Mindvalley Academy [Gina DeVee] – Live & Luxurious Course


To the woman transformational coach with big dreams,Are you truly happy with where your coaching business is right now?If you’re like most struggling transformation coaches, you’re probably experiencing some of these common frustrations:Purchase Mindvalley Academy [Gina DeVee] – Live & Luxurious Course courses at here with PRICE $495 $61Mindvalley Academy [Gina DeVee] – Live & Luxurious CourseDiscover how you can earn a 6-figure income while creating a greater impact in people’s lives, simply by creating and selling high-end programs that your dream clients LOVEGet Mindvalley Academy [Gina DeVee] – Live & Luxurious Course at the CourseAvaiWhen it comes to earning money, too many women transformational coaches think small.Join Gina DeVee, an internationally known life & success coach and founderof the Academy, as she teaches you everything you need to know to createand sell high-end programs, charge what you’re worth for your services,create a greater impact for your clients, and enjoy the freedom you deserve.To the woman transformational coach with big dreams,Are you truly happy with where your coaching business is right now?If you’re like most struggling transformation coaches, you’re probably experiencing some of these common frustrations:You struggle to find clients to grow your businessYou’re stressed having enough bookings each month to make ends meetYou’ve reached the income ceiling on your pay-per-hour business modelYou’re tired of your finances (and lifestyle) being a balancing act between feast and famineYou’re frustrated, and feel like you’re still living from “paycheck to paycheck”You easily experience stress, burnout and feel unfulfilled because you scramble to take on whatever clients you can get – regardless of whether or not this forces you to work during the weekend or work with someone you’re not aligned withYou don’t have the freedom – financially or time wise – to live the life you dream of livingFind us on FacebookEvercoachLike8,024 people like Evercoach.Get Mindvalley Academy [Gina DeVee] – Live & Luxurious Course at the CourseAvaiFacebook social pluginWhat if I told you that you can resolve all these frustrations, and in 6 months or less you can completely turn your life and business around and:Become recognised as a Premium Coach who can charge top dollar for what you’re really worthStop “trading dollars for hours” and free yourself from burn out, stress and overwhelmCreate a sustainable avenue that will set you on the path to earn a 6-figure income from a business you loveWork with the kind of dream clients that you love working with and are actually happy to pay your premium feeHave the freedom and income to live the luxurious lifestyle of your dreamsWell, you can have all of this.And I’m going to show you a simple solution that will accelerate you on the path to becoming a Premium Coach and open the door for you to enjoy all of this and more.I’ll tell you more about this simple solution, but before that, let me talk about the common fears most women coaches have when it comes to becoming a Premium Coach and raising their rates.Like most women coaches I come across, you’re probably thinking:Who am I to become a Premium coach?I’m not qualified enough to charge top dollar.Don’t I need more experience first?This kind of stuff is more something those “celebrity” coaches can pull off.Well, let me tell you why you are not just deserving and qualified to become a Premium Coach… but why your clients actually WANT this from you, right now.It’s amazing the kind of coach you can be and impact you can create when you are charging your worth to become financially freeBeing a transformational coach is an opportunity to use your talents, gifts and experience to really make a difference in people’s lives.But if you’re not charging what you’re worth, then you’ve immediately limited the kind of impact you can create in people’s lives. Because every day you’ll wake up wondering, “How am I going to earn enough to pay my bills today?”However, the moment you start believing in yourself and charging what you’re truly worth, something amazing happens.Your focus suddenly becomes, “How can I serve my clients better today?”And you immediately become a better contributor to the world and a more powerful coach to your clients.This is why you owe it to yourself — and your clients — to overcome your own limiting fears and create abundance in your life so you can give back more powerfully than ever, create more impact, and raise the vibrations of those whose lives you touch.Introducing Live & LuxuriousCreate & Sell Your High-End Programs, 1-Day Intensives and Group RetreatsAfter this 6-week program, you’ll:1Know how to create your service packages (3 levels-small, medium, and large) that will position you as a credible and valuable premium coach2Know how to structure your 1-Day intensives so you can deliver maximum value to your clients and be able to charge premium prices for it3Have the ability to put together a year-long