Amanda Frances – Soul Alive: Earning From Your Essence 2021


[Pre-Order] – Deliver digital download link within 4-8 business days after successful payment. Please contact us to get more details.Purchase Amanda Frances – Soul Alive: Earning From Your Essence 2021 courses at here with PRICE $777 $147Soul Alive BundleYou have been given the guidance, desires, wisdom, preferences, and personality required to create your best life.The answer to receiving everything you want is not fighting yourself, judging yourself, blaming yourself, or being at war with yourself.And from that place, deciding what you will be, do, create, have, and attract.Own who we are, what we want, what we are made of, and what we desire in this life.Own our gifts, callings, unique attributes, quirks, distinctions, and weird ass qualities.It’s time we embrace, love, hold, and support ourselves into our destiny.It’s time we stop allowing pressure, feedback, or opinions from others to weigh on us.It’s time we attract, magnetize, create, and generate our ideal life from ease, flow, integrity, and love.And generate incredible amounts of money always and continually – regardless of anything else that is or isn’t going on.It’s time to flat out disregard, ignore, and rise above all outside noise, nonsense, and commotion from spectators, naysayers, or haters.It’s time rise above the opinions, outlook, and attitudes of those who don’t get it, don’t have the courage to do it, and choose not to have what it takes to make it.And only take into account the thoughts and opinions of others when they make sense to you, feel good for you, and resonate deep within your soul.It’s time we let it be easy.It’s time we trust ourselves.It’s time that you scrutinize everything by one thing, and one thing only:Introducing, my newest training bundle:Soul Alive: Earning through Your Essence.Hi. If you don’t know me…I am a thought leader on financial empowerment for women. I am also a digital course creator, business owner, mentor, and self made multimillionaire. In the personal development world, I am known as the Money Queen.That’s because I love money, understand money, use money well, and am unapologetic in teaching women to embrace their desires, needs, and wants around money.(It’s hard to attract, have, or keep anything that you pretend you don’t want.)I have also been a bit genius at monetizing things.Things like my truth, knowledge, personality, beliefs, and skillset are at the forefront of how I run my business, live my life, and craft my content… and they make me a whole lot of money.Everything gets easier when you own and love who you actually are, let your desires lead the way, allow your soul to come alive, and do things your way.This approach has allowed me to grow a large online community, an 8-figure business, incredible team, and beautiful life.Let’s tap into the love, power, service, and money-making potential within.Your Entire World: Structuring your team, life, and world around your needs. Identifying, owning, and creating via what works best for you. Allowing yourself to be supported.An Abundant Internal State: Creating the calm within. Staying centered and solid no matter what is occurring in the outside world. Attracting your desires anyway. Making big moves, with ease, your way. Energetic Boundaries: Get solid, clear, and confident around what you do and don’t allow in your world. This stops people for over reaching, over asking, or over expecting in your interactions with them — clients, family, and strangers on the internet included. Manifesting Your Desires: How to infuse your actions with the energy of the desired outcome to create your desired results. This is why my inspired actions are so powerful and effective. A Wildly Sustainable Business: Fuck industry standards. Your refund rates, recurring payments, happy clients, and consistent income have nothing to do with what has come to be expected. Those who work with you get to be happy. You get to be insanely profitable. Period. An Incredible Online Presence: While social media platforms shift + change, my approach has continually proven to be wildly and consistently effective year after year. No need to worry about algorithms. No need to cold message anyone. There is a better way. Creating Change with Ease: Creating real lasting change in any area of your life and business while loving the shit out of yourself. We talk body, relationships, business, etc. Owning It All: Drop the guilt around any and all desires, quirks, traits, and preferences you hold. Own them. Unapologetically. Drop the shame around your life and your past. Move out of any and all hiding. Be free. Monetize It All: The money thing gets easier when you like yourself, know you are worthy, want what you want, go after it, and allow it in. This isn’t a money bundle specifically. But I am still me. The money codes are still inside. Enjoy.   Activating and Attracting from Flow. Making money from the place of flow. Releasing forcefulness and franticness. Creating bigger results by tapping into the calm within. Launching, selling, and sharing with ease in seemingly impossible times. What it means when your manifestation doesn’t stick around. What to do about it.   Living without Limits. Accessing your soul’s truest desires. How I make my practical actions so much more powerful than they could ever be on their own. Collapsing time to speed up your results. How to open up to your limitless potential endless possibilities continually. How to niche (naturally) if you want to. How to know who to serve through your work. Embracing who you are. Structuring your team around your needs.   Your Boundaries. Your Intentions. Your Expansion. Magnetizing the right people into your world. Set very clear energetic boundaries in your life and business. (Yes, people will stop asking to ‘pick your brain’ or insinuate you should give free coaching.) How to quantum leap. Creating abundance and expansion through giving and receiving freely, within your boundaries and standards. (I really think this is why my company continues to grow so quickly, year after year.) Dropping all obligation. Anchor into service.   Social Media Slay Strategies: The internal hack that creates consistency without trying. Why regular social media strategies miss the whole point. How to pivot, evolve, and ‘rebrand’ naturally. How to grow your social media following and monetize it daily. Simplifying your plan of action so that you know what two things to focus on each day. The energy that creates a loving, supportive community of humans who follow your work and love to pay you.   