You’ll discover how to Get Along Better With Others. You’ll learn the secrets of seeing the world more clearly — with an open mind.Purchase Jeffrey Allen – Duality courses at here with PRICE $499 $61Jeffrey Allen – DualityThis program is for people who understand that they are more than just physical body, that there is a conscious energetic part to themselves — a part of us that our schooling system never taught us how to use.Duality teaches you to use the energetic side of your dual body to function better in this world. It leads to an increase in your spiritual skills, higher levels of awareness and the ability to thus function more efficiently in the world.This is how it feels when you learn to use your energy body which our society has taught us to suppress for so long.Everywhere you go, you’re interacting with an invisible world.Look around you now:Even though you can’t see them, you’re surrounded by invisible radio waves… television programs being beamed right through you… cell phone waves… wifi… electromagnetic forces… and more.You know these invisible waves are real — otherwise you wouldn’t be able to watch TV, surf the internet, or listen to the radio.You live in an invisible world of energy.But did you know…Jeffrey AllenJeffrey AllenGet Jeffrey Allen – Duality downloadTrustpilotNicereplyMindvalley has been rated 9.6/10 on Trust Pilot and as Top Ten in Customer Support worldwide by So when you order from Mindvalley, you know your happiness is our top priority.You Have A Visible Side… And An Invisible SideIf you’re like most of us in the Western world, you identify more with the picture on the left. But the picture on the right is very real too.It’s a photo of an aura — an energetic field which can be captured using a method called Kirlian Photography.In fact, everyone has an aura, even though most people have no clue it exists. And this photo provides evidence that there are TWO of you:A physical you… and an energetic you. But there’s a problem:Take a look at these pictures. Which seems the most “real” to you?Most People Ignore Their Energetic SideWe’ve become totally focused on looking after our physical bodies. Many of us watch what we eat… we exercise to keep fit… and we shower and brush our teeth to make sure our physical body functions at its best.But most people don’t spend nearly enough time looking after their energetic side. It’s probably because our energetic selves are invisible — like wifi and radio waves — so we don’t give them much attention.But as you’ll discover, this is one of the biggest mistakes you can make. Simply because…Everything Is EnergyMost people aren’t aware of this, but science has proven that everything in our universe is made of the same energy.From the screen you’re looking at now, to the ocean and the trees, to the stars in the sky and the bed you sleep on at night — even your body — it’s all made of exactly the same stuff… Energy!And naturally, because we’re made of energy… we give off energy too.In fact, energy is literally pulsing through your body right now as you read these words — it’s shooting through so-called meridian lines in your body (the basis of acupuncture) and is swirling in vortices at the center of your being (your chakras).Sometimes this energy is positive.But often, it’s negative and self-destructive… causing our life to zig when we want it to zag. Which brings us to the next point.The #1 Reason Why People FailWhen someone doesn’t succeed in life — when they struggle to attract money, or have a long-term loving relationship, or experience deep happiness — it’s often because they are not in-tune with their energy body.For example, we know that more than half of marriages end in divorce.Yet, with a deeper understanding of our energy, we benefit from greater expressions of love, empathy and forgiveness… avoid relationship-straining states like depression and anger.The same goes for money.Many of us struggle to create the income we choose. So we stay in jobs that don’t fulfill us or worry that we don’t deserve to make more money.But when you tune into your energy — and clear away any negative blocks — you’ll discover that you can enjoy a life filled to the brim with abundance, passion and success.Your intuition will go sky-high, you’ll be guided to profitable opportunities and you’ll trust yourself to make the right choice every time.The Energetic System That Redefined Living An Extraordinary LifeContrary to what we’re told, living an amazing life doesn’t need a big fat bank account, or a social background you’re proud of or high scores in your college GPA score…The only reason you’re not living an extraordinary life is because you haven’t figured out how to ACTIVATE — and TAP into — your energetic side.Which means the only reason you’re stuck where you are is because you’re dealing with blocked and dormant energy… which you haven’t yet learned how to release.But it doesn’t have to be this way anymore…You can walk a different path — a path of energy and vitality, of inner balance and harmony.You can learn how to quickly open to your intuition and spiritual gifts.You can experience a life guided by synchronicity and meaningful coincidences that lead you to everything you want.You can enjoy a life filled to the brim with love, abundance, joy, and