30 Days to Spiritual Awakening – Brent Phillips


30 Days to Spiritual Awakening: Thousands of Years of Wisdom Revealed in Fun,  Ten Minute HealingsPurchase 30 Days to Spiritual Awakening – Brent Phillips courses at here with PRICE $397 $64Welcome to Brent Phillips Special Offer PageProsperity and Wealth Issues – “We had our healing session last week…within 24 hours I’d recieved over $3,000, from 4 different sources, that i absolutely was not expecting.”Parkinson’s Disease – “After four healing sessions with Brent, My Parkinson’s Disease….is slowly going away”Relationships -“I have been working on my relationship issues with women for quite some time….with little success…[after working with Brent] interacting with women is much easier and even fun!”Back Pain -“After 2 treatments, there was a huge improvement., and by my fifth treatment there was actually no pain at all!”Chronic Pain – “After the first Healing session the condition improved dramatically!”Back and Hip Pain – “How wonderful it is to be free of pain!”Migraine Headaches – “I had migraine headaches since I was a child…one session with Brent and I haven’t had a headache in months!”Autisum and Parenting – “You’ve been giving me the gift of miracles over the past couple of months!”TMJ – “My jaw has released the contraction that I had for many years – I will forever be in gratitude to you!”Emotional Transformation – “Euphoric breakthroughs, inexplicable windows of joy opening in my heart…”Neck Pain – “Brent helped get to the true source of the pain… my pain decreased instantly. A month later, I feel like a new woman pain free!”Sinus Infection – “We also had time to address my sinus infection, which disappeared the very next day and has not returned since what a bonus!”Meditation/Intuitive Ability – “Before, [visualizing during meditation] was like watching a black and white TV with rabbit ear antennas now, I am watching a full-color, LED TV in high-def!”Speech Disorder – “We focused on a speech problem that I have always had Not only can I speak with wonderful clarity and ease now, I am also now cured of my extreme claustrophobia!”Food Allergy (cat) – “My cat Ebby…is nearly 16 years old and had recently developed a food allergy that was causing her to vomit a lot. Brent worked to cure the allergy (it is completely gone) and also cured her fear of dogs!”Anxiety – “Self-help techniques don’t work for me…Now after just a few sessions with Brent I’m a believer….feels like a massive transformation!”Prosperity & Career -“I can’t tell you how dramatically everything in my life has changed for the better since I had that one tele-treatment with you.”Energy & Emotional Healing – “My energy is improving and I absolutely love the feeling of peace, love, and tranquility when we finish our session.”Prosperity & Spirituality – “The financial situation has begun to improve…every area of my life is moving in the direction I always wished for, but seemed unable to achieve.”30 Days to Spiritual Awakening: Thousands of Years of Wisdom Revealed in Fun,  Ten Minute HealingsIn this intensive series you will learn:30 day guided process to a genuine spiritual awakening.Five automatic subconscious block clearing programs to accelerate spiritual progress.Get training to seeing auras and energy with your open eyes.The 3 “terrible traps” that block spiritual progress.Learn tricks to easily win all the 7 games of consciousness, including love, money, and spiritual truth.Learn how to start the beginning of the end of suffering.Clear subconscious developmental traumas that are at the root of most problems with health and money.Engage a step by step processes to evolve your consciousness to the highest levels of the 3 stages of the spiritual journey.Learn how one Great Lie creates nearly all suffering.including YOUR suffering.Get the secret to releasing attachment to result.Gain your the “foot in the door” to enlightenment.Expose the greatest lie in human history.Learn the amazing shortcut to spiritual liberation.Begin to deeply understand and live in the truth that “we are all one”.In addition to the 33 Days Of Awakening You Will Receive:Item 1: Consciousness Shifting TrainingMP4 and PDF DownloadValue $197Shift Your Consciousness into “The Matrix” and See Auras, Visible Energy, and “The Truth” with your Eyes – Right From Your Home!Brent has devoted his life to mastering energy healing and sharing what he has learned with the world, and that includes spending over ten years as a full-time healer and working extensively with many different teachers, classes, training programs, and intensives in order to enhance and refine his intuition, and develop his ability to see and read energy.One of the most profound and remarkable shifts he’s experienced is awakening the ability to literally see with