Derek Halpern – Yes Engines


Files Included: Total Size: Digital products: Get the download link at Account or directly via email. Support: Lifetime Download: Unlimited Of Course: Derek Halpern – Yes Engines.Purchase Derek Halpern – Yes Engines courses at here with PRICE $1999 $197When purchasing this course: Derek Halpern – Yes Engines, You can get it with the LIFETIME SUPPORT and UNLIMITED DOWNLOAD.Derek Halpern – Yes EnginesCourse “Yes Engines – Derek Halpern” is available, If no download link, Please wait 24 hours. We will process and send the link directly to your email.Get Derek Halpern – Yes Engines at the fexmallEnrollment closes January 23rd at 11:59PM Pacific Discover The New “Selling System” PROVEN to Make More Sales and Create Customers for LifeIntroducing “Yes Engines”For the first time ever, I will reveal how I used “Yes Engines” to build a business from scratch to 7 figures in less than 3 years.Best part: You can replace those old school, high-pressure sales tactics that push honest, affluent customers away……and learn the 3-step selling system that:Shows you how to attract the right peopleGives you the exact techniques to close the saleAnd most important, provides you with a sales strategy you can scale when the time is right.If you sell information products, coaching, and other services, you’ll see how simple it is to learn… even if you haven’t started selling anything yet… even if you currently HATE selling… even if you’re selling $0.99 ebooks or $10,000 consulting packages.But don’t take my word for it…3 Entrepreneurs Who Cashed In On “Yes Engines”Until recently, I’m positive you’ve never heard about “Yes Engines.” Here’s why:I wanted to make sure it worked. Not just for me, but for coaches, consultants and other entrepreneurs.So instead of rushing to the market, I spent 18 months, more than six figures in research and development, and refined the entire process into a system.And when people went through the course, here’s what happened…$500,000 In Sales: “Derek has been instrumental in my sales success. Thanks to his advice, I’ve sold the same course seven different times, generating over half a million dollars in sales in the past two years. When I started taking his advice, including doing a Preview Series before the sales offer… I went from doing $30,000 launches to doing $100,000 launches.”– Jeff Goins, AuthorNew Sales Strategy: “I recently lost my biggest referral partner who had been referring 30% of my clients. It was a wake up call that I really needed to diversify and find more ways to attract clients to my brick and mortar business. That’s why I took Yes Engines. And within the first weeks of the course, my new approach got a client signed up for my highest priced $1200 package. I now have a strategy in place to get clients from the website to the table with as little work on my part as possible.”– Rachael Scott, NW Clinical MessageDoubled Sales: “While we have a big following for our boating travel TV show, Distant Shores, we also knew there were a lot of people who couldn’t get the channels. We had episodes of the show available to buy or download on our website, but sales were low considering our viewership.That’s when we knew it was time to improve our marketing and build our online business to reach others who would be inspired and entertained by the series. Through Yes Engines, we doubled sales for our most expensive DVD bundle in one weekend (without discounting) and added numerous new subscribers to our newsletter! We made enough to pay for the entire course in that one weekend. It’s fantastic to be sailing around the world and see new sales come in.”– Sheryl and Paul Shard, hosts of the TV show Distance ShoresWhile I’m not guaranteeing that you will achieve the same results (or any results whatsoever) – nobody can, and if they do, they’re probably lying – some of the concepts I taught in this system have helped these entrepreneurs turn quality traffic into sales. And now you can learn the same techniques.While it sounds technical, it’s not.“Yes Engines” is a unique, proprietary, and effective way to communicate with prospects, and it’s designed to show them why they should buy (instead of you focusing on ‘selling).I’ll get to those details in a minute.But first, let’s start at the beginning…Why I Hate Traditional Product Launches,  Sales Funnels, and Other GimmicksHi, I’m Derek Halpern, the founder of Social Triggers. I’m the guy one writer at Forbes called an “expert on consumer psychology” and one Inc. writer declared an “expert marketer.”That’s why you’ll be surprised that, though I now believe selling is the secret to building a five, six, or seven figure business……I used to DESPISE selling.You see, I started my business because I wanted to help people. I didn’t feel right asking them for money. It just made things “weird.”And when I saw how other people sold their products, I felt like I needed to take a shower.Especially when it came to “product launches,” “sales funnels,” and other persuasion gimmicks.It didn’t feel right.And, I always felt like those systems were GREAT for people who already built