Java Script – The Complete Guide 2020


Manipulating web pages (= the DOM) with JavaScript Event handling, asynchronous coding and Http requests Meta-programming, File size: 17.25 GBPurchase Java Script – The Complete Guide 2020 courses at here with PRICE $199 $38Java Script – The Complete Guide 2020What you’ll learnJavaScript from scratch – beginner to advancedAll core features and concepts you need to know in modern JavaScript developmentEverything you need to become a JavaScript expert and apply for JavaScript jobsProject-driven learning with plenty of examplesAll about variables, functions, objects and arraysObject-oriented programmingDeep dives into prototypes, JavaScript engines & how it works behind the scenesManipulating web pages (= the DOM) with JavaScriptEvent handling, asynchronous coding and Http requestsMeta-programming, performance optimization, memory leak bustingTesting, security and deploymentAnd so much more!Course contentExpand all 614 lectures52:36:34-Introduction59:28IntroductionPreview01:50What is JavaScript?Preview03:44JavaScript in Action!Preview08:57Join our Online Learning Community00:22How JavaScript Is ExecutedPreview03:14Dynamic vs Weakly Typed LanguagesPreview03:24JavaScript Runs In A Host EnvironmentPreview04:40Course Outline – What Is In The Course?Preview06:00How To Get The Most Out Of This CoursePreview02:36Using Course ResourcesPreview01:01JavaScript vs JavaPreview04:02A Brief History Of JavaScriptPreview06:03Setting Up a Development EnvironmentPreview11:12Course FAQsPreview02:23-Basics: Variables, Data Types, Operators & Functions03:16:00Module Introduction01:17Setting Up the Project04:25More on Version Control & Git00:39Adding JavaScript to the Website06:42Introducing Variables & Constants05:17Declaring & Defining Variables07:10Working with Variables & Operators06:17Variables & Operators6 questionsUnderstanding the Starting Code01:21Data Types: Numbers & Strings (Text)06:01Using Constants05:11More on Strings15:51Data Types & Constants5 questionsTime to Practice: Variables, Constants, Operators & Core Data Types1 questionIntroducing Functions05:50Adding A Custom Function11:22Code Styles, Conventions & Syntax02:05Returning Values04:31The (Un)Importance of Code Order04:34An Introduction to Global & Local Scope05:31“Shadowed Variables”00:50More about the “return” Statement02:24Executing Functions “Indirectly”11:10“Indirect” vs “Direct” Function Execution – Summary01:08Functions & Scope6 questionsTime to Practice: Functions1 questionConverting Data Types06:14Mixing Numbers & Strings00:32Splitting Code into Functions05:49Connecting all Buttons to Functions07:43Working with Code Comments04:09More Operators!06:39More Core Data Types!04:31Using Arrays08:53Creating Objects06:02Objects – Common Syntax Gotchas00:37Accessing Object Data02:51Arrays & Objects5 questionsAdding a Re-Usable Function That Uses Objects05:24undefined, null & NaN06:20The “typeof” Operator03:12“undefined”, “null” & “NaN”4 questionsImporting Scripts Correctly with “defer” & “async”Get Java Script – The Complete Guide 2020 download14:37Importing JavaScript – Summary00:06Wrap Up02:13Useful Resources & Links00:28-Efficient Development & Debugging58:39Module Introduction01:28Efficient Development & Debugging – An Overview03:18Configuring the IDE Look & Feel02:25Using Shortcuts04:12Working with Auto-Completion & IDE Hints04:34Installing IDE Extensions02:04Tweaking Editor Settings02:15Utilizing Different IDE Views01:41Finding Help & Working with MDN05:53The ECMAScript Standard00:16How to “google” Correctly01:44Debugging JavaScript – An Overview03:17An Error Message! No Reason To Panic!04:46Using console.log() to look “into the Code”03:49Next-Level Debugging with the Chrome Devtools & Breakpoints08:20Testing Code Changes Directly in the Devtools02:05Debugging Code directly Inside VS Code04:55Wrap Up01:22Useful Resources & Links00:14-Working with Control Structures (if Statements, Loops, Error Handling)03:52:33Module Introduction02:26Introducing “if” Statements & Boolean (Comparison) Operators09:26Using Booleans in Conditions & More on