9th Dimension – Jonette Crowley


The day after the nightclub shooting in Orlando we had our weekly ‘MARK’ class. The channeled meditation was a profound experience in being multi-dimensional and supporting humanity from this state. It was one of the most moving processes I’ve ever felt.Purchase 9th Dimension – Jonette Crowley courses at here with PRICE $500 $34The day after the nightclub shooting in Orlando we had our weekly ‘MARK’ class. The channeled meditation was a profound experience in being multi-dimensional and supporting humanity from this state. It was one of the most moving processes I’ve ever felt. We left with the innate knowledge that the world too shifted toward good. I share this channeled meditation with you as an experiment. I would love to know if you too can have a transcendent experience of expansion and service simply by reading these words. ‘MARK’ said that the space that was created is magnetic and perpetual. My hope is that you too can join the breakthrough in the greater opening of the crystalline grid of consciousness that surrounds all of us.“Welcome Wonderful Ones! You have accomplished what you have accomplished because you are full of wonder. You question, you test, you observe, and you change. These are qualities that you take for granted because they are the qualities that have brought you here, but not all humans have these qualities in such wonderful measure.There has been a tragedy, a terrorist attack in Florida. What happens when there are tragedies is that humans back away from wonderful and move into their bunkers of old beliefs, old racism, old fears. Our meditation journey is a journey of deliverance for your human brothers and sisters. It is a journey of healing for those who suffer from tragedy and terror and for those who suffer from fear and hatred.”A Meditation from ‘MARK’“Please put your wonderful attention into the grand crystalline grid of consciousness, the wisdom that surrounds the Earth. Notice that you are spreading out in all directions as if you’re becoming the grid, as if you’re becoming that embracing cloud around the entire Earth.The qualities you feel are your own wonderfulness and the wonderfulness of all humanity, no matter how broken or afraid they are. So feel as if your heart, your love, has expanded to be as big as it needs to be; and it’s embracing collectively and individually all humans who’ve asked for help, all humans who seek higher ground.Notice that without disturbing your peacefulness you are working collectively and individually. You may sense that part of your awareness, your multi-dimensional beingness is ministering in very individual, precise ways to thousands or hundreds of thousands of people.There is a beautiful, intimate sense of sharing. You are not so much fixing people or their fears as sharing your peacefulness, sharing your wonderfulness, your light.As you hold open the place of sharing and ministering to your human family, the grid that you are opens up to those higher beings who can channel through the grid. They can channel through your compassion and your ministering to give even more amplitude, even more love to the service you are being. You are being service from yourself, and you are being channels from that which is so much beyond your scope.Notice how multidimensional you are. Some of the people who are asking for your help, asking for a step up to their next level, or asking for comfort in times of sadness or fear or tragedy— are becoming stronger to you. It’s your tribe. You may find some are drawn closer to the magnetic space you are holding. Just love them and embrace them. Again, you can’t sense them individually except you know that they are individuals.You can sense that the people are moving up in their frequency because there’s more energy released into the grid that you’re holding. Every time they let go of their lower spaces and move to these higher spaces, energy is released. Light becomes more abundant in this gridwork.Do you notice that in your service you’re not giving advice? You’re simply sharing yourself in an intimate and open way and in that way offering solace, comfort, healing. Can you feel the field getting stronger and stronger? Wonderfulness and love are being generated.What’s happening now is such a strengthening of this grid of help, ministering, and support that you will move past this time and space and helping in this particular tragedy, to the past where other wars and other tragedies and other cataclysms are somehow healed and supported also. You may have flashbacks of something else happening. Trust it as we move beyond time in this great way of service.Let there be no limits to what you can touch functioning in this way—embracing, loving, connecting through all time with the help of this grid channeling from even higher beings, healing things that have been left unhealed throughout time.You might notice that your awareness is growing. It has to grow as you take on this greater service. It gives back to you a greater you.You’re not limited by the past or the present. This healing grid opening can also move to the future to heal and support tragedies, fear, calamities that have not happened yet in your timeline. Keep stretching. You’re doing great.Obviously, so many more are doing this than just you. The space you’ve created is magnetic and beings from the past, high masters from the future and from the present, beings from other worlds are drawn into this funnel, into this vortex of support. Hearts open. War becomes disempowered. Feel this.You might notice how many beings throughout past, present and future you’ve helped. They are now joining this grid. They’re joining this momentum. It’s so tender and so strong, so intimate. Again, the support is collective but it’s also individual. You are finding people in their darkest hour and shining light on them.Please continue doing this for many more minutes because it’s building a permanent support system. So even in the future when you forget all about this, it is permanently, exponentially growing. You’re building it to be solid and operate through time.Everything you’re giving, everything you’re transmitting is supporting you through time. It’s supporting you in all your past lives, you now, you in all your future lives. As you understand it, giving and receiving are exactly the same thing.The momentum is getting very strong. We talked about the complicated energies here. It’s very complex but this is what you’ve been trained to be—multidimensionally aware—not drawn into any particular dimension but holding all dimensions simultaneously. Open your inner ears. You might feel tones. Hear many tones as if you could hear transformation taking place.If you’re feeling a great deal of tension because so much is exploding everywhere, let your experience become softer now as if you’re relaxing into this space. It’s very much as if it’s a bottle of champagne that’s been shook up. We want it to settle down before we bring you all the way back so there’s no explosions here. There’s still the intensity but it softens as if the bubbles are settling back down.Noticing how global you are, how cosmic, how magical your support and ministering and help has been. There’s a light here in this grid. It’s as if a beautiful glaze has come over the space you’re in, over you—a beautiful, shiny glaze. It’s as if each of you is encased in diamonds. This space gets softer and easier to be with. Perhaps now you can feel the individual explosions of love, individual explosions of gratitude, of opening.This space you’ve created is intensely magnetic. It will persist throughout time; and it will continue to grow, drawing more beings to this purpose of support and healing, kindness and love. Its energy is perpetual, self generating. Please don’t try to stuff yourself back into the container you thought was you. Maintain this cosmic wonderfulness. It’s the new you, the new look.In the past you’ve done other missions of support; but as you can sense, this far exceeds in scope and in power anything that this group has been able to do before. You’re blasting open limits that had been placed around humanity before.You are awakening, and more than that you are awakeners. You are awakeners.”Thank you, wonderful ones!‘MARK’ channeled by Jonette Crowley, copyright 2016This meditation is an excerpt from the ‘MARK’ channeled course: The 9th Dimension: Treasures From Beyond, Part III – Awakening!; Class 5 – Wonderfulness! You Are Awakeners! & Energizing Wishes, Dreams, Prayers. Click here to order the course on audio, CD, or transcript.Get 9th Dimension  – Jonette Crowley, Only Price $34Tag: 9th Dimension  – Jonette Crowley Review. 9th Dimension  – Jonette Crowley download. 9th Dimension  – Jonette Crowley discount.Purchase 9th Dimension – Jonette Crowley courses at here with PRICE $500 $34