Create a Community, Body, and Business through Unapologetic Love. Creating real lasting change in any area of your life and business. How accepting my body allowed it to change. The inner love that supports you in sharing your face, soul, and body online as you choose. Releasing all guilt and obligation around success and/or money (toward anyone — including your family and team). Breaking patterns when you find yourself creating more and more of what you don’t want. Becoming your own source.   Your Rules. Your Way. Your Intentional Results. Allowing your next level in. Trusting your flow as you are led. The full story of buying my first multimillion dollar home. Navigating ever-changing online platforms, algorithms, and trends. The work schedule that works for me no matter where I am in the world. How to allow your business to support your life instead of using your life force to support your business.   Not Needing People to Like You. Identifying noise, nonsense, and silliness as such. Rising above any and all humans, comments, opinions, and ideas that have been weighing on you. Solidifying your worth and value inside yourself. Viewing your content, engagement, and reputation in ways that support your well being and continued growth.   Own it! Wanting More and Having More with No Judgment or Guilt. I love this video so much. The view I hold of my business that creates consistent, reliable impact and income. Owning your desire, personality, and preferences. Structuring your company around you. What to do when you don’t know what to do. Releasing the need to keep up with anything or anyone. Keeping yourself full, so that all luxury and labels are simply overflow.   Receiving and Taking Your Own Unique Inspired Guidance. Your desires are never vain or selfish. Creating a public and personal life in ways that works for you. Deciding what to share and what not to share online. Allowing your ‘mess to be your message’ without becoming a disaster. De-identifying people before you share about them online. Allowing inspired action to come through desired action. Allowing the good to add up. Creating a beautiful internal experience and external reality.  Sharing and selling naturally. See my approach to selling and sharing my work. Throughout some of the videos, I demonstrate my non-attached and non-salesy way of sharing my offers with potential students with ease.  Affirmations, journal prompts and (really good) homework: I have added affirmations, journal prompts, and very intentionally placed homework to each of the nine videos to help you integrate these principles into your life as you dig into the content. I poured through these videos and did this myself. It’s good.Amanda Frances is a world-renowned thought leader on financial empowerment for women.Through her wildly popular digital courses, highly engaging social media presence, the weekly “And She Rises” podcast, an on-going mastermind for high level women entrepreneurs, her daily free inspirational content, meditations, and trainings distributed across her social media channels… she empowers women to design lives and businesses they are wildly obsessed with.She has written for Forbes, Business Insider, Thrive Global, and Success Magazine.Her mission is to get the power of money into the hands of good hearted women who are here to change the world.Combining her background in ministry as well as mental health counseling with practical business advice and a deep knowledge of spiritual and energetic principles, Amanda isn’t quite like any other ‘business coach’ you’ve encountered.Amanda is from a small town in Oklahoma. A true self-made women, while putting herself through graduate school Amanda taught herself how to build her first website.Nine years later, Amanda Frances Inc is a multimillion dollar global brand with clients and students in 85 countries generating between $400k-$580k a month. Tapping into internal truth and calling in your desired life – regardless of what is happening in the world. Getting everything you want. Tap into a way of  being, seeing, and knowing that supports you in all that you desire to create. Clearing the energetic patterns around the things that do not serve you. There are ways of thinking and being that will now fall away. Allowing your soul to come alive and lead the way. Your soul already knows. Let her lead. Monetizing your truth. You are perfectly, divinely who you are meant to be. Own it. Monetize it. Owning who you are. You are beautiful, bizarre, and brilliant. And it’s all perfect. It’s all for your good.Upon enrollment, you will be prompted to set up a username and password (or login if you already have one for another one of my trainings).Go to to login and access your content.(Your login details will also be emailed to you.)You get instant access to video one. A new video is released every 48 hours through the last video.You have all content and any future updates for life.Each of the 9 training videos are between 20-41 minutes long. The average video is 33 minutes.There are a total of 5 hours and 10 minutes of content included with this bundle.Each video has been: Infused with confidence, certainty, and clarity around knowing who you are, creating what you are meant to have, and owning everything that makes you, you. Filled with tips + techniques for growing your business and online presence. Contains energetic principles + manifestation and mindset strategies. Loaded with powerful energy and fresh perspective around allowing in, enjoying unapologetically, and maintaining the life you want.The first three videos were recorded as AFI was closing a multiple seven-figure year for the first time. (This was the end of 2018. We hit $2.7 million that year.) The remaining six videos were created throughout our second multiple-seven figure year. (This was 2019. It was a $3.6 million year.)I love these videos because am sharing from the thinking, being, and doing that allowed me to take my company into consistent multimillion dollar years. It’s magical.If you were to purchase each video separately, the cost would add up to $2997.Salepage: Amanda Frances – Soul Alive: Earning From Your Essence 2021 courses at here with PRICE $777 $147