of the inspired mind, then wemust desire with every fiber of our being more than anything else to be the channel for the Universal Creative Intelligence.. beyond the ego … also knows as God .. to move through us in each moment.Get How to Tap into the Big Glow: The Inspired Mind – Anonymous , Only Price $42Tag: How to Tap into the Big Glow: The Inspired Mind Review. How to Tap into the Big Glow: The Inspired Mind download. How to Tap into the Big Glow: The Inspired Mind discount.Purchase How to Tap into the Big Glow: The Inspired Mind courses at here with PRICE $95.88 $42