fun.And you really can manifest your soulmate, health, wealth — and whatever else your heart earnestly desires.Introducing Duality: The Ultimate Energy Mastery Blueprint For A Truly Extraordinary LifeWe’d like to invite you to a journey into the world of Energy, your personal energy, through this amazing home study program: Jeffrey Allen’s DUALITY.The great feedback we received for this program has made Jeffrey Allen one of the highest rated authors at Mindvalley. Which means, you will be astounded by the depth of Jeffrey’s wisdom as well as the way he communicates it to you.Duality is packed with tools – plug and play tools – that you can instantly use to improve any and every area of your life. Their uses range from eliminating energy blocks to discovering your internal compass to communicating energetically and so much more.In a matter of 8 weeks, you’ll learn the truth behind universal energy — you’ll not only understand but also discover that it’s easy to manipulate it.You’ll be startled to find that you no longer have to go from A to B to C to D, instead, you can go straight from A to D. Rules become meaningless to you.For the first time, you’ll be able to see the real energy of you.And it’s a feeling that cannot be explained in words.Six Things That Make Duality Unique1. The Most In-Depth Journey For Energy WorkFor Jeffrey Allen, the #1 question he received from his students about mastering Energy Work was this: “Is there a single program course or seminar that I can dive into so we can do all the amazing things that you are doing?” Duality was created as an answer to that. Jeffrey looked at everything he’s discovered over the past 17 years prior to it, and made it into ONE amazing Quest.2. Powerful Energy ToolsThe tools you’re going to learn in Duality come from Jeffrey’s personal experience of living aligned to his energy and taking action in the physical world by following his energetic guidance. Which means that you don’t merely get concepts – you get real-world tools that you can immediately apply to see results. Let your experience be the real teacher.3. Jeffrey Allen’s Teaching Bridges Logic And EmotionAs an engineer, Jeffrey Allen was trained to think logically. So obviously, he’s applied that same engineer’s mind to studying and teaching energy principles. Which means that he not only teaches his framework, but he also gives you a logical explanation so you can thoroughly be convinced of the logic behind it. No more lingering doubts.4. Become An Intermediate-Level Practitioner In Only 8 WeeksSure, Jeffrey has spent over 15 years to master these principles. But he doesn’t advise his students to do the same. Instead, he believes that he’s managed to separate the wheat from the chaff and give you the best tools that you can use to hit the ground running in as little as 8 weeks. Energy mastery doesn’t get simpler than that.5. Pre-Recorded Q&A To Plug The Gaps In Your LearningIn addition to these eight main weeks, you’ll also get additional 17 pre-recorded Q&A audios from Jeffrey. When Duality was offered as an eight-week LIVE program, Jeffrey received hundreds of questions. He painstakingly went through all of them and chose the most crucial ones… those that he knew would trigger an instant shift in your mindset. And he answered them by recording these audios.6. Access To An Exclusive Duality CommunityTo make your learning last a lifetime, you’re getting lifetime access to a private Duality Facebook group where Jeffrey and thousands of Duality graduates hang out. They are there to help you, share their experiences as they go through the Quest with you and occasionally introduce new tools and resources for taking your energy practice to the next level.Elevate Your Learning Experience On The Revolutionary Mindvalley Learning PlatformThe Mindvalley Quests learning platform combines the power of community, daily micro-learning, and the world’s best teachers to give you a dramatically more immersive and transformational personal growth experience than ever before.The World’s Best Teachers On One PlatformFrom philosophers like Ken Wilber and Alan Watts, to transformational teachers like Robin Sharma and Neale Donald Walsch, Mindvalley Quests curates the wisdom of humanity’s greatest minds to elevate every area of your life.Deep Transformation In Just 2 – 4 Hours A WeekNow used by leading-edge schools and companies, micro-learning is the ultimate personal growth solution for busy people. By engaging in more bite-sized actions and exercises, you’ll experience massive results with minimal effort – and be 500% more likely to complete your curriculum compared to traditional courses.We’re All In This TogetherThe Mindvalley Quests platform gives you multiple ways to engage and co-create with your fellow students. Imagine thousands of like-minded people from 100+ countries, supporting you, inspiring you, and holding you accountable to your highest success.How The Quest App Works1. You begin the Duality Quest with the community on 9 March 2020.2. You will receive weekly guidance for 8 weeks.3. You grow dramatically in just 2-4 hours per weekGet immediately download Jeffrey Allen – Duality 2020Instructor ProfileFrom Engineer to Spiritual TeacherA decade ago, Jeffrey was living what we in the west would call a ‘successful’ life as a software engineer with a great job, six-figure salary, big house, and all the toys he desired. Yet, external success came with a price… a constant nagging that he wasn’t fulfilling his true purpose.Few people knew Jeffrey’s true passion for helping others through energy healing, teaching & intuition. For 15 years, Jeffrey had apprenticed with leading psychics, healers, and mediums in the United States. He quietly served on the board of directors for a spiritual development center, yet he worried his passion was too “out there” and could damage his professional career.Yet, the Universe had big plans for Jeffrey. Through a remarkable set of coincidences in 2005, Jeffrey found himself teaching graduate spiritual studies in Uganda, Africa to a talented group of advanced students.Fearing his students would find out he was “an engineer pretending to be a spiritual teacher”, it was Jeffrey who discovered he was “a spiritual teacher pretending to be an engineer”. This experience gave Jeffrey the courage to step out of hiding and into the spotlight.Jeffrey left his successful engineering life and moved to Sedona, AZ to began his full-time career as a professional intuitive, energy healer, and spiritual teacher. Clients saw such remarkable results with Jeffrey, he was dubbed the local “Healer’s Healer”.In the decade since, Jeffrey’s success spread globally – touching many lives around the world. He’s counseled thousands of private clients, taught hundreds of live workshops around the world (US, Mexico, Costa Rica, France, Switzerland, Croatia, Greece, and Japan), and reached 100,000s of students through online spiritual training.Jeffrey’s mission is to upgrade global consciousness by healing, educating, and activating one student at a time!What You’ll Learn8 Amazing Improvements You’ll Enjoy When You Use The Secrets Of Duality1. Get Answers — Fast!When you tune into your energy, you’ll quickly open up to your intuition and your other spiritual gifts. This is just like having a built-in “fact checker” — so whenever you’re faced with a decision to make, you can check in and ask yourself, “If I do this, will it be the right choice?”You’ll love the feeling of getting clear answers, which guide you directly toward the life you’re supposed to be living.Imagine — fewer mistakes, missed opportunities or procrastination — and far more flow, momentum and seemingly effortless success. It’s all possible the moment you discover how to access your intuition.2. Go From “What Is Energy” to “Holy Smokes, It Worked Like Crazy!”Whether you’re new to Energy Work or have a solid understanding, the techniques described in this program will tremendously empower you.You’ll be able to use it to reach your highest potential, or even impact other people’s lives — either way, you’ll live a life you’re meant to be living.Like electricity, it doesn’t matter if an engineer or a layman switches it on. It will flow and the bulb is going to light up. Same thing with energy. Use the tools and you’ll see results.3. Manifest The Life You WantThe more you connect with your energy, the easier you’ll find it to shift and change the circumstances of your life — so you can manifest the experiences and outcomes you desire.Why? Simply because the higher your energy, the more “good” you’ll naturally attract!From manifesting a soulmate, to becoming happier, to creating a life filled with wealth, love, and abundance… working with your energy, you’ll discover how enjoyable it can be to manifest the life of your dreams.4. Feel Happy And GuidedAs soon as you eliminate your energy blocks, you’ll effortlessly experience more positive states like happiness, gratitude, love, and joy.Even better, you’ll quickly let go of — and clear — low energy states like depression, fear, anxiety, and anguish… which constantly pull you back from the life you want.Not only does this feel wonderful… but you’ll instantly start to magnetize and manifest more experiences to feel grateful for — creating a beautiful, virtuous cycle of abundance and happiness, that guides you to the success you deserve.5. Stop Fighting Against YourselfWhen you live out of alignment with your energy (and most of us do!), you’re literally fighting against yourself. So you’ll often experience struggle in many aspects of your life — from finances to relationships to your health.But when you start to live in alignment with your energy, you’ll experience true Flow.Don’t get discouraged if it feels like an uphill climb right now. Soon, with the knowledge you’ll have, you’ll be able to get where you want in the fastest, enjoyable, and most flowing way imaginable.6. Naturally Accelerate Your Body’s Rate Of HealingAs you learn and practice a variety of proven energy techniques, you’ll discover how to accelerate your body’s natural capacity for physical and emotional healing.This will help you to clear and balance your energy — in literally minutes a day. So you’ll experience benefits almost instantly!Imagine — being empowered with greater peace of mind, profound states of wellbeing, and near-limitless energy… as well as improved health. There’s a reason millions of people around the world practice energy work every day!7. Magnetize New RelationshipsThe more you work with your energy, the bigger your