Lifestyle Academy – Brad Branson


I was stuck in a relationship for YEARS because I didn’t think I could find a better girlI was living paycheck to paycheck buying stupid things I couldn’t affordI hated my day job and had no idea how to find a careerI’d actually enjoyAnd I let other people control my future, doing what “society” thought was right because I didn’t know how to think for myselfPurchase Lifestyle Academy – Brad Branson courses at here with PRICE $1797 $144Your Sex LifeAre you dating the type of women that you’re most attracted to?Your HealthDo you like how your body looks?  How about your energy levels?Your FinancesAre you happy with the amount of money you’re making?Your EmotionsDo you wake up CHARGED and excited to start your day?Your FreedomDo you have enough free time to do whatever you want, whenever you want to?Your FriendsDo you have an awesome group of like-minded friends to inspire and motivate you?For Most Of My Life…The Answer Was NO!I spent most of my 20′s lost and confusedI was stuck in a relationship for YEARS because I didn’t think I could find a better girlI was living paycheck to paycheck buying stupid things I couldn’t affordI hated my day job and had no idea how to find a careerI’d actually enjoyAnd I let other people control my future, doing what “society” thought was right because I didn’t know how to think for myselfAnd This. Changed. EverythingFrom “Chode” to ChampA small town boy from Wisconsin takes on the women of the worldLuckily” things got so bad my girlfriend dumped me, and I went online to find out how to get another girlfriend.I stumbled onto the “Success with Women” industry and was surprised to find businesses that were teaching guys how to pick up chicks…And once I realized that you can actually LEARN how to get good with girls, I dove in head first!I attended every seminar, read every book, and started going out non-stop to chat up girls.Rejections turned into phone numbers…  Phone numbers turned into “friends with benefits…”And after a few years, my results with women were so good…That the top company in the industry asked me to start teaching for them!But The More Girls I Slept With…The Worse My Life BecameHow the “perfect” lifestyle lead to bitter unhappiness!Now by most guys standards, I was living the perfect life…I was traveling the world as an Expert Dating Coach, going to the best night clubs around the world, and teaching hundreds of guys how to pickup girls.My sex life was out of control, just romping from Tokyo to Sweden, meeting random girls, pulling them home, and going out EVERY SINGLE NIGHT…But beneath the surface…  I was deeply unhappy.Sure I had the girls and I was traveling the world, but the rest of my life was a HUGE MESS!Until around my 30th birthday, when I finally hit rock bottom…And made the commitment to turn things around for goodby focusing on the rest of my lifeAnd This. Changed. Everything… AGAIN!How Getting Slapped in The Face Jump-Started My BusinessApplying the principles of Success with Women to Success at LifeI finally had the leverage to take full control of my life and read every business, diet, and self development book I could get my hands on……And when I applied the tools I’d been teaching for years as a dating coach to the new areas of my life…  It was like adding JET FUEL to the speed of my success!You see, pushing through procrastination requires the same mindset as pushing through the anxiety to approach a girl.Emotional intelligence is needed for BOTH business leadership as well as when you get rejected from a hottie…And using these familiar mindsets I started a new business where I’m able to work from anywhere around the world…Moving to downtown Chicago, yet still able to travel when the polar vortex comes into town.I also started hitting the gym, working on my diet, and building a new social circle with crazy successful friends…My First “Accidental” Client Made $3000 in 2 WeeksAnd another one built a harem…People started noticing my transformation and asking me if I’d mentor them…So I started doing “Lifestyle Coaching calls” and I was amazed at how quickly they started seeing results.One guy had been trying to get his business started for over 6 months, but couldn’t make his first sale…And within 2 weeks of us working together he closed a contract worth $3000!Another guy was having issues with “entitlement” and not feeling like he deserved to be with a beautiful woman…So we worked through some mental reframes, created a gameplan to increase his “reference points,” and within a few months he had 3 girlfriends.  