Enlightened Business Academy (2014) With EBA Faculty


Every module consists of 3 primary teaching and Q&A sessions with our featured expert faculty, along with one integration and laser coaching session with Stephen Dinan, the founder and CEO of The Shift Network who is one of the world’s top enlightened business experts and extremely effective at developing ideas and strategies for taking your business to the next level.The Integration time is led by Holly Woods, Ph.D., Integral Coach. These modules will build harmoniously upon the next, so that you’ll develop a complete, holistic understanding of the practices, tools and principles you’ll need to grow a successful enlightened business.Purchase Enlightened Business Academy (2014) With EBA Faculty courses at here with PRICE $2497 $474Enlightened Business Academy (2014) With EBA FacultyEvery module consists of 3 primary teaching and Q&A sessions with our featured expert faculty, along with one integration and laser coaching session with Stephen Dinan, the founder and CEO of The Shift Network who is one of the world’s top enlightened business experts and extremely effective at developing ideas and strategies for taking your business to the next level.The Integration time is led by Holly Woods, Ph.D., Integral Coach. These modules will build harmoniously upon the next, so that you’ll develop a complete, holistic understanding of the practices, tools and principles you’ll need to grow a successful enlightened business.Module 1: Becoming a Purposeful Entrepreneur & Creating a New Paradigm BusinessTaught by Tim Kelley, True Purpose InstituteRecorded January 8th, 15th, 22nd (29th Integration Plus Laser Coaching with Stephen Dinan)In this foundational module, Tim Kelley will help you understand and use some of the key practices that today’s top companies and leaders are using to grow their businesses and make a powerful, positive impact on society. Tim has coached billionaires, CEOS of large companies and many change leaders on how to access, clarify and apply your higher purpose in every aspect of your business. You’ll:Uncover your life’s higher purpose, and relate it to every aspect of your businessApply the strategies top business leaders use for higher guidance in decision-makingConserve energy and money by removing activities that don’t serve your higher purposeLearn strategies to approach your messaging in a consistent way that sends the right signals to your ideal partners and clientsDevelop methods to discern which programs and tactics are in alignment with your purposeUnderstand the foundational elements of a truly new paradigm business, and when to integrate them as you grow (HINT: NOT all at once!)See the creation of an enlightened business as a journey rather than a destination – allowing yourself to keep growing and evolving over time, without getting too far ahead of the marketSee how new paradigm companies use their higher purpose to engage customers, employees and partnersUse higher guidance and purpose information to supercharge your sales and marketingAbout Tim Kelley:Tim is a global change-agent and internationally-renowned expert on higher purpose. He works with top leaders in many fields and countries to transform human institutions and evolve society to its new form. Tim has trained over 1000 consultants, therapists and coaches in his methods and worked with hundreds of CEOs, including top leaders and executive teams from companies, such as Nabisco, ING, Oracle, Lexmark and AOL. He formerly worked as a leader at Oracle, two levels below the CEO. He is the author of True Purpose, and the best-selling coauthor of three other books.Module 2: Mastering the Tender Art of Niching: How to Gain Intimacy, Trust & Connection with Your Best Potential Customers & ClientsTaught by Mark Silver, Heart of BusinessRecorded February 5th, 12th, 19thThis session will build upon your now in-depth understanding of your personal purpose from module 1, to further define your niche in ways that keep you centered in the heart of your business. Mark has helped thousands of business owners in the personal development, health and wellness arena (and many others) to align their purpose and uncover the ”jewels” that differentiate them from their competition – to design messages that resonate from their heart, while also creating successful offers. You’ll:Translate your higher purpose into a profound understanding of who your target audience isDiscover that the true purpose of marketing is not just about attractionUncover the three essential steps in communicating with your ideal client, and why that matters for marketingBegin to see how relationships are nurtured, and how long it takes to make a significant purchasing decisionLearn how to communicate what you do in one compelling sentenceDiscover how intimacy and trust are created in a marketing messageShift the way you relate to your customer from reactive to proactiveCreate strategies to funnel clients into your business with easeBuild upon your unique gifts and areas of strength to create create strategies that speak the language of your ideal clientAbout Mark Silver:Mark founded Heart of Business in 2001, with the mission of helping people in small business who want to make a difference, and need to make a profit. Since then, he and his team have worked with thousands of business owners globally, and he has authored seven different programs that make up an entrepreneurial wisdom academy. Mark’s guidebook, Unveiling the Heart of Your Business, integrates more than 5,000 years of spiritual tradition with down-to-earth, no-nonsense business practices to support the healing of your own split between business action, ethics and spirituality. A designated master teacher in his Sufi spiritual lineage, Mark earned his Masters of Divinity, and seamlessly integrates ancient spiritual teachings that nourish the heart with very