Mike Becker – The Underground 7 Figure Copywriter Vault


WARNING: This Edition Of The Underground Vault Will Be Closed To The Public After 200 SalesSTRUGGLING AS A COPYWRITER? THEN YOU NEED TO…DISCOVER THE EXACT STEPS TO LAND YOUR FIRST TWO 4 FIGURE A MONTH CLIENTS WITHIN THE NEXT 30 DAYS AS AN IN DEMAND FREELANCE COPYWRITER…WITH OUR EXCLUSIVE “REJECTION-FREE CONSULT, CLOSE & CONVERT SYSTEM” …EVEN IF YOU CURRENTLY HAVE NO CLIENTS, NO CONNECTIONS AND NO PORTFOLIOPurchase Mike Becker – The Underground 7 Figure Copywriter Vault courses at here with PRICE $997 $86Mike Becker – The Underground 7 Figure Copywriter VaultGet Mike Becker – The Underground 7 Figure Copywriter Vault at the CourseAvaiWARNING: This Edition Of The Underground Vault Will Be Closed To The Public After 200 SalesSTRUGGLING AS A COPYWRITER? THEN YOU NEED TO…DISCOVER THE EXACT STEPS TO LAND YOUR FIRST TWO 4 FIGURE A MONTH CLIENTS WITHIN THE NEXT 30 DAYS AS AN IN DEMAND FREELANCE COPYWRITER…WITH OUR EXCLUSIVE “REJECTION-FREE CONSULT, CLOSE & CONVERT SYSTEM” …EVEN IF YOU CURRENTLY HAVE NO CLIENTS, NO CONNECTIONS AND NO PORTFOLIOThe Underground 7 Figure Copywriter Secrets Vault is Your Essential Resource For Copywriting and Sales Training, Advice, Strategies, Frameworks, And Support You Need To Successfully Be Able To Position Yourself As An In Demand, Bad-Ass & High Paid Copywriter In Today’s Market.HERE’S WHAT YOU’LL LEARN INSIDEMODULE 1:  MINDSETInside Module 1 you’ll discover how to master the “inner game” of copywriting so you approach each client interaction and writing challenge with confidence, creativity and charisma… so the words you write always win the sale.LESSON 1: THE A+ COPYWRITER MINDSETHow to stop writing ‘fancy ass’ copy and start selling with emotionally driven benefits that jack hammer into your prospects’ deepest fears and desires (ignore this and your competition will eat you for dinner)Simple daily exercises guaranteed to help you spark creativity “on demand” without ever feeling handcuffed by rigid rules or routines… so you never stare at a blank page againHow to think, act, and earn like a 6 figure A+ copywriter… by using a simple ‘mind trick’ that makes closing deals, writing record-breaking copy, and earning top dollar paydays feel like second nature to youWhich 3 activities you should stack at the beginning of every day… and what tasks you need to start delegating so you stop trading your time for moneyMODULE 2:  POSITIONINGInside Module 2, we’ll show you to stand out from the copywriting bottom feeders and raise your status so you’re always seen as a top dollar “go to expert” who delivers record-breaking results.LESSON 1: POSITION YOURSELF IN YOUR PROSPECT’S MIND Why mastering a specialized area of copywriting and creating a ‘distinct edge’ is 100X more profitable than being a ‘generalist’ (which one are you?)3 unmistakable signs a prospect is “copy blind” and why educating your prospects on the value of your services is NOT your job (here’s how to ‘dump’ them gently and raise your standards)Why underpricing your services is the fastest way to damage your reputation and cripple your earning potential (this is the default setting for WAY too many rookie copywriters)Why neediness repels clients and how to permanently evict your ‘inner copy wuss’ so you attract top dollar clients who have the budget to pay you what you’re actually worthLESSON 2: BUILD A CLIENT CLOSING PORTFOLIO (UNDER 60:00)How to close a prospect even if you’ve never had a paying client and don’t have a ‘professional’ portfolio (try this instead…)A sneaky way to quickly turn other people’s expensively designed sales pages into a gorgeous canvas for YOUR copy abilities to shine- without paying a thin dimeWhy sharing your portfolio too soon can make prospects LESS attracted to work with you……and the word-for-word ‘I’m the prize frame’ you can use to get prospects on the phone in 3 simple texts or lessLESSON 3: HOW TO ATTRACT AND WIN OVER PROSPECTSThe secret to crafting a rough around the edges personality that repels low dollar tire kickers and attracts deep pocketed clients that are a joy to work with (and how it lead to TWO six figure retainers)The US Marine ‘crack the whip’ post Mike used to jolt a highly skeptical audience awake and get them to sign up virtually on command to for an impossible to ignore copy offer(Mike made two high five-figure deals on this one copy job post alone… just imagine what will happen to your income when you use this one technique- if you have the