Rachel Feldman – Health Coach Biz Done-For-You Programs VIP Package


I remember sitting in front of my computer, spending hours on session notes, putting recipes together, creating opt-in freebies and programs, and I was exhausted. I knew what I needed to accomplish.Purchase Rachel Feldman – Health Coach Biz Done-For-You Programs VIP Package courses at here with PRICE $2656 $135 Rachel Feldman – Health Coach Biz Done-For-You Programs VIP PackageYOU HAVE THE KNOWLEDGE. YOU HAVE THE CERTIFICATIONS. AND YOU HAVE THE COMMITMENT.Have you ever just wished you could have a complete business overnight?You can. When you buy the VIP Package, you get %15 off the total package, which means you save $469.YOU WILL NOT SIT IN OVERWHELM.I remember sitting in front of my computer, spending hours on session notes, putting recipes together, creating opt-in freebies and programs, and I was exhausted. I knew what I needed to accomplish. I knew I needed TONS of content, opt-in freebies, my online program, my work with me page, but how could I get it all done?When I first became a coach, done for you programs did not exist, which is why I’ve dedicated my life to providing solutions to coaches like you.I know what works. You can’t have a thriving business with only ONE opt-in freebie. You can’t hope for your list to be built without having unbelievable content, low-cost gateway programs, AND signature program. ISN’T IT FRUSTRATING TO CREATE CONTENT FOR HOURS EVERY DAY INSTEAD OF COACHING THE WAY YOU DREAMED YOU WOULD WHEN YOU FIRST GOT CERTIFIED?Q5 ARE YOU SICK AND TIRED OF CREATING YOUR OWN PROGRAMS FROM SCRATCH?DO YOU KNOW THAT THE KEY TO A PROFITABLE BUSINESS DEPENDS ON YOUR MARKETING, GETTING STRATEGY CALLS AND NEW PROSPECTS?FOR REAL, I was in your shoes. I needed multiple opt-in freebies and multiple programs for my online, offline business and my work with me page needed to pop. There’s a sea of health coaches out there. I needed to stand out. When I finally made it as a successful health coach, I wanted to give back to everyone facing the same struggle, so I created the VIP treatment.IF YOU ARE READY TO CREATE A BUSINESS THAT WORKS FOR YOU, THEN YOU NEED A COMPLETE SALES FUNNEL.YOU NEED MULTIPLE ENTRY POINTS FOR CLIENTS TO JOIN YOUR PROGRAMS AND HIRE YOU. DON’T MAKE THE MISTAKE THE MAJORITY OF COACHES MAKE. DON’T MAKE THE MISTAKES I MADE. LET ME SAVE YOU MONEY.I stopped making the mistake of doing it all from scratch at year 3, and it saved me from the exhaustion of doing everything from scratch OVER and OVER.YOU NEED YOUR TRIPWIRE, GATEWAY PROGRAM, 6-WEEK RESULT­DELIVERING PROGRAM FOR ONLINE AND OFFLINE, GROUP COACHING-READY PROGRAMS, AND THE ABILITY TO MIX AND MATCH THEM FOR YOUR CLIENT’S NEEDS. You need to either hire a staff of writers, editors, marketers, and at least a chef and photographer (all of them need to understand health coaching, too!), or you need to clone yourself. Making all the materials you need is a super-human task, and you can’t do it all alone AND coach.AND IT HAS TO WORK TOGETHER. YOU NEED A BUSINESS SALES FUNNEL THAT DOESN’T LEAK.WHY A SALES FUNNEL? BECAUSE WITHOUT ONE, YOUR CLIENTS DON’T HAVE MULTIPLE ENTRY POINTS TO WORK WITH YOU.Want to kick some serious health coaching boot-ay, Coach? BOOM. This is your package.If you’re ready to take center stage as THE coach everyone turns to, not just another face in the crowd, you’re looking for the VIP. This package isn’t for everyone. It’s for coaches who are serious about making 2016 their year to succeed. You’ve got to be willing to give it your all. And Coach, you can bet there are rewards for your efforts.Add a little of your own mojo to the VIP, and there’s no stopping you.THE VIP PACKAGE IS EVERYTHING YOU NEED FOR A ROCKIN’ COACHING PRACTICE, READY TO ROLL FROM DAY ONE:»> REVITALIZE”’+»> DETOX ROCKSTAR” +»> SUGAR REPAIR” +»> WEIGHT LOSS ROCKSTAR” +»> RESTORE YOUR GUT HEALTH”This IS your year. Why would you want to go VIP? Because you’re ready to build your sales funnel. You’re ready to offer your clients clean eating, detox, sugar repair, 1-week, 4-week, 6-week, etc., weight loss, autoimmune programs, and MORE. You want to serve as a one-stop shop to cover all of your clients’ health needs.And you aren’t afraid of success.You’re ready for the freshest, most up-to-date recipes and meal plans for your clients. You’re ready for a suite of done-for-you programs with beautiful graphics, delicious recipes, and easy-to-implement systems.Purchase Rachel Feldman – Health Coach Biz Done-For-You Programs VIP Package courses at here with PRICE $2656 $135