specific, nitty-gritty details of how to get business done.Module 3: Creating Your Irresistible OfferTaught by Lisa Sasevich, The Invisible CloseRecorded February 26th; March 5th, 12th (19th Integration Plus Laser Coaching with Stephen Dinan)In this module, Lisa Sasevich will cause you to shift your thinking from your audience and niche to get crystal clear on the transformation your clients will get as a result of working with you. Lisa helped many of her now six-figure clients create an irresistible offer by generatively building their personal “brand” of transformation that naturally invites clients to work with them. In this module, you’ll:Discern what constitutes a valuable offer for your clients, as opposed to productsUse this distinction to completely transform your entire business, from product definition to marketing to business systemsBuild powerful language that brings ease to your relationships with customers that you can use in every type of communicationGive your prospects the opportunity to say “YES” to your offer – because they immediately see how it serves themUncover the three questions to ask yourself that will make putting your offer together an absolute no-brainerBuild desire among your clients starting with the first words out of your mouthBe amazed at the simplicity of crafting your offer based on the anticipated transformation your customers will experienceDevelop ease in sharing your offer with clients as you uncover their personal benefitsStructure and present irresistible offers to help customers to BUY NOWMove people from the “MAYBE” position, where no action takes place, to the “YES” position, where they act.About Lisa Sasevich:Lisa created a multi-million dollar home-based business with two toddlers in tow. She is the author of The Invisible Close, which teaches experts who are making a difference how to get out their message effectively and authentically. Lisa has assisted in the creation of many successful careers because she insists on guiding her clients in the building of systems that help their customers: make a choice, take action, move forward and commit to something they desire. Lisa will show you how to share your wealth with the world, and thus receive the wealth that people have to share with you.Module 4: Attract Customers Without StruggleTaught by Sharla Jacobs, Thrive AcademyRecorded April 2nd, 9th, 16th (23rd Integration Plus Laser Coaching with Stephen Dinan)In this powerful module about attracting clients with heart, Sharla Jacobs will share a few simple and easy-to-use, heart-based principles to attract clients to your business quickly – and without being pushy. Sharla has coached more than 20,000 clients to become 6-plus figure earners, utilizing her Heartselling™ methods that were “downloaded” from the Divine and have become a powerful client MAGNET for their business. With Sharla’s guidance, you’ll:Uncover the “8 Keys to Attract Clients without Struggle” and the “5 Elements of Heartselling”Recognize the divinity in yourself and in your clientsBecome curious about your clients’ challenges and concerns so you understand their pain pointsLearn the 3 magic questions that help you to deliver valuable, free consultations that turn client objections into paying clientsLearn how to have conversations about money, and dance with the concern, “I can’t afford it,” with integrity and effectivenessLearn to use the 5 basic elements from Chinese medicine to better connect with yourself and your clientsCreate a holistic approach for leaning into your clients to support them in getting what they need from what you have, and being able to support them to say “yes” to themselvesFind out specifically what’s missing from your communication and mindset about selling, so you can serve your clients more fullyApproach your clients with generosity and service to help them become more curiousAbout Sharla Jacobs:Sharla is an Award-Winning Million Dollar Mentor, and she and her husband, Jesse Koren, are two of the world’s leading authorities in helping coaches, practitioners and entrepreneurs add six figures to their income. They have taught their step-by-step system to over 20,000 people, and have gifted over 6 million dollars in scholarships to their own events, as well as contributed over $100,000 to causes they believe in. Sharla will give you the treasure map to increase your income and build a sustainable business.Module 5: Heart-Based MarketingTaught by George Kao, The True Livelihood CommunityRecorded May 7th, 14th, 21st (28th Integration Plus Laser Coaching with Stephen Dinan)In this module, George Kao will help you gain confidence as a business owner that you are eternally safe and completely protected. You’ll discover how a heart-centered approach to your customers will bring you more clients and business without feeling threatened. George has worked with hundreds of clients, and well as a faculty member at The Shift Network, and will help you create your own wisdom business. From George, you’ll:Learn how to take the larger perspective on what’s good for your soul, and the souls of your customersInvest your time in the long-term to bring a return on consciousness, rather than a short-term return-on-investment approachDiscover how to give from wise generosity, rather than total selflessness, in order to build true fansStrategize how to build authentic fans to garner support through referrals, promotion, crowdfunding, and other resourcesGet clear about how others can access your assistance through different levels of services that you offer (free, barter, paid, etc.)Learn how to vary the price of your offers to create more opt-ins at every levelLet your audience reveal what it wants to be created and delivered, rather than forcing your vision onto your ideal audienceLearn self-compassion to preserve your own work-life balanceRecognize the benefits of focusing on