Sandra Ingerman – Shamanic Journeying for Guidance & Healing


The only barrier is that most of us haven’t been taught the practical shamanic tools that give us access to these inherent skills — particularly the ability to drop into non-ordinary states of consciousness and travel in unseen realms for guidance, healing and wisdom.Purchase Sandra Ingerman – Shamanic Journeying for Guidance & Healing courses at here with PRICE $197 $56Shamanic Journeying for Guidance & Healing – Sandra IngermanGet Shamanic Journeying for Guidance & Healing – Sandra Ingerman  at the CourseAvaiA powerful opportunity to discover shamanic practices to access hidden dimensions, unseen allies and healing wisdom for your life and our world…Open your heart, expand your mind and experience the sacredness of the Web of Life — all in a beautifully supportive virtual community.physical illness — both in yourself and others — and to heal those imbalances at a spiritual level.Imagine you have access to a team of helping compassionate spirits, devoted to your healing, growth and evolution, who can provide you withadvanced knowledge about how to navigate important areas of your life — from career to love to fulfilling your greatest purpose.Imagine you have a direct connection to your ancestors, who can pour their blessings into your daily life.And, imagine you can cultivate new virtues and capacities, from courage to compassion, empowered by your helping spirit allies.The truth is, none of this requires a huge leap of imagination, for all of these capabilities are available right now to each and every one of us!The only barrier is that most of us haven’t been taught the practical shamanic tools that give us access to these inherent skills — particularly the ability to drop into non-ordinary states of consciousness and travel in unseen realms for guidance, healing and wisdom.As you develop these capabilities, your three-dimensional perception takes on an added dimension of intuitive knowing and healing insight…You begin to perceive through your heart and mind at the same time, access information from other levels of reality, and experience a deeper communion with nature, which dissolves your sense of separation.Your five senses are more alive AND you’re more open to synchronicity and subtle messages from the world around you.You become more embodied, whole and empowered, living in greater attunement with your body and the needs of those around you.You become more sensitive and also stronger, more able to hold your center. You awaken more fully to the sacred dimension and start to live and breathe the spirit of love and beauty in your daily life.It’s a wonderful picture, yes?The Shamanic Science of the SoulAll this and more is available to you as you learn to walk the shamanic path, the oldest and most widely practiced healing art on the planet. Modern medicine, as amazing as it can be, is a late arrival on the scene. Shamans had to develop ways of working with disease, disturbance and disharmony long before we had scientific methods.Shamans evolved an understanding of energy, trauma and disease that has been proven effective in treating PTSD, addiction, depression, emotional disturbance and more.And what’s truly remarkable is that indigenous shamans unconnected in space and time developed similar practices for gaining this information — which validates that the practices themselves are grounded in real insight into human consciousness and evolution.This remarkable path to transformation has in recent decades become more available to sincere seekers, healers and explorers the world over. A variety of shamanic practitioners and social scientists have assembled an understanding of “core shamanism” that takes the essence of shamanic practices from across the globe and translates them for our modern lives.These core skills are highly effective for cultivating deep healing growth and transformation because they work at the root levels of your consciousness.According to shamans, traumatic life events from childhood ridicule to the devastating loss of a loved one, can cause your conscious awareness to withdraw from parts of your body and your life. This triggers a kind of “soul-loss,” creating “holes” in your body, mind and soul that attract disease, misfortune and other issues.Often, when people say, “I’ve never been the same since…,” it’s because they’re referencing an event that led to a literal loss of energy and soul, which needs to be reclaimed and healed before the surface symptoms can go away.Shamanic journeying is explicitly designed to heal these wounds, restore your soul, and, in the process, bring your life into a state of sacred wholeness.Whether you’re relatively healthy, happy and grounded, or experiencing intense challenges, wounding or loss, shamanic methods offer you a path for self-healing, self-knowledge and growth that empowers you to evolve on your own.You learn to access your own sources of inner wisdom and healing intelligence, which helps you navigate the many challenges of life with greater perspective. Instead