Dr Heinz M. Kabutz – Data Structures in Java


Data Structures in Java (Late 2017 Edition) is an action-packed 8 hours of tips and tricks that professional Java programmers have used for the past 20 years to produce code that is robust and fast. Every lecture is followed by a short quiz to test your learningPurchase Dr Heinz M. Kabutz – Data Structures in Java courses at here with PRICE $250 $54Dr Heinz M. Kabutz – Data Structures in JavaData Structures in Java (Late 2017 Edition) is an action-packed 8 hours of tips and tricks that professional Java programmers have used for the past 20 years to produce code that is robust and fast. Every lecture is followed by a short quiz to test your learning. Sometimes the questions are easy, others require some research on your side. Over 130 quiz questions in total will help you gauge how well you understood the various data structures.“I am crawling through the material but finding it highly entertaining (no summer in England indeed!)” – Aristos Tofallis“I watched a few videos from the Data Structures course and you have some of the best examples and explanations on the subject that I’ve seen.” – Will LokesYour Instructor Dr Heinz M. KabutzHeinz Kabutz is the author of The Java Specialists’ Newsletter, a publication enjoyed by tens of thousands of Java experts in over 145 countries. His book “Dynamic Proxies (in German)” was #1 Bestseller on Amazon.de in Fachbücher für Informatik for about five minutes until Amazon fixed their algorithm. Thanks to a supportive mother, he has now sold 5 copies.Heinz’s Java Specialists’ newsletter is filled with amusing anecdotes of life on the Island of Crete. He is a popular speaker at all the best Java conferences around the world, and also at some of the worst. He teaches Java courses in classrooms around the world, where his prime objective is to make absolutely sure that none of his students fall asleep. He is not always successful.Course CurriculumData Structures in JavaSection 1 – Introduction to Collections in Java1. Welcome (3:08)1.1 Code Samples2. Computational Time Complexity (22:59)3. Space Complexity (4:12)4. Arrays (15:20)Section 2 – Lists5. Lists (13:22)6. ArrayList (14:07)7. Iteration (7:55)8. CopyOnWriteArrayList (7:03)9. LinkedList (8:39)10. Vector (4:10)11. Stack (5:34)12. Sorting lists (49:41)Section 3 – Sets13. Sets (10:06)14. TreeSet (35:19)15. ConcurrentSkipListSet (9:43)16. CopyOnWriteArraySet (18:02)Section 4 – Hashing17. Hashing (16:25)18. HashSet (13:43)19. ConcurrentHashMap.newKeySet() (3:28)Section 5 – Maps20. Maps (2:11)21. HashMap (28:34)22. ConcurrentHashMap (6:28)23. TreeMap (18:42)24. ConcurrentSkipListMap (9:02)25. Hashtable (18:15)26. LinkedHashMap and LinkedHashSet (13:16)27. Highly Specialized Collections: EnumSet, EnumMap, IdentityHashMap, Properties, WeakHashMap (19:53)Section 6 – Queues and Deques28. Queues and Deques (4:33)29. ConcurrentLinkedQueue and ConcurrentLinkedDeque (9:15)30. ArrayDeque (11:29)31. BlockingQueues (1:50)32. LinkedBlockingQueue and LinkedBlockingDeque (14:12)33. ArrayBlockingQueue (6:26)34. Highly specialized queues: DelayQueue, SynchronousQueue, LinkedTransferQueue (16:00)35. PriorityQueue and PriorityBlockingQueue (18:04)Section 7 – Collection Facades36. java.util.Collections (17:35)37. java.util.Arrays (11:02)Section 8 – Thanks for Watching38. Conclusion And Where To Next? (1:24)Sales PageArchive PagePurchase Dr Heinz M. Kabutz – Data Structures in Java courses at here with PRICE $250 $54