authenticity, appreciation, learning and karma, rather than solely focusing on sales, comments, likes, fans, conversions or opt-insAbout George Kao:George is a trusted conscious marketing expert to over 500 clients – teaching the most productive online marketing methods for coaches, counselors, consultants, and those who are creating what George calls “wisdom businesses.” His mission is to dramatically raise the marketing effectiveness of people who deeply value integrity, service and sustainability. George has been building online communities for more than 10 years. In recent years, he’s become the go-to expert on how to productively use the Internet to get your message out to the people who would love to hire you for your services, or buy your programs.Module 6: Scalable Business Models & The LaunchTaught by Jennifer Russell & Bryan Franklin, California Leadership CenterRecorded June 4th, 11th, 18th (25th Integration Plus Laser Coaching with Stephen Dinan)In this tactical module, Jennifer Russell and Bryan Franklin will share their expertise on how to begin to really grow and scale your business. Jennifer and Bryan have worked with thousands of businesses in the start-up to sustainability phase to reach a high level of success.They will guide you through a journey that will uncover the three pillars of business success – Marketing, Sales, and Leadership and how to use them to launch and scale your business. With Jennifer and Bryan, you’ll:Learn to get the value equation right, creating effective business process that guides you in all other business aspectsUncover secrets to effectively focusing attention on core positioning, lead generation, marketing, sales and closingCreate mature business systems up-front that allow you to reach sustainability phase in a shorter period of timeDevelop fulfillment strategies that create sustainability and greater profit, without working harderLearn to create repeatable strategies to deal with short-term customer issues, so you can focus on long-term financial strategyDevise generous lead sources and new product lines that lead to scalabilityUse automation to fine-tune business leads and fulfillment that frees you from repetitious decision-makingFree your attention from problem-solving to design innovative marketing and sales approaches to reach a broader base of customersLearn to feel like the most important thing you can do for you business is to ‘get out of your own way’About Bryan Franklin and Jennifer Russell:Bryan is a leading executive coach, a compelling speaker and a successful entrepreneur. He has founded and sold over a dozen companies (including his own private equity fund), and has now generated more than $10 million in executive coaching over the last decade – making him one of the most financially successful coaches in the country. He has become the trusted advisor to some of the most highly-respected executives in the Silicon Valley, coached top level executives at many Fortune 1000 companies, and helped many entrepreneurs build their organizations into success stories – taking them from start up to billions in sales.Jennifer is a dyed-in-the-wool entrepreneur, having worked exclusively in high-impact startups – most recently as the president of an environmental chemical company, bringing over 40 new technology products to market. Her dedication to the intersection between creativity and prModule 7: The Enlightened Entrepreneurial Mindset: Becoming the Person You Need to Be to Manifest Your VisionTaught by Ryan Eliason, Social Entrepreneur Empowerment NetworkRecorded July 2nd, 9th,16th (23rd Integration Plus Laser Coaching with Stephen Dinan)Ryan Eliason, one of the world’s top coaches for socially conscious entrepreneurs, believes that success is 90% psychological and 10% technical. In other words, it’s 10% skill and technical know-how, and 90% attitude, confidence, focus, determination, and your inner “mental game”. Effective technical strategies are essential to success, but without addressing the psychological level, you’re only going to reach a tiny percentage of your potential. Mastering the art and science of “being” could lead to more success and satisfaction in business and life than you might imagine. It is perhaps the most critical element of business success. In this module, you’ll:Get clear on exactly who you need to be and the attitudes you need to embody in order to reach your vision.Master the technology for transforming your attitude and your way of being.Step into consistently being your best self – the person you need to be in order to achieve your vision.Take on being unstoppable, unreasonable, and playing full out.Create a clear, comprehensive, written list of both internal and external obstacles and challenges to achieving your vision.Create a written plan for triumphing over each of those obstacles.Identify your core limiting beliefs and apply a powerful proven technique for transforming them into more empowering beliefs.Learn to identify the voice of your “Gremlin” so that you are empowered to act from the inner knowing that this voice is not your truth.About Ryan Eliason:Ryan Eliason’s mission is to empower socially conscious entrepreneurs to transform the world’s most pressing problems. As a teenager, Ryan Eliason co-founded Youth for Environmental Sanity which has supported more than 675,000 young visionary leaders from 65 nations working on social change, human rights, and environmental sustainability. Ryan believes that business can be a powerful force for transformation. In the last three years over 50,000 people joined his Social Entrepreneur Empowerment Network, a rapidly growing global community of changemakers. His programs have empowered thousands of conscious entrepreneurs with the tangible skills and mindset shifts needed to expand the reach and positive impact of businesses that focus on a triple bottom line: People, Planet, and