Haha After a few more cases like this, I started brainstorming what later became The Lifestyle Academy…And now after teaching hundreds of clients (just like you), I’ve decided to take things to the next level!Here’s What You Get:The LSA Members AreaYou’ll get immediate access to The New LSA Members Area which includes:Your Week 1: Attitude 101 videos…  As well any future video modules as they’re released each weekExercises through out the program to hammer home the new concepts, with special new BONUSES only available when you complete your courseworkAnd my Director Notes…  A detailed outline of each video module, so you don’t have to worry about taking copious notesYou’ll also get email reminders when new videos are released…As well as notifications for exercise deadlines, so you can complete them on time and never miss a bonus!The LSA Private Members ForumYou’ll also get access to the LSA Private Members Forum, where you’ll be able to:Sync up with other like minded peopleCreate mastermind groupsFind friends to hold you accountableAsk me and the crew any questions you have about the LSA materialAnd find guys in your own city to go out with, or even start a business togetherIt really does create that immersive experience when you’re surrounded by so many people on the same journey as you…The LSA Core Weekly Video TrainingCheck out some of what you’ll learn each weekATTITUDE 101 The Foundations of Success and HappinessDive into your subconscious mind to find your inner purpose, determine your ideal lifestyle, and learn how to achieve a more fulfilling lifeREDISCOVER YOUR VALUES – Learn EXACTLY why you make decisions, and how to start making better ones to live by YOUR values instead of society’s, your parent’s, or your friend’sPOSITIVE NEGATIVITY

 – Discover what holds you back from being happier and more fulfilled (You’ll see why most people are DEAD WRONG about how they view their bad emotions)YOUR PURPOSE EXPOSED – 

Remove the mental clutter and uncover the deeper meaning to your life, and learn how to instantly transform any fears of failure into your greatest asset

 – Feel drawn towards your goals like a magnet, knowing with confidence that you’re making the right moves in life

Destroy self doubt, stop worrying about what other people think of you, and become a BOSS with full control over the direction your of life

Find out how “positive thinking” can RUIN your own success, and build immense momentum to achieve your goals fasterMOMENTUM 101 Long Term Goal Planning, Habit Formation and Morning RitualsSupercharge your goal setting system and model the habits of ‘peak performers’ to GUARANTEE waking up more productive and excited to start your dayDAILY BLUEPRINT – Use “administrative strategies” to boost your daily productivity and finally have the free time to do what you’ve been putting off for yearsSLEEP SCIENCE DECODED – Naps, meditation, sleep cycles, and more! Structure your night like a mad scientist to consistently wake up with more energy and alertnessUNSTOPPABLE ACHIEVEMENT – Develop UNBREAKABLE determination and know when to follow through on your goals where anyone else would have given up (The best part is this technique works even better on the areas of your life where you haven’t succeeded before)MORNING MOMENTUM – Use this “No Excuse” strategy to trick your brain into feeling AWESOME and never waste away the day again (Imagine how great it would feel to have half your to-do list done before breakfast!)THE YING AND YANG OF PRODUCTIVITY – Find out why your “Blue Collar Work Ethic” can actually DESTROY your chances of success… If you’re already an overachiever… THIS. IS. FOR. YOU!PRODUCTIVITY EXPOSED – Know exactly when you’re working on the RIGHT THING, and when you’re just wasting time on unproductive tasks (You’ll finish projects faster and never miss a deadline again)DAILY JEET KUNE DO – Get rid of the habits that are holding you back and TRIPLE how much you get done each week (You already have the time to read more books, hit the gym harder, and work on your game…You just don’t have the right strategy to get to it all)WEALTH 101 Financial Freedom and the Millionaire MindsetUtilize Fortune 500 budgeting strategies to decrease your financial stress and increase your monthly income and earning potentialCREDIT CRUNCH – Start paying yourself instead of your bankers, and use “Napier’s Law” to end the stress of living paycheck to paycheckTHE MENTOR METHOD – Learn how to make wealthy and successful people beg you to become their friends (and give you all their wisdom for free)ABOVE & BEYOND – Get your boss to pay you more and “brainwash” customers into loving your company with tried and tested strategies from the best Internet marketersTHE COLLEGE QUESTION – Turn your university education into a peak performance training and find out how all those hours in the library actually developed important life and business skills!IMPULSIVE SPENDING STOPPER – Take your emotions out of the equation and stop buying CRAP that you don’t need (You already have the money to do everything you want in life, you just don’t know how to use it)BAILOUT FUND – Start building your financial future TODAY, and use “Ancient Wisdom” to do it the right way (That awesome lifestyle is closer than you think!)LIFESTYLISM 10 Higher Level Consciousness and Extreme Self LoveExplore Brad’s 3 Paradigms of Consciousness with exercises to boost your self esteem and give you a broader perspective of realityYOU 2.0 – Upgrade your self-image to feel deserving of the best things in life… And