a large email list. What if people were starting from scratch? What could THEY do?So I began researching other ways to sell online……And I stumbled on other unscrupulous marketers and salesman teaching what they knew.Manipulation? Mind control? BLEAHIt was horrifying. These other “teachers” would tell their students to: “control the mind of your prospects,” “ethically brainwash,” and “a perfectly legal way to…”Seriously? People TAUGHT THIS?Or how about those people who say they “share good content” in email, but for whatever reason, you never see any of that content. Instead, all you see is sales pitch after sales pitch after sales pitch?If you already had an aversion to selling, and you stumble on tactics like that, you’ll NEVER do it.And for good reason. You avoided these scammy tactics because you care about your customers.Plus, They’re Not Working As Well As They Used To…Stepping off the soap box a second, the truth is, those other methods for launching products and services weren’t working as well as they used to work…Why?Because I believe people got tired of them, and became keen to their tricks.And when I’d hear other people say things like, “We need to send more emails now to make the same amount of money we used to make,” that was iron-clad proof to me that things just weren’t as rosy as they were.So, I had a decision to make…On the one hand, I didn’t want to use scammy tactics.On the other hand, I knew I needed to learn how to sell.Why did I know this?BECAUSE PEOPLE WEREN’T BUYING.And it made NO sense.They Said The Same 3 Things Over and Over (And That’s Why I Knew It Was My Fault)People would tell me how thankful they are, and how they’d like to buy something from me, but when I’d send them a link, they’d disappear and I’d never hear from them again.Then, on the off chance people provided feedback, they’d say things like:“I would buy, but I don’t have enough money right now.”“You’re too expensive.”“I’m not sure I need this right now, maybe I’ll need it in a few months.”Sound familiar?At first, I blamed them. I’d laugh with my friends and say, “They just don’t understand. They’re only hurting themselves.”And my friends would agree, “Yea, they weren’t right for you anyway!”But deep down I knew this wasn’t true.I knew these people could benefit from what I was selling right now. I knew they could afford it, especially since the value I provided made it a no brainer.And that’s when I uncovered the truth about selling: there were 5 big myths, and they just weren’t true.If you believe any of these 5 myths, you’ll see why you shouldn’t beginning today.It felt good to complain, but I was actually shooting myself in the foot. It didn’t matter that people “SHOULD buy” because they didn’t. And my indigence about being right wasn’t helping my customers OR my business improve.And I know when I stopped believing them…Things Changed – And Now  People Are Actually BuyingAll because I figured out a new way to sell.You see, when you’re looking to sell your products and services profitably, you’ll need three thingsA repeatablep system to get the attention of the right people.A system for turning the right people into customers.A customer experience that delights customers, and makes them want to buy again and again.And most important, you’ll need to accomplish this without resorting to yesterday’s sales tactics that will get you laughed out of the room.Now, you likely know this, but over the last 3.5 years, Social Triggers started out as a “little blog with no readers” and turned into a 7 figure business.And what’s GREAT is, while, YES I can splurge a little on myself here and there, I can also reinvest this revenue into hiring people to do the things I don’t like doing.But let me tell you…Nothing feels better than seeing sales coming into my business every single day. This is a snapshot of daily sales from just last week…the fexmallIf You Ever Felt Like This…“Loads of people are interested in what I have to offer. But when I ask them to buy, they run for the hills. I don’t know where I’m going wrong.”“I have a great product and know my sales should be higher, but I can’t find the missing puzzle piece to get there”“People are interested in what I’m selling, but they’re not taking action. They’re saying it’s too expensive, or that they don’t have time. And I don’t know why.”It’s because you’re failing to convert your sideliners into sales.And that’s a BIG problem.Let me break it down.Only a small percentage of people who visit your site will be instant buyers. If I were to estimate it, I’d bet it’s around 5%.Then, assuming you’re attracting the right traffic, another small percentage will be instant non-buyers. If I were to estimate that, it would be about 15%.But the vast majority of people will fall into the “Sideliners” category. The people who could buy, should buy, but aren’t buying.Instead of having a large number of sideliners, you should aim for having the smallest number of sideliners as possible……even if it means people will decide to NOT buy.Because it’s not just about making people buy or making people not buy…It’s about making people make the right decision for themselves.And that’s the key.How do you entice people to make that decision?