impact on other people.You’ll find that positive people will very naturally be drawn to you — because they will feel your energy — and even negative folks in your life will “catch” your positivity and happiness… as a very natural result of being around your higher energy field.So you can expect your relationships at home and work to improve, automatically, as well as your ability to shift the circumstances of your life. Plus, you’ll attract new and exciting people into your life that “match” your new vibe. This means you’ll make a more positive impact in the world — and attract higher energy people — just by being you!8. Finally, Live Your Highest CallingWhen your energy is unblocked, you’ll begin to experience more abundance, confidence, freedom, joy, happiness and peace — as your “regular” states.Your focus and productivity will shoot up… you’ll feel connected to Source Energy… and you’ll begin to instinctively and effortlessly bring your deepest dreams into reality.All without stress… or struggle… or feeling overwhelmed.This is what it feels like to truly live at your highest calling.More Success Stories from Jeffrey’s StudentsCASE STUDY 1“It increased my Energy”Dianne shares about how she learned about various energy self-care tools from Duality and how it helped increase her capacity to feel and project energy. She says it has even helped her household plants grow better.Dianne CampbellCASE STUDY 2“It really changed my life, I can see my energy patterns”Nicoleta shares how Duality has been a corner-stone to the big shifts that are happening to her life. She also explains how it changed her life and the amazing patterns that she can see happening in her own life.Nicoleta SanduCASE STUDY 3“I now have a safe space between me and my clients”Shannon wanted to learn Duality because she wanted to set a boundary to the energy she’s taking on during her work as a hairdresser. What she found out was that she can actually shape the energy exchange with her clients far in advance instead of functioning in the reactionary mode.Shannon CzombaCASE STUDY 4“My relationships improved and I feel that people enjoy my presence more”I decided to join the Duality program because in the past few years I had been working a lot on improving my mindset and physical health but I knew very little about the energy World.This program completely blew my mind because I had eye-opening experiences every week. I love how Jeffrey teaches, so easy and enjoyable to learn from him.Clearing limiting beliefs and emotional blocks was much faster and easier working with energy than using the psychological tools and techniques that I had used previously.My awareness expanded a lot and I’ve become more conscious in my everyday life.My relationships improved and I feel that people enjoy my presence more. I also noticed that I can feel and understand others more than previously. During the guided meditations I experienced some of my most profound spiritual moments ever. My life elevated into a whole new dimension.I’ve become a lifelong fan of Jeffrey Allen because of Duality, and I already started his other online program which is also awesome.Attila TelkesCoach and philanthropistCASE STUDY 5“The program is a pure MAGIC”“You are so ugly”, “people that look like you are not worthy of living”, “I feel like throwing up when I see you”, “Put some makeup on, you are scaring us”. This and even worse statements were part of an ordinary day for me when growing up. A very hard time that left deep scars inside of me. This led me to a carrier within the Cosmetics industry. If I could learn all the tricks to cover up my ugliness I would never be bullied again. This became my drive and I have made a fantastic carrier.Today I work as a Nordic Training Manager for Rituals Cosmetics, but during the last few years have felt that Cosmetics is not my true calling. For as long as I can remember I have been fascinated by healers and after becoming 50, I decided to follow my inner voice for the first time in my life. I looked everywhere for a program in healing and got drawn to Duality by Jeffrey Allen.The program turned my world upside down. First of all my sadness, shame and fear from my teenage years came up. When clearing those feelings I found a deep strength within me which I, in some way, knew I had but had buried deep inside me.All of a sudden I could stand in my own truth and tell my colleagues about energy and what I believe in and what my dreams are. I was very surprised to find that they were super interested (note, this is in a very shallow industry were looks is everything that counts), and stood in line for a healing session. Even our international HR Manager showed interest.Now I have been asked to talk about energy and healing at our yearly International Meeting in Amsterdam! All of this started with the Duality program, and even though I have no Idea what the future will bring, I know it will be fantastic and energy healing will be a part of it in some way. I can’t thank Jeffrey enough. The program is a pure MAGIC.Carina RosenbladCASE STUDY 6“This profound experience changed forever my old belief system.”One of my most profound energy healing memories was about ten years ago when my son, Grant, was about 6 years old. Grant had traditionally slept well