then go get them! (This is as close to a magic pill as you’ll ever get and uses the “law of attraction” to bridge the gap between where you are and where you want to be)MENTAL REFRAMES – Learn how to tweak your “Emotional Intelligence” to become the life of the party and make EVERYTHING YOU DO supercharge your self-esteemKILL THE PUPPETEER – Stop letting other people control your life and learn how to confidently make those important life decisions… And I’ll hold your hand through the entire ”Success Barrier Blasting” process!CONSCIOUSNESS BOOSTERS – Have mind blowing sex, taste food like you’ve never tasted it before, and create stronger relationships with everyone you meetANTI-SOCIOPATH IRREVERENCE – Start taking bigger risks and do whatever the hell you want instead of being afraid to fail and worrying about what other people might think of youBALL AND CHAIN DESTRUCTION – Remove the hidden emotional baggage that’s been holding you back for YEARS from enjoying life to the fullestEMOTIONAL EXODUS – Never have a “bad day” again and get your emotions to work for you instead of against youEGO TO LIFE BOOST – Develop Extreme Self Esteem to become “The Ultimate Man” (Find out why it’s actually good to have a huge ego!)BUSINESS 10 Create a Stress Free Career or Business You’re Passionate AboutLearn how to innovate and market yourself to create a “Lifestyle Resume” that guarantees a financial Cash CropJOB JIUJITSU – Turn even the most boring job into a stepping stone to a more fulfilling career – (even if you’re flipping burgers and hate your boss!)THE B-MYTH – Pump up your income by becoming the most valuable asset inside the company and learn why owning your own business isn’t always the best path to financial freedomSOCIAL INTROVERT – Learn the top 3 skills every self-made millionaire swears by… Even if you’re stuck in boring college classes or hating your “day job of doom”IM 101 – Get a crash course in internet marketing to see if it’s right for you and safeguard yourself from “get rich quick schemes”MARKETING ME – Boost your income and bolster your job security with a “unique” marketing strategy that literally forces your boss and customers to NEED youEXECUTING AWESOMENESS – Find out why your “million dollar idea” won’t make you rich and develop the tool that actually can (Watch as others sit around bragging about their “great idea,” while your actually making it happen)SOCIAL STUDIES 101 Elite Social Circles and Balancing Game with Your LifeOuter game tips and Inner game mindsets to not only attract hotter women into your life, but also better friends and mentorsSOCIAL CIRCLE MASTERY – Learn how developing “your game” and skillset with women can easily transfer into creating an awesome social circle of cool friendsCONFIDENT CONNECTIONS – Get women to trust you on a deeper level… Leading to better relationships, better sex, and becoming a member of “The Secret Society of Seduction”SOCIAL CATALYZER – Develop an addictive personality that “overwhelms your environment” making you the life of the party and a blast to be withGIRLFRIEND GUARANTEE – Learn the smoothest path to transition from dating a girl to making her your girlfriend (it’s so smooth she’ll think SHE’S making the decision to “go exclusive”)THE BOLD BREAKUP – Learn the best way to breakup with your girlfriend on good terms like a real man (and leave the window open to hook up with her later with no strings attached)FRIENDSHIP GONE WRONG – Know the right time to separate yourself from friends or family holding you back… And how to “distance yourself” without ruining the relationshipKILL THE BUDDHA – Discover how to quickly win the respect and trust of powerful people and create win-win mentor/mentee relationshipsFORCED FRAMES – Feel comfortable in ANY situation, be yourself around the people you admire, and sneakily get them to do whatever you want. (The best part is people WANT you to do this!)ADVENTURE 101 Travel the World, Skill Mastery, and Live a Healthier LifeGet a roadmap to Life Mastery, a diet and exercise routine to look amazing, and cutting edge tips to travel on the cheap and live lie a rockstarJET SETTING ON A BUDGET – Travel the world like a BOSS (at a fraction of the cost) while RAMPING UP your game, fitness, and business goals (You don’t have to fall off your routine when you’re on the road!)FIRST CLASS NINJA – Use insider secrets from a Swiss airline pilot to fly first class on the cheap and get invited into exclusive elite member areas for FREEWORLDWIDE ROCKSTAR – Learn the “secret handshake” to trick bouncers, waiters, and promoters into WANTING you to come to their club or restaurant, and join the life of the “Social Elite”THE PERFECTION CHALLENGE – Get a ripped physique on the road while barely spending any time in the gym. (You can even do this at home and get in BETTER shape than you ever thought possible)PROLIFIC BIBLIOPHILE – WARNING! You might be reading books the “Wrong Way.” Find out how to read faster, remember more, and use reading as a tool to sharpen your mindINFORMATION OVERLOAD – Stop being