of feeling helpless, you feel more confident and capable in meeting challenges.You also gain access to a wide range of wise allies, from power animals to beloved ancestors to archetypal guides.Perhaps even more importantly, shamanic practice is wonderful for connecting you to spiritual community through ceremonies that are healing, enlivening and just plain fun!Get Shamanic Journeying for Guidance & Healing – Sandra Ingerman  at the CourseAvaiEmbarking on Your Shamanic JourneyThat’s where the Shamanic Journeying for Guidance & Healing training comes in. It’s a state-of-the-art virtual program on essential practices of shamanism that can help you access hidden dimensions and unseen allies and discover great wisdom and healing power for your life.This 7-part program will give you a step-by-step system of spiritual practice that’s distilled from cultures around the world and delivered in a form that you can easily apply in your life. It’s appropriate for those new to the path and those who’ve been practicing for some time.During the 7 modules of this powerful program, you’ll:Discover the foundations for safe, effective and intentional journeying that you can apply for a lifetimeDistinguish between different spirit allies and the expertise they can offer for your path and workUnderstand why shamanism is relevant today, and how it can be bridged into modern-day culture to improve the quality of your life — emotionally, mentally and physicallyBe introduced to the core elements of how to perform healing ceremoniesDiscover how to identify wounds that you might not be aware of and begin to heal themGain greater clarity and insight into any number of life challenges — from medical problems, to family dynamics, to business strugglesBe guided in transforming the energy behind your thoughts, so you’re sending loving energies to yourself, your loved ones and the worldUnderstand how to use percussion to enter into non-ordinary journey states and to return safelyDevelop skills to journey to “Upper,” “Middle” and “Lower Worlds,” and understand why you want to access one or the otherDismember blocking beliefs, judgements and disappointmentsDeepen relationships with different unseen allies — including some that may really surprise you! — who you can continue to access for advice, healing and supportUnderstand shamanism from a non-dual perspective in which the unseen allies and dimensions are all seen as part of an indivisible unityReconnect with the healing power of natureApply shamanic wisdom to living your daily lifeDiscover spiritual practices to be a positive changemaker that assists in healing the Earth and all in the Web of LifeThe Importance of an Expert GuideThere are rabbit holes you don’t want to go down and energies and entities that can have less-than-beneficial effects if you don’t know how to enter into shamanic journeys that are both open-hearted AND well-protected.There may be no other woman who has done more to bring shamanic wisdom and practices to a global audience than Sandra Ingerman. For more than 30 years, she’s made it her lifework to bridge core shamanic principles and teachings to a global audience, training tens of thousands around the world in skills for their own lives and for working with clients.She’s the award-winning author of nine books, including Soul Retrieval: Mending the Fragmented Self, and her recently released book, Walking in Light: The Everyday Empowerment of Shamanic Life.She’s developed a stellar reputation for integrity, love and deep support in addition to her scholarly brilliance and practical skills.In short, you’re in very safe and loving hands should you choose to enter this initiatory path with Sandra.What You’ll Discover in These 7 ModulesIn this 7-part course, Sandra will guide you through the fundamental skills and competencies to develop powerful shamanic skills and apply them to your life.Each teaching, ritual and training session will build harmoniously upon the next, so that you’ll develop a complete, holistic understanding of the practices, tools and principles needed to safely experience and transform through shamanic journeying.Get Shamanic Journeying for Guidance & Healing – Sandra Ingerman  at the CourseAvaiModule 1: Creating Sacred Space & the Shamanic JourneyIn this session, Sandra will lead an opening meditation to welcome in and start to activate the power of this shamanic work. She’ll introduce you to the shamanic journey and how the helping spirits in the invisible realms can provide guidance and healing in your life.You’ll be guided into your first ceremony in the non-ordinary realms to create a sacred altar for you to visit throughout the training. The gifts, talents and strengths that you bring into this circle will be acknowledged and honored.During this session, you’ll:Discover how to let go of your daily activities and leave your ordinary thoughts behind, so you can fully step into the love and healing of the invisible realmsUncover ways to deepen your experience of shamanic journeying by incorporating a drum, rattle, movement