Text Comparisons01:11Using “if” Statements07:23Working with “if”, “else” and “else-if”05:10Beware When Comparing Objects & Arrays for Equality!04:06The Logical AND and OR Operators09:10Understanding Operator Precedence07:20if & Boolean Operators – The Basics7 questionsBeyond true/ false: “Truthy” and “Falsy” Values07:30Coercion vs Conversion01:13Falsy and Truthy Values4 questionsSetting Up a Bigger Example Project (The “Monster Killer”)02:59Adding an “Attack” Function07:57Using “if” Statements for Checking the Win-Condition09:17Adding More “if” Statements & A “Strong Attack” Functionality07:41Time for a “Heal Player” Functionality!10:15Controlling the Conditional Bonus Life (Without Boolean Operators!)05:59Adding a “Reset Game” Functionality06:00Validating User Input06:17Utilizing Global Constants as Identifiers in Conditional Code03:20Adding a Conditional Battle Log16:37Introducing the Ternary Operator07:31A Bit of Theory: Statements vs Expression01:40Logical Operator “Tricks” & Shorthands12:58Logical Operators – A Quick Summary01:08Logical Operators & How They Work8 questionsWorking with the “switch-case” Statement07:10Introducing Loops06:40The “for” Loop07:38The “for-of” Loop05:16The “for-in” Loop06:49The “while” & “do-while” Loops08:00Loops – Basics7 questionsTime to Practice: Control Structures1 questionControlling Loops with “break”08:11Controlling Iterations with “continue”02:21More Control with Labeled Statements06:26break & continue6 questionsError Handling with “try-catch” – An Introduction02:25Throwing Custom Errors05:16Working with “try-catch” to Catch & Handle Errors08:14Error Handling3 questionsWrap Up03:21Useful Resources & Links00:11-Behind the Scenes & The (Weird) Past (ES3, ES5) & Present (ES6+) of JavaScript01:33:51Module Introduction01:43ES5 vs ES6+ (“Next Gen JS”) – Evolution of JavaScript08:14var vs let & const – Introducing “Block Scope”14:32Understanding “Hoisting”04:07Strict Mode & Writing Good Code05:46“JavaScript Specialties”3 questionsHow Code is Parsed & Compiled08:16Inside the JavaScript Engine – How the Code Executes15:59[DEEP DIVE] JavaScript Language vs Browser APIs01:43Primitive vs Reference Values19:24Garbage Collection & Memory Management12:00Wrap Up01:55Useful Resources & Links00:12-More on Functions01:40:05Module Introduction01:31Recapping Functions Knowledge – What We Know Thus Far01:52Parameters vs Arguments00:27Functions vs Methods05:46Functions are Objects!02:47Function Expressions: Storing Functions in Variables05:12Function Expressions vs Function Declarations02:47Anonymous Functions05:54Working on the Project: Adding User Choices to the Game07:44Implementing the Core Game Logic07:20Introducing Arrow Functions08:41Different Arrow Function Syntaxes01:10Creating Functions3 questionsOutputting Messages to the User03:53Default Arguments in Functions10:45Introducing Rest Parameters (“Rest Operator”)08:57Creating Functions Inside of Functions03:04Understanding Callback Functions06:09Time to Practice: Functions1 questionWorking with “bind()”08:39Functions – Advanced3 questionsAdding bind() to the Calculator Project03:47call() and apply()01:18Wrap Up02:10Useful Resources & Links00:11-Working with the DOM (Browser HTML Code) in JavaScript03:38:41Module Introduction01:48What’s the “DOM”?06:00Document and Window Object06:20Understanding the DOM and how it’s created07:07Nodes & Elements – Querying the DOM Overview05:55Selecting Elements in the DOM09:54Summary: Node Query Methods01:04Exploring and Changing DOM Properties07:37Attributes vs Properties08:58Selecting Multiple Elements & Summary05:13DOM Basics5 questionsTime to Practice: DOM Querying1 questionTraversing the DOM – Overview06:22Traversing Child Nodes09:15Using parentNode & parentElement05:01Selecting Sibling Elements04:05DOM Traversal vs Query Methods04:35Styling DOM Elements12:18Creating Elements with JS – Overview02:42Adding Elements via HTML in Code07:42Adding Elements via createElement()05:42Inserting DOM Elements08:15Cloning DOM Nodes01:45Live Node Lists vs Static Node Lists04:55Removing Elements01:56Insertion & Removal Method