open eyes beyond the limited four-dimensional physical reality around us, directly viewing the underlying realm of energy, or “The Matrix.”It took Brent over four years of intensive work and well over $100,000 in trainings, sessions, and special supplements specifically to develop this ability. As of the time this was written, there are only five people in the world we know of who can manipulate and tune the human energy field in order to shift your consciousness and see the living energy fields that are the true framework of our reality.And fortunately for you, two of them have come together to create this revolutionary video so you can develop this incredible ability in the comfort of your own home!The energy used in this video is quit powerful – this video is NOT designed for beginners, or anyone who is mentally, physically, or emotionally frail or unstable!.If you have any doubts or concerns about whether or not you should be using this, please contact Brent to schedule a private session, where he can perform this process with you one-on-one and closely monitor your energy to ensure it is safe and comfortable for you.Nothing like this has ever been attempted before, and we honestly do not fully understand the ramifications or potential effects on the user or on Brent and Daniel of unleashing these energies.You can use this video with your eyes opened or closed, but if you normally medidate with your eyes closed, you may wish to try it with your eyes open, so you can see the physical visual effects described above. It is a little-known fact that closed eye meditations are primarily for beginners, and many advanced meditations are done with the eyes open.Item 2: Mastering Attention7 pdfs, 7 mp4 videos, plus mp3 audio guided meditationValue $97 Thanks to the rising popularity of energy healing and the Law of Attraction, we know how important it is to learn to harness the power of the mind to transform your health, relationships, and financial reality.However, it’s ironic that one of the most important aspects of mind power is something that very few people are aware of, and very few mind power teachers know how to work with: it’s how to master the process by which you pay attention.Most of us are completely unaware that our brains and minds have turned into a dysfunctional mess because we spent our whole lives stuck in a stress state of “narrow focus” attention. This causes a whole host of problems that I collectively call “modern life syndrome”, which includes (but is not limited to):High levels of chronic stressTension in the neck, shoulders, face, and handsFatigued or exhausted adrenalsDifficulty sleepingFatigueDifficulty with mental clarity and focusChronic worryInability to properly relax, rejuvenate, and regenerateFortunately, we all have the capability within us to learn how to pay attention properly and regain the ability to access “open focus” attention. When you learn how to master attention and move effortlessly between narrow focus and open focus, your body and mind will heal, many chronic or nagging health problems may completely vanish, your mood will improve, and you’ll get far more enjoyment out of life with much less worry and stress.Item 3: Dissolving Pain7 pdfs, 7 mp4 videosValue $97We’re going to build on the June “Mastering Attention” and the previous “Pain Be Gone” to show you the single most powerful and nearly always effective method to dissolve any pain, whether it be physical, emotional, grief, anything!One of the unfortunate effects of spend our entire lives stuck in a “narrow-objective” focus state is that we are all trained to use the narrow-objective stress state push away and resist pain. While this may temporarily reduce the pain, over the long run it actually makes it worse, and can lead to chronic pain or other serious problems.Fortunately, it’s relatively easily to learn to access the lost attention states – diffuse and immersive – so you can mix and match all of them to achieve the “Open Focus” state. And from there, you can use nothing but the power of your attention to lessen and completely dissolve any pain, including but not limited to:Physical painEmotional painGrief painChronic TensionEveryday Life StressEven better, as you develop the ability the shift your style of attention to handle whatever life throws at you, you will also develop one of the most important skills required for serious spiritual advancement: the ability to be present in the face of any pain and work through it with a minimum of suffering.Tag: 30 Days to Spiritual Awakening – Brent Phillips Review. 30 Days to Spiritual Awakening – Brent Phillips download. 30 Days to Spiritual Awakening – Brent Phillips discount.Purchase 30 Days to Spiritual Awakening – Brent Phillips courses at here with PRICE $397 $64