Profit. He is now one of the world’s top trainers for social entrepreneurs and has hundreds of clients from twenty-five countries currently enrolled in his training programs.Module 8: Entrepreneurial Secrets from the Leading EdgeTaught by Stephen Dinan, The Shift NetworkRecorded August 6th, 13th, 20th (27th Integration)In this module, Stephen Dinan will share his well-earned secrets for how to thrive as an entrepreneur, while building a company that aims to positively change the world. You’ll hear how he worked through many challenges to succeed in building a company that has heart and integrity. This module will blend his insights from the “outer game” of marketing, business development and enrollment, along with the “inner game” of developing your capacity as a leader. He’ll also do “laser coaching” to help participants take the next leap in business. In this module, you’ll:Learn to build trusted networks of allies through genuine generosity and goodwill, in ways that can lead to rapid expansionConnect with your heart’s truth, and develop messaging that speaks directly to people’s core needs, and builds rapportTurn around failures, mining them for gifts and opportunities for personal transformationDesign your operation in a way that maximizes your strengths and creates a thriving lifestyle for you, personallyUtilize the power of higher guidance for making routine and strategic decisionsDevelop maximum synergy by designing launches and campaigns that align with the needs of partners and allies.Get vulnerable with your customers in a way that cultivates loyaltyKeep honing your development as a leader – taking in feedback from wherever you canDevelop practices for innovation, fresh ideas and out-of-the-box thinkingNavigate the boundaries of personal sacrifice and self-care as you grow your businessBalance decisions that are for the greater good, while also being wise with your personal and organizational resourcesNavigate questions related to investment, board and long-term visioningApply lessons from building a truly happy and heart-based company cultureInvite partners in a way that doesn’t diffuse your vision and purpose, or undermine cohesionAbout Stephen Dinan:Stephen is the CEO of The Shift Network and a member of the prestigious Transformational Leadership Council and Evolutionary Leaders groups. As the former Director of Membership and Marketing at the Institute of Noetic Sciences, he was the driving force behind the Shift in Action program, which grew to 10,000 paying members. He is also the author of Radical Spirit (New World Library), and a forthcoming book, Sacred America: Sacred World. Stephen directed and helped create the Esalen Institute’s Center for Theory & Research, a think tank for leading scholars, researchers and teachers to explore human potential frontiers.Module 9: Creating Enlightened Work EnvironmentsTaught by Bharat Mitra, Organic IndiaRecorded September 3rd, 10th, 17th (24th Integration Plus Laser Coaching with Stephen Dinan)In this final module of the Enlightened Business Academy, Bharat Mitra will share his passion, presence, inspiration and intelligence to help you learn how to build an enlightened business that simultaneously supports you, your team and your customers. Bharat founded Organic India, a vehicle of consciousness in the global wellness market. He will share his holistic business model that supports the Indian farmers, his staff and his customers with sustainable structures. From this module, you’ll:Free yourself of the delusion that you have to do all the work alone, without supportBegin to nurture an effortless spaciousness to guide your most effective decisionsEmbrace humility to allow yourself the space of not having immediate answers to your business’ most difficult decisionsUnderstand how clarifying your vision and purpose naturally attracts staff, colleagues and clients who resonate with that purposeEliminate the need for wasteful and unnatural rewards that don’t actually incent people to support youOpen the door to extreme innovation by inviting others’ contributions, rather than having all the answersAdvance growth by creating systems to invest in other people, companies and industries who support your businessLearn to create a business that is a part of the paradigm shift that will lead to the transformation needed to sustain and co-exist on the planetUnderstand how providing consumers with products that are truly made with love, of the highest quality, and that generally support their wellbeing will create more company vitality than the bottom-lineShift to focus resources on developing quality products and systemsAbout Bharat MitraBharat is the founder and President of Organic India. Bharat arrived in India in 1987. He has been a visionary entrepreneur all of his life, bringing passion, presence, inspiration, intelligence and great love to everything he does – and to everyone he meets. Bharat founded ORGANIC INDIA as a vehicle for consciousness, with no separation between “spirituality” and “business.” It is a company where integrity, honesty and respect are valued as a priority; a business where the bottom line includes social responsibility, environmental sustainability and economic success. Bharat Mitra is a Director of The StarFire Fund (USA), President of The Bet Lev Foundation (USA), a core partner of Gold Lake Mountain Resort (USA) and Chairman of The Lev Group (CO, IsraelYour Enlightened Business Academy Bonus Collection:In addition to the truly transformative teaching and integration sessions, you’ll also receive these powerful bonuses with the world’s leading business visionaries and teachers. These bonus sessions are being offered to further complement what you’ll learn in the academy – and take your understanding and success to an even greater level…Purchase Enlightened Business Academy (2014) With EBA Faculty courses at here with PRICE $2497 $474