The 7 Levels of Miracles – Margaret Lynch


This course is available – Download immediatelySame author: Margaret Lynch Lifetime support – Unlimited downloads.The quality exactly the same as salepageOver +12,000 Courses, AudioBooks, eBooks available.Purchase The 7 Levels of Miracles – Margaret Lynch courses at here with PRICE $497 $827 Levels Of MiraclesYour ability to ask for, receive, see and allow miracles will take you light-years beyond what you can achieve with just your will-power and hard workSo…how often do you say… “WOW! A MIRACLE is unfolding around me!“Or do these sound familiar?Miracles happen to other people, not me!Everywhere I look I see scarcity and suffering in the world, but not many miracles!I pray for miracles, hope for miracles, but they never show up.Maybe God has forgotten about me.Who am I to ask for a miracle?You’re not alone. The second we say the word “miracles” we get triggered!Feelings ranging from wishing, hoping, praying to sadness, disappointment, depression and religious confusion.A ton of uneasy and negative vibes appear instantly.This is really important!Why? What is a miracle anyway?A miracle is something that materializes unexpectedly like a gift, resource, opportunity, chance meeting, a solution, or support that is both exactly what you need AND divinely timed.A miracle is the way the universe/God/the Divine supports you, reminds you of your importance in the larger plan and co-creates the unfolding of your life and goals with you.Your ability to ask for, receive, see and allow miracles will take you light-years beyond what you can achieve with just your will-power and hard work.So yes! This is really important!Here’s how it works based on my research and personal journey so far…How you feel about miracles represents your deepest level of:in the infinite abundance of resources that the universe/divine has for you.that you are personally seen, loved, and supported by benevolent higher power (the universe or the God of your understanding.about your own unique worthiness and life purpose.These are the BIG 3 that are the gateway to allowing, manifesting, seeing, touching, LIVING miracles in your life.Belief+Faith+Worthiness = Vibration of MiraclesBut here’s the problem…the BIG 3 are dictated by your programming. Rules and beliefs about yourself, God and “the way things are” from your family, your religion and your traumas.I’ve created a process designed to knock out these rules, beliefs and traumas step by step up through the chakras so that you can experience true miracles in your life.Imagine if you could…Start experiencing miracles right now, REAL in your life, your business, your relationships?Feel safe and divinely held, supported and loved in a way that lets you finally TRUST yourself and your life purpose.Know from the moment you wake up that you are worthy of miracles in the eyes of the universe…and say yes to them!Find a deeper and personal connection with God/the divine.Recognize YOURSELF as a miracle and your mission to bring your miracle to the worldStand up and speak a new truth about yourself and your mission in life.Ask for and create miracles of all sizes fearlessly by being totally passionate in your life.Put in LESS effort and striving for money and success and experience unexpected miracles supporting you.Feel totally in alignment with your life purpose and watch as universe aligns money and resources to support you in that.Get The 7 Levels of Miracles – Margaret Lynch , Only Price $82Because, think about it….what would it be like if you could feel divinely inspired and supported and literally touch the evidence of that in your life?What if life and business “ups and downs” reminded you that a miracle was about to unfold perfectly timed for you? (Instead of triggering disappointment and fear)What if even your money can become another area for miracles to appear and divinely support your mission?Yes, the implications are exciting!Each class will be an AHA moment, as you learn the conflicts around miracles at each chakra, a transformation and a whole new vibration about miracles. Any time you create new goals, you need to include room for miraclesIt’s time to create the space for miracles to show up … Not later!Start the new year now with miracles!MargaretMy faith, trust and spiritual connection continues to grow as a result of my personal research in miracles. And now I want to share this process with you!This special topic has never been explored in the tapping world so this will be an exciting adventure!What’s the solution?In the 7 Levels Of Miracles Program you will