
Inside, you have access to the trainings and any future updates. No need to worry about attending an expensive seminar and forgetting everything you’ve learned on your notepad. I got you covered!Private Facebook Community And Resource CenterPurchase Brian Iregbu – CREATIVE REI ACADEMY courses at here with PRICE $997 $121Brian Iregbu – CREATIVE REI ACADEMYNO? THEN KEEP READING…1. Are you working day in and day out but still can’t seem to get ahead?2. Do you find yourself throwing away marketing dollars and leads because very few houses meet the 70% rule?3. Are you getting crushed by your competition and have trouble doing consistent deals?4. Tired of flipping all of your deals to investors that keep them to make mailbox money that was meant for you?5. Tired of cash buyers beating you down on your assignment fees?If you can relate to any of this, you are in the right place!STOP WASTING PROFITABLE LEADS AND START PRINTING MONEYI’m about to show you how to execute subject to, wraparound mortgages, owner finance, & lease options to level up on your competition.Seems like everyone and their mama is a wholesaler now right?Exactly I know you thought it already lol !Not to mention the big dogs in your market that have 10x the amount of money and resources than you do. Good luck being a one trick pony going against them.Granted you can try to hustle and outwork them but that can get exhausting very quick . I’m going to show you how to OUTSMART THE COMPETITION WITH CREATIVE STRATEGIES that allow you to do more with less.Interested? Ya I thought so .However, before we move any further, I insist that you read the following like carefully!After college, I got a job and was making $42k/year as a science teacher. Like most people, I used to live for Fridays and Saturdays. The thought of doing that for a lifetime, wasting my prime years and never having enough money was depressing. I never had enough money. Most of my income went to bills. Every day to work was the same. I seen everyone on social media traveling the world and wanted to afford the same lifestyle. I felt like I was trapped. I never bought this idea of life.However, about four years ago, I decided to give my entrepreneurial instincts a chance. I was introduced to real estate investing, but I was skeptical because of my inexperience, very low credit score (508) and no savings.I can still remember the day I made my first deal. It profited me $4,800, and as I drove to the bank to cash the check, my eyes started watering heavy. I wanted to be tough but I couldn’t help but blink and let the tear of joy drop. I could finally peek into a future that I always wanted. Making the money I needed with only a few hours of work. For me, it was a big thing back then. I had finally discovered the road to my financial freedom.Since then, I have consistently made $100k+ per year with only part-time work. This money has made me realize that the sky is the limit and now can afford things that we longed for and experience vacations at places, that only felt like a distant dream not long ago .If you can relate to my story, irrespective of where you are on your journey, let me help you to get to the other end. There are times when one feels stuck and depressed but don’t quit – as there is always a way out of it.In the US, there is no easier way than real estate to exceed extraordinary levels of income. People will tell you that things are not that easy as they were used to be. There is a lot of negative talk about the industry but let me assure you that this is one of the best times to get in.It matters very less if you have a college degree or a license. A great credit score and extra money on the sides do help, but they are not essential to game winners. I have dozens of students who have made it, with probably poorer credentials and circumstances than yours.IF YOU’RE STILL WITH ME, THEN I’M SUPER EXCITED TO PULL BACK THE CURTAIN AND INTRODUCE TO YOUCREATIVE REI ACADEMYA creative Real Estate Investment Training Program that will bring you to master creative structures like subject to, owner finance, and lease options to profit from more deals!Discover Super Successful Passive Income Strategies Using Lease Options & Brokering Owner Finance Deals!In this Exclusive Training, I will guide you to everything there is to learn and walk you through each step of successful real estate investing; the same systems and strategies that I’ve used to make hundreds of thousands in profits and thousands of dollars in passive income.Here’s A Summary Of What You Will Learn:​How to buy rentals