through the night. Then suddenly he started having violent dreams, tossing and turning, talking angrily in his sleep. These disturbances intensified to the point where he was now up walking around sound asleep but angrily knocking over lamps and other items. Waking up to hearing crashing noises we would run to his room and ask what he was doing only to get grumbling noises in response. We would then shake him and he would wake up and become his normal peaceful self and not know why he was out of bed.I spoke to Jeff about this situation with my son and asked if he could remotely take a look at my son’s energy to possibly determine what was going on. Jeff agreed and after a brief period reported to me that Grant had a disincarnate Being very angry at him over past experiences and was actively trying to hurt him.I was frankly overwhelmed having never heard of or experienced anything like this. All I knew was my sweet young son was in turmoil and I wanted him healthy again. Jeff said he would talk to this disincarnate Being, send him energy, and recommend he go to the light.To my surprise and delight, after Jeff’s healing with this Being, Grant’s night disturbances ended immediately. He was back like his regular self, sleeping peacefully right through the night.This profound experience changed forever my old belief system that if I couldn’t see it, then it didn’t exist. I have become more open minded and receptive to new healing, energy, and spiritual concepts, that there is far more to this existence than I can possibly know.Dave IngersollReal Estate BrokerCASE STUDY 7“The greatest learning from Duality? For me, it’s acceptance.”The greatest learning from Duality? For me, it’s acceptance. It seems so obvious but is also so hard in practice. After taking Duality, I have learned to…1. accept that energy clearing is not do-once-and-be-done-forever. I need to keep working on it. The good news is I have the power to clear my own energy.2. accept that it takes time and practice to get better. Just because I’m not seeing “perfect” results yet doesn’t mean my meditations are not working. Be patient and be happy when the success rate improves.3. accept that the journey inward is not always easy, but that’s ok. Sometimes it’s painful when I’m going through a growth period, and sometimes it hurts when negative energy is escaping from my body. Know these are actually good signs and once they pass I’ll feel better.Oh, and I also learned to stay amused and be gentle with myself.Mu-Yin Molly ChenCASE STUDY 8“I’ve done a lot of online programs but I have enjoyed this one the most”I wanted to thank Jeffrey personally for the Duality training.I have missed being able to interact with other people taking the program and with yourself, but it hasn’t stopped me engaging with the material full on.8 weeks in three! Loving it.[…] [It] felt natural and easy. Beautiful how have made the program so coherent and simple with a wonderful cumulative quality.Feel clearer and focused.It’s a dream come true. I’ve done a lot of online programs but I have enjoyed this one the most, along with tapping, and have even finished it! Can you believe that?Thankyou, thankyou, and thankyou!Linet AndreaCASE STUDY 9“My life and the way I feel about it and about myself has improved SO MUCH”I pretty much use all the tools on a daily basis.When I wake up every morning, I go through the Duality practice of running energy, clearing my chakras, and grounding. Then, on my commute into work on the public transit, I also use the picture clearing technique for my aura and then replace them with positive feelings I want for the day. I did not realize how many expectations and personality traits I’ve been carrying around that aren’t mine but that were imposed on me by parents, teachers, and even myself. Clearing those pictures has made me more accepting of myself and I feel empowered about who mySelf really is.Get immediately download Jeffrey Allen – Duality 2020When I’m in a meeting, I use the permission rose, which really helps to deal with some of the more charged personalities. In one meeting, where one of the known personalities was operating and speaking in resistance mode, I remembered my permission rose and consciously chose to keep the vibration of my aura cooperative while allowing him to operate at his level. I left the meeting feeling calm and didn’t even think about it for the rest of the day until I got an email at the close of the day from one of my other colleagues in that meeting. It said, “Thank you for being so professional today. I’m really glad to be working with you.” Finally, I’ve been working with my spirit guides, and though I’m really new at it and not sure what to expect, I have learned to just TRUST that the answers will come and resolutions will unfold in their right time. I’ve been noticing a lot of synchronization, some small and some larger, and I take it as proof that my spirit guides are telling me they’ve got my back. Mostly, I JUST DON’T WORRY ANY LONGER about things that are out of my control. And I see so quickly what those things are and I get centered by running energy and grounding.I’m going back through the program a second time and catching onto more good information. And I’m trying out some of the techniques in other