I’ve gone a little crazy and decided to give you a $1,000.00 credit that you can use towards your SuperConferencesm Registration Discount as well as Three Gift Certificates totaling an ADDITIONAL $469.95 in FREE Resources.Purchase Growth Hacks – Dan Kennedy courses at here with PRICE $597 $67SALES PAGE FOR 2008 Superconference I COULD Not FindI’ve gone a little crazy and decided to give you a $1,000.00 credit that you can use towards your SuperConferencesm Registration Discount as well as Three Gift Certificates totaling an ADDITIONAL $469.95 in FREE Resources.  I’ll explain later how you can cash everything in but first let me tell you about the three reasons I’ve made such a BOLD OFFER available to you YOU…one of our “Elite’ GOLD Members:#1:  Given the state of the economy, this year’s MARKETING & MONEY-MAKING SuperConferencesm is THE MOST IMPORTANT EVER, we want to give you this huge discount and FREE Resources as a “stimulus” to COMBAT THE RECESSION and to get you to take quick action.#2: Frankly, we know that for many of our Members it’s tough out there. I hear it first hand from the people in my own Mastermind Coaching Programs and private clients. And who better to come to your “Rescue,” with RECESSION BUSTER Strategies, during difficult times (when you might need it the most) than Glazer-Kennedy? So, this year’s SuperConferencesm is all about…If You attend no other event in 2008 and invest in no other resources to fight economic woes… attending the SuperConferenceSM is not an option… it’s a business requirement!Tag: Growth Hacks – Dan Kennedy Review. Growth Hacks – Dan Kennedy download. Growth Hacks – Dan Kennedy discount.Purchase Growth Hacks – Dan Kennedy courses at here with PRICE $597 $67