transform in each class from old programming and negative vows to the vibration of excitement, anticipation and receiving.I mean the “Wow, a miracle is about to unfold here…” vibration. And with that dominant vibration…you are always inviting and allowing co-creation with the divine.I hope you are ready for that!How do you do this? Step by step, through the chakras…Here’s what the 7 Levels Of Miracles Program includes:7 – 90-minute recorded classes ($1700 value) – Tapping with Cutting Edge Chakra work (mp3 download)7 Special Chakra Energy Blessings with Joan Cremin ($200 value) – Integrated in each class and available as separate downloadComplete Transcription of the Entire Program! ($100 value)Easy Downloads of all Bonus Materials and bonus PDF – All audios are MP3 Recordings for easy use on your computer or mp3 player. Energy Blessings and extended Tapping rounds can be downloaded separately for your convenience.7 Levels Of Miracles Class OutlineClass 1: Touching Miracles in the First ChakraPersonal “aha moment”: I now see how my earliest paradigm (from my family and religious training) has created and limited my deepest ability to connect with the divine and receive miracles.Strategic Tapping Goal:Clear and release the vows and beliefs programmed at the first chakra that limit the material manifestation of miracles in your life. Open the first chakra to its magnetic ability to draw and manifest the stuff miracles are made of.Special Energy Blessing from Joan for the First Chakra.Class 2: Asking for Miracles in the Second ChakraPersonal “aha moment” : I now see how a self-image of “not worthy” “sinner” and guilt around my deepest desires has limited my deepest ability to allow and receive miracles.Strategic Tapping Goal: Clear and release the vows and beliefs programmed at the second chakra that actively sabotage and refuse material manifestation of miracles in your life. Open the second chakra to deep congruent honoring of our unique value and worthiness and willingness to ASK and RECEIVE miracles and divine support.Special Energy Blessing from Joan for the Second Chakra.Class 3: Being the Miracle in the Third ChakraPersonal “aha moment” : I now see how I negate that I am a miracle which requires I instead live an identity of playing small, giving and doing while taking only scraps.Strategic Tapping Goal: Clear and release the vows and beliefs programmed at the third chakra that use shame to stop me from honoring my unique talents and one-of-a-kind nature, so that I can be a miracle in the world.Special Energy Blessing from Joan for the Third Chakra.Class 4: Receiving Miracles in the Fourth ChakraPersonal “aha moment” : I now see how I break my own heart and negate my deserving of miracles with my critical mind and belief in “striving to deserve”.Strategic Tapping Goal: Clear and release the vows and beliefs programmed at the fourth chakra that slams the door to my divinity and wholeness.Special Energy Blessing from Joan for the Fourth Chakra.Class 5: Choosing Miracles in the Fifth ChakraPersonal “aha moment” : I now see how I use my incredibly powerful 5th chakra to manifest everything in my life based on my lower chakra conflicts about miracles.Strategic Tapping Goal: Clear and release the habitual lies we speak at the fifth chakra so we can CHOSE the new words to manifest a miraculous experience.Special Energy Blessing from Joan for the Fifth Chakra.Class 6: Seeing Miracles in the Sixth ChakraPersonal “aha moment” : I now see how I have vowed to filter my view of the world to never see miracles based on the fears and programming of my lower chakras.Strategic Tapping Goal: Clear and release the vows and beliefs programmed at the sixth chakra so I can see the world as it actually is…miraculous!Special Energy Blessing from Joan for the Sixth Chakra.Class 7: Allowing Miracles in the Seventh ChakraPersonal “aha moment” : I now see how I literally close my seventh chakra when I see and belief that the divine is limited in my life.Strategic Tapping Goal: Clear and release the programmed limitations all the way up through each chakra to open the 7th allow the infinite possibility of miracles to flow back down through all the chakras following the “manifestation channel”Special Energy Blessing from Joan for the Seventh Chakra.Get The 7 Levels of Miracles – Margaret Lynch , Only Price $82Tag: The 7 Levels of Miracles – Margaret Lynch  Review. The 7 Levels of Miracles – Margaret Lynch  download. The 7 Levels of Miracles – Margaret Lynch  discount.Purchase The 7 Levels of Miracles – Margaret Lynch courses at here with PRICE $497 $82