situations, such as in my romantic relationship. I think about grounding the two of us in the present moment when we’re together, and this helps me to appreciate my partner and the moment without imposing other stories onto us. And when I’m away from him, I ground and center myself again, and remember to switch my chakra vibration back into self-sufficient mode.I’m not a master yet, like Jeffrey, but my life and the way I feel about it and about myself has improved SO MUCH. I’m looking forward to the cumulative effect of daily practice over time. This is really the way.Jacqueline MunozCASE STUDY 10“Goosebumps! BIG time!”Goosebumps! BIG time! Oh, how I love this! Thank you Jeffrey Allen!I just completed the Chakra Week and finally my life comes to place, just after these five weeks. I was stuck in two chairs which was very surprising for me. Those two, really? And I got so clear why my manifesting never came fully true.You know, I’ve been reading all these books one can think of this area for about 30 years, taken classes, courses, spent a lot of money… Sure, I’ve been feeling better after a total burn out, but now everything is like AHA-moment, one after the other. I see everything so clearly now, like coming out of a fog for many years. Forever grateful!Thank you Jeffrey and thank you all beautiful people in this lovely group!Anya Rosen LavenderCASE STUDY 11“This one is so exceptional, priceless and outstanding.”I think that Jeffrey is a true leader and role model in the field of spirituality and energy work.This is a field, so many try to explain, teach and understand. And never before have I experienced such a detail oriented, practicable, fun and “down on earth” program. Not to forget to mention the awesome structure on the membership site. Thank you.Kathrin BodeWill It Work For You If You’re New To Energy Work?If you have an open mind and a willingness to try, you will see results.Whether you’re new to Energy Work or have a solid understanding, the techniques described in this program will tremendously empower you. You’ll be able to use it to reach your highest potential, or even impact other people’s lives — either way, you’ll live a life you’re meant to be living.It’s like electricity, it doesn’t matter if an engineer or a layman switches it on. The electricity is going to flow and the bulb is going to light up.Same thing with energy. Just use the tools and you’ll see results.Duality: The Fastest Path To Energy MasteryOver the past 20 years, Jeffrey has personally spent tens of thousands of dollars mastering the principles of the Energy World — learning only from the very best teachers — and it’s for only one reason: to make his life incredibly exciting and fulfilling. What he’s sharing with you will do the same for you.If you were to look for any other solution to improving your life, like medication, therapy or other entertainment, you’d easily spend hundreds, if not thousands of dollars a month, in accumulated fees (and we’re confident that none of these solutions would be as lasting and effective as this).And if you wanted to learn the energy teachings of this program one-on-one with Jeffrey… well, the demand for his teaching is so high that he can no longer offer private sessions.But if you had $10,000 to spare, you could fly all the way to Japan to sit with Jeffrey and study directly from him in one of his workshops.Program InformationTune Into Your Energy And Get Answers, Heal Yourself, Create Synchronicities, Eliminate Negativity And Enjoy A Fuller, Happier & Abundant LifeThe Quest is designed as a 8-week curriculum (recorded from Duality LIVE Energy Training and Clearing Sessions, including 17 pre-recorded Q&A sessions) and combines powerful guided exercises and meditations with real-world applications.You’ll master skills and methods like getting answers from your intuition, becoming more present, eliminating energy blocks, self-healing, connecting with your guides, chakra work, improving relationships, attracting synchronicities — and more.Plus, you’ll also… learn to heal others.Through this Quest, you’ll even discover how to heal others and work with their energy. So you will not only transform your own health and happiness, you’ll help others to live amazing lives too.We believe this program is a guaranteed way to “flip” your life from one of struggle, stress and frustration… into a fresh new place of inner confidence, healing, prosperity, and joy.There has never been a better time to open up to Duality and Jeffrey believes people are ready. They know there has to be a better and easier way to live.Maybe you feel this too?Here’s Everything You’ll Discover In This QuestWeek 1: Personal Presence & Energy AwarenessYou’ll discover how to instantly Boost Your Personal Presence — so you can be more confident, comfortable and attentive in ANY situation. As you become more present, you’ll start to feel more calm and clarity in your life… with plenty of time and energy to make your deepest goals a reality. In this session, you’ll discover how to anchor your Root Chakra to the center of the earth and learn a simple yet powerful energy focusing technique called “Looking From Behind Your Eyes” — both of which will help you instantly getPurchase Jeffrey Allen – Duality courses at here with PRICE $499 $61