and chanting to open up your full sensory awarenessMeet a helping spirit in the “Lower World”Create an altar in the non-ordinary realms where you can continue to visit and share blessings and words of support during the length of the coursePlace your personal requests for prayers and blessings for yourself, others and the planet on the altarDiscover how to journey on your own between course sessionsModule 2: Journey to a Teacher in the Upper World & Experience Territories in the Hidden Realms for HealingIn this session, Sandra will lead you to meet a teacher in the “Upper World” who might appear as a god, goddess, legendary figure, angel, religious figure or loving ancestor. You’ll experience the different qualities between the Lower World and Upper World and expand your knowledge of non-ordinary realms.During this session, you’ll:Journey to the Upper World to meet a teacherDiscover the nature of how shamans perceive and heal illnessUncover an unidentified wound you have that needs healingExplore how chanting your journeys can lead to a deeper shamanic experienceFollow Sandra as she chants a journey that guides you to a crystal cave of healingJourney to a place of healing in the invisible realms, including a temple for healing or the River of GriefPerform a ceremony to provide support for the healing of each member in the virtual communityModule 3: Your Spiritual Allies in Nature & Weaving the Sacred Into the OrdinaryIn this session, Sandra will share how connecting with the unseen forces and spiritual allies in nature can improve your health and wellbeing. She’ll teach you how to journey into the invisible realm of the Middle World to discover an element — earth, air, water or fire — that can be a healing ally for you.During this session, you’ll:Cultivate a rich inner landscape that will lead you to living a life filled with joy and good healthUnderstand how to interpret the messages you receive while journeyingJourney to meet an element (earth, air, water or fire) as an allyReceive a healing from this ally and learn how to absorb its powerDiscover how you can experience a Middle World journey to meet a plant, tree, rock, crystal or mineral to communicate and connect with nature spiritsCommunicate and connect with the elements as a way to bring balance back to the planet during this time of extreme climate changePerform a ceremony to honor nature and give thanks for all it provides to sustain usPerform a blessing ceremony for your virtual communityModule 4: Establishing Healthy Outcomes & Creating Your DreamsIn this session, Sandra will discuss the need to distinguish between what your ego desires and what your spirit is leading you toward. She’ll share how to use your imagination to dream into being a good life for yourself and for all of life.During this session, you’ll:Journey to your future self to discover what can lead you to a life filled with meaningJourney to the Land of Dreams to uncover what you’re dreaming into being through your own daydreams, thoughts and wordsDiscover steps you can take in the present that will lead you to your desired outcomeRealize how your daily daydreams impact the life you’re living nowExplore ways to change your daydreams to create the life you desire for yourself and for the health of the planetRecover a lost dream you would like to retrieve and nurture through a guided journey to the Cave of Lost DreamsExperience how the universe and the creative forces of life love you, so you understand that you deserve the best that life has to offerPerform a virtual fire ceremony to call in personal and collective dreamsModule 5: Transformation Through Our Thoughts & Words & the Power of ForgivenessThis session will explore the shamanic teachings around the power of words and how the words we use create what we experience in our lives and in the world. Sandra will guide you in discovering the core beliefs blocking you from using your full creative potential and show you ways you can start to work on releasing these beliefs.During this session, you’ll:Experience support and love from your ancestral lineTransform the energy behind your thoughts so you’re sending loving energies to yourself, your loved ones and the worldDiscover how shamans perceive the power of words as a way to bless others and ourselvesIdentify the core beliefs blocking you from using your creative energy and learn ways to release themLook at who you need to forgive (including yourself) and perform a ceremony where you will be supported by the virtual community to release beliefs that block you from forgiving and from tapping into your true creative potentialExplore ways to be a bright light to transform the energy in your home, workplace and surroundingsGet Shamanic Journeying for Guidance & Healing – Sandra Ingerman  at the CourseAvaiModule 6: The Power of InitiationEvery change you go through in life involves a death. In shamanism, death is not seen as an end but as a transition. The transitions you go through are actually initiations or rites of passage that lead us into new stages of