Master and Grand Master. The below rules are forthe advanced level, which is the normal level ofplay.In each round, each player gets three rolls of thedie to collect as many points as possible.As soon as a player rolls a number not included ina possible row, column or diagonal of threeadjacent numbers, that player’s turn is over, evenif they haven’t rolled three times (for example, a 1followed by an 8).Purchase Cybo – Bashar courses at here with PRICE $500 $24.9There’s a grid of numbers, 1 thru 12,arranged in 4 rows of 3 as follows:Each game consists of 13 rounds of play for 2 to 6players.There are four levels of play: Beginner, Advanced,Master and Grand Master. The below rules are forthe advanced level, which is the normal level ofplay.In each round, each player gets three rolls of thedie to collect as many points as possible.As soon as a player rolls a number not included ina possible row, column or diagonal of threeadjacent numbers, that player’s turn is over, evenif they haven’t rolled three times (for example, a 1followed by an 8).ScoringScores for each player in each round are kept bythe house on a score pad or indicated in someother clear way.If a player rolls three adjacent numbers in anyorder in the same row, column or diagonal (forexample 5, 9 and 1), they receive 3 points. This isknown as a “Trinity.”If the three adjacent numbers were rolled in order(for example 9, 5 then 1), the player’s score istripled to 9 points.If a player’s Trinity lies within a column, theyhave the option for a fourth roll to see if they canhit the fourth number in that column. This isknown as a “Quad” worth 16 points. However, ifthey miss the fourth number in the column, pointsare reduced to 3, even if the score would havebeen 9 if the fourth number hadn’t been attempted.NOTE: The player has the option to decline thefourth roll and keep their current points or risk aportion of their points on the fourth roll to earn aQuad.Winning:The player with the highest score at the end of 13rounds is the winner.Alternate Play Levels:Beginner: Each player may have 4 rolls of the dieeach round to try for three adjacent numbers.Master: Players must always roll a Trinity innumerical order only, whether forwards orbackwards. For example, 1, 5 & 9 or 9, 5 & 1 but5, 9 & 1 won’t count because the numbers aren’tin sequence.Grand Master: Players must duplicate at least oneTrinity, in the same order as first rolled, in order toqualify for Grand Master Level and then mustcontinue to duplicate that same Trinity as manytimes as possible within the 13 rounds. Forexample, if the roll first duplicated is 1, 5 & 9, thissequence must continue to be rolled in that order.No other order will count. Each duplicate is worth12 points.If a player manages to duplicate a Quad, then thatQuad must continue to be duplicated in the sameorder it was initially rolled as well.ScorecardThe scorecard should have 5 places in each roundto indicate the numbers rolled and the total pointsfor that round as indicated below:Here is a sample of what a player’s first 6 roundsmight look like this:Titles you can’t find anywhere elseTry Scribd FREE for 30 days to access over 125 million titles without ads or interruptions!Start Free TrialCancel Anytime.Get Cybo – Bashar, Only Price 24.90$Tag: Cybo – Bashar Review. Cybo – Bashar download. Cybo – Bashar discount.Purchase Cybo – Bashar courses at here with PRICE $500 $24.9