Summary02:38Summary: Insert, Replace, Remove02:03Setting Up the Practice Project02:16Selecting the Modal and “Add” Button08:58Opening a Modal by Changing CSS Classes05:01Controlling the Backdrop08:04Fetching and Validating User Input08:06Creating a Movie in JavaScript & Clearing the Input04:00Rendering Movie Items on the Screen08:24Deleting Movie Elements09:12Showing & Hiding the “Are you sure?” Dialog07:08Starting with the Confirmation Logic04:29Finishing the App11:45Wrap Up01:55Useful Resources & Links00:13-More on Arrays & Iterables02:04:39Module Introduction01:08What are “Iterables” and “Array-like Objects”?02:11Creating Arrays08:55Which Data Can You Store In Arrays?03:47push(), pop(), unshift(), shift() – Adding & Removing Elements06:59The splice() Method05:37Selecting Ranges & Creating Copies with slice()06:06Adding Arrays to Arrays with concat()02:23Retrieving Indexes with indexOf() /& lastIndexOf()03:47Finding Stuff: find() and findIndex()05:20Is it Included?01:20Alternative to for Loops: The forEach() Method04:24Transforming Data with map()02:38sort()ing and reverse()ing04:15Filtering Arrays with filter()02:35Where Arrow Functions Shine!01:31The Important reduce() Method07:33Chaining Methods in JavaScript00:47Arrays & Strings – split() and join()04:21The Spread Operator (…)10:31Understanding Array Destructuring04:24Maps & Sets – Overview04:16Working with Sets07:21Working with Maps09:30Maps vs Objects03:41Understanding WeakSet04:50Understanding WeakMap02:51Time to Practice: Arrays & Iterables1 questionWrap Up01:25Useful Resources & Links00:13-More on Objects01:58:31Module Introduction01:38What’s an Object?05:54Objects & Primitive Values00:40Objects – Recap02:42Adding, Modifying & Deleting Properties06:46Special Key Names & Square Bracket Property Access08:36Property Types & Property Order03:55Dynamic Property Access & Setting Properties Dynamically04:11Object Properties4 questionsDemo App & Shorthand Property Syntax09:22Rendering Elements based on Objects05:36for-in Loops & Outputting Dynamic Properties05:24Adding the Filter Functionality05:38Understanding “Chaining” (Property & Method Chaining)01:51The Object Spread Operator (…)05:54Understanding Object.assign()02:08Object Destructuring06:13Checking for Property Existance02:42Introducing “this”05:52The Method Shorthand Syntax01:07The “this” Keyword And Its Strange Behavior05:41call() and apply()03:22What the Browser (Sometimes) Does to “this”02:33“this” and Arrow Functions10:36“this” – Summary01:21“this”6 questionsGetters & Setters07:05Wrap Up01:33Useful Resources & Links00:10-Classes & Object-oriented Programming (OOP)02:15:08Module Introduction01:55What is “Object-oriented Programming” (OOP)?03:17Getting Started with OOP Code12:10Defining & Using a First Class07:17Working with Constructor Methods04:51Fields vs Properties02:19Using & “Connecting” Multiple Classes09:06Binding Class Methods & Working with “this”04:57Adding a Cart and Shop Class04:37Communicating Can Be Challenging!03:54Static Methods & Properties07:51First Summary & Classes vs Object Literals04:06Getters & Setters05:43Introducing Inheritance02:34Implementing Inheritance11:50Using Inheritance Everywhere06:51Overriding Methods and the super() Constructor06:00super() Constructor Execution, Order & “this”06:46Different Ways of Adding Methods05:51Private Properties07:24“Pseudo-Private” Properties00:34Time to Practice: Classes & OOP1 questionThe “instanceof” Operator04:30Built-in Classes01:09Understanding Object Descriptors07:35Classes5 questionsWrap Up01:51Useful Resources & Links00:1026 more sectionsRequirementsNO prior JavaScript knowledge is requiredBasic web development knowledge is recommendedBasic understanding of HTML and CSS helps but is NOT requiredJavaScript is THE most important programming language you need to learn as a web developer – and with this course, you make sure that you will not miss a single thing you have to know as a JavaScript developer!This is the most comprehensive and modern course you can find on JavaScript – it’s based on all my JavaScript knowledge AND teaching experience. It’s both