balls, that is)Why making your audience laugh bonds you 10X faster with your prospects than making them think – and how to use humor strategically so you can turn “likeability” into profitabilityWhy trial offers are different than working for free… and the exact language you need to use to position yourself for bigger paydays once you deliver results (forget to do this and you’ll stay stuck at bargain basement rates)What the Copywriter Value Ladder is… and how to use it to ‘date’ your clients BEFORE you ask for a retainer. Follow this exact order or you’ll hurt your chances of ever going ‘all the way’ (Remember: He who gets slapped first ALWAYS loses)MODULE 3: PROSPECTINGIn Module 3, we’ll show you the “rejection free” way to stop chasing money and deliver results in advance… so only only the most qualified prospects raise their hands and open their wallets to you.LESSON 1: HOW TO DEFINE… THEN FIND YOUR PERFECT CLIENTForget about boring customer avatars… this ONE TECHNIQUE is the quickest, easiest way to get inside your prospect’s head and identify their “hair on fire” problem they’ll pay YOU to solve…The ‘copy-splain’ mistake that gets prospects annoyed as fu*k. Here’s why showing them what they’ll earn is 100X more powerful than showing them what you know…5 Action Steps you can take today to get you closer to your first 5 figures per month goal (#3 is Craig’s favorite)LESSON 2:  LITTLE KNOWN KEYS TO PROSPECTING SUCCESSThe 7 ‘deadly’ prospecting mistakes most freelancers make without knowing (Guess what? If you’ve ever posted on a job board, chances are you’ve already made THREE)What your ideal prospect REALLY wants from you (hint: it has absolutely nothing to do with copywriting services) and how to give it to them using these 3 tips‘Clickbank Demystified’: How Scott laser targets successful but underperforming products… by offering ‘lead tweaks’ with a guaranteed upside (and how you can earn 4 or even 5 figure cash infusions by writing less than 5 minutes of copy per product)How to piggyback on successful clickbank products and show owners how to get a bigger bang for their referral and paid traffic buck… by paying you to write high converting back end email campaigns and ads (this works especially well for affiliate offers)Get “nichey” with it: how to offer clickbank owners sub-niche email campaigns that create “that’s fu*cking amazing, dude, take my money!” resultsLurking For Dollars: which FB groups to target with stealth offers without getting “the boot” (hint: do the exact OPPOSITE of what Craig tried the first time and you’ll be golden)When being the ‘smartest guy in the room’ is the stupidest way to win clients (and why being humble and giving customers permission to say ‘NO’… can get them to say ‘YES’ much more quickly)LESSON 3:  ADVANCED FACEBOOK PROSPECTINGThe truth about using facebook as a client nurturing, relationship building accelerator… (even if you hate FB, this still applies to you)PLUS the ONE thing that will show you if it’s worth getting on the phone with themTired of wasting hours chasing low dollar, high maintenance clients who make life a living hell? Check off these three boxes before you even consider bringing a new client on board so you can dedicate your time to clients who deserve it32+ businesses who need your copywriting help NOW… and the ‘code’ words they use in FB groups that give you the ‘green light’ to approach them (NEWSFLASH: they do NOT think they have a copy problem… so use THESE words to attract them instead)LESSON 4: STEAL THIS ‘POST SWIPER’ TEMPLATE What the hell is a ‘post swiper’? It’s the client-attracting template every freelancer needs to ethically steal (you’ll kick yourself if you DON’T use this)Use this ‘word for word’ post INSIDE any FB group template to speak directly to the problems your prospects have, the emotional baggage that comes with it, your unique solution and why you’re on their sideWhat ‘the plateau buster’ is and why tweaking this post will get your clients grinning in greedy delight. If you ever wanted to become the ‘go to’ writer in ANY niche, this is the client-clinching post that will pay for your next beach vacationGet Mike Becker – The Underground 7 Figure Copywriter Vault at the CourseAvaiMODULE 4: CONSULTATIVE SELLINGIn Module 4 you’ll discover how to add value to your prospecting and quickly move the ball closer to a signed deal through client interactions that are FUN. (Mike is a master at this). If you hate cold calling and sales conversations… then you’ll