“Wait One Second! What If I Don’t  Have ANY People Visiting My Website?”I’ve got good news.As you’ll see in one second, the same process I use to convert Sideliners into Sales can be used to attract people to your site, too.So, keep reading.There Are 3 Ways to Entice People to Buy  (And Only One Creates Customers for Life)Your three options…The First Option Is To Do Nothing And Let Sideliners Slip Through The CracksIf you want to let Sideliners slip through the cracks, you’re selfish. Here’s why:You’re hurting your customer. Remember, the Sideliners are people who should buy, could buy, and will most definitely benefit from what you sell. When you fail to persuade them, that means they’re going to continue struggling with a problem you know you can solve – and that’s just not cool.And you’re doing you’re hurting your business. As the White House Office of Consumer Affairs points out, it’s 6-7 times more costly to attract a new customer than it is to retain an existing customer. So, if you’re already attracting these people, and failing to persuade them to buy, you’re going to waste a lot of money trying to grow your business.Moving on…The Second Option Is  Use A Super-Salesy Strategy Like This:the fexmallIntroducing “Yes Engines”Yes Engines is a 6-week, multimedia online training that teaches you how to start generating more profitable sales for your business. There’s HD videos, worksheets, and more.And by the end of it, you’ll learn:How to Attract The Right ProspectsHow to Convert Those Prospects Into Profitable CustomersHow to Keep Those Customers For LifeEven better: You’ll see how to sell so that you can charge what you’re worth, and get it. And a whole lot more.Here’s a complete breakdown of what you’ll learn in each module…Note: Laptop, Moleskine, Pen, And Table Not IncludedModule 1: The Psychology of Your CustomersStruggling with figuring out who your ideal customer is? Use this simple technique – and watch your frustrations fade away.The single best way to find out if people want what you’re selling before you start selling it. This one little technique can help you save a boatload of time and money on creating something nobody wants to – or will ever – buy. (If you’re just getting started, ths is how you ensure you pursue a business that’s lucrative)The secret to charging what you’re worth and getting it (You’ll learn how to communicate with your prospects so that you’ll never hear “you’re too expensive” again)The 2 biggest mistakes that will cripple your sales. These 2 mistakes almost guarantee you’ll never make as much money as you rightfully deserve, but luckily, they’re easy to fix. Look for the answer in the 3rd video in this module.How to use the laws of psychology to persuade people to buy. There’s a lot of scientific psychology research that people ignore. You’ll learn how to leverage it to virtually guarantee sales success.The only 4 “reasons why” people say no to your products and services – and a simple 3-step formula for enticing them to say yes.The new “Yes Engines” system for fast business growth. And the truth about using your website to make sales.Module 2: The PreviewIf you’re struggling to build your email list, then you’ll learn how “The Preview” will help you build it… fast.Plus, you’ll see how to ensure not just “anyone” joins your email list, but instead, people who actually want what you’re selling (whether they know you’re selling it or not).How to never “give away the farm,” but still provide educational, entertaining, and helpful content that can build likeability, trust, and most important, desire for your products and services.The exact STEP BY STEP method for turning a new prospect into a raving fan that’s ready to buy.16 proven content templates, including examples and when to use each, so you’ll know what to create and when to create it. Even better, these 16 templates are perfect for video, audio, and text-based content.What people REALLY want when it comes to free content that leads up to a sale. And nope, it’s not just a bunch of information… even if it’s helpful. Do this right and you’ll watch their sales objections melt away.The exact “Preview” sequence I used to generate six figures in revenue (and the secret psychology behind why it worked)The easy-to-follow roadmap that takes your prospect from “I think I need help” to “where do I send the money.” And you’ll see how it works for software, services, and online courses.Module 3: The OfferHow to sell people on your products and services… before they even see your sales message.Is it really possible to construct “The Offer” without being salesy? The answer is a “resounding YES!” And in this module you’ll see how to do it.The proven 10-step formula for creating a sales message that converts. The best part? Learn how to use it create persuasive sales pages, compelling sales webinars, and high-converting sales videos.What NEVER to include in your sales messages. This is the dumbest thing people do, and what’s sad is, they think “it’s okay.” You’ll see why it