life.For the shaman, these rites of passage are what led to acquiring the gift to heal and be a visionary for the community. Through these initiations, they experienced a sculpting of what is on the surface of the ego and personality so that the depth of their spirit could shine through. As most of us do not go through formal initiations, we find that life brings us experiences that inspire, transformation and evolve us.During this session, you’ll:Discover how shamans view the “little deaths” we go through in life as well as the big death, as we transcend at the end of our livesExperience a journey that includes disintegration, illumination, re-membering, re-construction and re-emergence to help you dissolve your sense of separation from Source and the creative forces of the universeExplore the topic of initiation and how important formal initiations are to mental and physical health as well as to the younger generationUnderstand the importance of community to welcome home initiates so they feel honored instead of being seen as outcasts, whether they’re returning from war, a tragedy, or after dealing with mental or physical illnessExperience a journey of initiation for liberation, purification, transformation and healing, in which illness is cleansed and removed from your body and you feel revitalizedDiscover ways to dismember blocking beliefs, judgements and disappointmentsJourney to ask a teacher to provide a blessing for you after your initiatory journeyJourney to the “Inner Chamber of Light”Module 7: Experiencing Your Inner LightIn this last module, you’ll learn how to evolve your shamanic practice to work with the power of unity consciousness. You’ll discover how your perception creates your reality, and how you can use your “strong eye” to view the world through the eyes of Spirit. Sandra will also lead you on a journey to experience who you are beyond your skin — which is divine spiritual light.During this session, you’ll:Discover how you can change your reality by shifting your perceptionUse your “strong eye” to perceive your life and the world around you through the eyes of SpiritExperience your inner divine light and what it feels like to be lit from withinFind simple methods of working with spiritual light to help others in need of healingUnderstand how to integrate working with light into how you view your family, friends, loved ones, co-workers and the planetEngage in a healing ceremony for all using spiritual lightLearn how to bridge the methods of what you learned throughout this course into your daily life and how to continue your shamanic practicesPerform a closing ceremony in which the virtual community blesses the group altar and radiates light to all throughout the EarthHere’s What You’ll ReceiveSeven 90-minute Recorded Class Sessions With Sandra IngermanExperience a rare opportunity to be mentored and learn with shamanic teacher Sandra Ingerman — from the comfort of your own home. Each class session helps you create the specific skills and abilities to lead you safely into the experience of shamanic journeying.Seven PDF Transcripts of Class SessionsIn addition to the high-quality MP3 audios, you’ll also receive the entire class transcription in PDF format. You can then review, print and highlight the most important insights and practices you were given.Exercises and Questions for Each LessonAfter each lesson, you’ll have the option of completing related exercises, practice new tools and answer questions in order to accelerate your learning.The Shamanic Journeying for Guidance & Healing Bonus CollectionStories of TransformationAudio Dialogue With Sandra Ingerman and don Oscar Miro-QuesadaThe Healing Power of NatureAudio Dialogue With Sandra Ingerman and Llyn RobertsThe Practice of Shamanism in the 21st CenturyAudio Dialogue With Sandra Ingerman and Michael StoneAn Unprecedented Opportunity to Join the Shamanic Journeying for Guidance & Healing Virtual TrainingWe feel honored that Sandra Ingerman has chosen to partner with The Shift Network to offer this exclusive online training. This is a rare opportunity to learn from world renowned shamanic teacher who will help you find personal empowerment by bridging shamanic principles into your daily life.Through this powerful online format, you’ll not only save time and money on workshop costs (plus travel, accommodations and meals — which would cost thousands of dollars), you’ll also benefit from Sandra and her guests’ incredible teachings and exercises from the comfort of your home — at your own pace!If you’re serious about living with an open heart and mind and in reverence for the sacredness of all living things, then you owe it to yourself, your loved ones — and our world — to take this one-of-a-kind training.If you’re ready to take the next step in evolving yourself, click the register button below to reserve your space now.Get Shamanic Journeying for Guidance & Healing – Sandra Ingerman  at the CourseAvaiSale PageArchivePurchase Sandra Ingerman – Shamanic Journeying for Guidance & Healing courses at here with PRICE $197 $56