Empowering The Knight Within – John Cooper


In this powerful video series filmed over two days, we reveal the foundations of masculinity based upon centuries of archetypal mythology and ancient Toltec wisdom. We show you how to be assertive in your life and around women romantically, in the most honest way possible.Purchase Empowering The Knight Within – John Cooper courses at here with PRICE $252 $74In this powerful video series filmed over two days, we reveal the foundations of masculinity based upon centuries of archetypal mythology and ancient Toltec wisdom. We show you how to be assertive in your life and around women romantically, in the most honest way possible.We live at a point in time where our masculinity is being castrated. As men we are being collectively blamed and shamed for the acts of a few. We also have no healthy male role models or compass to follow when it comes to showing up powerfully as a man. Our autonomy and sense of purpose has been sadly replaced with addictiveness, adolescence and pseudo-alpha maleness.If you are prepared to step up in your life and be the man that women and the world deeply desire, then it is our promise that the very nature of this video series will burn away anything but the Empowered Knight Within.WEEKEND WORKSHOP: DAY ONEThe Gender Crisis & Evolved MasculinityPART 1The Myth of PatriarchyAs men we may not realise we carry the guilt and shame of men long dead or distant, loaded into us by culture and other women and men in our lives. This denies us the claiming, integration and development of our powerful masculine energy in the world. The men in society are quite literally “cuffed”, “collared” and “tied”.PART 2The Male Cycle – Taking ChargeWe all know about the female hormone cycle but did you know there is a male hormone cycle too? That is why you may feel fully charged one day and ‘spent’ the next. Learning how to recognise and use our ‘peak times’ allows us to bring dynamic (or gentle) change to our lives and relationships. Whilst giving ourselves a breather from our own expectations of self at our ‘low times’.PART 3The Mother/Boy WoundThe gender crisis has left us with a super-strong masculine archetype in the women, and a super-strong feminine archetype in the men. This creates the sticking point between men and women connecting in a healthy way (and is one of the causes of the perceived need for ‘Game’ to be able to connect with women). If you ever felt like a boy in your relationship, or you ever felt mothered – this is for you.PART 4The Pseudo-Alpha MaleYou may have seen companies teach; how to be more “alpha”. Tenuously linking it to some evolutionary theory. The perceived alpha male image used in society and the men’s dating community is actually “the petulant boy” who is requiring constant validation from women and his peers. Here we dispel every ‘alpha’ myth, showing it to be a stagnant model of control/dictatorship stemming from the “Boy” archetype that cannot lead to anything lasting.PART 5Stop Being Yourself and Be-Come Yourself“Just BE yourself!” This is the best and the worst advice you can get. “Being” is your feminine principle – acceptance, receptivity, softness. And the “Coming” is your masculine – it is that which is to come, your penetration into the world, your change, your aspiration. It’s not fully realised yet, but it’s Coming. Acceptance and Change together is a Be-Coming.PART 6Attention & IntentionAttention is really about a-tension. When you’re drawn to porn, chocolate, cigarettes, hot woman, there is a-tension created. Understand and learn to work with this, and you will transform your life and move to mastery of your personal state. Where attention goes energy flows. (what we make important with attention, or not). Moving from fixed goals to intentions, and learning how tension works in social dynamics will also allow you to navigate with emotional intelligence and impact.We’ll also coverthe Four Natural Enemies, Cues, Embodiment, Rites of Passage, the Five AgreementsWEEKEND WORKSHOP: DAY TWOAutonomous Man & Fearless Human ConnectionPART 1Autonomy and Letting GoAre you filling a hole or feeling whole? The damaged masculine acts as an addict and goes on the incessant hunt for women and things to fill his hole. Part of the repair work is understanding how this comes from the disembodied mind, created through childhood imprints. Once the self is re-embodied, social interaction is a co-creation, sharing, overlapping, merging, yet both parties are complete with or without each other. This requires autonomy, redirected focus and letting go.PART 2The Player vs. the WorkerIt’s funny we call guys trying to get laid as “players” yet they are the ones working for a woman’s affection and often the ones that struggle most with women. The true natural is one that is immersed in a constant state of play and that play trickles down to people around him. By moving from work to play, the man is always autonomous and attractive because his actions are unconditional – independent on reactions from anyone.PART 3Understanding Attraction on a Gender LevelEver tried to “build” attraction and found you were repelling women? That’s because attraction is actually a feminine principle not masculine. You don’t DO attraction, you BE attractive. This is why women find barmen or men in uniform sexy. It is because it symbolises a strong sense of purpose and activity, which creates an osmosis-like effect.PART 4Masculine Edge: Leading with Empathy not ControlAs with the intention section. There is a clear distinction between leading with empathy and leading with control. One is done as a process driven experience and the other is done as a strategy to acquire something. Boldly leading from a place of sharing is powerful, leading from a place of lack is repellent and selfish.PART 5Seduction is Reduction: The Spirit of the Child’s HeartThe elusive state men are looking for is not an iron man facade. It is actually a revealing and unpacking. Instead of seeing it as a “getting in state” it is a dissolving into “flow”. That flow is “Play, Giving and Exploration” and we all had it when we were children. Once we realise the access to our courageous self is within the eyes and heart of our child spirit, we reclaim the exuberance of life once more.We’ll also coverTempered touch, The Dark Edge of Masculinity, and MOREGet Empowering The Knight Within – John Cooper, Only Price 74$Tag: Empowering The Knight Within – John Cooper Review. Empowering The Knight Within – John Cooper download. Empowering The Knight Within – John Cooper discount.Purchase Empowering The Knight Within – John Cooper courses at here with PRICE $252 $74