isn’t in this module.Not a writer? No problem. I’ll teach you how to use “plug and play” sales sequences that can work… even in the most competitive markets.Are you tired of people getting confused about how your product or service actually helps them? Learn the simple psychological trick to get them to read your entire offer page.Module 4: The WOW ExperienceThe PROVEN blueprint for turning new customers into customers for life. Get this right, and you’ll learn how to turn one-off buyers into raving fans who want to buy everything you sell.Plus, the truth about refund rates – and the secret to lowering it.Warning – Research from Harvard Business school shows improving customer retention by 5% increases profits by 25% to 95%… And that’s why “what happens after the sale” is the single most important thing for building a successful business in 2014.Getting helpful customer feedback about your products and services is one of the trickiest things to get right… until you see these word-for-word scripts I use. I’ll show you what they are, how they work, and more important, how they’ll help you “figure out” the hidden reasons why people buy what you’re selling.The REAL “WOW Experiences” I use in some of my most successful products. Feel free to model them so that you can get yours up and running as fast as possible.The single best way to get REAL testimonials… even if you’re just starting out.And believe it or not, you’ll also get…Why Did Other Students Enroll In Yes Engines?Here’s what people are saying right now…“Because I think Derek is one of the smartest Entrepreneurs operating at an extremely high level…and I look forward to learning from him!” – John“I am looking for as much high-quality education as I can get in the sales/copywriting area so your course offering has come at exactly the right time. Also, frankly, I love your style (especially in the videos) and the no-nonsense way you explain stuff.” – James“What sealed the deal for me is that I have been following you long enough to know you’re the real deal and have amazing insight into selling and building a healthy and rewarding business.” – Cale“I would like to approach building my business with an attitude of “helping” not “selling”, and your method claims to do that.” – GarnetGet Yes Engines TodayWhen you enroll in Yes Engines today, here’s what you’ll get:JOIN & GET:The Full Yes Engines training course. This includes access to all of the Yes Engines module content (with downloadable videos, worksheets, and audio files). – Value $1999Access to the Private Yes Engines Facebook Community. This is where you can interact with current Yes Engines students (and future graduates!). – Value $49960 Days of Email Support. As a Yes Engines student, we want to make sure we get your questions answered… when you need them answered. That’s why we have 60 days of email support where you can ask questions over email. – Value $9994 Weeks of Live Group Coaching Calls. Or, the one and only time you can get get Derek to personally answer your burning questions about selling online. – Value $1999Advanced Training #1: How to Sell With Webinars. It’s no secret that webinars are a great way to sell your products and services. Here’s the step by step formula I use to do it. – Value $199Advanced Training #2: Advanced Traffic Strategies. If you want to build your business, you’ll need traffic. Here’s how I generate traffic in 2015 – Value $499Advanced Training #3: Behind the Scenes of My Most Successful Launch. You can’t reverse engineer other peoples product launches because oyu don’t know the secret psychology that goes on bvehind the scenes. In this training, I’ll reveal that missing information and show you how to release a new product into the world the right way – Value $499The total value is $6,693 but you’ll pay less than 1/3 of that total price.Because you can enroll today for the low price of…12 Monthly Payments of $199  (Just $199 today)Here’s What’s Most Important…Just make sure you make a decision today. Enrollment closing soon…And I anticipate raising the price the next time I open this training for enrollment.This isn’t some “scarcity play,” where I try to scare you into buying. That’s just the truth.But check this: When you enroll today, not only do you gain access to Yes Engines, you’ll also get any future updates of Yes Engines at no additional cost.And if I later add additional bonuses, you’ll get those for FREE as well.If You Have Question About “Yes Engines,” I’ve Got Good News! I’ve Got Answers.“What if I Haven’t started my business yet?” Should I still enroll in Yes Engines?That depends. If you have no idea what you want to do – meaning you’re not even sure if whether you want to talk about health, fashion, gizmos, or business – then I would say no. Don’t enroll.BUT… If you have an idea on what you’d like to do, and you’re not sure how to refine that ideal into a real business, then I would say yes.Here’s why: in module 1, I’ll share a technique I call “The Three People TEchnique.” And if you’re struggling to figure outPurchase Derek Halpern – Yes Engines courses at here with PRICE $1999 $197