platinum program (if you desire) so you can earn passive income and enable your financial freedom4Increase your confidence in knowing what your offer is so that you can have the clarity in how to deliver your unique strengths and talents to transform people’s lives5Strengthen your wealth consciousness so you can charge what you’re worth6Have the exact marketing techniques for how to sell your high-end services so you don’t have to worry about where you are going to find your high-end clients7Have checklists, documents and resources of everything you need to successfully sell your packages without wasting your time and money on strategies that do not work8Experience the how-tos of designing and selling your high-end packages in real time. In addition to the nuts-and-bolts, you’ll also handle any inner mindset issues that may have been holding you back so you’ll never be stuck in your business.9Unlock the ability to do what you do best and be financially free to finally live the luxurious lifestyle you dream of10Enjoy the Q&A support to ensure your success is consistent and sustainable so you’ll never have to suffer the “feast or famine” cycle ever againLet’s take a closer look into exactly how I will guide step-by-step to do this:In this exclusive 6-part training you will:Develop the unshakeable confidence that comes from having your perfect packages designed and your structures in place.Deal with issues of self-worth that have been keeping you from charging higher fees, and slay those demons once and for all.Discover what it’s like to do business on a whole new level, and raise your vibration in every area of your business and your life.What you’ll get in the 6-module Live & Luxurious: Create & Fill your High-End Coaching Packages & 1-Day IntensivesModule 1: Why Clients Desire High-End Coaching PackagesWhy High-End Clients Desire High-End Coaching PackagesKnowing What the Benefits are of Working with YouThe Psychology and Benefits of Offering High-End Coaching PackagesHow to Be the Expert & Set Healthy BoundariesBusiness Basics of Coaching You Must KnowModule 2: Hosting One-day Private IntensivesThe Purpose and Benefits of One-day IntensivesHow to Price your IntensivesGina DeVee’s Learning Process with Pricing IntensivesHow Gina DeVee Go Started Hosting One-day IntensivesHow to Find Intensive ClientsWhen & How to Handle PaymentsSpecific Welcome Packets and Contracts for IntensivesWhere to Hold Intensives & How to Structure the DayModule 3: Creating High-End Programs that SellHow to Structure 90-Day & 6-Month Coaching PackagesCreating Lucrative Group Programs & RetreatsThe Application Process Necessary to Attract High-End ClientsHow to Get Clients and Sell Your PackagesThe Class Agreement DocumentModule 4: Marketing to Attract High-End ClientsThe Sales Page that Makes Your Offer Clear & CompellingThe Newsletter that Builds Rapport with Prospective ClientsSolo Mailers that have Clients Running for Their Credit CardsWord of Mouth NetworkingThe 30-second PitchPrivate Phone Conversations & Discovery Sessions that Enroll ClientsJoint Ventures and Affiliate Programs that Get the Word Out About YouHow to Not Be DesperateIdeal Client Vs . Nightmare ClientModule: 5: How to Sell Without Sounding “Salesy or Pushy”Discovery Sessions that Are in Service to The ClientList of Potential Questions to Ask ProspectsRole Playing that Increases your ClarityAnalyzing What the Prospect is Really SayingFacilitating the Sale with ConfidenceOvercoming the Top 35 Objections20 Ways to Help Clients Find the Money to Work With YouCommunicate the Value of Your OfferAsking for the SaleFacilitating the SaleModule 6: Bringing All Your Coaching Packages TogetherQ & A Recording of Coaches Asking Their Top Questions with Gina DeVeeFinalizing your Packages and Price PointsCelebrating Being a Top Premier CoachLive & Luxurious Triple Guarantee3 irresistable promises for your peace of mind:Guarantee #1:Artisan-level qualityYou will be blown away by the sheer quality and clear guidance of every lesson that holds your hand step by step to become a successful Premium coach. Even the packaging and online membership area have been designed with the greatest of care.Guarantee #2:Powerful and fast resultsUpon implementing the step-by-step process of Live & Luxurious, you’ll notice instant results in your mindshift, confidence and ability as a coach. You will also know exactly how to create and sell high-end services and reap the rewards – emotionally and financially.Remember you can also write to us any time for personal guidance and tips.Guarantee #3:Impact on your lifeLive & Luxurious will empower you to become a Premium Coach who can attract dream clients and that are willing to pay what you’re really worth. This will change your life forever and give you the freedom and luxurious lifestyle of your dreams.Get Mindvalley Academy [Gina DeVee] – Live & Luxurious Course at the CourseAvaiSale Page : https://archive.is/nhmobPurchase Mindvalley Academy [Gina DeVee] – Live & Luxurious Course courses at here with PRICE $495 $61