Dawson Church, PhD – Mind to Matter Laboratory


“When consciousness changes, brain waves change. This is the everyday superpower that you possess — second by second, you’re changing your brain by the way you use your mind,” explains bestselling author and health researcher Dawson Church.Purchase Dawson Church, PhD – Mind to Matter Laboratory courses at here with PRICE $297 $79Dawson Church, PhD – Mind to Matter LaboratoryDiscover how to trigger specific brain wave frequencies to create more stem cells and increase your ability to repair your body…Improve memory, increase bone regeneration, enhance your immune system, and revitalize your health and wellbeing at every level.Harness the power of your thoughts to improve your health and find fulfillment — based on groundbreaking research in the fields of epigenetics, psychology, quantum physics, and more.Your consciousness is powerful — much more powerful than you realize. — Dawson ChurchOur minds are busy because our ancestors evolved in hostile environments in which attention to outside stimuli was key to survival. Today however, this ceaseless mental activity blocks us from entering a calm emotional state in which we can focus our intentions. This state of peaceful internal coherence is essential to manifestation. Coherence can be learned, practiced, developed, and perfected.In this module, you’ll:Be given simple physical postures and breathing exercises that signal your body and brain to enter a coherent stateExplore research showing that people who are mentally and emotionally coherent have the ability to shift the material world, while the intentions of those not in coherence are ineffectiveModule 2: How Your Cells Talk to Each OtherYou have some 37 trillion cells in your body. Each one is performing over 100,000 processes a second, as they grow, metabolize, reproduce, and decline. Groups of millions of cells act together in coordination as you move, think, sleep, eat, and go about your day. How does your body perform this astonishing feat of coordination?In this module, you’ll:Review cellular communication and the role that energy fields play in itExamine the exciting research that shows that as your personal energy field changes, the energy environment in which your cells interact shifts tooDiscover how your brain’s energy field is measured using the EEG, and how changes in consciousness are apparent in EEG mind mapsReceive tools to create a vibrant and positive energy field in which your cells can thriveModule 3: It Isn’t “Just Stress”In a classic cartoon, a doctor says soothingly to a patient about his symptoms, “Don’t worry, it’s just stress.” In reality, when you fully understand what stress does to your body, you realize how devastating it is. Stress is associated with high levels of cortisol, and among its effects in the body are loss of muscle mass, loss of bone density, loss of skin elasticity, increased inflammation, and decreased immunity. In the brain, stress reduces cognitive function, decreases emotional regulation, and deposits calcium in neurons responsible for memory and learning.In this module, you’ll:Look at the body’s anatomical stress structures, as well as their opposite numbers, those involved in relaxationReview the analogy of a continuum to illustrate the relationship of stress to relaxation, and see how these two states orchestrate genes, neurotransmitters, hormones, and brain wavesBe given techniques for reducing stress and promoting relaxation, along with all its beneficial health effectsModule 4: Being in the FlowWater covers 70 percent of planet Earth. That’s also the percentage of your body that’s composed of water. Because water is ubiquitous we think we know what it is and what it does. Yet science shows us that water is full of surprises. Just as everyone’s fingerprints are different, their energy fields are also different. The human field makes a vibrational “fingerprint” on water that is consistent and reproducible. It can produce molecular changes and produce healing effects on plants.In this module, you’ll:Examine experiments showing that water changes dramatically when it passes through the human energy fieldPut this knowledge to practical use with meditations to transform the water in your life and infuse it with healing propertiesModule 5: The 4 Forces of PhysicsThere are four fundamental forces in physics: gravity, electromagnetism, the strong nuclear force that holds individual atoms together, and the weak nuclear force that shows up as radioactivity in radioactive elements. These four forces are believed by physics to be fundamental and immutable. Yet remarkable new research shows that they can be influenced by consciousness. A coherent mind can literally alter the forces of the material universe.In this module, you’ll:Review the research that shows that healing energy can produce measurable changes in the four fundamental forces in physicsExplore how you can use both ancient and modern exercises to change your energy field as measured by the EEGUnderstand how to promote healing in your bodyModule 6: Living in Synchrony With the UniverseFrom Wolfgang von Goethe to Carl Jung, philosophers have been struck by the phenomenon of synchronicity. But is there hard science behind synchronicity? A new branch of research measures emergence — complex coordinated phenomena that arise spontaneously. It shows that the tendency toward spontaneous synchronized order is a primary characteristic of nature, from the subatomic scale to the furthest reaches of the universe. The Earth’s geomagnetic fields have been measured, and they correlate with small-scale biological events like the human sleep-wake cycle and the rhythms of our heartbeat.In this module, you’ll:Consider consciousness itself as an emergent phenomenonExplore how moving into harmony with these global cycles aligns your personal reality field with synchronicityModule 7: Nonlocal MindAlignment with the universal flow unlocks alignment with all the synchrony, grace, beauty, and wisdom of the universe. As you as an individual local mind move into alignment with the great universal nonlocal mind, your local mind is no longer functioning as an isolated, separate, lonely fragment, cut off from the whole by the illusion of separateness. Instead, you are in the flow of universal consciousness. Standing in that place, you have access to all the wisdom, peace, and love in the universe.In this module, you’ll:Experience how practicing the state of flow day after day changes your neural wiring and energy fieldExplore how nonlocal mind, driving the neural circuits of your brain and body, creates elevated states of matter in every part of your lifeHere’s What You’ll ReceiveSeven 90-minute Recorded Class Sessions With Dawson ChurchExperience a rare opportunity to be mentored and learn with leading pioneer in synthesizing energy psychology and epigenetics with frontier health and wellbeing practices Dawson Church — from the comfort of your own home. Each class session guides you to discover the specific skills and abilities to awaken your spiritual potential.Seven PDF Transcripts of Class SessionsIn addition to the high-quality videos and MP3 audios, you’ll also receive the entire class transcription in PDF format. You can then review, print, and highlight the most important insights and practices you were given.Exercises and Questions for Each LessonBetween class sessions, you’ll have the option of completing related exercises, practicing new tools, and answering questions to accelerate your learning.The Mind to Matter Labtoratory Bonus CollectionMind to MatterIntroduction and Chapter 1 of the Ebook From Dawson ChurchRelationship as a Spiritual JourneyAudio Interview by Dawson Church With Donna Eden and David Feinstein, PhDBrain Change With Tapping & Meditation: Change Your Brain With Meditation & AcupressureAudio Teaching From Dawson ChurchThe Observer EffectAudio Dialogue With Dawson Church and Dean RadinAn Unprecedented Opportunity to Join The Mind to Matter Laboratory Virtual ProgramWe feel honored Dawson Church has chosen to partner with The Shift Network to offer this exclusive online training. This is a special opportunity to interact directly from someone who has the brilliance of a scientist, the heart of a healer, and the creative curiosity of an explorer. Dawson’s powerful insights and pioneering work are helping us take control of our own biology to shape the healthy and vibrant life we desire.Through this powerful online format, you’ll not only save time and money on workshop costs (plus travel, accommodations and meals — which would cost thousands of dollars), you’ll be able to benefit from Dawson’s teachings and exercises from the comfort of your home — at your own pace!If you’re fascinated by the interface of science, spirituality, health, and conscious evolution — then it’s a powerful gift to yourself, your loved ones — and our world — to take this one-of-a-kind training.If you’re ready to take the next step in evolving yourself, click the register button below to reserve your space now. Purchase Dawson Church, PhD – Mind to Matter Laboratory courses at here with PRICE $297 $79