influenced by social conditioning, and get your information from the right places (You’ll be amazed at how much mainstream media has negatively impacted your life!)GRADUATION Advanced Inner Game – And Your Gameplan for the FutureUnderstand the Timeline of Long term Success and how to create long lasting true happinessLADDER OF SUCCESS – Feel great everyday knowing WITHOUT A DOUBT that your small victories will lead to huge rewards (No more short term pain for long term gain…  It’s just ALL good ALL the time!)COMPETITIVE ACTION – Avoid the subtle trap EVERY successful person makes and create an ideal environment that literally “embarrasses you,” in a good way, to reach an even higher level of successCOMPLEX CONTRIBUTION – Model Warren Buffet and Bill Gates to create ACCURATE goals decades away… Also find out why they gave away their BILLIONS OF DOLLARS…  And why you would tooSELF MASTERY – Develop MASSIVE willpower, take control of your mind, and enjoy “pushing through the pain” (No more excuses, no more procrastination, just getting sh** done and loving it the whole time!)DREAM DESTROYER – Stop stressing out and doubting your dreams, know exactly when to stick with it and when to throw in the towel (You’ll kick yourself when you see where you’ve made this mistake in the past)EGREGIA CUM LAUDE – Catapult beyond your early successes inside The LSA to achieve even more after the program…  And get a tool to make sure you keep the habits that made it all happenThe After Hours LoungeGet over 40 hours of premium webinar recordings without the “fluff”The LSA Staff has painstakingly sat through YEARS of webinar recordings to bring you “the cream of the crop.”You see, webinars are normally FULL of down time:Waiting for people to show upInternet connections lostOr someone forgetting to turn their microphone onBut instead of sifting through hours of webinars yourself, we’ve cut out all the noise, and organized my best responses into OVER ONE HUNDRED short audio samples…Answering questions before you even knew you had them, and giving you a deeper understanding of the content you’ll be learning about each week.The Entire 12 Month Evolutions ProgramWith over 19 hours of videos showing you EXACTLY how to meet, attract, and date hotter girlsThe accumulation of over 6 years of my best dating advice,I’ve broken down EXACTLY what it takes to become successful with women.Evolutions contains HUNDREDS of tips and tricks to date hotter girls with a step by step roadmap to master your dating life for good.I’ve also included the ENTIRE 12 Month Premium Immersions program…With more than 36 videos covering everything from text game, how to never running out of things to say again, and even dealing with multiple girlfriends.You’ll literally have EVERYTHING YOU NEED to get this area of your life HANDLED.VIP UpgradesSILVER & GOLD: BRAD BRANSON™The Masters ProgramBoth Silver and Gold packages come with a 6 month subscription to The Masters ProgramUpgrade your LSA experience with The Masters Program,andget a new interview each month from one of MY personal mentorsincluding:A fitness expert, a world class pilot, 2 multi-millionaire entrepreneurs, a dating expert, and a top level life coachLearn how each of them became successful in their diverse fields, and speed up your learning curve in the areas that matter most.SILVER & GOLD:  BRAD BRANSON™The Global Pass Get Life-Time Access to The LSA VIP RetreatThe Global Pass gives you exclusive access to The LSA VIP Retreat, taking place twice a year, each time in a new location…You’ll be able to network with other LSA Alumni, party with me in person, as well as ask me any questions during the LIVE exclusive seminar.The next LSA VIP Retreat is January 16th-18th, 2015 in Koh Tao, Thailand…  Start your year off right!GOLD ONLY:  Private Coaching BRAD BRANSON™Get direct access to ME with 2 one hour coaching callsUpgrade to the Gold Package and get 2 one hour coaching calls WITH ME that you can use any time during your LSA program.We’ll work together to uncover blindspots, push through success barriers, and I’ll give you specific feedback and homework for your exact life situation…we’ll help you break pass your sticking points whether it be in your love life, business life, or your personal health.Now I only do private coaching calls with LSA students and alumni, and my current rate is $997 a month for 2 calls…But when you upgrade to the Gold Package today, you’ll get a 10% discount on the monthly rate.GOLD ONLY:  $250 in Branson BucksGet $250 off private coaching and future live eventsAnd lastly, when you upgrade to the Gold Package you’ll receive $250 in Branson Bucks…This super cool currency can be used at any time within 12 months of your LSA program for Private coaching calls and other live events.(NOTE: Branson bucks can NOT be used to purchase The Lifestyle Academy)Tag: “Lifestyle Academy – Brad Branson” Review. “Lifestyle Academy – Brad Branson” download. “Lifestyle Academy – Brad Branson” discount.Purchase Lifestyle Academy – Brad Branson courses at here with PRICE $1797 $144