love this.LESSON 1: EFFORTLESSLY ENGAGE WITH QUALIFIED PROSPECTSNot a ‘people person’? If the thought of sales calls gives you the cold sweats, you’re not alone. Discover how to talk yourself into money-making conversations that are always a win-win-winWhat CONTROL really means during client conversations and why clients secretly want you to lead the process (use this one move alone and relieve them of their shame/blame inner dialogue)Why quickly connecting with your prospects is crucial- here’s how to show interest in a way that makes your most attractive qualities shine- without droning on about yourself or drowning in small talkLESSON 2: THE 5 MINUTE CONSULTATIVE DISCOVERY CALLUse these word-for-word scripts to get cold prospects on the phone in record time (PLUS the two strikes you’re out rule that repels flakes and brings real $$$$ to the table)Psychic Selling: the exact questions to ask in the first 3 minutes of a call that will give you killer insights into your prospect’s business- and where they are leaking salesThe ‘if we do X, we ALL get rich’ future pacing technique that instantly melts your prospects resistance to working with you (and instantly sets you apart from your copy competition)How to quickly identify NEW streams of revenue for your clients… so they see working with you as an investment (instead of an expense)LESSON 3: HOW TO GIVE VALUE BEFORE YOU PITCHWhich ‘brain dead’ marketing activities create the quickest path to new or ‘lost… then found’ revenue and why sharing these hidden ‘goldmines’ with your prospects will instantly position you as a value creator (vs. value taker)How to use powerful social proof … so NOT working with you feels more painful and risky than committing to a mutually profitable deal‘One sentence to conquer all’: exactly what to say to get prospects excited about working with you for the first time (this works like gangbusters, especially if you don’t have a track record) LESSON 4: ‘HOW TO SELL ANYTHING’ FRAMEWORKThe simple micro-commitment ‘YES’ questions to ask that get clients focused on the end result (making more money) vs. the means (copywriting)Why you should always assume the sale – and the exact phrasing we use to hint that the right sales strategy is an investment that will pay for itselfTiming is everything: when to discuss price so you avoid ‘sticker shock’ or last minute deal-breaking objectionsWhy ‘later is never’ and the follow up process we use to turn ‘not nows’ into ‘HELL YEAHS!’LESSON 5: THE ‘ONE CALL CLOSER’ FRAMEWORK How to craft an ‘unfuckwithable’ agreement that helps all parties win, without adding extra work. Using this alone has reduced Craig’s client ‘handholding’ by hundreds of hours, giving him more leisure time than he knows what to do withHow to communicate what your services do NOT include… and why setting expectations is the key to a smooth, conflict-free client relationshipsInclude these 4 sentences in your agreement and you’ll avoid endless rewrites, and always get paid before you write any copyHow to get the green light to include your client’s future success in your portfolio. This is the secret to attracting much BIGGER clients to align and sign with you in the future. (Without this clause, it’s next to impossible to grow your career)Why not all retainers are created alike. How to avoid scope creep and copy bottlenecks by including this one simple stress solving ‘condition’ in your agreement. (You can thank us for it later)Exactly what to say so you always get paid what you want upfront. We even show you how to handle objections to this… including a very powerful ‘it’s okay to say no’ tactic that removes resistance and gets you to YES…MODULE 5: DELIVERING RESULTSIn Module 5 we’ll teach you how to create copy results that speak for themselves- making it brain dead simple for clients to reward you with high 5 or even 6 figure monthly retainers.LESSON 1: THE ‘SWISS ARMY KNIFE’ OF COPYWRITINGHow to develop rock solid confidence approaching ANY piece of copy you write… so you can jettison the “pretender” complex and start earning like an A+ playerWhy there’s just two sides to copywriting… both of which can be miserable unless you use THIS success-proven frameworkWhy abandon cart email sequences are the easiest ‘first transaction’ with a new client and where to find ‘done for you’ templates so you deliver results in record timeLESSON 2: THE ‘TWO MOST POWERFUL WORDS’ FRAMEWORKWhat they are NOT (this may shock you) and how to harness these ‘anchors’ to melt your