to create passive income without using your own cash or credit​How to profit big from deals that don’t fit the 70% wholesale criteriaHow to present creative offers to sellers to get them to say yes, exact scripts and questions I useCreative method to score Huge profits using short term owner financing​How to spot a great creative deal opportunityBut that’s not it. The program is much more than that as I discuss various creative strategies to buy and sell deals that most investors pass upThe AcademyIn the membership portal, you’ll have access to 6 weekly modules totaling 28 detailed tutorial videos on completing creative deals from start to finish.Inside, you have access to the trainings and any future updates. No need to worry about attending an expensive seminar and forgetting everything you’ve learned on your notepad. I got you covered!Private Facebook Community And Resource CenterIn our private facebook group (academy members only) we will be able to share high level strategies, resources and tools.This is a great place to network and learn from other members in the group.Support + AccountabilityEmails from me, your personal coach- to discuss your goals and how we can achieve them together! Weekly you will receive a personal email from me, motivating you to keep going, stay strong and give you tips/daily challenges. Together we’ll celebrate your wins from the week, and set new goals for the upcoming week. You’ll love the supportive community!Imagine finally being able to control your incomeMy creative real estate investing program takes you through the entire process. It entails most up to date strategies and creative deal structures to flourish even in competitive markets and change your financial future forever .CREATIVE REI ACADEMYWhere investors master the art of creative deals.MODULE 1 – GETTING STARTED​Why Creative REI trumps wholesaling​Building your power team​Working with title companies and real estate attorneys​Understanding liens and lien position​Creating your LLC for asset protection​Understanding key real estate instrumentsMODULE 2 – CREATIVE DEAL STRUCTURES​The Creative Approach​Subject To transactions​Owner Finance deals​Lease Options​Wraparound mortgagesMODULE 3 – ANALYZING CREATIVE DEALS​How to spot a creative deal opportunity​How to calculate potential profit & cashflow​Breaking down mortgage statements on Subject to deals​Learn how to make 3 paydays on one Lease Option deal​When to use Owner Financing to create huge profits​How to choose the right acquisition strategy for the deal​Choosing the best exit strategy for most profit possibleMODULE 4 – TALKING TO SELLERS & MAKING CREATIVE OFFERS​Building instant Credibility​Learn the 3 key major steps before making your offer​How to pitch a creative offer​Proven Motivated Seller Scripts​Handling Seller’s Objections​Speaking with mortgage lenders​How to master seller appointmentsMODULE 5 – FINDING BUYERS FOR CREATIVE DEALSFinding cash buyers for deals​How to find owner finance buyers with large downpayments​Secret marketing technique to have tenant buyers throwing money at you​Strategy for receiving multiple offers on your dealsMODULE 6 – CLOSING THE DEAL & SECURING YOUR PROFITS​How to close Subject To transactions​Closing Owner Finance Transactions​Completing Lease Option agreements​Recording mortgages and second notes​Setting up escrow accounts for sellers/buyers​Setting up entities to protect your invesmentsGet Brian Iregbu – CREATIVE REI ACADEMY downloadFORMS AND SCRIPTSGet access to my forms and scripts that my team uses to structure deals which ultimately saves us tons of time and make us more money.​Creative Deal Contract (Subject To, Owner Finance, Wraparound Mortgage, Wholesale)​Lease Option Contract​Landlord/Tenant Lease Agreement​Power of Attorney form​Land Trust Documents​Taxes & Escrow Acknowledgement form​Authorization of Release form​Assignment of Contract form​Buyer Lead Sheet/Script​Seller Lead Sheet/ScriptThe goal of this training program is to give you everything you need to start closing creative deals within the next 60 days without making typical rookie mistakes, wasting hard earned money and precious time. You get in this all-in-one training program!Plus If You Join Today, You Get These Three Bonuses FREE!BONUS 1: Weekly Group Coaching Calls for Live Q&ABONUS 2: Creative Real Estate “Million Dollar Business Model” BlueprintBONUS 3: My Multiple Offer Strategy Template That Makes Your Offer Irresistible to Sellers*THIS IS A GAME CHANGER*Readmore: Brian Iregbu – CREATIVE REI ACADEMY courses at here with PRICE $997 $121