a complete guide, starting with the core basics of the language, as well as an extensive reference of the JavaScript language and environment, ensuring that both newcomers as well as experienced JavaScript developers get a lot out of this course!It’s a huge course because it’s packed with important knowledge and helpful content. From the core basics, over advanced concepts and JavaScript specialties, all the way up to expert topics like performance optimization and testing – this course has it all. My goal was to create your go-to resource for the JavaScript language, which you can not just use for learning it but also as a resource you can come back to and look up important topics.The course is based on my experience as a long-term JavaScript developer as well as a teacher with more than 1,000,000 students on Udemy as well as on my YouTube channel Academind. It’s packed with examples, demos, projects, assignments, quizzes and of course videos – all with the goal of giving you the best possible way of learning JavaScript.What’s in the course?This course is obviously packed with content – I therefore strongly recommend that you check out the full course curriculum to get a clear idea of all the topics covered in the course. In general, here’s what you’ll find in the course:Modern JavaScript from the start: The JavaScript syntax changed over time – in this course, you’ll learn the latest syntax from the start (you’ll also learn about the old one though, so that you can work in ANY JS project)ALL the Basics: Variables, constants, functions, how scripts are loaded etcArrays & Objects: We’ll explore these very important data structures in great detailControl Structures: Understand how to run code conditionally and in loopsA look behind the Scenes: How JavaScript engines work behind the scenes and what that means for usDeep dives into Core Concepts: ALL the special things about JavaScript function, different syntaxesWorking with the DOM: How to manipulate web pages dynamically via JavaScript (including deep dives and different use-cases)Events in JavaScript: Learn how to listen to a broad variety of events (e.g. drag & drop) and execute appropriate codeClasses & Object-oriented Programming: Learn how to work with classes, prototypes, the “this” keyword, constructor functions and much moreAsynchronous and Synchronous Programming: We’ll explore callbacks, promises, async/ await and other important tools and language features to execute code correctlyHttp Requests: Learn how to send Http requests via JavaScriptTooling, Optimizations & Browser Support: Code splitting, producing small code and ensuring that scripts work in all browsers  – this matters and hence is covered in great detailLibraries & Frameworks: Learn about libraries like Axios or frameworks like React.js – why they matter and how to use themNode.js: Whilst focusing on the browser-side for the majority of the course (because the syntax is the same), we’ll also have a dedicated section on Node.js to learn all about that JS host environmentSecurity & Performance Optimizations: Of course security matters, so does performance – no surprise that both is covered in the course!Automated Testing: Testing manually is hard work and can be unreliable – in this course you’ll also get an introduction into automated testingWhat are the course prerequisites?NO JavaScript knowledge is required – you’ll learn it from scratch!You also need NO programming experience other than basic web development knowledge (e.g. how the web works)Basic HTML and CSS knowledge is recommended but not a must-haveWho this course is for:Beginner web development students who have no or only little JavaScript experienceAlso developers who know the basics about JavaScript and want to deepen their knowledgeAdvanced JavaScript developers who want to learn more about the nitty-gritty details and dive into advanced conceptsEveryone interested in learning JavaScript and all about how it worksGet Java Script – The Complete Guide 2020 downloadPurchase Java Script – The Complete Guide 2020 courses at here with PRICE $199 $38