prospects resistance to working with youWord-for-word “mic drop” job posts Scott uses to attract “shut up, take our money now!” clients… and what to do so prospects feel relieved to give YOU their time, trust and cashLESSON 3: THE COLLABORATIVE COPY FRAMEWORKHow Craig turned a simple Google doc into a deal closing asset that regularly boosts client satisfaction and buys you instant credibility (with zero extra effort on your part)Discover what your client REALLY wants from you after you sign a deal and receive payment (Hint: it’s not gratefulness – they can get that anywhere)7 powerful questions to ask your client on your kickoff call- so you walk away with the distinct selling advantage or mechanism that sets their product/service apartWhat an empathy map is and how to use it to quickly gather intelligence on your client’s ideal customerA powerful framework to test drive ideas and reveal customer objections before they show up… (Hint: if you aren’t getting change suggestions, you’re doing it wrong)The one-sentence “Breaking Bad” storyline technique Hollywood showrunners use to “hook” viewers… and how to use tension to create attention so your reader keeps their eyes glued to the pageThe ONE rule you must have in place before collaborative copy sessions to neuter Conor McGregor ego rampages and ensure the best copy always winsLESSON 4: THE 5 SENTENCE COPY OVERHAULDiscover the 5 proven sentences that will automatically put more eyeballs on your offer and loads more cash in your bankLeverage the “Secret Ingredients” million-dollar copywriters INSIST make it into their sales message introductionSwipe the “Drop Dead Simple” Headline Formula used by Health and Beauty’s #1 Copywriter… to Rake In MillionsEasily DOUBLE your conversions FASTER than spending money on traffic for testing…Gets you instant access to reliable, real-world, market-like feedback – And not just “opinions” from the “friends and family” plan…LESSON 5: ADVANCED STORYTELLING HACKSLearn how to take your copy clients from zero to hero with these 5 story selling hacks…Learn how to use stories to close clients and create killer content so you never have to face writers block again.You’ll get the format and template you’ll need to create your clients’ storiesGet this skill right and you’ll stand head and shoulders above other writers who think they know how to sell with stories (but actually do it half assed).MODULE 6: AUTOMATE & SCALEInside Module 6 you’ll discover how to leverage the 80/20 principle to automate what works with email and funnels, while scaling your copy business with ads and outsourcing.LESSON 1: THE UNDERGROUND COPYWRITER FUNNELPre-qualify and close high value clients on autopilot with this simple one page funnel template (that you can add to your ClickFunnels account in a snap)Learn how to nurture and build meaningful relationships while upselling your clients through automated emails and upsell pagesLESSON 2: START SCALING WITH COPYWRITER ADSStep by step how to set up the ad and set the targeting in countless niches. We give you the EXACT targeting to use and even the best products to do it withWe give you simple free traffic tactics to test initial copy offersSUPER cheap FB ads…We are NOT betting the farm or spending any large sums of moneyLESSON 3: COPYWRITER OUTSOURCING SECRETSHow to create systems and process that maintain quality copy controlLearn how to find, qualify and hire copywriters that you’ll love working with…Learn how to project manage up to 12 copy projects at the same time.Plus, You Get These Bonuses…BONUS 1: VAULT SWIPE FILE $397 VALUESwipe Files are where we go for INSPIRATION… to see what’s possible……to discover what’s WORKED …to reverse engineer brilliant sales letters, upsells, emails, Facebook Ads, and more.Imagine having the combined Swipe Files of three 6-Figure Copywriters… at your fingertips.It’s yours as a FREE BONUS as part of The Underground Vault.BONUS 2: TEMPLATE LIBRARY – $997 VALUEListen, there’s absolutely no reason to reinvent the wheel when writing copy.We strongly believe in and heartily endorse the use of successful and proven templates when writing copy.Our proprietary collection of templates and frameworks will save you hours and hours of your precious time…Which amounts to buckets and buckets of cold hard cash.Get Mike Becker – The Underground 7 Figure Copywriter Vault at the CourseAvaiArchive: http://archive.is/bXNn4Purchase Mike Becker – The Underground 7 Figure Copywriter Vault courses at here with PRICE $997 $86